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by Richard J. Gwyn

  Cameron, “better shown [his] patriotism”: Dec. 19, 1864, ibid., vol. 587.

  Macdonald, “I thought my hon. friend knew”: Martin, “Archival Evidence.”

  Macdonald, “chief executive officers”: Glazebrook, History of Political Thought, p. 146.

  (fn) Tupper, “a large municipality under the Central Government”: Waite, Life and Times, p. 204.

  Macdonald, “the Central Government assumes”: Creighton, Politician, p. 403.

  Hamilton’s centralizing measures; Munro, American Influences, pp. 19, 33.

  Macdonald, “all the powers which are incident to sovereignty”: Vipond, “Federal Principle,” p. 14.

  Dunkin, “cry will be found to be pretty often”: Martin, Causes of Confederation, p. 31.

  (fn) “Confederation table”: Turner, “Mystery.”

  Macdonald, “Have you thought over the formation of the Govt”: letter to Tilley, Nov. 14, 1864, LAC, Macdonald Fonds, vol. 587.

  Macdonald, “I intend to commence next week”: letter to Tupper, Nov. 14, 1864, ibid.

  St. Alban’s Raid: Winks, Civil War, pp. 311, 314–15.

  Macdonald, “the unhappy and mistaken decision of Cursol”: Creighton, Politician, p. 392.

  Macdonald, “individuals or incorporated companies like Railways”: letter to Thomas Swinyard, Jan. 1, 1865, Macdonald Papers, Letterbook 7.

  Repayment to U.S. banks of $70,000: Winks, Civil War, p. 320.

  Macdonald, “a shrewd, cool and determined man”: Creighton, Politician, p. 393.

  Macdonald, “We can’t help the South”: letter to Buchanan, Oct. 16, 1864, Hamilton Public Library.


  “Then let us be firm and united”: Waite, Life and Times, p. 98.

  (fn) Whelan, “illness induced by fatigue”: Waite, “Whelan’s Reports,” p. 139.

  Edinburgh Review, “harbinger of the future and complete independence”: Waite, Life and Times, p. 20.

  Saturday Review, “not so much a step towards independence”: Martin, Britain and Confederation, p. 173.

  Times, “nothing could be more in correspondence”: Stewart, “Imperial Policy,” thesis, p. 138.

  Brown, “A most gracious answer”: Careless, Brown, vol. 2, p. 177.

  Brown, “Though we had been discussing the highest questions”: ibid.

  Adderley, “Gladstone said to me the other day”: Batt, Monck, p. 152.

  Brown, “John A.’s business affairs are in sad disorder”: Careless, ibid., p. 190.

  Macdonald, “Canada on the whole”: letter to Tupper, Nov. 14, 1864, Pope, Correspondence, p. 13.

  Dorion, “true confederation”: Waite, Pre-Confederation, p. 221.

  “create a new nationality”: Slattery, McGee, p. 268.

  Whelan, “a patch of sandbank in the Gulf”: Waite, Life and Times, p. 186.

  Macdonald, “was in the nature of a treaty”: Ajzenstat, Founding Debates, p. 421.

  Macdonald, “If this measure received the support of the House”: ibid., p. 422.

  Macdonald, “general if not universal favour”: letter to John Beattie, Feb. 3, 1865, Pope, Correspondence, p. 21.

  Macdonald, “Parliament is a grand inquest”: Lockhart, “Contribution.”

  Macdonald, “the tyranny of mere numbers”: Johnson, Macdonald, p. 220.

  “one of those dreadful American heresies”: Globe, Nov. 5, 1864.

  Brown, “the balance of power is held by the ignorant”: Wise, Peculiar Peoples, p. 137.

  McGee, “The proposed Confederation”: Ajzenstat, Founding Debates, pp. 189–90.

  O’Halloran, “When we assume the power”: ibid., pp. 449–51.

  Hamilton Times, “If their [the people’s] direct decision”: Martin, Causes of Confederation, p. 30.

  Macdonald, “We in this house”: Ajzenstat, Founding Debates, pp. 455–63.

  (fn) Macdonald denounces conventions as “immoral and democratic”: letter to Henry Becher, Mar. 15, 1862, LAC, Macdonald Fonds, vol. 587.

  Macdonald, “a strong and lasting government”: letter to S. Amsden, Dec. 1, 1864, ibid., vol. 397.

