Wrong (Hollywood Bad Boys)

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Wrong (Hollywood Bad Boys) Page 19

by Caitlin Daire

  I held my hands up. “Just wait. Let me explain.”

  I filled her in on everything that’d transpired over the last few hours, and her eyes widened as I spoke.

  “Oh my god…” she said softly. “Oh, shit.”

  “You said Nora’s gone. Gone where?” I asked.

  Ina looked stricken. “She was so upset. She came to me for advice, but I agreed with her—I thought there couldn’t be any other explanation for that text other than you cheating. And then she said she had to get out of here. I’m so sorry, Jake. I should’ve tried harder to keep her here. I did suggest that she stay, because I thought she should at least confront you about it, but she wouldn’t listen. She was too heartbroken.”

  “What are you saying? Where exactly is she?”

  Ina’s shoulders slumped. “She dropped Oscar off with Angie and left for New York early,” she said, casting her eyes down at the ground. “She called me from Angie’s place about forty-five minutes ago to tell me she found a flight that was leaving soon. So by now, she’s probably already on a plane.”

  “What?” I said, aghast. “You can’t be serious!”

  She nodded miserably. “She’s gone, Jake. She’s really gone.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Fucking L.A. traffic.

  Even at this time of night, it was still shitty on a lot of roads, and it didn’t help that the airport was so damn far away—it would be at least half an hour till I arrived. On the way, I called Angie on my hands-free phone set as I headed there, desperate to hear any updates on Nora’s situation. She didn’t answer my first few calls, but she finally picked up on the fourth after nearly letting it ring out again.

  “What do you want?” she asked, her voice stiff.

  “Has Nora left yet?” I asked.

  “That’s none of your business.”

  I explained everything to her, just like I’d done with Ina, and I heard a sharp intake of breath on the other end of the line.

  “Shit, I had no idea. I’m sorry, Jake. I guess we’re all kinda used to Nora attracting the worst kinds of men, so I didn’t even think…”

  “It’s fine, I get it,” I said, interrupting her. I didn’t mean to be rude, but I needed to know exactly where Nora was. “I just need to know if her flight left already, or if there’s still time for me to find her.”

  “Hold on a sec. She used my laptop to book it.”

  Angie was quiet for a minute while she searched, and then she came back onto the line. “Her flight hasn’t left yet. It takes off in twenty-five minutes from Terminal 2. Gate 23.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. I was only five minutes away from LAX now, and if I found parking quickly enough, I’d hopefully be able to intercept Nora before she boarded the flight.

  Unfortunately, parking was a bitch. It took me over ten minutes to find a spot, and it was about as far as fucking possible from Terminal 2. My stomach filled with dread with each and every moment that passed by, and soon I was counting the seconds down with each frantic beat of my racing heart.

  I finally arrived at Gate 23, and I saw two flight attendants standing at the gate desk, checking a man’s ticket. Thank god; the flight was still boarding, even though it was meant to be departing in just two minutes.

  “Hi, how can I help you?” one of the attendants said as I dashed up to the desk. The other giggled and batted her eyelashes, obviously recognizing me immediately.

  “I need to reach someone who just got on this flight,” I said. “Is it possible for you to call her and get her off the plane before it leaves?”

  She tapped something on her keyboard. “Flight KL56 to Florida?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “No. Flight AM17 to New York.”

  The attendant frowned. “To New York? Oh, sorry, sir. That flight was changed to another boarding gate. You’ll need to go to Gate 26.”

  Oh, for fuck’s sake…

  I thanked the attendant and dashed across the airport to Gate 26, and my heart sank as I looked up and saw the flight status announcement sign above my head. Nora’s flight was no longer in ‘boarding’ status. It said ‘departed’ in big red flashing letters.


