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Viktor Page 16

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Whether or not I trust their judgment.” Viktor answered with truth and without hesitation.

  “So as long as the person isn’t a total idiot, you may let them make that decision themselves.” Lacey’s eyes went to his lips as a grin tipped a corner.

  “That’s one way to put it, I guess.” Viktor crossed his arms, forcefully stopping himself from grabbing her against him to show her what the lips she was staring at could do. Not only to hers but to her body as well.

  “Well, Mr. Valentino, I’m not an idiot. Far from it. I know exactly what you are as a VC Warrior. I’ve researched, which I’m good at. Plus I ask a lot of questions, and Jill likes to talk.” This time it was Lacey’s turn to grin. It faded quickly. “That night at the restaurant I felt something with you, and it frightens me.”

  Okay, that was definitely not what Viktor wanted to hear. “I frighten a lot of people, or so Bishop says.”

  “Bishop is an idiot.” Lacey took a step toward him. “But that’s not what I mean. It’s not you I fear. The feeling I had when you sat across from me was instant and something I’ve never felt before. My fear is you walking away and me never having that feeling again with anyone else. I don’t know if that would even be possible.”

  “Like you were... home.” Viktor’s words were most definitely not a question. He felt the truth of her words soul deep. When he had looked into her beautiful kind eyes, he’d felt as if he’d come home.

  Biting her lip, she nodded as tears formed. When he started for her, she put up her hands. “Wait.” She took a step back, but he had already stopped instantly. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes then opened to stare straight into his soul. “What you do and your label of a VC Warrior... they’re not who you are. Not really. It’s a part of who you are and something I’m fine with. I know the dangers.”

  He cocked an eyebrow at her. “I seriously doubt that.”

  “I can walk out of here right now and fall down the steps, hit my head. Or I can slip on a wet floor and fracture my wrist. I can get into an Uber, and the driver could have an accident. I can be healthy and vibrant one minute like my mom, then die months later from cancer or something else. Nothing is guaranteed in this life, Viktor.” A tear slipped down her cheek. “Nothing. And the more time we waste worrying what tomorrow will hold is another day of living wasted. I accept who you are as a VC Warrior. I accept the dangers and possible consequences that may or may not ever come. I accept you, Viktor, but I’m not the one with the issue.”

  Her words hit home like a brick to the gut.

  “It’s you who has to accept me. As a human.” Lacey whispered the words he strangely knew were coming.

  This time he tugged her in his arms, holding her tightly against him. Leaning back, he tilted her face up to his. “I am a Protector, Lacey.” He kissed her forehead before looking back down at her. “I cannot change that.”

  “I’m not asking you to change anything.” Lacey touched his face gently. “I’m asking you not to make my decisions for me. I know exactly the dangers that are out there, and I fully take responsibility. That’s hard for you, I know, but it’s easy for me. I know what I want. Life is short. No one can predict what is going to happen, not even a mighty VC Warrior.”

  She laid her head against his chest, holding on to him. He hadn’t felt this content for a very long time, if ever. He had been free to fall for anyone for more years than he could count, but there hadn’t been anyone since Emilia who he had interest in... until now.

  “I just scared you away, didn’t I?” Lacey sighed before trying to push away, but he held her to him.

  “It’s not an easy life. I know you think you know, but I’m not sure you do,” Viktor replied, not answering her question. “I’ve done and seen things that would turn your blood cold. This isn’t the life I would choose for the woman I care about.”

  Slowly, Lacey lifted her face toward his. “Then send me away, Viktor.” She searched his eyes. “Now. Send me away now.”

  “I can’t.” Viktor’s voice lowered. As much as he knew that was the right thing to do for her, he couldn’t do it. Not yet, anyway.

  “Good, because I don’t want to go.” She rose on her tiptoes, but even then he had to lean down. Their mouths met. At first, the kiss was sweet but soon turned into one of passion.

