Safe On Base

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Safe On Base Page 5

by Sandra R Neeley

  She looked at him, tears in her eyes, creases between her eyebrows from the strain.

  He continued. “But I can. It sounds like he is Primate. Yes?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she affirmed.

  “So am I. I’m a Prime Male, Silverback. No one… NO ONE… will threaten mine! I’ll only ever have one — you. You and our children are my only family. Let me protect you. Nothing more. Let me protect you. If I’m lucky, maybe one day, you’ll love me a little.”

  “How do I know you’re not lying to me, too?” Renata asked, looking at her hands now folded in her lap.

  “You don’t. Not now, but you will. I’ll prove myself,” he answered.

  “I’m just supposed to trust you until then? Trust you with my son, until then?” she asked.

  “Yes. Tell you what… we’ll go to my bank. I’ll take out all the money I have there, or at least as much as they’ll give me at once. I’ll open another account in your name. Transfer the entire balance to you. I’ll give you all the cash they give me today. I’ll give it all to you. All of it. We’ll find a place to stay, a place to be off the grid. I’ll protect you both, you’ll see. It’ll be fine. You'll hold the money, all of it and if at any time, you decide you can’t trust me, you’ll have the money you need to leave. You decide where we are going. I don’t even care where, as long as I’m with you.”

  “Don’t you understand that he’ll track me through it? You can’t put it in my name, he’ll find me even more quickly. And you can’t hide! You’ll just get us noticed more quickly. People will see you. They’ll know who you are. You are so recognizable. Women everywhere love you — they’ll know it’s you. There will be no hiding.”

  “Then I’ll open another account in my name, you’ll be the only signer on the account and you’ll carry the debit card, not me. I’ll grow a beard. I’ll put streaks in my hair, hell, I’ll shave my head — anything it takes.”

  Renata’s mind whirled, thinking that if he was telling her the truth, then at least she’d have protection, and she’d have the money she needed to escape if she had to. She wouldn’t have to find another job to work for endless months to save enough to get them to somewhere safe. She could find that somewhere safe now. “You promise? You give me your word?” she prodded.

  “Renata, think about it, think about my reaction when you bumped into me. Think about my reaction to Squire insulting you. Think about that moment when our eyes met — didn't you feel the jolt? The pull? I know you’re not a shifter, but surely you felt something? I promise. I vow to you, I will protect you with my life, our son with my life. Though I’ve never met him, he’s a part of you, which makes him mine. He’s going to need help when he reaches puberty. I’ll guide him — help him find his way. And I’ll love you forever. Just give me the chance, Renata. Please,” he begged.

  Renata took a deep breath, she was terrified. But this was the best chance she’d had so far to get Kaiser the life she wanted for him. She wouldn’t have to work for years to accumulate enough money to be able to afford a place in the country. She thought about the meme that she’d seen once on social media while researching the rumored shifter population in the United States. It said ‘That voice you hear, your conscience… that’s your soul, you can trust it’. She was hearing that voice now. It was telling her to trust him.

  Renata turned in her seat, looking Basilio in the eye. “Fine. I’ll give you the chance. If you betray me, or hurt me or Kaiser in any way, I will kill you. It may take me a while, but at some point, you will go to sleep and I will kill you.”

  Base smiled, his whole face lighting up. “Yeah? You’re going to give me my chance?”

  “Did you not hear the part about me killing you?”

  “Sure, I did. It’s irrelevant. I’m never going to hurt you.”

  Renata momentarily questioned her sanity, then came to the same conclusion she had only minutes before — she could run further and faster with Base than without him. “Yes, I’m trusting you.”

  Basilio took her hands in his, looking into her eyes. “Renata, I claim you. You’re my mate, my world, all that matters. I will protect you with my life. I am yours.” He leaned over kissing her hands, her palms, her wrists.

  “Base…” she started.

  But he cut her off. “My name is Basilio, honey. Not Base. That was a different life. I’m Basilio, your Basilio.”