  I swallowed a hard lump in my throat and tried to think of my next move. This was okay; it was just a minor setback. There would surely be some other flight leaving for New York within the next few hours. All I had to do was buy a ticket for that and then wait here for a while, and when I finally got to New York, I could track her down and tell her how I—


  I whirled around at the familiar voice, and never before had something looked and sounded so sweet. It was Nora, standing behind me with two enormous suitcases and a puzzled expression on her pretty face.

  “You’re here. You’re still here,” I said, unable to believe my own eyes.

  She gave me a weak smile. “I couldn’t leave. I booked the ticket, but as soon as I arrived at the gate, I realized how hasty and stupid I was being.”

  “You’re not stupid.”

  She shook her head. “No, but I was being stupid. I was running away instead of facing things like I should have. Just like I did that time up in Santa Barbara when I found out those things about my parents. I couldn’t run away again. I knew I had to stay and confront things head on like you told me to that night. So I never got on the flight.”

  “You never got on the flight,” I repeated. “Shit, Nora, I thought you were gone. I thought…” Emotion welled up in me as I stared at her, and I cleared my throat. “Let me explain what happened. I—”

  She cut me off. “Ina and Angie both texted and called me to tell me what happened with Chris, and what that text I saw really was. Now I feel even stupider,” she said, glumly staring at the carpeted floor. “I’m so sorry. I know you were just trying to sort the whole situation out and protect me.”

  I pulled her into a tight hug and took a deep breath, taking in the sweet scent of her hair and perfume. “You’re not stupid. That text made me look dodgy as fuck,” I murmured. “And after the shitty experiences you’ve had with other men in the past, I’m not surprised you ran like hell.”

  She pulled back, her eyes shining. “But you aren’t other men. You’re you. I should’ve trusted you. So I’m never running away again. Not from you. If you’ll still have me after this stunt I pulled,” she said, casting her gaze down.

  I pretended to think about it for a second, scratching my chin. “Hmm…” I began, before breaking into a grin. “Of course I’ll still have you, you silly woman. I love you. It’s gonna take a lot more than you dashing off to an airport to get rid of me.”

  She smiled, and a tear slipped out of the corner of her right eye, which she quickly dabbed away. “Thank you. I’ve been so foolish. I promise I’ll never do something like this again.”

  “So are you just gonna leave me hanging again?” I said with a grin.

  She laughed. “I love you too!” she replied, throwing her arms around me.

  Our lips pressed together, and her taste filled my mouth. I inhaled deeply as I drank in her sweet lips, and my hands gripped her waist, pulling her body against mine as we kissed deeply. The noise and bustle of the airport around us quickly faded away to nothing. It was only us here right now; only us in our own little world.

  Finally we pulled away from each other, electricity still sparking between us, and I grinned down at her.

  “Come on,” I said, capturing one of her hands in mine. “Let’s go home.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Eight months later

  “Are you awake yet?”

  I prodded Nora gently on the side, and she moaned and rolled over in our spacious bed. I grinned and let her sleep for a while longer. It was only five in the morning, after all. I’d just returned after a particularly lengthy filming session for the sixth and final season of Code Grey, and after the six cups of coffee I had earlier, I was still wired.


  I settled in next to Nora while she snored gently next to me—yes, snored. She was wrong about me and Oscar being the snorers in our house; it was totally her.

  As I lay there listening to her, I stared up at the ceiling, contemplating our life together. It was pretty fucking good, all in all.

  Ina and I were officially divorced, and Nora had returned from New York two months ago. Her gig with Hartwell had proved to be a major coup for her career, and she no longer worked for Delos—after parting with the small consulting company on good terms upon her return, she’d started her own little consulting business. It was all brand new and up in the air at the moment, but she was working hard, and I knew she’d be successful as hell when it was all set up.

  Ina was offering her business savvy and advice to Nora whenever she had time, and Nora’s best friend Angie was also helping out when she could. She’d recently started seeing a talented software developer and web designer (a guy named Yuri) who was making the consulting website for Nora for a decent price, so it was all coming together quite well. We all liked to tease Angie about her taste for supposedly ‘boring’ men, but Yuri was a great guy, and at least he wasn’t a damn accountant. After all the crazy shit we’d gone through last year with James and Chris, we all thought it was best to steer clear of accountants as much as possible.

