Hoss: A Rough Romance

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Hoss: A Rough Romance Page 8

by Delta James

  “It can wait,” she said.

  Offering her his hand, he was gratified when she took it and followed him down the stairs. He checked the security system again. Another sensor was down, this one at the main gate. He flipped a switch, which started a red blinking light, and then locked up the Victrola.

  “You still know how to ride?” he asked. She nodded. “Can you saddle your own horse, or do you need me to do it?”

  “I remember how.”

  She followed him as he slipped out the kitchen door and headed for the barn. He led two horses out of their stalls. Hoss was impressed that she grabbed a brush and made quick work of ensuring that at least the area where the saddles would go was groomed and free of anything that could cause the horses discomfort.

  They worked well in tandem. Hoss tossed saddle blankets on both and then their saddles. Remi immediately began cinching up one horse while he started the other.

  “Can you handle a rifle?” he asked.


  He could hear in her voice the effort she was making to control her fear.

  “Good. You finish up with Banjo here and I’ll get us a couple of rifles and scabbards. Banjo’s my horse. That bay you’ll be riding is Ziggy.”

  He headed into the tack room and grabbed rifles, ammunition, and scabbards. He also grabbed a lasso. He didn’t know that he’d need it, but it might come in handy. When he came back into the main saddling area, he was pleased to see that both horses were saddled, bridled, and Remi was adjusting the stirrups on her saddle.

  Quickly attaching the rifles to the offside, he said, “Ready to ride, Remi?”

  “Yippee kay yeah,” she said with a grim smile.

  Hoss couldn’t resist the urge to pull her close and kiss her at least once in a meaningful way. His mouth descended on hers as his lips captured hers with a fiery passion to which she responded immediately. He lingered in her embrace far longer than he should have. Remi showed no indication that she wasn’t experiencing the same thing.

  He swatted her rear. “Let’s ride. I think they may have compromised the front drive and the rear exit. I’m sure they’re in motorized vehicles. We’re going to strike off to the east and get up into the foothills. That’s rough country; even a horse will have trouble with it. Anything with a motor doesn’t stand a chance. You do what I say, when I say. Clear?”

  Again, she nodded and they both swung into their saddles, Remi guiding her horse behind his. They rode quickly between a series of gates until they got to one of his open fields. He nodded toward their destination and galloped off.

  He was gratified to hear the echoing hoof beats of Remi’s horse right behind him. What he wasn’t happy about was the far-off sound of ATVs. He asked Banjo for a little more speed and Ziggy kept pace. He flinched as he heard an explosion and turned to see Remi rein her horse to a stop to look at him questioningly and back toward the sound of the blast.

  “I left a couple of surprises for them back at the house,” he answered.

  The words had no sooner left his mouth than another explosion was heard, and they could see a small fireball in the distance.

  “That would be the SUV. Come on, Remi, we need to keep moving.”

  They rode for another hour. Hoss had almost convinced himself they would make it to safety when he heard the sound of an approaching helicopter. The whir of a bullet passing by his head and the spitting sand where it missed its mark and landed in the ground negated any thought that it might be a benign presence. Before he could decide to return fire or make a run for it, he realized Remi had stopped again; only this time, she had removed the rifle from its scabbard and took aim at their pursuers.

  He was impressed; she didn’t try for the lone gunman hanging out the door or one of the rotors. Instead, she fired square into the middle of the cabin, making the pilot duck the chopper away from them.

  “Good shot,” he said. “But I said to keep moving. Let’s go.”

  He turned and waited until she’d put the rifle back in the scabbard and fell in behind him. They rode for another half an hour and could hear the chopper rejoining them just as they were able to dodge under the tree line. Hoss immediately veered off in a new direction and waited to see if Remi would follow.

  When she did, he struck out for the hills with hidden canyons and passageways that could get them to safety. He was headed for a place where they could hole up until his men could join them. He wanted to get out from beneath the trees so he could use his sat phone to update them. The problem was he was hesitant to leave the tree cover to make the call.