  She regarded him thoughtfully. “Okay. Basilio, we need to go. We need to pick up Kaiser and be gone before the morning.”

  “My ‘vette is in the private player’s lot. We’ll go get Kaiser, that’s a killer name by the way, pack up your things and go to my house. It’s our house now, and we’ll make a plan. Drive us around to the player’s lot, honey. I’m here. Let’s go. I can’t wait to meet Kaiser.”

  “Are you insane?” she shouted at him. “I have to leave the city. I have to leave the state. I can’t go to your home. And it’s not mine. It’s yours! Just get the hell out of my car!”

  “It’s a penthouse. You can’t access it unless you can get past the doorman. It’s safe.”

  “A doorman? You think a doorman is going to stop this male? Just get out of my car.”

  “I’m not getting out.”

  “A ‘vette? Kaiser won’t even fit in a damn Corvette with us. There are two seats! Two! Where are we going to put our belongings?”

  “I didn’t think of that. We’ll take it to the house, then switch into the Mercedes. Then go get Kaiser,” he said smiling.

  Renata shook her head. “You just don’t get it do you? I’m taking my car, and packing it with my belongings and my child, and I’m leaving. If you’d do me the favor of getting out of my car, out of my life, I’d appreciate it.”

  “I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I have a beautiful home. It’s a penthouse.”

  “Yes, you said that.”

  “It’s two story. Has a fantastic view of the city at night. I’ve got art on the walls, four bedrooms we could fill with more kids. I’ve got so much money if I never pitched another baseball, we’d still never want for anything. It’s all yours,” Basilio said.

  Renata watched him telling her about all his belongings, his wealth, his home. None of it meant a thing to her, except the part about him helping her get away and start over. “I’m not going to your home, Basilio. I’m not taking you to switch to your Mercedes. I’m not raising a family with you in your penthouse surrounded by all your things. Those things mean nothing to me. I don’t need a mansion. I don’t need a lot of money — just enough to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. I don’t want flashy or famous. I just want quiet, peaceful, and family. Family matters to me, not wealth. I want a man that will love Kaiser like he deserves to be loved. I want a man that will put us before all else. I want a man that I never, ever have to have second thoughts about and a place with a little land for Kaiser to run and play on, and learn how to grow into the male he’s meant to be, where people will leave us alone and not discover what he hides inside him. Do you understand?”

  Basilio listened to Renata as she spoke to him. This female was different than any other he’d ever met. She wasn’t impressed by his money, or his home, or anything he could buy her. She wanted the simple things in life. The quiet, loving, faithful, sturdy things in life. All his flash and fame would never substitute for what her heart craved. He’d have to do something he’d never done before. He’d have to strip it all away, and speak for himself. Allow the male he was down deep inside to show and hope she found something she could believe in that male.

  “Will we take your car, then?” Basilio asked.

  “You’re not going to leave me alone are you?” she asked.

  “No. I’ll always be at your side. But I understand about the fame and the flash. It’s not who I really am anyway.”

  “Oh really? I guess your multiple dates a night were all lies,” she said.

  Basilio wanted to tell her they were lies, but they weren’t. “I was living a
different life then. Now I have you. I’m learning, Renata. Work with me here, honey. I’m not going anywhere. If you’re leaving town, and apparently, you are. I’m coming.”

  Renata glared at him for what felt like hours. She finally gave in. She had no choice since he wasn’t getting out of her car. “If you’re coming, then you’re coming on my terms.”


  “Fine, but can you stop with the honey? We really don’t even know each other.”

  Chapter 6

  After a trip to the bank, then a quick trip to his apartment, where she’d refused to get out, so he’d snatched the keys to keep her from driving away without him, they finally pulled into the parking lot of her apartment complex. She saw Basilio looking around, taking in the trash thrown about, the small group of teens eyeing them suspiciously, and the faded, poorly maintained three story buildings that housed lower income families. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to — she could see the judgment on his face.

