Hoss: A Rough Romance

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Hoss: A Rough Romance Page 14

by Delta James

  Hoss turned back to her. “And I was less than chivalrous...”

  Remi laughed, a deep-throated, sensual laugh filled with wit and wisdom.

  “That’s a nice way to put it. Can I get up?”

  He nodded. She rose from the bed like the mythical Venus.

  “And as you pointed out to me, you’ve always found me wet and ready for you to fuck every single time. I suppose that just proves that by the time I grew up, it was the fire-breathing dragon that turned me on.”

  Wrapping her arms around his thick, strong neck, Remi stood on her tiptoes and rubbed her stiff nipples on his chest. She cupped the back of his head and drew his head down to capture his mouth in a fiery kiss that conveyed everything... trust, fear, love, loss, hope, and belief in him.

  * * *

  Hoss quickly wrestled control of the kiss from her and wondered briefly if he had made a mistake until she melted into him returning his ardor in spades. In that moment all the torment, all the questions faded away to nothing. The one girl who had ever meant anything to him was back in his arms and seemed able to accept him for the man he had become.

  She was proving to be everything in his fantasies and so much more. No longer would he need to rely on his imagination to see his cock rise. Instead the woman he held in his arms was proving to be more arousing than even his wildest dreams. He’d always had a quick refractory period, but with Remi it seemed to be nonexistent. He could shoot his load into her and seemingly within minutes be ready to go again.

  He was hard and Remi knew it. She moaned as she rubbed herself against him, allowing his cock to rub against her belly. Hoss grasped the back of her thighs, lifting her above the tip of his cock and then lowered her down. He felt her pussy stretch as she writhed in his hands and his staff reclaimed her sheath inch by inch. Remi threw back her head and allowed herself to enjoy being impaled on his cock.

  “Wrap your legs around me, Remi.”

  “Fuck me!” she wailed.

  “I intend to but first I want to feel my cock buried in you. You better get used to this because I see a lot of breakfasts cooked by you, brought to our bed and you climbing up and sitting on my cock while I play with your tits and feed you.”

  Giving voice to a previously unnamed fantasy, he strode into the bath and balanced her against the wall as he adjusted the shower with one hand and kept himself firmly lodged in her cunt. He turned on the water and grasped her thighs again. Hoss began to thrust into her, hammering her pussy as he scraped the wall with her back. Remi clutched at him and raked his back and chest with her nails.

  Hoss grunted and groaned as he drove all thoughts and fears from her mind. He was using her hard, this time not to punish but to reassure and remind her that she belonged to him. His frenzied fucking seemed to chase away all thoughts and doubts. It was as though the people they once might have been somehow became incorporated into the people they had become. He was dominant; she was not submissive but as he flooded her pussy again, she screamed in orgasmic surrender and trembled violently as her entire body responded to his sexual onslaught.

  The orgasm seemed to last forever until she was mewling and begging for him to finish. He wasn’t sure how much more he had to give her, but she would take it all. The tremors that raced through her body as she continued to pump his seed into her made her whimper. He knew he would never tire of that sound combined with the way her pussy clamped down on him. He continued to move, drawing little mini-orgasms from her, her head thrown back, mouth gasping silently and her body signaling her complete submission to his dominance in a wordless plea for his fulfillment.

  “Jesus,” he said, leaning against her. He felt her begin to unlock her legs; he swatted her still raw backside. “What did I tell you about getting out of position?”

  Remi clung to him, nibbling, licking any part of his skin. She nuzzled and nipped his neck. Hoss growled his approval and primal satisfaction. He lifted her to uncouple and she bit his ear as she was finally freed from his intimate embrace. They dried off, neither wanting to be separated from the other.

  “I need to go double check and reset your security system,” Hoss said, reluctant to leave her.

  “What if I come with you and fix us something to eat?”

  “It’s late, Remi, you crawl into bed and I’ll join you there.”

