For Love and Forever (A Collection of Short Stories)

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For Love and Forever (A Collection of Short Stories) Page 8

by Sloan Parker

  “We get back late Tuesday.” He stepped closer and spoke in that voice he used when discussing something serious he thought I might not like. “You need a break. We need a break.”

  Had he said those words without giving me the ticket first, I would’ve thought he was calling us quits. Even on the day before our anniversary. “What are we going to do when we get there?” I asked.

  The smile was back. “Now that’s a surprise.” He’d probably found the one gay bar on the island. Which would be okay. He’d planned something just for the two of us. Something different than the usual way we spent our anniversary. I could live with one night out surrounded by a slew of strangers.

  I couldn’t think of anything to say, except… “Tony was talking about the party tomorrow night.”

  “Yeah. I told everyone to keep up appearances.” He laughed. He was really enjoying this. “Come on. I brought you something to change into.” The smile on his face grew with a shake of his head. “That suit has got to go.”

  * * *

  “Aloha! Welcome to the Lanai Paradise Resort.” The woman working the resort’s front desk smiled at Mike while I stood a step behind him holding our bags. It was late, and the lobby was empty, except for the two of us and the clerk with the huge smile checking us in.

  Mike had a way with women. They always thought he was coming on to them, and he didn’t bother explaining otherwise. Maybe it was that bad-ass-tough-guy look he had going on combined with the nicest-guy-you’d-ever-meet personality. He’d give the shirt off his back (and a hell of a lot more) to anyone who needed it. Maybe that’s what most women were looking for. Women usually knew what it was they wanted. Me? I hadn’t a clue until I was so far gone in lust I didn’t want to walk away, so I actually took the time to get to know him.

  She looked up our reservation and said, “One of our honeymoon cottages. Excellent choice.”

  Okay, she’d seen that I was with him, knew we were sharing a room, so maybe she got that he wasn’t flirting. I stared at the back of his head as he signed for the room. Not a room, though. A cottage. A honeymoon cottage on the beach. Holy shit, he’d gone all out.

  Once we were checked in, a young man led us outside. Mike insisted we carry our bags. We just had the one each, and he never did like someone else doing something for him he could do for himself, even when it was an included paid service. We followed the man down a stone pathway behind the back of the resort’s main building. Seven-foot-tall torches lit the way, offering a view of the surrounding foliage and small lighted ponds of colorful tropical fish. The trees and shrubs were more exotic than anything I was familiar with. It all gave the place a secluded feel. A second path veered off to the right, and in another minute we were standing before the honeymoon cottage, a small one-story building with dim lights already on inside, creating a soft glow in the darkness of the night.

  Mike tipped the young man and went inside. I stepped one foot in and stopped in my tracks, dropping my bag to the floor beside me. I was speechless. Across the room was a wall made of glass, a sliding door with floor-to-ceiling windows on each side and curtains pulled back to reveal the panoramic view. The door leading to the deck was open and beyond the deck and white sand of the beach I could see it. The ocean. Even in the dark of night it was a vibrant blue, clear and sparkling under the moon’s rays. The waves rolling onto the beach were hypnotic to watch. I walked straight for the doors and stared out. The moon was high, and it lit the beach and the water far beyond in the distance. The sound of the surf rushing in and out mesmerized me.

  But the best part, the part I wanted to stand there until I could soak it into every molecule of my body, and could also figure out how to bottle it up and take it home with me, was the cool breeze blowing in off the ocean.

  God, it felt great. Nothing like the stale, humid air in Ohio.

  I could have stood there all night, watching the water foam as the waves crashed onto the shore, the wind on my face, the curtains on each side of the windows billowing out beside me.

  Mike cleared his throat.

  I forced myself to turn and look over the rest of the place. The cottage was one large room in a tropical decor of blues, greens, and yellows with hardwood floors and bamboo-style rugs. There were windows on every wall, including a picture window above the bed’s headboard. That one king-size bed was the focal point of the room. No desk. No TV. Nothing to distract. A ceiling fan spun silently overhead. I could see a full bathroom through the open door behind Mike. The tub looked large enough for two. “This is…”

  “What?” he asked as he tossed his bag on the chair beside the bed.


