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Viktor Page 2

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Not very talkative, is he?” Viktor looked over at Lacey, her wide green eyes staring at him. Not as wide as Brett the Warrior’s, but wide. His gaze dipped to her lips, which trembled as she seemed to be fighting a smile. When she shook her head, he looked back at Brett. “So how did you get off tonight? The boss has you boys working around the clock.”

  “I, ah...” Brett cleared his throat, no doubt trying to get the squeaky nervousness out. “I did my rounds last night.”

  Viktor’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked away from Brett to the skyline. He sighed long and loud. “You know, Brett,” Viktor began, his voice deepening with anger. “It’s not against the law to impersonate a vampire.”

  Viktor’s gaze shot back to Brett, who slammed his mouth shut again. Sweat broke out across his forehead.

  “But it is against the law to impersonate a VC Warrior.” He growled as his eyes narrowed dangerously.

  Brett’s eyes went to Lacey as he puffed out his chest in mock anger. “I am not imper—” His crooked fang flew out of his mouth and onto the table, blending into the white tablecloth.

  “You are very lucky we are in a crowded restaurant right now.” Viktor leaned toward Brett, who shrank so far back in his chair he hit the lady behind him. “If I ever see or hear of you impersonating a VC Warrior again, I will beat that pretty boy face of yours so bad your momma will cry at the sight of you. Now get the fuck out of here before I change my mind and give these people a dinner show.”

  Brett was out of his chair so fast Viktor was impressed. He looked toward Lacey, who stared at Brett running out of the restaurant then down at the fake fang on the table. Her hand covered her mouth, laughing.

  “Thank you,” she finally said after gaining control. “I didn’t know how I was going to get out of that.”

  Viktor stood, placing his chair back at the other table, then took Brett’s seat. He frowned as he stared at the beautiful woman across from him. “How did that come about?” Viktor knew it was really none of his business, but knowing what kind of danger she had put herself in didn’t sit well. Actually, it pissed him off. “You obviously have never met the... Warrior.”

  She seemed to hesitate. Green eyes stared back at him, and Viktor wondered if she was going to answer him at all or tell him to fuck off. She sighed and leaned back in her chair. “No, I didn’t know him. It was purely for research purposes.”

  “So let me get this straight.” Viktor also leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. “You met a complete stranger... a man... and I use that term loosely, for research? What are you researching? How not to impress a date?” He nodded toward the fake fang.

  Lacey chuckled, the sound sweet and melodic. “It sounds absurd now, but at the time, it was a wonderful idea.” She rolled her eyes, and glanced at her phone that was placed on the table. Finally, her green eyes looked up at him, a small smile ghosting her lips. “I’m researching vampires.”

  Not much took Viktor by surprise. Being alive as long as he has been, he’d either seen it all or heard it all, but yeah, this was a new one. “For?”

  She shifted in her chair, her gaze skirting away from him. “A book,” she whispered, then her eyes shot straight back to him as if waiting for his reaction.

  “I’m sorry.” Viktor leaned a little closer. “Did you say a book? You met a stranger, alone, because of a book.”

  “For my book,” she replied. A little attitude lifted her voice, and she tilted her head. “And that is why I met him in a very public place. I was perfectly safe, Mr. Valentino.”

  Surprise flickered through him that she’d picked up his name, but he wished she would have said his first name. He was no Mr., that was for damn sure. “Well, since I’m a vampire, let me help you on some of your research, Lacey.” He cocked his eyebrow at her and was pleased when her eyes flared at hearing her name spoken by him. “Many vampires have powers of mind control. Not all, but some. Even though Fake Fang didn’t, you could have been in danger even in a very public place.”

  Viktor watched as she stared at him, not saying a word. He knew her mind was racing, and he sat silently, letting her digest what he’d just said. It also gave him a chance to continue to study her.

  “I have mace,” she finally responded, as if proud of herself.

  “You could mace me, and I would be perfectly fine,” Viktor countered.