  Macdonald, “the best, the cheapest”: Ajzenstat, Founding Debates, p. 279.

  Macdonald, “lose their individuality”: Reid, Source-book, p. 208.

  Macdonald, “it is an advance towards independence”: ibid., p. 209.

  Dunkin, “What are we doing?”: Ajzenstat, Founding Debates, p. 236.

  Cartier, “When we were united together”: Parliamentary Debates on Confederation, p. 60.

  Mackenzie, “I do not think the federal system is necessarily a weak one”: ibid., speech of Feb. 23.

  Stratford Beacon, “an unmistakably seedy condition”: Waite, Life and Times, p. 156.

  Macdonald, “full of fight”: Martin, Britain and Confederation, p. 244.


  Macdonald, “declaration against the policy of Confederation”: Creighton, Politician, p. 406.

  Macdonald, “any signs of weakness”: Martin, Foundations, p. 365.

  Macdonald, “stick with the ship”: Lockhart, “Macdonald Conservatism,” p. 129.

  Macdonald on Tilley, “unstatesmanlike”: Moore, 1867, p. 169.

  Tupper, “under existing circumstances”: Creighton, Politician, p. 409.

  Dorion, “This scheme is killed”: Martin, Foundations, p. 365.

  Macdonald, “the most seminal mind”: Waite, “Sir John A. Macdonald: The Man,” p. 147.

  Howe, “live and die in insignificance”: Waite, Life and Times, p. 71.

  Howe, “play second-fiddle to that damn’d Tupper”: Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. X.

  Howe, “I am a dear lover of old England”: Beck, Howe, p. 210.

  Howe, “You go down to the sea in ships”: ibid., p. 202.

  Howe, “London [was] large enough”: ibid.

  Howe, “with an Indian name”: ibid., p. 201.

  Howe, “away from tidewater”: Martin, Causes of Confederation, p. 44.

  Howe, “The builders of Babel” Beck, Howe, p. 205.

  Tupper, “a great body of the trading men”: Reid, Source-book, p. 277.

  (fn) Howe, “deadly weapons, so common”: to George Moffat, May 8, 1849.

  Howe, “this crazy Confederacy”: Slattery, McGee, p. 425.

  Brown, “we hear much talkee-talkee”: Careless, Brown, vol. 2, p. 165.

  Ryerson, “a man does not love the King”: Berger, Sense of Power, p. 103.

  Rev. Gray, “spirit of submission”: ibid.

  “nationalistic history”: ibid., p. 90.

  “the primacy of the community over individual selfishness”: ibid., p. 103.

  Wood, “The bond of union between Canada and the other provinces”: Ajzenstat, Founding Debates, pp. 215–17.

  Taché, “the last cannon which is shot”: Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. IX.

  Collins, “more than any other Canadian statesman”: Griffith, Speech to Kingston Historical Society.

  Davin, “the type of politician”: Willison, Reminiscences, pp. 34–37.

  British American, “They are more American”: Waite, Life and Times, p. 230.


  Cardwell, “Our official dispatch”: memorandum, Dec. 10, 1864, Colonial Office., British North American Provinces Correspondence Respecting the Proposed Union (London, 1867).

  Cardwell (to Monck), “to turn the screw”: Batt, Monck, p. 109.

  Brown, “Dukes and Duchesses had to give way”: Careless, Brown, vol. 2, p. 196.

  Galt, “down on the right knee”: Skelton, Galt, pp. 379–80.

  Brown, “whether Darwin believed”: Martin, Britain and Confederation, p. 264.

  Derby Day description: ibid., pp. 383–86.

  Brown, “are a different race from us”: Careless, Brown, vol. 2, p. 197.

  Galt, “We were treated as if we were ambassadors”: Martin, Britain and Confederation, p. 261.
  Macdonald, “This is the greatest honour”: letter to Louisa, June 17, 1865, Johnson, Affectionately, pp. 98–99.

  Telegraph’s calculation of election result: Waite, Life and Times, p. 246.

  Tilley, “an expenditure of 8 or ten thousand dollars”: Martin, Foundations, p. 372.

  Gordon, “I am convinced I can make (or buy)”: ibid., vol. 2., p. 209.

  Brown, no “personal aspirations whatever”: ibid., vol. 2, p. 201.

  Macdonald, “The union of all the Provinces is a fixed fact”: Ottawa Citizen, Sept. 29, 1865.

  Brown, “Thank Providence—I am a free man”: Careless, Brown, vol. 2, p. 207.