  He smiled and looked around. “Yeah, I didn’t do too bad, did I?”

  “I didn’t know you knew how to do that.”



  “Fucker.” He smirked, and a second later he came at me. In a rush he took me in his arms and planted one hell of a kiss on my lips.

  That was more like Mike.

  He moved me backward out the open doors. “You need a shower.”

  I pointed to the door on the other side of the bed. “That’s the bathroom.”

  “The ocean is this way.” He kept moving me until we made our way across the deck. “Ever swim naked in the Pacific?” he asked.

  “Never swam in any ocean, clothes or no clothes.”

  “It’s about time we changed that.”

  “It’s the middle of the night.”

  “It is,” he said. “Which means it’s officially our anniversary.”

  We’d slept on the plane or I might have argued with him that we were too tired to swim in the ocean at this hour, no matter how bright the moonlight. Hell, even without the sleep I wouldn’t have said anything. He was being romantic. A moonlit anniversary swim with a naked, romantic Mike. I wasn’t missing that.

  “Yeah,” I said. “Sleep’s overrated.” I didn’t want to waste one minute alone with him.

  He raised my T-shirt over my head and dropped it to the wood deck. With his tongue he traced the beaded tattoo that wound around my neck and down my chest. He only ever made it a few inches along that path. He moved lower to my pecs. I always got off on his lips and tongue teasing my nipples. He knew it and used that to his advantage. But it had been such a damn long time since he’d done so.

  He straightened, took a step back, and stripped off his shirt. “Get undressed.”

  He didn’t have to tell me twice, and it wasn’t just because I’d been dying to sit around naked for the past twelve hours. He lowered his shorts to the deck, and I stopped with mine halfway down my thighs. Mike was hard. Seriously hard, with a drop of precum lingering at the tip of his cock. One kiss and a short suck of my nipple and he was ready to pop. Maybe he needed this trip even more than I did.

  Maybe he needed me—just me—more than our usual anniversary party, more than I’d given him credit for. The relief washed over me, and the muscles in my neck and shoulders loosened as if he’d just given me an hour-long massage. Guess it hadn’t been only work making me so tense.

  I expected him to bend me over a piece of the matching wicker deck furniture, the table or maybe one of the oversize lounge chairs, but he didn’t. He smiled again. I hadn’t seen him smile this much in months. He looked like a dope with the silly grin and his dick rock hard. I didn’t care. It was a stunning combination.

  “Race you,” he said, then jumped off the deck and ran onto the beach stark naked, heading for the water’s edge.

  “Asshole,” I called out as I kicked off my shorts and shoes. I chased after him, laughing all the way to the water. He’d already made it in waist-high by the time I got there. He splashed me as I ran in. I lunged at him, and he let out a huge-ass giggle as I wrapped my arms around his chest from behind. A fucking giggle.

  Wait. That hadn’t come from him. It was from me. His laugh still sounded like a guy his size normally would. It sounded great. I sounded like a kid running to
get to the dodgeball first at recess. Maybe it was the sound of pure joy.

  I had every intention of dunking him under the water, but I gave up on that idea. I couldn’t bring myself to end his laughter. Better to cut off my own embarrassing sounds. I let go of him, dove under the surface, and basked in the cool water that surrounded my heated flesh from head to toe. The stickiness of the past twelve hours washed away, and every concern and worry went with it.

  Maybe I had been under too long. His large hands grabbed my arms and yanked me up. “Come here.” He brought his lips to mine. The stubble on his face was wet, and the water dripped to my chest as we pressed closer together.