  She picked a parking spot closer to her building and got out, locking the door before she closed it.

  Basilio got out and walked to the back of the car, waiting for her to join him. “Which building is yours?” he asked.

  “Middle one,” she answered, as she walked toward it with him right behind her.

  After climbing the steps to her third-floor apartment, Renata painstakingly unlocked all five locks on her front door, while Basilio stood beside her without saying a word. She opened the door and stepped into her apartment.

  “You’re home early — get fired?” Mrs. Friedrickson commented. “You still owe me the whole thirty dollars.”

  “I know, Mrs. Friedrickson. It’s no problem. Where’s Kaiser?” Renata asked.

  “Playing in his room,” the woman said, holding her hand out for the money Renata owed her.

  Renata handed Mrs. Friedrickson the thirty dollars, then followed her to the door, waiting for her to leave. As soon as the woman was gone, Renata closed and locked the door. She looked over at Basilio and then nervously away.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “I’ve never introduced him to a man before. I don’t know how he’ll react. Please, just take it slowly with him, and be patient,” Renata said.

  “Of course, I will, Renata. What do you take me for?” he asked, his feelings hurt.

  “Well, let’s see. The second time you ever laid eyes on me, you brought me to the attention of your adoring fans and a news station who blasted my likeness all over the damn viewing area. Then you chased me down in the parking lot, told me I’m yours, and you’re mine, and professed undying love and loyalty forever.”

  Basilio smiled and winked at her. “Romantic, wasn’t it?”

  Renata rolled her eyes at him before she responded. “He’s four. He won’t understand if you rush things with him. He may not understand anyway,” Renata said.

  “It’ll be okay, honey. I promise. I want him in my life as much as I do you. Contrary to what you may think, I’m perfectly capable of controlling myself.”

  Renata took a deep breath. There was no way around it, she’d agreed to allow Basilio to help them get away and hide and to do that Kaiser would have to meet him. “Kaiser! Baby, are you awake?” she called.

  “Mama!” he answered right away. Then they heard his footsteps as he ran to the living room. He came to a screeching halt as soon as he focused on Basilio.

  Basilio smiled to himself as he watched the boy lift his nose in the air and his nostrils flare as he scented him.

  “Guess what?” Renata said.

  “What?” he answered, walking toward Renata and lifting his arms toward her to be picked up, all the while never taking his eyes off Basilio.

  “We’re going on an adventure. We’re going to pack up all our favorite stuff, and we’re just going to drive and see where we want to live next.”

  Kaiser smiled at her — his grin wide. “Can we get a house with a yard in it this time?” he asked.

  “We can try,” Renata said at the same time Basilio spoke.

  “We will. With lots of trees and green grass. And we’ll build a tree house in the biggest tree, too,” Basilio promised.

  “Who are you?” Kaiser asked suspiciously.

  “I’m Basilio. I’m going to help you and your mommy find a new place to live on your new adventure.”

  Kaiser was still in his mother’s arms and looked from Basilio to his mother. “Is he your friend?” Kaiser asked.

  “He is. He’s a nice man and he’s going to help us. Is that okay?” she asked.

  Kaiser looked at Basilio again. “He’s like me,” Kaiser told her while still looking at Basilio.

  “He is. But he’s a nice man like you,” Renata said.

  “You said that if a man smelled like me, he was a bad man and to be careful and hide.”

  “I did. But this is a nice man. He’s going to take care of us and help us find a new place to live.”

  “With a yard just like you want. And I’ll never, ever allow anybody to scare you or hurt you,” Basilio said.

  “Okay,” Kaiser said, squirming so his mother would put him down.

  “Hey, if you remember me telling you that I said to hide when you saw a man that smells like you, why didn’t you hide?” Renata asked Kaiser.

  “’Cause you wasn’t scared. If you was scared, I would have bit him, then I would go hide.”

  “You’re not supposed to bite anybody, just hide,” Renata said, ruffling his hair.