  “Really?” Her eyes widened.

  “Yes, really.” Viktor nodded, then frowned. “What kind of book?”

  A blush colored her cheeks as her eyes once again shifted away from him. She took a long drink of her wine, finishing it off. A waiter rushed over to refill her glass, but Viktor shook his head at him discretely, wanting this woman sober. He knew how much Lacey had drunk already and one more glass could end their conversation prematurely. That wasn’t going to happen. He was too intrigued by this woman, and it would end when he wanted it to end.

  “I’m writing a paranormal...” She hesitated as she looked back at him. “Romance.”

  Viktor had no idea what the hell she was talking about. “Okay,” he said a little slowly, his eyes narrowing somewhat. “Exactly what is a paranormal romance?”

  “It’s a... well, ah....” Lacey glanced over at the waiter, trying to wave him down as she held her wineglass. The waiter looked directly at Viktor, who glared at him in warning. The waiter suddenly became busy moving away from their table. “Shoot.”

  “Lacey.” Viktor’s voice grabbed her attention. He looked down at his watch then checked his phone. “I have about a half an hour. Since I ran your... research project away, ask me what you need to know.”

  “Are you serious?” She gasped as a smile spread across her face.

  “I’m always serious,” Viktor responded with a nod, curious of the forthcoming questions.

  Lacey was stunned. Here she was sitting across from a real vampire. Well, she had been in the presence of vampires before and she could honestly say that not one of them compared to the man she was looking at right now. But it wasn’t like she had a conversation with any of them unless it was online and even then Brett was the first one she started talking to, and he wouldn’t answer any questions until they met. Now she knew the reason for that. Sweet baby Jesus, she didn’t even know where to start.

  “Are you really a Vampire Council Warrior?” Lacey asked, then cursed to herself. Seriously, that was her first question. Some writer she was going to be.

  “I am,” he responded without any explanation whatsoever.

  “Are you married?” The words just flew out of her mouth, and this time, she cursed aloud, wondering why in the hell her thoughts, private thoughts, were easily leaving her lips. “What I meant to ask is, do you marry? Is that something vampires do?”

  “I know some vampires who marry in the traditional human way if they find someone willing to marry them,” Viktor replied, a half grin on his face. “But a lot of them just mate.”

  “Mate?” Lacey frowned, tilting her head as she stared at his smile, almost like she was in a trance. Shaking herself out of it, she glanced into his golden eyes. “You mean they find a mate, and that’s it, or is there something that’s done like a ritual? Maybe words that are spoken?”

  Viktor continued to stare at her without answering her question. He stared so long it made her squirm in her chair. Maybe that wasn’t a proper question to ask a vampire. Okay, on to the next... obviously.

  “Um, okay.” Lacey’s mind suddenly went blank. “Ah, let’s see—”

  “Sex.” Viktor interrupted.

  “Excuse me,” she choked out. Her hand traveled to her chest, hoping to calm her heart that had already been beating fast but was now thumping so hard she thought she was going to pass out.

  “Usually the mating happens during sex,” Viktor replied bluntly, again, without further explanation.

  “Oh, good to know” was all Lacey could think to reply with. This was so not how she thought her research was going to go. She thought she would be sitt
ing across from a vampire asking sterile questions as if interviewing them for a job and, in a way, she was. A starring role in her novel. Never in her wildest dreams did she think that she would be panting over the vampire she was questioning.

  “Exactly what is a paranormal romance?” Viktor leaned up and placed his arms on the table.

  She shrugged her shoulder. It wasn’t as if she was embarrassed by what she was writing, but it was a little intimidating to be talking about this with a man. “It depends, I guess. My book is about a human who falls in love with a vampire. I want to make it as real as possible. I have the human side down, sort of.” She snorted. “But the vampire persona I want to get right. The only way I can do that is to talk to one.”

  When Viktor didn’t respond, she sighed.