  He grabbed the back of my head and parted his lips. So many times we’d done this, a caress of tongues, the intensity building, our cocks growing harder as our bodies surged together, as we shifted our hips and found the rhythm that drove us both to the edge. But we’d never done anything outside. We’d fucked year after year in front of forty guys, but not once had he given me a simple kiss on the lips outside of our place or a gay bar. Never outdoors where someone might see. Never standing naked in the ocean.

  He backed up a few steps toward the cottage tugging me along with him, never stopping the touches or the kisses until we reached the water’s edge. He pulled me down to the sand until I was lying on top of him. I braced myself, hands in the wet sand on each side of his head, and lined up our bodies groin to groin. I stared down at him. The wet hair on his chest shone in the dim light of the moon. The muscles of his biceps flexed as he ran his palms down my arms. His eyes crinkled up again at the corners as he gave me a slow smile. God, he’d never looked better. The swell of the surf rolled in around us, the water shallow, barely an inch deep where he had decided to get horizontal. Such a smart man.

  We moved together, creating friction that had my cock wet at the tip for reasons that had nothing to do with the ocean. I rocked faster, loving the groan he gave up as my shaft grazed the sensitive skin below the head of his dick. I didn’t want the moment to end. But I also wanted the wave of orgasm to crash into us both, like the surf washing over our tangled limbs. I wanted to watch his face in the moonlight as he came.

  He must have had another idea. “Eddie, stop. Up. Inside.” Maybe those were all the words he could form right then.

  I figured he meant that he wanted us to go inside the cottage since he was pushing me away from him, and not that he wanted me to get my dick inside him. I stood and stared down at him as he lay in the sand, his gorgeous hard cock resting against his abs, waiting for my touch again, the taut muscles of his body reminding me of his power and strength and everything I loved about the male body—about his body. He still moved me beyond mere desire and lust like no one I’d ever known.

  I couldn’t wait any longer. Not once I realized I’d been standing there stroking my dick as I stared at him. I didn’t want my own hand. I wanted him. I reached out and helped him stand. He kissed me, hard, fast, then grunted out the words, “More. Inside.” He tugged me with him toward the cottage. He didn’t stop for the table on the deck, for my bag, for his, or the bathroom. He went straight for the bed.

  He threw back the thin blanket and the sheet beneath. Both caught in a gust of air and billowed out before wafting to the floor beside the bed. He climbed onto his knees in the middle of the mattress. I didn’t wait for him to grunt out more one-word commands. I kneeled facing him. The lengths of our cocks touched first. He hissed, and that spurred me on. I grabbed his ass and dragged him closer until we were kissing, clutching at each other like we had on the beach.

  Mike pulled away and flopped onto his back on the bed, his hard cock bobbing and slapping against him. I wanted to stuff it in my mouth, but there he went again with another idea.

  He gripped my hips and forced me to straddle his thighs. He moved me forward and spread my ass until his cock nestled between my ass cheeks. Hands still clutching my hips, he helped me move up and down, rubbing my ass along his shaft. He said, “Did you notice anything special in this room?”

  Huh? I was supposed to be looking at the room?

  If he wanted to have a conversation, then the heat of his cock against my ass was way too distracting. I tried to focus. Okay. Headboard. Open window above. Yellow walls. White ceiling. Bedside table. Lamp. Wait…

  “What is that?” I asked.

  “Your favorite kind.”

  Talk about romantic.


  I grabbed the bottle of lube from the table. It must have already been there when we’d arrived. I hadn’t seen him open his bag. Which meant he’d arranged with the resort to have it waiting for us. Which meant he’d really given this a lot of thought.

  “I didn’t think they made this anymore,” I said. We hadn’t had any at our place in five years or more. I’d searched every sex store I could find, both in person and online.

  “They do,” he said. “It’s just really hard to come by. Took me forever”—he thrust up and grunted—“to find a place that sold it.” Which was so damn sweet when I thought of how often he’d made fun of me for being so attached to a specific brand of lube. He was thrusting up against my ass harder, faster. He grasped the tops of my thighs in both hands. “Hurry.”

  My hand shook as I squirted the lube into my palm. “I love Hawaii.”