  Hoss kept them moving toward the hard scrabble of the foothills. They’d be exposed as soon as they left the tree line; he knew that the men in the chopper would spot them and move in for the kill. He rode to the edge of the trees and stopped; Remi moved up beside him.

  “We need to get clear of the trees for my sat phone to work and to get up into the hills. I’m sure we can evade anything that’s land-based, but those in the helicopter will have us in their crosshairs the minute we leave cover,” he said in answer to her unasked question.

  “Can’t we just shoot it down?”

  “In theory, yes, but taking down a chopper with a gun is a bit more difficult in real life than what they show in movies or television.”

  “What if I ride out first, shoot at them and lead them away? Then you could use your phone.”

  “What part of under my protection do you think that hare-brained scheme falls under?”

  “The same part that your use of me as your sexual plaything does,” she snapped.

  Hoss reached across and dragged her back toward him as he kissed her with pent-up emotion.

  “I wasn’t playing, Remi. You do what I tell you, when I tell you. Got it?”

  The blood drained from face and her entire body shivered. Did she find what had passed between them so revolting? Was she repulsed by him or the way he could make her come regardless that it was him doing it? He wasn’t sure if it was his words or just the enormity of their situation finally taking hold.

  “Don’t fold on me, Remi. I need you to stay in the moment and do precisely what I tell you.”

  “I’ve been in bad situations before. I won’t break down and become a burden.”

  “No, you just sit there and argue with the guy you drove almost two thousand miles to get to save your sorry ass,” he snarled back.

  They both could see the helicopter patrolling back and forth between the trees and the foothills like a lazy shark trolling for its next meal. He watched as Remi spun her head to look back the way they’d come. She too had heard the faint sound of vehicular motors.

  “We have to do something; they’re coming for us.”

  “I know, Remi. I’ll get you to safety...”

  The words had barely left his mouth before he watched her spur her horse out into the opening as she pulled the rifle from the scabbard. The little fool! If they lived through this, she’d be lucky to ever sit again.

  He watched in horror as the chopper bore down on her position. She pulled Ziggy up and turned to face it as she brought the rifle up to bear. One of the men inside the cabin leaned out to take aim at her.

  Hoss galloped out into the open as he too loosed his rifle and took aim. He was the first to fire, dropping the man who had exposed himself to take aim at Remi.

  * * *

  Remi heard the shot ring out over the whir of the chopper blades and saw the man bent on shooting her fall from the sky. She turned Ziggy to run back for the relative safety of the trees. She watched as Hoss began to swing the lariat he’d brought with him and charged toward the helicopter. Was he nuts? Did he really think he could just lasso the thing and yank it out of the sky?

  Their pursuers bore down on them, either unaware of Hoss’ insanity or believing him to be a non-threat. She watched as he closed in on the helicopter and threw his loop. Miraculously, it caught on one of the rotors. Remi still didn’t understand what good that would do until she saw
him let go of his end and watched as the rope was sucked up into and around the blades, slowing and then paralyzing them.

  Remi used the ends of her reins to slap Ziggy in the rump, making him leap into a run in one stride, headed in the direction of the hills. She heard the motor seize. She glanced over her shoulder and saw the chopper hang in midair for a split second before crashing into the ground and exploding.

  Ziggy never hesitated, never broke stride; he just headed in the direction she guided him, up a small pathway through the rocks. She prayed Hoss would see her and follow. Looking behind her, she could see him headed for her direction. She reined Ziggy back to a lope and Hoss easily caught up with her. As he galloped past her, she fell in behind him.

  They hadn’t gone far when they reached an outcropping of rock. Hoss slowed their pace and guided them into a spot that put them behind one rock and under the other but gave them a panoramic view of the area below them. He got off Banjo and loosened the cinch on the saddle, making sure his horse was more comfortable. Remi followed suit.

  “I can’t believe you roped that helicopter out of the sky like that,” she said.

