Fae Magic trilogy : (Alexandra Everest series)

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Fae Magic trilogy : (Alexandra Everest series) Page 2

by Jen Pretty

  After at least another 40 minutes of punching and kicking, I had a good sweat going when Snazzy said I should do some cardio and then weights. I got to work speed skipping and finally started feeling relaxed. I didn't have to think about anything as the sweat poured off me and my body went into automatic. I did my weight routine and was starting back towards the change room when movement by the front window caught my eye.

  It was the coffee shop stalker. What. The. Actual. Fuck.

  This time I decided to go find out why he was following me because you know what they say; once is happenstance, twice is coincidence but three times is enemy action.

  I ran for the door and slammed through it, but the street was empty. Poof. He was gone. I started to wonder if it had been my imagination. There was nowhere to go. We were in the middle of the block of industrial type warehouses. He couldn't have just disappeared.


  I headed back in. Grinned at Snazzy when he gave me a questioning eye and hit the showers.

  I called for my ride and headed home. It was getting dark by the time I got to the condo, but there was a message from V on my phone saying she was going to the club and telling me to get my ass down there. I wasn't so sure I was up for it, but it seemed like a better idea than staring at my walls, so I quickly got changed into a small black dress. The benefit of being average size was most clothes fit off the rack, so I had tons of clothes without all the fuss. I headed out to our favourite club, hoping the DJ was good.

  The club was crazy busy for a Tuesday, it was at capacity, and the reason was apparent. The hottest DJ in the city was up on stage tonight. The music was fast, and the base was up, and everyone was on the dance floor. I made my way around the edge of the dance floor to the bar and took a seat since the bartender was busy mixing drinks for a group of girls. I turned to look for V, but in the mass of people I couldn't pick out her brunette hair. In fact, I didn't see anyone I knew. When the bartender finished with the girls, he turned to me.

  “What will it be?” He asked in a slight British accent.

  “Scotch,” I replied before turning back to keep looking for my friend.

  As he set my drink down, I turned back and thanked him, picked up my beverage and headed for our favourite table. The table was vacant, so I sat to wait and enjoy my drink. When my glass was empty, I decided not to waste the night waiting for V and hit the dance floor. There were some cute guys to dance with, and when I looked at my phone, I realized an hour had passed. I finally decided to go outside and call V to see if maybe she had left before I even arrived. I walked out the back door of the club and around the corner to get away from the sound, pulled out my phone and hit Vs number. As it was ringing a shadow enveloped me. I spun around to find a giant of a man standing there staring at me.

  He was at least 6 and a half feet, and he had long greasy looking hair and a full beard. He was wearing jeans and a grubby jacket and work boots. A giant lumberjack.

  “What do you want?” I asked as he stared at me.

  He said nothing, but his eyes took on an unhealthy pale colour and he reached for me. I jumped back to try and avoid him, but he grabbed my hair and started to pull me out of the alley. My phone slid across the ground as he jerked me forward. That freed up my hands and years of training kicked in. I started punching him in the ribs, but it wasn't doing any good. It was like punching a tree. He just kept dragging me along with him towards a car. There was no way I was getting in that car, so I started kicking at his knee to try and break it and screaming for help. Suddenly there was another person there. He stood between the car and the giant man and was holding a freaking sword.

  "Let her go, troll," He said, and as I looked up, I realized it was coffee shop man. Again.

  The man with my hair in his fist grumbled but didn't let go. He held on tighter and tried to move past my coffee shop stalker. As if we were in some movie, I watched as time slowed down and could only stare as my apparent saviour swung his sword and lopped off the giant’s head. Literally. Right there in the alley beside my favourite club. Surprisingly, I didn't scream. I just stared at him. I must be sleeping. But if I am, this isn't the right dream.

  “Idiot trolls,” I heard coffee shop stalker mumble under his breath.

  I finally found some words and brilliantly said: "He grabbed my hair."


  "Yes, they are Neanderthals, really." He said, his grey eyes almost glowing.

  “Who is they?” I asked still apparently not screaming about the giant dead headless guy.

  “Trolls. They are all assholes.” He said and gave the dead guy’s head a light kick with his boot.

  “You killed him,” I said “with a sword. You chopped his head off!” Ah, here it comes. I started to see dark spots in my vision. I was breathing too fast. The alley was spinning.

  “It's alright, take a deep breath,” I heard him whisper but it was too late, blackness took me.

  chapter two

  The first thing I heard was a clock ticking. Always with the ticking. Wait. The last thing I remember was the alley and those grey eyes. Shit. I jumped up, and the room spun. I wasn't in the hospital; I was in a bedroom with long dark red drapes over massive windows. The bed I was in was very soft with tons of burgundy pillows and blankets. It was almost eerie hearing the clock on the wall with so much colour around me. Realizing I didn't wake up screaming, I started to wonder if I was even awake. I crept towards the door and turned the handle. It was unlocked, so I opened it and started down the hall towards a set of stairs.

  I had no idea how I got here but I sure as hell wasn't going to stick around to find out if murderous coffee shop stalker guy was around and had some plans for me. As I was creeping towards the stairs, I heard the click of a door open and heard voices speaking. I started to hurry towards the stairs but just as I rounded the top of the stairs someone walked into view at the bottom, and I froze.