  “My friends think I’m nuts, and my dad just thinks it’s a ‘phase’ I’m going through.” She legitimately used air quotes, her pride stinging a little that she wasn’t receiving any support. “But it’s something I know I can do and what I’ve wanted to do for a long time. After I was fired from the job I had since after high school, I knew this was my chance, so I’m taking it. I saved up some money that I’m living on with the help of a part-time job. I only have one chance to chase my passion before I have to start being an adult again and get a real nine-to-five job.”

  Still, he didn’t say anything, just sat and listened.

  “Why am I telling you this?” She chuckled, the sound nervous. Shaking her head before placing both hands on her burning cheeks, she murmured, “Maybe I am nuts.”

  “No, you’re not.” Viktor’s voice cut through her embarrassment. He then pulled out his phone and looked at it before putting it away. “Most people never get a chance to do what they really want to do in their life. Or they do, and they let it slip away. Those are the people who are nuts.”

  Lacey smiled, her heart and body warming at his words. “Thank you.” She reached out and touched his hand, then pulled back quickly as a prickly sensation flashed through her fingers and up her arm. “Strangely, that means so much, even if I hardly know you. This was really nice of you to do.”

  “Yeah well, I’m a hell of a nice guy,” Viktor grunted, then pulled out his phone again. “Excuse me.”

  Smiling, Lacey nodded. She couldn’t believe she’d really met a polite and gentlemanly vampire. Who knew! Not that she thought that vampires were all bad, but definitely intimidating.

  “What in the hell do you want?” Viktor growled in the phone, making Lacey’s head snap back in surprise. “Bishop, if you go straight to voice mail, that means I’m declining your call, asshole. No, I haven’t talked to Sloan. No, I’m not going to tonight. And yes, I’m hanging up on you right now.”

  Watching him once again put his phone away, Lacey cleared her throat, but before she could say anything, the waiter came with the food Brett had ordered her. Veal. Yuck. “Can I have a box please?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” The waiter hurried off to do as she asked.

  “I hate veal.” She grimaced, then took the box that the waiter promptly brought back. She emptied the whole plate into the box and closed it. “Obviously, Brett got that wrong.”

  “Warrior boy got a lot wrong tonight,” Viktor replied, then smiled.

  Lacey laughed with a nod. “Yes, he did.” She started digging through her purse before picking up the check the waiter left. “Listen, I’m sure being a Warrior yourself you have more important things to do than sit here talking to a wanna-be writer asking silly questions.”

  Viktor took the check out of her hand then stood and grabbed his off the table. He pulled out his wallet, taking money out, then handed it to the waiter who was close by. “Keep the change.”

  The waiter’s eyes opened wide at the cash in his hand then up at Viktor. “Thank you, sir.”

  Viktor nodded, then sat back down. “Actually, I can’t quite remember how long it’s been since I’ve enjoyed a night so much.” Viktor smiled at her. “Not only did I get my aggression out on a total dumbass, but I got to spend a few minutes with a very smart and beautiful woman.”

  Lacey had never in her life melted. She hadn’t known it was possible, but it was. She felt like a big pile of wiggly goo in her chair. If she had to stand at that very moment, she knew for a fact her legs wouldn’t hold her. “That’s very sweet.”

  Viktor laughed as he stood then walked around to pull out her chair. “There is absolutely nothing sweet about me, Lacey.” Once she was standing successfully, she waited before taking a step as she grabbed her purse and phone. She quickly pulled up her Uber app for a ride. She collected the box and let this handsome man lead her out of the restaurant. Once outside, she shivered at the cool night air.

  “Where is your car?” He stared down at her. “I want to make sure you get to it safely.”

  “Oh, I didn’t drive,” she said, then spotted an older man sitting on the sidewalk against the building. She headed that way. “I took an Uber. One should be here in just a second.”

  She felt his presence behind her as she approached the man who was obviously homeless or at least in great need for a meal.

  “Sir.” She bent down slightly. When he looked up with tired eyes that had seen and lived tragedy she couldn’t even begin to fathom, she handed him the box. “Here’s a nice warm meal for you.”