  “We both need to eat. I can make a quick omelet in less time than it takes you to do whatever you’re going to do. It will be light and delicious.”

  He smiled and tossed her his sweater. She grinned at him.


  “That or go get in bed.”

  “Okay,” she said, slipping the now familiar sweater over her head, letting it fall down past her breasts and ass and stopping mid-thigh.

  They went down the stairs to the main level. He petted her backside as she turned to go to the kitchen. She winced but said nothing.

  He had run a diagnostic on her security system, increasing its sensitivity and changing the password. He was headed into the open kitchen, smiling as he saw her reaching into her cupboard for plates. Hoss sprinted toward her in burst of speed as she dropped the plates and jumped back as though a pit viper had struck at her. As he reached her, a slip of paper fluttered to the counter.

  Quit the competition, or you’ll be next!

  Chapter Thirteen

  “It’s okay, Remi. I’ve got you. They’re gone. I checked the house when I got here...”

  “And there is no way anyone else could have got in my room in Philadelphia...”

  Hoss could see the fear coursing through her veins. He leaned past her and made sure the stove and oven were off. He picked up the note with a pair of kitchen tongs and placed it in a plastic baggie, sealing it shut and shoving it into his front pocket. Taking her by the arm, he started back to the bedroom with Remi in tow. Stepping into the room, he turned and flipped the deadbolt on the door and then made a show about checking his sat phone and his Glock.

  “I’m right. You think someone is here,” she whispered.

  He took her into his arms and kissed her. “No, I think someone was here and curse myself for not finding that note. But I need you to get dressed...”

  “And restrict your access to all of my holes?” she said archly.

  “Careful, Remi,” he said with a grin. “You ain’t dressed yet and I’ve got us dead-bolted in here with a fully loaded gun. I can get you laid pretty damn fast if I’ve a mind to and still have time to paddle your sexy ass.”

  “You like my ass?” she bantered. “Then why do you keep beating it?”

  He kissed her again. “Mainly because it gets you so horny it makes fucking your pussy downright slippery.”

  She laughed, her sense of fear abating. “Good thing for me then that you are hung like the proverbial horse, else you might fall out.”

  “Keep it up, woman. We’ll see how sassy that mouth of yours is when it’s stuffed full of my cock. Now get dressed.” He picked up the sat phone. “Murph? We’ve been compromised. Tell Yancy we’re headed his way. I’ve got a baggie with another one of those notes. Have our people go over it with a fine-tooth comb.”

  “Are you and Remi all right? Do you need me to send the helicopter? Why not send it to Adam?” asked Murphy.

  “We’re fine. I think whoever left the note is long gone. My guess is that he or she left it before Remi ever bolted from Philly, but it spooked her. She recovered pretty quick, but I’d just as soon we were at the safe house. We don’t need a chopper.”

  “And Adam?”

  “I want our people to look at it with fresh eyes. The cops think she did it. This note was accidentally discovered like the other two... they’re just going to think she planted it as well.”

  “I’ll get our people on it as soon as I have it,” said Murphy. “Hoss, you keep your girl safe and take care of each other.”

  “Will do.”

  Hoss disconnected the call and turned back to Remi.

  “The cops think I plant
ed the note?” she asked.

  “Babe, the cops think you killed Becca...”

  “But why? Why would I do that?”

  Hoss crossed over to her, grasped her around the middle and gave her backside three stinging slaps.

  “We can talk theories on our way to the safe house. I told you to get dressed. If I have to tell you again, it’ll be after I’ve put you over my knee. Now move.”

  She stomped her foot. “That does not get to be your answer to everything,” she said as she moved away to grab clothes to put on.

  He grinned at her. “I don’t see why not. It seems to do the trick.”

  She snorted but continued to dress and was ready to go in just a few minutes. Hoss took her out to the nondescript crossover vehicle, helped her in, and headed out of the city in the opposite direction of their destination.

  “Can I ask where we’re going?”