  Viktor swung her up in his arms, his mouth still locked to hers. They became frantic, and he knew without any doubts that he was in love with this amazing woman. Never did he think when he came to Cincinnati with his brother that he would find Lacey Cruz sitting across from a dumbass wannabe vampire and save her from a big mistake. At the moment, he knew she was special... special to him.

  Careful of her hand, he carried her toward his bedroom. He would offer her a small taste of his blood, just enough to heal her hand. He hated the thought of her being in pain. His cock hardened thinking of her tasting him, and his mind blew thinking of tasting her. The short steps upstairs and down the hallway took longer than he wanted because he kept having to stop in order to figure out where he was going. Her mouth played havoc with his sense of direction.

  With one hand, he held her securely and the other, he opened his door, slamming it shut behind them. Putting her down carefully, his mouth left hers. “Are you sure?”

  Her smile was sexy, no ploy of innocence in her eyes. She stripped off her gypsy shirt, then shimmied out of her skirt. She had already removed her shoes at some point, but he had no recollection of when since his eyes were glued to the white swells of her tits in a blue lace bra. He was definitely a tit guy and his mouth watered, wanting a taste. His eyes lowered to the matching panties she wore. It was just a scrap of lace, nothing much at all. The roundness of her belly made his fingers flex to touch its smoothness. He loved a woman with a little meat on her bones and tits that overflowed his hands.

  Viktor’s gaze moved up her body as he adjusted his cock, which pressed painfully against his jeans. Their eyes met, and he saw a flare of lust behind the greenness. He could scent her desire. Her hands moved to the front of her bra as she unhooked it, letting her tits bounce free.

  “The question is Warrior, are you sure?” she answered his question with one of her own.

  With a growl, he was on her. She squealed in surprise, and he reminded himself to watch his strength. But one thing for sure, her teasing was going to be paid back in full. Before he made love to her, he was going to fuck her until she screamed in ecstasy.

  For the first time in his life, Viktor almost squealed himself when her unhurt small hand cupped him through his jeans and squeezed with enough pressure to almost make him lose his shit.

  “I’m not made of glass, Warrior.” She licked her lips as she looked from her hand squeezing him through his jeans up to his face. “I like men who take control.”

  He growled, feeling a rage building inside him at the mention of men from her lips. “I will be the only man who takes control.” He pulled her up his body, pulling one of her tits into his mouth and then the next, before glaring at her. “And unless you want me hunting down every single man you’ve ever had, then I suggest you not speak about them. Is that understood?”

  Lacey smiled as she used her hand on the back of his head to maneuver him back to her breast. “Understood.” She moaned when his fang scraped her nipple and Viktor had never heard anything sweeter.

  Chapter 25

  Lacey was afraid she was maybe too forward. She was a sexual person, always had been. That was either a turn on or a turn off with men. There was no gray area. They either loved it or thought she was a slut.

  As Viktor shed his clothes with her help in record time, she figured she knew he was loving it. Relief was swift as it swarmed over her. Now she could focus on pleasing him as he pleased her. Her eyes feasted on his cock as he sprung from his jeans. He was commando, but she would have bet money on that fact. She could usually call the commando guys, and Viktor was definitely one of those. They fell into two categories for her—either badasses or
country boys.

  Lacey didn’t have a shy bone in her body so her reaching out and grasping his hardness bothered her not one bit. His groan of desire told her he didn’t mind it too much himself. With knowing hands, she explored until he reached down and grabbed her to him.

  “Let me know if I hurt you.” Viktor growled against her neck before his mouth traced a wet path to her breast.

  The feelings this man’s touch evoked within her made it impossible for her to form coherent words, so she just made a noise of agreement. She wanted a man to take control in the bedroom. She didn’t want to be petted. Hell no. She wanted to be loved and loved well. She trusted Viktor and knew without a doubt he would be careful with her. But if he were too careful, she would definitely let him know.

  They spent time exploring each other’s bodies, his mouth tasting every inch of hers. And as he hovered over her core, she wanted to scream at his teasing—whether intentional or not. “You’re driving me insane.” She finally managed to move the words past her heavy breathing.