  “Thank you, miss.” The old man gave her a toothless smile of gratitude.

  “Enjoy,” she replied, then stood and headed back toward the front of the restaurant. She looked up at Viktor, who stared down at her. “My ride should be here any second. Thank you for everything, and the meal I didn’t order. I wish there was something I could do for you for your kindness.” She grinned. Lacey swore she saw a flare of something in his eyes, but then it was gone, and that was a damn shame. The flare of his golden eyes was definitely sexy.

  “There is.” Viktor’s tone was low and even. “Stay off those sites and stop meeting strangers.”

  “But I still have so many questions,” she said, then nodded. “Though I will be more careful in the future.”

  Her car arrived, and Viktor walked her to the vehicle. He opened the door as she peeked in.

  “Hi. Aaron?” she questioned before getting in.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He had turned, looking at her with a friendly smile. “And you’re Lacey Cruz, I take it.”

  “That I am.” Lacey chuckled as she scooted into the back seat. She faced the still open door. “Thank you again, Viktor Valentino. It was very nice meeting you.”

  “I’m not.” Viktor smiled down at her before he reached in the front seat and took a pen and paper, writing something down. He tossed the pen back to Aaron with a hundred-dollar bill. “Make sure she gets home safely.”

  “You got it, man,” Aaron replied in awe, then added a quieter, “Holy shit.”

  “You’re not what?” Lacey frowned, ignoring how he’d just given her driver that much money. She really wanted to know what he meant.

  “Married or mated.” He winked, handed her the piece of paper, then backed away and shut the door.

  Lacey gasped, her hand going to her throat as his words sank in. A smile curved her lips as the car began to move. She angled her head to look out the back window of the car. Viktor stood watching her, his golden gaze glowing under the streetlight. Her heart fluttered widely, and every instinct inside her wanted her Uber driver, Aaron, to stop the car so she could run back to him, but she squashed those instincts. Tonight had been eventful enough. As the car turned down another street, Viktor Valentino disappeared, but his image, she was afraid, would be with her for a long time.

  Remembering the paper, she peered down and gasped again, this time almost choking. The note written in masculine handwriting read: Questions for your bestseller, call. 555-5551.

  Lacey held the paper to her chest, leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Yes, his image was still there, and she wondered if she would ever have enough nerve to call him because she had plenty of questions. A large
smile spread across her face as a sigh escaped her lips.

  “Good night?” Aaron asked from the front of the car.

  “Yes,” she replied, realizing how breathless she sounded. “A very good night.”

  Chapter 3

  Viktor walked into the fully furnished condo he and his brother shared while in Cincinnati. His brother sat at the kitchen counter working on his laptop. He didn’t even turn around when Viktor entered, but his mouth started right away.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” Bishop ranted as he continued looking at the screen. “And fuck you for hanging up on me.”

  Taking off his jacket, Viktor placed it where he could easily get to it. It was a habit, a habit that had saved his life more than once. Not only did he have weapons in hidden pockets of his jacket, but on his body as well. One never knew in their line of business.

  From the fridge, he grabbed a beer, then pulled out a stool at the counter and sat down across from his brother. “Don’t worry about it, Mom,” Viktor grouched as he stared at the label on the beer bottle. His mind was still on Lacey and the fact he’d stood like a pansy-ass as the car she rode away in disappeared. Seriously, who did that? Sure as hell not him, but he did.

  “Sloan is blowing my phone up.” Bishop glared at him over the computer. “We need to give him an answer and soon.”

  “We’ve been free agents for so long,” Viktor replied absently. “I don’t see why we need to change anything. We’re here to help out, and once it’s done, we leave.”

  “I don’t know, man. It’s different here than any other branch we’ve attached to for short periods. These guys know their shit, not that the others didn’t, but these guys are a team.” Bishop shut his laptop. “We’ve been in branches where egos run high, way too high.”


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