  "She's awake," the woman at the bottom of the stairs said. She was stunning with long blonde hair almost the exact shade of my own, but she was delicate and petite like a doll.

  I started to turn around thinking maybe I could find another way out when my stalker/abductor came to the bottom of the stairs too.

  “We won’t hurt you,” he said as he slowly started to climb the stairs.

  "Ya, right, "I said and bolted back towards the room where I woke up. I ran through the door and slammed it shut and turned the lock. I ran to the windows and pulled back the curtains hoping I was close enough to the ground to jump. The window didn't open though, and I was at least six stories up. From the inside, it seemed like a two-story house, but that was not the case. I turned around, and he was just standing there watching me.

  The door was still closed and locked.

  “How did you get in here?” I asked, trying to edge my way around him and back towards the door and my only escape.

  “We won’t hurt you. You don’t have to be afraid,” he said softly with his hands up like he was talking to a scared cat.

  “Where am I?” I asked trying to stall him until I could get away somehow.

  “You are in one of my homes, a condo,” He said.

  Well, that explained the height. There must be an elevator around here somewhere.

  As he got closer to me, years of boxing training kicked in, and my fists came up to guard my head. I was ready to unleash an ass-kicking on this guy. I didn't see his sword now, and I was a pretty skilled fighter even if I only ever hit a punching bag, I could still punch a person if I had to.

  “Listen, I knew your family. We are the same. I can protect you.”

  “I don’t need protection. Except maybe from you.”

  "That's where you are wrong Alexandra. This is a war, and we are losing. The vampires have the trolls on their side, and you are already a target because of your magic. They know you are in the city and won't stop till they get you."

  “Oh my god, you are fucking crazy. Listen, I don’t have magic. Magic isn’t real.
Neither are vampires or trolls. Let’s just cut the shit,” I said still slowly edging towards the door.

  "They are real, and you should have been told by now. You must be almost 22. You should have come into your powers on your 21st birthday."

  “oookkkay," I said as I made a bolt for the door, but it wouldn't unlock or open. I was trapped with a freaking crazy person.

  I spun around to face him. "Look just let me go home, and I won't tell anyone about this, ok."

  “I can't. You are in too much danger. You need to stay with us until we figure out how to protect you.”

  That was it. A powerful right hook was flying towards his head before I even had time to think about it, but I didn't make contact when I should have. He was gone. I spun around, and he was leaning against the open door with a satisfied smirk on his face.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “What the hell?" I asked, keeping my guard up in case I got another chance to wipe the floor with him.

  "The door is just sticky; you have to lift and turn the lock. You are not a prisoner here," he said before turning and walking out, leaving the door open for me to follow. I took a deep breath and followed. Maybe I could trick the crazy guy into letting me go or find that elevator myself and get out of here.

  “soooo, you said something about trolls and vampires,” I said cautiously so as not to spook the crazy person.

  "Yes. The trolls are just cannon fodder in the war, but somehow the vampires convinced the trolls to join them," he said as he continued to walk down the stairs and across the foyer to a closed door. Was it still called a foyer if it wasn't on the ground floor? There wasn't an apparent elevator door.

  “Ok, and what are you exactly?” I asked.

  "Fae, just like you," he said straight-faced.

  I snorted and pressed my lips together to keep myself from laughing. God. They said I had problems. This guy was way out to lunch.

  “Of course,” I said though I couldn’t keep the condescension from my voice entirely, he didn’t seem to notice.

  I followed him into the room, and he took a seat behind a large desk that occupied more than half the space. I took a seat on the door side of the room in case I needed to make another run for it, though I don't know where I would go.

  “What did your parents tell you about your lineage?” He asked while he was shuffling through some papers on his desk.

  "My grandfather was a fighter pilot, and my grandma was well known for her chili at her church group."

  He sighed. “Unbelievable,” he muttered. Like this was all a big inconvenience. “How could they have left you without any knowledge of what you could do or who you would become?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe because I am just an ordinary person….not one of you magical fairies” I said losing my patience with this crazy person.

  “Fae. Not fairies. We don’t have wings and pixie dust,” he said.

  "Ok. Fae. Sure. So, no wings or pixie dust. Obviously. I don't know what I was thinking. Ok. Well listen, this has been great, but I really should go home. I was supposed to meet my friend last night, but I couldn't find her, so she is probably worried by now." I was hopeful this tactic would work until I looked up into his grey eyes.

  "You can't go back there ever again. They know what you look like and how to find you again. Next time they will kill you. No magic can save you from them if they get their hands on you," he said with genuine sadness in his eyes.

  "Where do you suggest I go? It's not like I can just walk away from my father's corporation and my friends and condo. Where would I even go? Besides I'm sure, you are mistaken. I'm not a fae. I’m a normal human.”

  He opened a folder, and my nightmare sat in front of me. Red walls and floor and bodies. It was exactly like my nightmare. I stood up so fast my head spun, and I started to see black dots. Then he was there beside me, and the door swung open, and the woman walked in.