  Brown, “is a very serious matter for the Maritime provinces”: ibid., p. 189.

  Brown, “a most inconvenient and inexpedient device”: Globe, Aug. 8, 1866.

  Brown, “I want to be free to write”: Waite, Life and Times, p. 43.

  Macdonald on Brown, “gave me assistance” Moore, Fathers, p. 246.

  Memorial services for Lincoln in black churches: Winks, Civil War, p. 166.

  Monck, “helplessness, inertness and dependence”: Stacey, “Fenianism,” p. 248.

  McMicken detective, “one thousand dollars is offered in gold”: Slattery, McGee, p. 303.

  Tilley to Macdonald, “Telegraph me in cipher” and “To be frank with you,” and Galt to Macdonald, “That means had better be used”: Martin, Foundations, pp. 373–74; and Wilson, “New Brunswick and Confederation,” pp. 23–24.

  McMicken detective, “1,500 Fenians landed at Fort Erie”: Senior, Last Invasion, p. 83, and following description of Fenian battles.

  Globe, “The autonomy of British America”: Stacey, “Fenianism,” p. 252.

  Monck to Macdonald, “valuable time is being lost”: Reid, Source-book, pp. 280–81.

  Macdonald, “The proceedings have arrived at the stage that success is certain”: ibid.

  Monck, “your right as a leader of the Government”: ibid.

  Macdonald vomits on Government House chair: Batt, Monck, p. 34.

  Macdonald, “Look here McGee”: Slattery, McGee, p. 337.

  Brown, “John A was drunk on Friday”: Careless, Brown, vol. 2, p. 234.

  Macdonald, “The Bill should not be finally settled”: Reid, Source-book, pp. 282–83.

  Globe scoop on BNA Act: Careless, Brown, vol. 2, pp. 240–41.

  Macdonald, “the Act once passed”: letter to Tilley, Oct. 8, 1866, ibid.


  Langevin, “Macdonald is a sharp fox”: Moore, 1867, p. 212. Pp. 390–91 Macdonald, “no minutes of the various discussions should be taken”: Martin, Foundations, p. 385.

  Macdonald, “avoid any publicity”: ibid., p. 386.

  Morning Chronicle, “vanity struck”: Waite, Life and Times, p. 295.

  Howe, “lonely, weary and vexed”: Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. X.

  Carnarvon, “occasionally so drunk as to be incapable”: Martin, Britain and Confederation, p. 280.

  Macdonald, “for fear that an alarming story may reach you”: letter to Louisa, Dec. 27, 1866, Johnson, Affectionately, pp. 102–103.

  Macdonald, “We are quite free to discuss points”: Reid, Source-book, p. 243.

  Reilly, “I can’t make bricks”: Martin, Britain and Confederation, p. 282.

  Thring’s draft legislation on independence: ibid., p. 190.

  Bury’s proposal for agreement on independence: ibid.

  Howe, “the almost universal feeling”: ibid., p. 171.

  Macdonald, “one of her own family, a Royal prince”: Parliamentary Debates on Confederation, Feb. 6, 1865.

  Queen Victoria, “dearest Albert had often thought”: Martin, “Queen Victoria and Canada,” p. 227.

  (fn) “in some speeches he had said”: Monck, My Canadian Leaves, p. 82.

  Disraeli, “It is so like Derby”: letter to Lord Knutsford, July 18, 1889, LAC, Macdonald Fonds, vol. 529.

  (fn) Monck, “the natural yearning”: Batt, Monck, p. 143.

  (fn) Tilley’s letter on “Dominion”: LAC, F/5002, T-54.

  Carnarvon, “derives its political existence”: Scott, “Political Nationalism,” p. 407.

  “One might almost say”: P.B. Waite, “Ideas and Politics in British North America, 1864–66,” PhD thesis, University of Toronto, 1953, p. 443.

  Smith, “the sentiment of provincial independence”: Macmillan’s Magazine, London, p. 408.

  Anderson, “imagined communities”: Gwyn, Nationalism Without Walls, p. 20.

  “Not life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”: Morton, Canadian Identity, p. 111 (1961 ed.).


  Lady Macdonald, “My diaries as Miss Bernard”: Reynolds, Agnes, p. 45.

  Lady Macdonald, “I also know that my love of Power is strong”: ibid., p. 50.

  Macdonald, “I don’t care for office for the sake of money”: Thompson, Reminiscences, p. 231.