  “Sometimes you have to improvise, especially when the person you’re trying to keep safe insists on doing whatever the fuck she wants,” he snarled. “What part of do what I say weren’t you clear on?”

  He reached into his saddlebags, pulled out his sat phone, and dialed.

  “Murph? [Pause] Yeah, we’re safe... at least for now. I’ve got us a spot where we can see them coming and we can defend pretty easily. [Pause] The explosions? The small one was my SUV, the bigger one was a chopper. [Pause] What’s your ETA to our position? [Pause] That’ll work. [Pause] Remi is fine for the moment, but once we get to a safe place, I’m going to need some time to explain the rules again. Apparently she’s having some trouble understanding them. [Pause]” Morgan chuckled. “I’ll be sure to let her know your thoughts and suggestions on making sure she gets the point. Trust me, she’s going to have my pointer used on her in a variety of ways until I’m sure she understands.”

  Remi hated the way his last words made her feel—a mixture of concern and lust. She had no doubt that he would punish her. That alone made her pussy clench, but the thought of what would come after. The way he made her feel; the way he forced her surrender to her most base desires; the way he made her call his name in need and then groaned in satisfaction.

  He turned and grinned at her, gazing at her flushed body with its stiffened nipples tenting the sweater. She thanked whatever higher powers that must exist that he couldn’t see she was dripping onto the inseam of her jeans.

  Hoss sauntered over to her, briefly checking the field of fire below them, before running his hand up under her sweater to tug at her nipple, drawing her toward him.

  “Like the sound of that, did you, Remi?”

  “That reinforcements are on the way?”

  He chuckled as he moved his hand to her other stiffened tip and pinched it.

  “Somehow I don’t think it’s the reinforcements that excite you and make you wet. And you are wet, aren’t you, Remi?”

  “Arousal is a normal reaction to thwarted danger.”

  He laughed out loud. “You keep telling yourself that, Remi. But you’re right. Bringing down that chopper has slowed them down, my men are closer than I thought and I have a major hard-on.”

  Hoss drew the rifle from the scabbard and ensured that it was fully loaded. He tied both of their horses and then hauled her over to a flat rock that looked down on the path anyone would have to follow in order to get to them. He shoved her up against it, reaching around to unfasten her jeans and jerk them down past her knees. As he bent her over the rock, Remi struggled as he pinned her down and caressed her bottom, before slipping his hand between her legs and penetrating her core with two fingers.

  Her fear that he meant to spank her again was quickly replaced with a different kind of concern when she heard him unbutton his jeans and felt him guide the massive head of his cock into her wet heat before surging forward violently with a feral growl.

  Her breath was forced from her as arousal burst into lust and need, and she climaxed before he’d even completed plunging into her. Her pussy contracted, not to repel him but to pull him deeper.

  “That’s my good girl. You like getting fucked, don’t you, Remi? You like it when I remind you who’s in charge and that you take what I give you whenever I give it to you.”

  His crude words should have triggered some kind of response other than a mewling sound that seemed only to inflame him. With one hand on the top of her shoulder and his forearm pinning her down, he grasped her hip with the other and began to plunder her ravaged sheath. This was no act of love, not even a carnal need to reassure them both they were still alive, but rather a dominant show of his possession and power over her.

  She wanted to deny him, both physically and emotionally but couldn’t. Whatever it was he wanted or needed from her, she wanted to provide. She felt him driving into her again and again. The discomfort of him slamming his hips into her punished buttocks combined with his cock seeming to scrape all along her wet channel made her feel more alive than ever in her life.

  She heard him breathing heavily as he growled and groaned. He was fucking her hard, and he was enjoying it. Worse than that, so was she. There was a certain contentment that came with Hoss’ sexual use of her. It made no sense, but having her wet heat wrapped around his cock was the thing she’d felt the most right about in a very long time.

