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Viktor Page 18

by Teresa Gabelman

  “No, what’s fucked up is we walked in here to brainstorm on ways to torture Viktor.” Lacey rolled her eyes. “Now I’m thinking of ways to apologize.”

  “The bastard punched me in the face... hard,” Bishop growled, his eyes narrowing. “He needs to apologize to me.”

  “And we both know that’s not happening.” Lacey stated a truth. No way would Viktor apologize because, in all honesty, Bishop had deserved it.

  “It’s in our makeup,” Bishop said without looking at her. “Protecting the ones we care about. It’s not just a job. Most people think that vampires are evil creatures, out to kill anything with a heartbeat. Some are, but most aren’t. Anyone who takes the vow of a VC Warrior lives, eats, and breathes by a certain code. To protect those who cannot protect themselves. And the thing that drives us to protect, triples when it’s someone we care about.”

  Lacey nodded with a sigh. “I can understand that, but I wanted him to show up because of me, not some duty he had to perform. Selfish and a little immature, I guess, but that’s what I was looking for.” Lacey was silent for a second as if thinking about her words. She shook her head, laughing. “Why am I talking to you about this?”

  “I have no idea.” Bishop chuckled, and raised his cup, finishing off the coffee.

  “Was he in love with her?” Lacey asked, then bit her lip as if trying to stop herself.

  “Very much so, but that was a long time ago, Lacey,” Bishop answered, knowing that was all he would answer about Emilia. Not his story to tell, but Lacey didn’t continue with questions.

  She grabbed the coffee pot ready to pour him another cup when a loud bang sounded from the back of the building. She jumped, missing the cup completely as coffee ran across the bar top. Bishop was up, heading toward the noise.

  “Stay here!” he ordered as he headed toward the back. Nothing or no one would come near the woman his brother claimed for his own.

  “Stay here my ass.” Lacey grabbed the wooden baseball bat from underneath the bar. She’d had to pick it up and threaten a time or two when things got out of control, but she never had to swing it. Those who knew her were aware she wouldn’t hesitate to use it though.

  She followed Bishop who turned to look at her over his shoulder. “I told you to stay.”

  “Well, since I’m not a dog, I didn’t obey,” she hissed, then stopped, cocking her head. “It’s coming from the storage room.” She pointed as another loud bang hit the side of the building.

  Bishop walked toward the door, glancing at the bat in her hand. “What the hell is that for?”

  “Crackin’ skulls,” Lacey whispered, and moved behind Bishop as he reached for the door handle. “What do you think?”

  “With you, woman, it’s hard to tell.” Bishop motioned her to stay back, but she was almost plastered to his back.

  In one quick movement, he had the door opened and was inside before Lacey could blink. She reached over, clicked on the lights, and positioned the bat to take someone’s head off. She actually yelled, surprising herself. No one was there.

  “Seriously?” Bishop frowned at her. “I’m working on a surprise attack, and you’re flipping on lights and yelling.”

  Suddenly, the back door leading outside was kicked opened. Two big-ass shadows came barreling inside and Lacey started swinging with everything she had.

  “Fuck!” Bishop shouted. “Stop swinging that fucking bat. It’s Viktor and Charger.”

  Realizing she had her eyes shut tightly, she peeked to see all three Warriors staring at her. Charger was the only one grinning.

  “What in the hell are you doing?” Viktor walked over and took the bat from her.

  She was getting asked that question a lot lately. “I’m protecting Bishop,” she replied, gaining a sideways glance from Bishop. She just shrugged and followed it up with a frown. “Wait a minute. What the hell are you doing here? And you broke the door.”

  Viktor glanced behind him at the door, then to her again. “Easy fix. I heard you yell, door was locked... I kicked it in.”

  Her heart fluttered like it always did when he was near. His words sent a warmth through her body. Maybe having a protector wasn’t that bad. “What were you guys doing? We heard a bunch of loud noises.”

  Bishop and Charger had gone outside, leaving them alone. “I brought material to fix the roof.”