  “Hey, it’s not the island of magically-appearing lube. I searched all over for that shit.”

  “Such a good man.” I lifted my ass and reached around behind me to slather his dick. His head fell to the pillow at the contact of my slick hand to his shaft. I swiped the remainder of the lube over my hole and held his cock up as I lowered my body to him. The head of his dick pressed against the tight ring of muscle. Fuck, I’d missed this. And not just my favorite lube. I’d missed the feel of him pushing at my body, dying to get inside me, not just to get off fast anyway we could muster the energy for. I’d missed being so damn turned on I might explode with just his dick in my ass, but wanting to make it last as long as he could stand it, wanting nothing more than him pounding into me, taking his pleasure from me.

  He pushed up, an easy, gentle motion, and the head of his cock pressed inside. I waited a moment to catch my breath, for the burn to ease, then I shifted up and down, working myself onto him.

  He threw his head back again and bit his bottom lip. “Yes. God, yes. Eddie!”

  I surged forward to kiss him. His tongue met mine in a fierce exchange.

  “I’m ready,” I said.

  It was a response to a question he no longer asked but that he had for weeks when we’d first started fucking. His way of making sure I was ready for what he wanted to do.

  His eyes widened at my words, and that was it. In an instant he had me flipped over onto my back, my legs over his forearms, and was thrusting inside me like a man possessed with a desperate need to climax or die trying. I shifted my hips, wishing I could get his dick to hit my gland, but there’d be time for that. Later. We had four days in this paradise. And by paradise, I wasn’t thinking about the resort or the island.

  Mike’s breaths came harder, and his face reddened as he groaned and slammed into me one last time. If any part of my brain was still working I might have tried to figure out when the last time was I’d had his cum in my ass. It didn’t matter now.

  He fell forward, his forehead landing on my shoulder. He was panting. His heavy breaths blew across my body, tickling my chest hair. I was content to stay that way for a while despite having my knees practically at my ears and my still-hard cock’s interest in some friction. Mike had other ideas. He sat up fast, slipped from my body, and flipped us over again until I was lying on top of him.

  “Up,” he said.

  I didn’t know what he wanted, but I propped myself over him on my knees with my hands on either side of his broad shoulders. He scooted down the bed in one quick movement. I gasped as he gripped the base of my cock and his mouth sucked me in. I straightened my legs and rose up onto my toes to keep some of my weight off him
. He focused on the head of my dick for a long time, wetting, swirling, sucking. My arms and legs were shaking by the time he slid his mouth over the length.

  One long pull to the tip, and he released me. “You taste salty.”

  I almost told him it was okay to use his hand, but his next words stopped me short.

  “It’s okay, Eddie. Fuck me.” He grabbed my ass and tugged me forward, all the way into his mouth again. I let myself go. Let my body move and thrust into the wet heat of his talented mouth. His big hands massaged my ass. One slid to caress my balls, then back again, between my cheeks, pressing at and around my hole, over and over.

  When his thick finger drove inside me and hit my gland, I was a goner. “Mike!” I gave one more thrust and came, my hips making little jerking movements throughout the spasms that took hold of my body.

  “Oh God.” I fell to the side, trying not to land on him as my arms gave out.

  He kissed my hip, his hands still massaging over the muscles of my ass. I glided my own hand over the surface of his smooth bald head and down the back of his neck, reveling in how masculine he felt when I touched him that way, how hot he looked with his cheek resting on my leg next to my spent cock. He nuzzled my balls and made his way up the bed, never letting go of me, wandering his hands over my heated skin and tracing the tats along my arm and shoulder with his tongue until we were lying face-to-face.

  His eyes were half closed, but he had a satisfied grin. I probably had the same. A matching set.

  It was the first time we’d done it in a bed on our anniversary. The normalcy of that may seem boring to most. Not to me. I’d been waiting years for this.

  He laughed as he shifted his ass on the sheet. “God, I have sand everywhere.”


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