  Speaking of Chris, he actually reached out to me a couple of months ago to apologize for everything he did, and he said he was in therapy to deal with his obvious issues with women. I was glad he was getting help, and I told him as such, but I’d never be friends with him again. He’d caused far too many problems, and he’d hurt and frightened my Nora. At least I knew she was safe now, though—no crazy stalkers out to get her anymore. But even if there was, I’d protect her till my dying breath. She was my whole world, and things wouldn’t be the same without her in my life.

  She rolled over and muttered something at me, still half asleep. “How was work?” she asked.

  I stroked her hair. “Great. The season is almost done.”

  “That’s good,” she said, stifling a yawn. “And you still have that meeting with Beaumont later today?”

  I nodded. Nora wasn’t the only one doing well in her career—things were booming in mine as well, and Beaumont was a studio that had asked me to come in and audition for an upcoming action thriller movie.

  They weren’t the only studio that had asked me to audition for movies, either. Starring in Fourth Down had put the spotlight on me even more so than usual, so the offers were flowing in thick and fast despite the fact that the movie hadn’t even been released yet. It had finished filming about three months ago, and it was now in the post-production phase, which took even longer than filming—editing, advertising, test audiences and so on. I couldn’t wait for it to premiere, though, because when it did, Nora was going to get a very special surprise.

  And speaking of special surprises….Nora’s hand was reaching down my chest and abs, stroking in slow lines till it finally dipped below the waistband of my pants.

  “I thought you were asleep,” I murmured before letting out a low groan as her small hand finally found my stiff cock.

  “Hard to stay asleep with you around,” she replied, hazel eyes turning dark with desire as she stared at me. “Operative word being ‘hard’.”

  I grinned, bent my head and slammed my mouth down on hers. Nora met the kiss with every pent-up need inside her, opening her mouth to take what I offered. She made a dark, hungry sound at the back of her throat as I slanted my lips across hers, the kiss raw and intense and hot as hell. Her hand kept stroking over my dick as we embraced, and heat rushed to my groin, the pleasure already so sharp it was a sweet torture.

  I slowed the ravenous pace of our kiss and licked at her lower lip instead, a seductive caress. Nora mewled in frustration, needing so much more from me. My hold on her tightened, and my left hand moved down and slipped beneath her silk nightie. My mouth absorbed her gasp as my fingers gently dipped within her, teasing her slowly, and then I pulled back from her lips as my other hand swept down her back to grip the curve of her ass before concentrating on removing her nightie altogether.

  Inch by inch I eased the silky material upward, revealing more and more of her soft caramel-toned skin. I caught just a glimpse of the neatly trimmed triangle of hair between her thighs before I drew the slip over her abdomen, up her ribcage to her breasts. Fisting the wad of material against her sternum, I lifted my head to gaze at the pert flesh I’d revealed, topped with pale brown nipples. They were stiff and pebbled, a fine scattering of goosebumps covering her silken skin. Unable to stop myself, I slid the hand at her hip upward until it rested between her shoulder blades and dipped my head to taste her.

  She gasped when my lips touched her nipples, her muscles tensing beneath me. I placed teasing, reverent kisses over the velvety curve of her breasts, then let my tongue play with the stiffened center, rubbed my bristly cheek against her tender skin. She hissed in a breath and grabbed the back of my head, holding me close. I didn’t need encouragement. I took her into my mouth and slowly sucked, rolling her nipple against the roof of my mouth. Nora moaned and squirmed in my arms, and I took turns pleasuring each breast, letting my hand slowly trail down the center of her body to the apex of her thighs. My fingertips brushed light patterns against her inner thighs, coaxing her to open for me. She did, slowly, and when I slid my fingers across the slick, swollen flesh between her legs, she whimpered.