  “I’m just being hyper-cautious. If anyone was watching the house, I want to make sure they followed us and then I’ll lose them. We’re headed to the cottage. Yancy will be there and maybe Murph and a couple of others.”

  “I’m not the only one that got spooked by that note.”

  “Not spooked, babe, but it tells me that whoever is behind this is thorough and isn’t just going to fade away. Look, Remi, I lost you once; I don’t plan to do it again.”

  He watched as she placed her hand over his as it rested on the gearshift.

  “You won’t. I’m not going anywhere. Well, not anywhere without you.”

  In that instant, Hoss felt his life come back into sharp focus. Since leaving a job where his life depended on it, he hadn’t cared enough about where he was going to have it. With Remi back in his life, he needed it now to keep her safe. But more than that, he wanted it so he could focus on her and the life they would build together.

  Instead of trying to convey any of that to her, he said gruffly, “Damn straight. And you’d better never run off like that again or put yourself in danger. I swear to God, Remi, if you do...”

  He stopped when she lifted his hand to her lips and kissed each of his knuckles.

  “If I do, you’ll do what? Spank me? Fuck me? Not much of a threat there. Wait, that’s not true. I could do without the punishment spankings, but I think I’d very much like an erotic spanking from you.”

  He chuckled with the arrogance that only a man who knows he can take his woman to the heights of ecstasy can have. “I’ll bet I can make you orgasm just from that alone.”

  “That’s not a bet I’d take,” she teased.

  They rode in companionable silence as Morgan continued to ensure that they had not been followed.

  “Morgan? Do the police... does Adam really think I did it?”

  “The police, yes. Adam, no. Even though the evidence is stacked against you, his gut tells him you’re being framed. And it doesn’t really matter. You’re with me now; they’ll never put you in jail.”

  “Because even if I’m guilty, you’ll protect me? You do believe me, don’t you?”

  He heard the fear and doubt creeping back into her voice. He found a place to pull off. Putting the car in park, he turned to her.

  “In the beginning, it didn’t matter. I had you back to fuck and spank and that’s really all I cared about. Then as I got to know you again and remembered who you’d always been, I thought you probably hadn’t done it, but if you did, you had a good reason. As I started to look at the evidence dispassionately, you had no reason to kill Becca and you are far too intelligent to have implicated yourself. But now I know none of that matters. You couldn’t kill someone in cold blood.”

  “They say we are all capable of killing in the right circumstances.”

  “I agree. I think to defend your own life, or especially to defend others, you could kill and have the strength it takes to live with that decision. But kill for money? Or in cold blood? Nope. Not in your character.”

  “But how did they do it? How did they leave with the door locked from the inside? For that matter, how did they get in? And how did they kill poor Becca with me in the next room and I didn’t even wake up?”

  “I don’t know,” he said honestly. “But we’ll figure it out.”

  “I just don’t understand why the guy from the forensic team didn’t see the first note.”

  “Look, Remi, I get that you’re scared. I get that you want answers and want to clear your name, and we’re working on that. The bottom line is that we’re together. That’s what’s important, and we’ll build a life together regardless... may not be in Texas, but there are lots of places we can be happy.”

  Before she could respond, Hoss put the car back in gear and pulled back onto the highway. The sat phone rang through the car’s Bluetooth system.

  “Hoss? It’s Adam. Your girl is in the clear.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Remi.

  “They just found Julian Burns.”

  “Found him?” queried Hoss. “Is he alive? Willing to talk? Murdered?”

  “Nope. Suicide and he left a mea culpa note. The company backing the show has announced that Bistro Wars is being cancelled in light of the murder and suicide. Something about they had expected the highest form of competition, but what they got was a bunch of prima donnas who wanted to win so badly that one of them sabotaged one contestant’s meal, murdered another competitor, and has now killed himself.”

  “That’s awfully convenient,” said Remi.

  “What do you mean? It all fits,” said Adam.