  “If you wanted me to hide, you shouldn’t ’a called me,” Kaiser said, walking toward his bedroom.

  “Where you going?” Renata asked.

  “To get Bear. He wants to come, too,” Kaiser answered.

  An hour later with the trunk and half the backseat full of clothes and toys, they were on their way.

  “I wish you’d let me go get one of my vehicles, or at least buy you another,” Basilio said as they drove down the interstate at a steady fifty miles an hour.

  “Your vehicles can be traced to you through the titles and license plates. If you buy another vehicle, it can be traced to you through the title and license plates. If you buy me a vehicle, it can be traced to me through the title and license plates.”

  “What stops this vehicle from being traced to you?” Basilio asked.

  “I’ve never transferred it to my name. I bought it from one of the girls I met at work with cash, and I’ve never filed the bill of sale to get the title put in my name,” Renata answered.

  They drove for a while longer before Basilio spoke again. “Renata, we’re going to have to buy a place to live. At some point one or both of our names will be a matter of public record. We can’t hide ourselves away forever.”

  Renata’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “Yes, I can.”

  “No, you can’t. And Kaiser deserves a home that he doesn’t have to pack up and run from each time you think you may be found out.”

  “I knew this was a mistake,” she said, getting upset. “I knew if I let you come with us, you’d just mess everything up. I’m getting off at the next exit. I’ll leave you at a truck stop, you can have a friend come get you.”

  “I’m not getting out at a truck stop, and I’m not calling a friend. We’re in this together, it’s just time to start rethinking it.”

  “You’ve been in it for three hours, and you want to rethink it?” she snapped.

  “Yes, I do. I think we can do better than living on the run.”

  “Oh really? And what exactly is your plan?”

  “First, why don’t you tell me your plan?” Basilio asked. “Then we’ll come up with something together.”

  Renata shook her head.

  “You have to talk to me, Renata. Tell me what you had planned, and we’ll go from there.”

  “What I had planned? What I had planned was to save enough money to buy a place somewhere out in the country and live there quietly. A place that Kaiser could thrive and grow without any
scrutiny at all. But you shot that all to hell when you had me filmed and put on TV and I had to leave my job.”

  “You were on TV, Mama?” Kaiser asked grinning. “Are you going to be on TV again? I wanna watch!” he said.

  “No baby, Mama’s not going to be on TV again. It was an accident.”


  “I’ll buy us a place. You pick it. Wherever you want it to be is fine with me. Same plan, just sped up a bit because you can afford to buy it now, rather than later,” Basilio said.

  “I was hoping to stay below the radar, you know, so no one could trace us,” she said irritatedly.

  “That’s not going to happen. You can’t buy land without a deed, and a deed would have your name on it,” Basilio said patiently. “How were you planning to get around that?”

  “I hadn’t gotten that far yet,” Renata answered defensively.

  “Alright, look, I keep telling you I’ve got more money than I’ll spend in a lifetime. Several banks all over the country, and internationally. It’s yours now, too. What’s mine is yours and all that… Let’s find a place, buy it, and then prepare for if we’re located. We can’t run forever, it’s not fair,” he said, looking at her and motioning with his eyes toward the backseat where Kaiser sat safely strapped into his car seat, watching the scenery move past his window.

  “I know that,” Renata whispered, a tear spilling over her lashes to run down her cheek. “Don’t you think I know that?”

  Basilio waited, not pushing for the moment while she thought about all he’d said. His phone began to ring, and he glanced at it. “I gotta take this,” he said, swiping his thumb across the screen to accept the call. “Hello?” he said.

  “The hell are you, Lyakhov?” his coach shouted.

  “Headed out of town. A lot’s happened, Coach.”

  “I suppose your contract and the little fact that you’ll be sued for walking out mid-season means nothing to you?” Coach snapped.

  “I’m in mixed company, but I’ll try to explain as best I can,” Basilio said.

  “You better have a damn good excuse.”


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