  The feel of her wetness made my cock throb and the heady scent of her arousal made my heart pound. I wanted to be inside her so bad I could barely see straight. Gliding my fingers through the wet folds, I stroked over the taut bud of her clit, drinking in her soft cry. I eased one finger into her, then a second, pumping gently before withdrawing to stroke her clit again. Within minutes she was trembling, her breaths coming in short, sharp gasps. Her fingernails dug deep into my shoulders, her eyes glazed as she stared into mine and moved her hips in time with my hand. She buried her face into my neck. “I need more…please, Jacob.”

  I pulled my fingers out and positioned myself above her, nipping her lower lip before flexing my hips and pushing the head of my cock inside her. Nora caught her breath and squeezed her eyes shut as I slid deeper, pulling her mouth free to press her face into the curve of my shoulder. I was only in her an inch or two but she was so damn tight and warm that I almost wanted to come already from the friction.

  Nora moaned and rolled her hips in a silent plea for more, her open mouth sliding against my wet, heated skin. With a rough growl I eased out of her and did it again, stopping partway in, that slow, shallow slide of rigid flesh hitting the sweet spots inside her. My hips pulsed, sliding my cock in and out, over and over, while I slipped a hand between us to rub my thumb around her clit in slow circles. Nora trembled, her inner walls tightening around me, squeezing my dick to perfection.

  “Fuck…don’t stop,” she gasped.

  My thrusts grew deeper, more forceful, my lips and teeth working the side of her neck. Heat and pressure built inside my groin, nearly robbing me of thought. I heard the plaintive moan that tore from her, knew she was holding my shoulders so tight she was probably leaving marks, but I didn’t stop. I couldn’t. My mouth smothered her wild cries as a climax claimed her, and as her muscles contracted around me, I let out my own deep groan of satisfaction. “Fucking hell,” I moaned, head tipping back as I came inside her in hot spurts.

  Breathing hard, I bent my head to bury my face in her neck and held her while we recovered.

  “Now that’s how I like to be woken up,” Nora said with a satisfied sigh as I finally rolled off her.

  “Lucky you. I haven’t slept yet.”

  She smiled and ruffled my hair. “Sorry. Oh, by the way, Dad called last night. He said he’s still expecting Fourth Down premiere tickets from us.”

  “Well, I did promise them to him for lying and pretending to be your boyfriend when I first met him,” I replied with a grin.
“Don’t worry, I already reserved the tickets.”

  The Fourth Down premiere event was going to be held in three months; a star-studded affair with all of Hollywood’s glitterati. The movie had been highly anticipated for over a year now, and I knew it was going to shoot my career even further into the stratosphere once it was out. I wasn’t going to be the main star on the red carpet at the premiere, though.

  Nora was.

  Like I said earlier, she had a surprise coming her way…

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Three months later

  The streets outside the theatre were lined with screaming film fans as our driver slowly headed to the drop-off point on the red carpet. I’d been to red carpet movie premiere events in the past as my job often scored me tickets, but I’d never actually been one of the famous people who strutted down the carpet runner, smiling and waving at adoring fans. I still didn’t have fame or screaming fans, because Jacob was the famous one in our relationship, but hell, simply being on the red carpet was close enough.

  Besides, I got to walk down the carpet on Jacob’s arm, which was the best thing of all. Everyone knew we were together now, and they loved it—they loved the fact that a simple consultant had managed to tame Hollywood’s biggest bad boy, rather than a supermodel. I often had girls approach me in public to tell me they found me ‘inspiring’ and asking me how I did it. I couldn’t exactly say ‘he took me on the worst date ever, then I made him pretend to be my fake boyfriend, and the rest is history’ so I always just smiled and said I’d ‘been myself’ around him and the rest had followed. That wasn’t exactly a lie, anyway. I had been myself, and Jacob had fallen for me because of it.

  On top of that, I hadn’t tamed him—he’d always been the wonderful, tender man that he was around me. He just needed to meet his match for that side of him to emerge, and I happened to be that amazingly fortunate woman.


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