  “I’m with Remi... a bit too conveniently. Talk to Murph. The show’s major sponsor cooked their books to get this deal; they are in major financial trouble. They can now bow out gracefully without having to pony up for the grand prize and they got what they were after... lots of free promotion and advertising.”

  “And there’s no way Julian could have gotten out of the room after killing Becca. As much as I didn’t like the guy, I can’t see him killing her, especially the way it was done.”

  “Well, that can be dealt with later. At least your girl is in the clear,” said Adam with resignation.

  “But not out of danger. We found another note last night.”

  “Where? In Remi’s row house?”

  “Yep, but it could have been left there before she ever left Philly. As Remi said, all the pieces are just fitting together too perfectly. Frankly, Adam, you don’t sound all that convinced.”

  There was a deep sigh on the other end of the phone. “I’m not. As you say, it’s all a little too pat, a little too perfect. Murder and money are never this neat and tidy. The problem is that the brass wanted this case closed and now, it is.”

  After the call ended, Hoss snuck a glance in Remi’s direction. “You’re not going to be able to let it go... are you?”

  “Becca was a friend, might have even become a good friend; as much as Julian Burns was an ass, he didn’t deserve to be murdered either. And whoever is behind this tried to frame me and threatened me. So no, Morgan, I can’t just let it go.”

  He turned at her and grinned. “That’s my girl. But if we’re going to do this, you remember to do what I say when I say it... ginger is cheap.”

  Remi blushed. “I wish I thought you were joking...”

  “You know better.”

  “Yes, Morgan, I do.”

  * * *

  They rode the rest of the way talking about what had happened while they were parted. The intervening years had left Remi fearful of commitment and Hoss bitter and guarded. Neither had had what might be considered a true, committed relationship and had agreed they were meant for each other when both admitted they were glad to hear it. The more they talked, the more the distance and years just seemed to dissipate into nothing.

  Yancy walked out to greet them. “I’ve talked to Adam and Murph. While Adam’s official position is case closed, he doesn’t buy it but thinks Remi is safe if she leaves it alone. None of us is guessing she’s willing to do that...”

  “They would be
right, but Remi understands the consequences of endangering herself or not doing as she’s told.”

  She reached into his front pocket to retrieve the preserved note to give to Murphy. All three men seemed a bit surprised by both the boldness and intimacy of the gesture. Peeking up at Hoss’ face, she managed to give his cock a gentle squeeze and was tickled to hear him growl and feel it begin to stiffen.

  Remi turned with the baggie and handed it to Murphy, who took it reluctantly and looked at Morgan.

  “You still want me to run with this?” he asked.

  “I think it’s only fair,” he growled. “If somebody is going to get her bottom spanked, she ought to at least think it was worth it.”

  She rolled her eyes at Hoss, turned and stuck out her tongue at Murphy as she headed toward the cottage door.

  “I’ll be inside making breakfast. I suddenly have a yen for a really large sausage.”

  She closed the door to the sound of male laughter... including Hoss’. Entering the kitchen, she took a quick inventory. There was little there and so she headed back into the main room to talk with Hoss and his men.

  “I need to go to the grocery store. Can I have a set of keys?”

  When none were offered, she turned to stare at Hoss.

  “Make a list and Yancy or Murph will go.”

  “I don’t want to make a list. I want to drive around town to see what my options are for groceries and then pick up what we need. I don’t tell you what kind of gun or ammo to use, and you don’t get to tell me what kind of groceries we need.”

  “I wasn’t telling you what to get, just told you to make a list for someone to pick up. Look online to see what stores are close by,” he said with a note of finality in his voice that led her to believe he thought the discussion was closed.

  “Morgan, sweetheart, can we talk about this in private?”

  “If we go to our room for a bit of privacy, it’ll be either because I think you need a spanking, I’m in the mood to fuck... or both. And since you said you’re in the mood for sausage, how about you go get naked in our bed and I’ll see that you get it.”


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