  “Good,” he hissed as his breath tickled her pussy. “Payback for all the times I’ve walked around with a hard-on since meeting you.”

  A large smile spread across her face at his words. “Now that’s a compliment.” She chuckled, then almost screamed as his mouth began its assault. “Oh God!”

  Lacey lost count how many times Viktor’s mouth brought her to the edge only to stop before she could actually find release. She swore between moans, curses, and cries that payback would be hell.

  Finally, he prowled up her body as if she were prey. In a way, she was. And she liked it, a lot. Their eyes met as he lifted her hips with one hand while staring down at her and slid inside her with one swift thrust. His eyes shifted down as he watched her tits bounce. He pulled out, his gaze meeting hers again just before he plunged back into her. She knew he was observing her closely to make sure he wasn’t hurting her. It was sweet, yet aggravating because she wanted him to let loose with her without fear of hurting her. While Lacey realized his power was unworldly, she wanted more.

  “Is that all you’ve got, Warrior?” she teased, letting him know she was fine and could take more. Much more.

  He smirked at her, but his eyes glazed over with lust as he pumped into her, harder and faster. His gaze traveled from hers to her tits bouncing all over the place with each thrust. He was a breast man. Good to know.

  Once again, he brought her to the brink then pulled completely out of her. Before she could shout out her displeasure, he turned her over and pulled her up to her knees. “Lean on your elbows, not on your hands.”

  “Way ahead of ya.” Lacey’s breathy response echoed around them. She positioned herself ready for him. Yes, this was one of her favorite positions, and holy shit was she ready. Her wrist still throbbed, but she ignored it. The pleasure so outweighed the pain. If he brought her to the edge again, she might just smack him though because she so needed to go over that edge.

  She thought she was prepared for him, but when he slid in slowly, then grabbed her hips with his large hands moving her to his rhythm, she almost passed out. While she’d had sex in this position before, it was never like this. He was in control of everything, and she fucking loved it. All she had to do was prepare herself for an onslaught of pleasure.

  Feeling one of his hands leave her hips, she knew where it was headed, and she wasn’t wrong. His strong hand grabbed her tit and then the other squeezed it whole before going to the nipples and twisting them to the point of sweet pain.

  His pace quickened. She could feel him building; he was close. She had been there at least four times already and was there again now. His hand returned to her hip as he pumped into her at a rhythm she hoped he never forgot. His other hand reached between her legs, but he really didn’t need to help her with his fingers. She was beyond ready and just as he plunged into her hard and held, she felt him release, and she exploded around him.

  Tears burst from her eyes as her mouth opened in a silent scream. Nothing had ever felt sweeter than this moment. Yeah, she had found release with a few men, but this was a coming together of epic fucking proportions, and if it didn’t happen like this for them again, she may have to become a nun because sex would never be the same for her.

  After her pussy finally stopped holding his cock hostage with the aftereffects, she fell against the bed and felt him roll off her to lie beside her.

  “Hey!” His hand moved her hair out of her face. “Did I hurt you? Are you crying? Lacey?”

  “You’ve ruined sex for me,” she finally said with a sniff.

  He frowned, leaning to stare at her. “What?”

  “If we don’t work out, you’ve made damn sure sex is ruined for me.” Lacey couldn’t keep a straight face. “I’ll have to become a nun. No man will ever come close to what you just did to me.”

  “Jesus.” Viktor fell back on the bed and put his forearm over his eyes. “I thought I hurt you.”

  Lacey laughed as she climbed on top of him. “No, you didn’t hurt me.”

  He moved his arm and glared up at her. “And stop talking about other men, dammit.” He growled then carefully but quickly rolled her to where he was on top of her, but kept his weight on his forearms. “There will be no other men for you. Understood?”

  She nodded, then smiled. Lacey wasn’t into men who were jealous, but something about his alpha tendencies sent her heart beating rapidly as well as turned her on. “I wouldn’t make a good nun anyway.”