  Immediately, her chin trembled as tears burned the back of her eyes. She tried to look away to regain her composure, but her gaze was transfixed to his. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I know,” he replied without saying anything else.

  “You’re really going to make it hard for me to stay mad at you.” She sniffed, then wiped away a tear that escaped.

  “That’s the plan.” His expression finally changed as a grin tipped the corner of his lips.

  A sob and laugh escaped her. “Well, if you need to know, I had a lot of time to think and I’m not really mad at you anymore. And I kind of came to the conclusion I shouldn’t have been in the first place. I just wanted you to come for me, not out of a sense of duty.”

  Viktor reached out and pulled her to him. “Lacey, to me it’s one in the same.” He tilted her face up to his. “I did come for you, will always come for you just as I will always protect you. As long as I walk this earth, I will protect you.”

  The trembling of her chin evolved into a full-blown ugly cry. She pressed her face into his chest as sobs racked her body. This was all so new to her and she really didn’t know how to handle it. For a while, she had been on her own figuring things out. Her father was lost without her mother and in truth, so was she. Lacey watched out for herself because no one else did. Now, having this man walk into her life and turn it upside down, she was a blubbering mess.

  “Hey,” Viktor whispered against the top of her head. “Look at it this way. We’ve gotten our first little fight out of the way and can look forward to tonight.”

  “Makeup sex?” She sniffed against him, then smiled, looking up at him.

  “Makeup sex,” he repeated with a wink. “You got that skirt and boots?”

  “Yes.” She chuckled and wiped her eyes. “Thank you. I’m not used to being helped, and I worry about my dad getting up on the roof.”

  He leaned down, moving her hands away to wipe the tears away himself. “Wait until tonight, then you can thank me properly.”

  “Are you coming or are we going to fix this roof on our own?” Bishop stuck his head through the open doorway. “I got shit to do, asshole.”

  Lacey watched as Viktor bitched at Bishop as they both disappeared out the door. Her feelings and emotions were so jumbled she took a deep breath. Turning, she headed into the tavern kitchen to make the guys something to eat as a thank you. In truth, the roof issue had been in the back of her mind for quite a while, then after last night, more so. It was nice having someone else to lean on for a change, but she was afraid to get too used to it. Thoughts of his “you are mine” statement earlier kept playing through her mind. She never expected to be the type of woman who would like a man to be so... aggressive in that aspect... to call her his. But the more she thought about it, the more it made her smile. Lacey wondered how he would feel if she grabbed him and informed him that he was hers. Hmm, she may have to try that and see what the big bad Warrior’s reaction would be.

  As she walked into the kitchen, her mind went to something Bishop had said. Viktor had been deeply in love with another woman from his past. She felt a twinge of jealousy but pushed it aside. She just hoped Viktor had made peace with that part of his past, but Lacey was certain her heart was set up to be broken. Shedding tears in front of anyone didn’t happen to her for any reason. No one had seen her cry for her mother; she’d done that alone. Being strong for her dad had been her main concern. Her feelings came second. The tears that fell today wetting Viktor’s shirt told her mind and heart that she was madly in love with him, and that scared her more than anything ever had.

  Chapter 28

>   By the time they’d finished roofing the small section over the storage room, Lacey had fixed them up a ton of food. It hadn’t taken them very long, especially with three of them working. She cleaned up while they ate and had headed up to her apartment to get ready for work at the Red Dragon. If he had any say, which he didn’t yet, she wouldn’t be working there. He didn’t like it.

  “Something big is about to go down,” Charger said out of the blue as he pushed his empty plate away. His golden gaze went between Bishop and Viktor.

  “What makes you think that?” Bishop replied, taking a bite of a pickle. “Something big is always going down. What’s new?”

  “Just a feeling.” Charger took a long drink of his beer, finishing it off. “Unfortunately, by the time I figure it out, it’s too late.”