  Morgan thrust in and out, ramming his staff as far up her sheath as it would go. His size made her pussy stretch to accommodate him each time he took her. He sank into her, over and over again, gradually picking up speed. Her belly was being grazed by the rocking motion of her body on the rough surface that came from his powerful lunging.

  Her body began to convulse and shudder as her impending orgasm made every nerve ending come alive. She could feel the warm breeze on her naked parts, smell the delicate fragrance of the Texas heat, see the vista before her, hear the calls of the birds of prey as they circled the site of the crash, and taste the sand and dirt that made it into her mouth. All of her senses seemed to be working overtime to enhance the sensual onslaught of his claiming.

  Remi surrendered herself to his coupling. She had no more resistance left. Her legs shook and her entire body shivered under the weight of her need to fulfill Morgan’s consummation of her body. Her muscles seized as he drove her over the edge with one hard, fierce thrust deep inside her. She bit her fist to keep from screaming in ecstasy, as she undulated beneath him, her cunt squeezing his cock as he too succumbed to a climax that was violent in its intensity.

  His upper body lay on top of her as they both struggled to catch their breath. She felt him uncouple from her and their mixed fluids dripped down the inside of her thighs. He fondled her ass, including rimming her bottom hole.

  “I can’t wait to get you naked in a proper bed tonight where I don’t have to worry about our safety. When I finally let you out of that bed, your ass will be sporting another set of stripes and all your holes will be well used.”

  He stood up, arranged his cock in his jeans and buttoned them back up.

  “You know, Remi, continuing to lay on that rock and offering your pussy to me like that isn’t a good idea unless you want to be introduced to my men as I’m giving you another rutting.”

  She whirled around, trying to form some kind of scathing remark but failed as she heard the faint sound of another helicopter.

  “Morgan?” she asked fearfully, turning back toward the distant horizon.

  He reached into his saddlebags and pulled out binoculars. Spying the chopper in the distance, he smiled.

  “Don’t look now, Remi, but the cavalry has arrived. Get your jeans pulled up and your sweater pulled down. You’re tempting enough as it is, and unfortunately for them, I don’t share.”

  “I despise you,” she whispered as he brushed by her.

e cupped the back of her skull with his large hand and brought her close, leaning down and kissing her hard, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. Remi felt herself go weak in the knees and used every bit of willpower she still had not to reach for him.

  He leered at her. “How about you whisper that to me tonight when I’ve got your legs wrapped around me, riding you hard right before I fill that pussy back up.”

  She gave a quiet shriek of frustration and stomped her foot as he chuckled and patted her backside.

  “You’d best get that attitude of yours in check, Remi. I’m warning you; if you act out in front of my men, they’ll get to see your pretty fanny as I turn it bright red—maybe even a bit of your nectar as it dribbles down the inside of your thighs. Lord knows they’ll hear your wailing after I take you up to our room to give you a good fucking.”

  Tears of rage, frustration, hurt, and humiliation threatened. She rubbed her eyes and summoned all of her self-control to keep them from falling.

  Chapter Eight

  Hoss drew a deep breath and cinched up both horses.

  “Let’s go, Remi. As they say, daylight’s wasting. Mount up.”

  He held Ziggy for her as she put her foot in the stirrup, pulled up, and swung her leg over. She winced as her inseam settled into the seat of the saddle.

  “What’s the matter, Remi? Tender?”

  “You are an asshole, you know that?”

  “Sometimes. If you aren’t careful, the next thing I fuck will be that bottom hole of yours.”

  She blanched. He was certain his would be the first cock that entered her there and he was looking forward to making her come in response to his doing it. She was responsive in the extreme. No matter how much she said she didn’t want him or how much she tried to fight it, he hadn’t been lying when he told her he’d never failed to find her wet and wanting.

  He shook his head... he also had told her the truth about what he planned for her tonight. That quick trip over the rock had been fine to put her in her place and ease his need. But he had yet to fuck her with the intensity or for the duration he needed to be truly satisfied. Hell, who was he kidding, to be truly satisfied, she’d need to be his permanently.


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