  Viktor’s eyes darkened as he looked down at her body, then grinned. “That would be a sin in itself.”

  Moving her body against his, she smirked, loving the teasing side of him. “You ready for round two?”

  A deep laugh escaped his lips. “I have a feeling I better be.”

  “Damn straight.” Lacey rolled him again, but only because he let her. She straddled him. “Lay back and enjoy the ride, Warrior. It’s my turn.”

  Viktor climbed the stairs with plates of food. He’d attempted to come downstairs twice before to get them something to eat, but he had failed until finally, their growling stomachs warned them it was time. He also knew he was going to need to feed soon. He hated using donors, but now that’s what he was going to do. He usually found a vampire who he was attracted to, took his fill of her blood and fucked her as a thank-you. It worked out great for both of them. Now that was out of the question.

  Walking into the bedroom, he was greeted by Lacey’s sexy ass, and he moaned. Food. They needed food, he mentally told his cock that began to harden again.

  “Come on and eat.” Viktor waited until she sat up before handing her a plate with a sandwich and chips.

  “Thanks.” She took it with her good hand, then grimaced when she tried to pick up her sandwich with her wrapped one.

  “Still hurting?” He frowned, watching her closely.

  “A little bit, but it’s okay.” Lacey smiled, setting her plate down, then began to eat with her uninjured hand. “I’ve had worse.”

  He knew if she could drink just a little bit of his blood her wrist would be fine within an hour, if that, but he really didn’t know how she would respond. Human’s didn’t understand that part of the vampire world.

  “Can you survive on food alone?” Lacey asked, glancing at his plate as if she had read his mind about blood.

  “No, I have to have blood, or I’ll grow weak and eventually die,” he replied honestly. “Some vampires who are deprived of blood can become rogue and start feeding on anyone.”

  “Who do you get your blood from?” Lacey crossed her legs and sat completely naked as if she didn’t have a care in the world.

  That was something he really loved about her. She was open and honest. It was refreshing. “The Vampire Council supplies donors to Warriors without mates.”

  They continued to eat in silence and Viktor could see her mind racing behind her clever eyes. “You can have my blood,” she finally said, peering up at him under lower lashes. “I’ll be your

  His dick twitched at the thought of tasting her blood. He knew it would blow his mind with its taste. “I would love to taste you, but unfortunately, I cannot survive on human blood. It has to be vampire blood.”

  “Oh,” she replied with a frown, popping a chip into her mouth and chewing slowly. Her eyes caught sight of his hardening cock. “It’s sexual when you take blood.”

  “It can be, yes.” He didn’t really lie, but if when he took blood from a donor now, he didn’t want her worried he was going to fuck them. Before her, he would have done just that with no hesitation. “But just the thought of sinking my fangs into that beautiful neck of yours and tasting you does that to me.” He motioned toward his impressive cock.

  Viktor also knew he could heal her wrist, but humans sometimes had a horrific reaction when offered their blood. It wasn’t an everyday question to ask someone. With a frown, he decided he’d rather see her reaction than to allow her to remain in pain if he could help her. “Do you know that vampire blood in a very small amount can heal?” Viktor placed his empty plate on the table next to the bed.

  “So what Jill said is actually true? Not just made-up fiction by Hollywood?” Lacey handed him her plate but stayed where she was.

  “Yes, it’s true.” Viktor glanced at her wrist, glad Jill had actually broken the ice in Slade’s office. He had totally forgot about that. “I offer you mine to heal you.”

  “Yes,” Lacey said without hesitation. “And then you can take mine while you fuck me.”

  Viktor’s eyes widened in surprise at her words. Immediately, he regretted the reaction when an embarrassed blush rose from her chest to her cheeks.

  “Shocked you, didn’t I?” She rolled her eyes. “I’ll try to watch myself and not be so direct.”

  Reaching out, he pulled her onto his lap tilting her face up to his. “Never change.” He kissed her. “I love that you’re comfortable enough with me to tell me exactly what you want, how you want it, and when you want it. Don’t ever apologize for that.”


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