  Viktor and Bishop had known Charger for a very long time. He looked at his friend closely. Never would anyone think he used to be a man of the cloth. A man of God. Sitting there with his long hair, a thin scar on the side of his face, with a tattooed body and leathers, he looked like someone who’d beat your ass just for the hell of it. All the Dark Guardians had at one time been men of God in one form or another and still were, but in a different way. None of them talked about it, but gave their souls—so to speak—to selflessly defend humanity against the evil spawn from hell who were dead set on ruling all, no matter the sacrifice.

  “You, us, and other paranormals out there are the only ones standing in the way of total annihilation of the human race.” Charger pushed back his chair and stood. “So watch your asses because they are coming after us. No doubt about it.”

  “We appreciate your help, man.” Bishop stretched, then stood too.

  “We’ve been seeing activity, but nothing like you all have been witnessing,” Charger replied, glancing at his phone. “But I think that has everything to do with the Grail females. Orjyll and this Warrick asshole who Sloan told me about are key players. I’d bet my Harley on it. This war will never be over, unless we lose.”

  “Well that isn’t going to fucking happen,” Bishop hissed, his eyes growing dark.

  Viktor knew exactly what Charger meant. If the VC Warriors and Dark Guardians failed, there was no hope. As long as they continued to fight, there would always be someone taking Orjyll and Warrick’s place; the demon spawn would make damn sure of that.

  “If Orjyll resumes his power, what are our chances?” Viktor asked, ignoring Bishop’s growl.

  “Slim.” Charger glanced at Bishop. “But now he has four Grail females, which are two more than he had to worry about before. I’ve talked to Bonnie.”

  “About?” Bishop asked quickly, his eyes narrowing.

  Viktor watched his brother closely and knew something was going on between the two of them. It was because of her that Bishop signed the contract with Sloan. While he hadn’t said as much, Viktor wasn’t a fool.

  “I want her to make contact with him. Bring him out,” Charger replied, then seemed to prepare himself for Bishop’s response.

  “And I hope to fuck she turned you down,” Bishop sneered, and Viktor knew he was trying to keep his cool.

  “Actually, no, she didn’t. That’s why I need Lacey to get onto the Dark Web.” Charger peered at his phone again and typed something. “Bonnie can reach him there. Actually he has been wanting her to contact him, but she has ignored the call, so to speak.”

  “Shit” was all Bishop said, not looking happy at all about this turn of events.

  “I’ve got to take off, but do you think you can ask Lacey if we can make this happen tonight?” Charger glanced at Viktor.

  “She works at the Red Dragon, but I’ll ask her.” Like Bishop and his reaction to Bonnie, Viktor also didn’t like the idea of Lacey getting involved. But he would be by her side.

  “Good. Tell her thanks for the food,” Charger said as he walked out the door.

  Viktor stood and started grabbing the plates. He glanced at Bishop who stood with a frown on his face. “So what’s up with you and Bonnie?”

  “She’s a witch, man.” Bishop glared, but then started helping Viktor clean up. “Nothing is going on other than trying to figure this shit out.”

  Knowing his brother as well as he did, Viktor had his answer without Bishop saying it. “What the fuck does her being a witch have to do with anything? She’s not a dark witch.”

  “I’m not having this fucking conversation with you.” Bishop walked around the bar and started rinsing plates. Once he was done, he growled, “Where the hell do these go?”

  “Just set them there and I’ll get them.” He didn’t know where they went either, but he’d figure it out.

  “Cool, I’m out.” Bishop shoulder checked him as he passed, then headed toward the door. “Stay out of my business.”

  “I will when you stay the fuck out of mine,” Viktor countered, and got flipped off as Bishop walked out the door.

  After figuring out where everything went, Viktor turned out the lights and locked up. He hurried up the stairs and into the apartment. He groaned as his dick hardened instantly. Lacey walked out of the bedroom with her phone to her ear.

  “Okay, well, let me know what’s going on,” Lacey said into the phone. “Talk to you soon. Bye.”

  Viktor tried to keep his eyes on hers, but they kept wanting to travel down her body in her Red Dragon uniform. He noticed the disappointed look on her face. “What’s wrong?”