  “Victor, what’s going on? I felt time change," the woman said.

  "It's ok Margot, I just upset her a little, and her magic peeked through briefly," he beamed like a proud parent and looked at me. I was starting to see again, and my heart rate slowed towards normal.

  I turned to the woman. “What are you talking about?” I turned back to Victor “Look I don’t have magic. I have PTSD, mental instability and maybe a slight substance abuse problem, but I don’t have magic. I certainly can’t change time.” This was getting ridiculous.

  When I looked back at the woman, she just grinned at me and then turned and left, closing the door behind her.

  "What the hell is she talking about?" I crossed my arms and stared at him. Apparently, they were both crazy.

  "She is talking about your magic. I think we have figured out how you escaped with your life the night your family was killed. If you slowed time, it would have scared off any vampire. It's the only magic useful in destroying them. You can't kill what u can't catch until you slow it down enough to catch it."

  “You are kidding me, right?” was I starting to believe him?

  “Very few fae have the magic to control time. The vampires killed all the ones we had and have been systematically killing every fae family for months. Most with children under 21 to make sure that no new timekeepers come into their power.”

  This was so far-fetched I couldn't control my snicker. "What's your power then?" I asked, and before my eyes, he disappeared. Gone. Poof.

  "I can move anywhere in the blink of an eye." Then he disappeared. "I'm a jumper," He said from behind me, startling me. My heart rate tripled in an instant, and he slowly brought his hand up towards me. As soon as he touched me, he spoke again. "And you change the speed of time. It's a wonder you didn't notice before. Humans can't feel magic being used but all fae can.”

  But I had noticed that time moved differently. I just thought I was crazy or that it was the medication or alcohol or other substances that I tried to use to chase the nightmares away. But if I was slowing time, and was a fae as Victor said, why didn't my parents tell me? Fae and trolls and vampires. These things aren't real! They are from storybooks.

  “How is this even possible?” I asked myself out loud.

  "You should have been told," Victor said "I don't know why they wouldn't tell you unless they were waiting to see what power you possessed, though I imagine you would have changed time at some point in the last year. Maybe they just wanted to protect you from the war, but your people need you. We all need you. We are losing so many," he said looking earnest and not the least bit crazy.

  “I don’t even know what I’m doing. If I’m even doing anything,” I said. I suppose I couldn’t ignore the facts that were right in front of me. The world is way weirder than I thought.

  "You are changing time. You slowed me down accidentally when the troll was attacking you. Luckily, I was still faster than him, and it was only for a second," He said and smirked, obviously proud of how quickly he dispatched my attacker. "Now if someone is touching you, your magic won't affect them. So that's something to keep in mind once you have control of it."

  "So, is that why you were following me around? Because you knew I had this magic?" I finally asked the burning question. Seeing him everywhere I went, had creeped me out.

  "We didn't know what your magic was, but we knew you were important. It seems the vampires knew too. We finally found you, but you were in the hospital and safe there from them. Then, when you went home, some of the fae thought it might be best to keep an eye on you until our trainer could be flown in to train you, but obviously, the vamps were successful in tracking you down also, so I couldn't sit by and watch them take you away. You are too important."

  "Too important," I mumbled. I was not anyone's savior. I couldn't even take a nap without losing my shit. This was insanity.

  “So, who is this trainer anyway?” I asked. If I was buying into this whole fae business, I was going to need some serious help.

  "He's ancient. Master Evan has been walking the worlds for 930 years. He will train

  “Super,” I said “why not. Bring on the old guy.”

  “He will arrive tomorrow. For now, how about we get you something to eat then you can get cleaned up and have some rest.” He said as he stood and walked to the door.

  I followed him out. I needed some food. My stomach was making a noise like a trash compactor. I had no interest in getting some rest though. Sleep was not my friend.

  As we entered the kitchen, the stunning blonde woman, Margot, was busy cooking something on the stove. It smelled amazing.

  "Hello," she said smiling widely at Victor and me as we entered. She dried her hands on a towel and walked over to the table as we were sitting down. "Would you like some stew?"

  "Yes, please," I said returning her smile. "So. What is your magic?" I asked as she was filling a bowl for me and another for Victor. She paused and looked at Victor who nodded before she swung her gaze back to me.

  "I'm a seer. I see the future," she said plainly "I saw you were going to be taken last night." She cleared her throat and turned back towards us with two bowls of steaming hot stew. "I didn't think Victor would be in time." She paused frowning "No one else would have made it in time."

  I turned to Victor "Thank you. And you too Margot. I didn't even realize there was anyone around until that man grabbed me."

  “He wasn’t a man,” Victor said frowning.

  “Right. A troll. What is a troll anyway? He seemed like he was made of rock.”

  Victor laughed “They are animated stone. A man wouldn’t have been able to keep walking with you pounding on him the way you were. You are trained right?”

  "Boxing and some kickboxing," I looked down at my stew and took a big mouthful. Oh fuck, that's tasty stew. My quiet moan of delight must have been heard because they both chuckled. I can't help it. I love good food.

  “Would you like something to drink? Water, tea, coffee?” Margot offered.

  “If you have coffee, I would love some.”


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