  “There was a huge brawl at the Red Dragon last night.” Lacey sighed, taking her large hoop earrings out. “They had to close and don’t know when they’ll reopen. Sasha said she was glad I wasn’t there. Some of the staff got hurt. She said it looks like a war zone.”

  Not upset by the news in the least, Viktor knew to keep his opinion to himself. He hadn’t liked her working there anyway.

  “Figures as soon as I find something that pays decent and can get ahead, this happens.” She tossed her earrings on the table.

  “Do you get to keep the uniform?” Viktor asked, leaning against the wall, his eyes roaming her body.

  Putting her hand on her hip, she glared at him. “I just lost my job, more or less, and you’re worried about my uniform? Seriously?”

  The grin happened and he couldn’t help it. She looked sexy as hell when she had an attitude. “Seriously,” he replied, his voice low and husky. “If they want it back, ask them a price and I’ll pay it.”

  Her eyes dropped to the bulge pushing against his jeans. “You like it that much?”

  “Actually, what I like is underneath it, but yeah, I like it.” Viktor gave her a nod. “I’d like it even more if you turned around and leaned over that table.”

  Lacey cocked her eyebrow, glancing over her shoulder, then back at him. Then with a smile, she turned and moved toward the table. Spreading her legs apart, she slowly lowered her upper body until she was leaned against the table. Once again, she peered over her shoulder. “Are you going to stand there or do I need to instruct you from here?”

  Viktor didn’t move anything but his eyes, which roamed from the thigh-high boots up to her ass cheeks that hung out the bottom of the short black skirt. Pushing away from the wall, he took off his jacket and laid it on the back of the couch as he approached her.

  She watched every move he made, her breathing picking up the pace—heavy and fast. She remained still as he stalked toward her. He reached Lacey, grasped her hips, and pulled up so her ass was right at his bulge. He moved her bare skin up and down against him so she could feel his hardness.

  “The only one instructing will be me,” he growled as he raised her skirt higher. “Spread your legs more.” He helped using his leg. His hand ran up the cheek of her ass as he gripped the thin thong material with both hands and ripped them off her. Her moan made him hiss.

  Unbuttoning then unzipping his jeans, he freed his cock. He ran his hand down her ass to her pussy to make sure she was ready for him. She was wet and swollen, exactly how he wanted her.

  Trailing his hand up her
back, he grasped her hair, tugging her head back carefully but with purpose. He leaned over, his body pressed into her, his cock throbbing against her bare skin. “I have never wanted anyone more than I want you.” His voice was husky and raw. She wiggled her ass in response. “Tell me you want me.”

  “I want you,” she cried, pressing against him, seeking the release they both wanted.

  With a kiss and quick bite to her neck, he let go of her hair as his hand felt her tit over her shirt. He squeezed with enough strength to make her groan in pleasure. Knowing he was close, he used his other hand to guide his cock to her opening. After the first thrust, his control could dangerously get out of control. Both of his hands went to her hips as he focused and pulled her up higher. He did all the work, fucking her fast and hard, but remained in control, which was much harder than he ever imagined.

  She tightened around him as she screamed out her release, but he continued to pump inside her not ready for this to end. If it were up to him, he would fuck her all night, and he could definitely do it. Moving her ass in a circular motion, her moan rang out.

  “Oh yeah!” she hissed in response to that move. “Please, Viktor.”

  A masculine grin curved his lips as her pleasure washed over him. He moved her ass in different ways, gaining sexy reactions from her. Her moans, groans, even curses made him harder, but he knew if he continued much longer he would hurt her. With one deep thrust, Viktor held himself still as he released so deep inside her it made him shake and feel weak. Fuck! Never had he felt that before. As he filled her, she cried out, clawing at the table as she once again came.

  Once she’d come down, he slowly pulled out of her. Immediately, he felt the absence of her. Tucking his cock back in his pants, he snaked his arm around her stomach, lifting her off the table and into his arms.

  She turned and clung to him, her eyes finding his. “I love you.”

  Her words hit him so deep he became speechless, just for a second. As soon as he opened his mouth to repeat her words back to her, his phone rang. Everything stopped for him at that moment.


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