  Lady Macdonald, “I have found something worth living for” and “I often look in astonishment”: Newman, Album, p. 86.

  Bernard, “everything to dissuade”: Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. XII, Macdonald, p. 605.

  “tall, tawny, and…rather ‘raw-boned’”: Biggar. Anecdotal Life, p. 99.

  Lady Macdonald, “The French seem always wanting everything”: Gwyn, Private Capital, p. 95.

  Lady Macdonald, “tearing down a steep forest roadway”: Phenix, Private Demons, p. 164.

  Lady Macdonald, “A forcible yet changeful face”: Macpherson, Macdonald, p. 315.

  Macdonald, “very fine eyes”: ibid., p. 315.

  Pp. 410–11 Lady Macdonald, “a delicious country for the rich”: Reynolds, Agnes, p. 55.

  Ottawa Citizen, “a bunch of violets”: ibid., p. 39.

  Macdonald, “My wife likes it from its novelty to her”: letter to Louisa, March 21, 1867, Johnson, Affectionately, pp. 103–104.

  Carnarvon, “We are laying the foundation of a great State”: Bliss, Canadian History, pp. 109–110.

  Macdonald, “H.M. said—‘It is a very important measure’”: letter to Louisa, March 21, 1867, Johnson, Affectionately, p. 104.

  Nova Scotian, “The great body of the house was utterly indifferent”: Farr, Colonial Office, p. 16. Pp. 415–16 Macdonald, “This remarkable event”: letter to Lord Knutsford, July 18, 1884, LAC, Macdonald Fonds, vol. 529.

  McGee, “Everyone knew the result was a foregone conclusion”: Martin, Britain and Confederation, p. 289.

  Royal Proclamation, 1763, Indians, “not be molested or disturbed”: Russell, Constitutional Odyssey, p. 32.

  (fn) Lack of debate at Westminster on colonial subjects: Porter, Absent-Minded Imperialists, p. 107.

  Bennett “leaving their bones to bleach in a foreign land”: Martin, Britain and Confederation, p. 62.

  BNA Act a blueprint for South Africa and Ireland: Hyam, British Imperial Century, p. 201.

  Macdonald, “We must, therefore, become important”: Browne, Documents on Confederation, pp. 95–96.


  Meredith, “John A. carried out of the lunchroom, hopelessly drunk”: Gwyn, Private Capital, p. 97.

  Feo Monck, Ottawa “beastly”: Monck Letters, p. 214.

  Meredith, “The more I see of Ottawa”: Gwyn, Private Capital, pp. 36–37.

  Smith, “the tempering and restraining influences”: Macmillan’s, May 1865.

  (fn) “A Canadian settler hates a tree”: Jameson, Winter Studies, p. 49.

  Trollope, “The noblest architecture”: Gwyn, Private Capital, p. 38.

  Macdonald, tower of West Block “like a cow bell”: Slattery, McGee, p. 338.

  “a visionary, if slightly uncertain, idea in the wilderness”: Gwyn, Private Capital, p. 38.

  McGee, “give way neither to Galt”: Slattery, McGee, p. 392.

  Macdonald, “if the list were settled now”: Pope, Memoirs, Appendix XV, pp. 727–28.

t, “It is an ingracious and most unusual thing”: Slattery, McGee, p. 392.

  Bourget, “l’obeissance à l’autorité constituée” and statement by Quebec bishops: Waite, Life and Times, pp. 300–301.

  Cartier, “The question is reduced to this”: Ajzenstat, Founding Debates, p. 183.

  Tribune, “When the experiment of the ‘dominion’”: Shippee, Canadian-American Relations, pp. 198–99.

  Sumner, “a visible step”: Callahan, American Foreign Policy, p. 308.

  Seward, “I know that Nature designs”: Shippee, Canadian-American Relations, p. 200.

  Taylor, “events have presented to the people”: Callahan, American Foreign Policy, p. 304.

  Nor’Wester, “Americanism has become rampant”: Waite, Pre-Confederation, p. 147.

  Stanley, “Many people would dislike the long boundary line” and “if they choose to separate”: Stacey, “Britain’s Withdrawal,” p. 15.

  Adderley, “It seems to me impossible”: Waite, Life and Times, p. 317.

  Times, “We look to Confederation as the means of relieving this country”: Stacey, “Britain’s Withdrawal,” p. 14.

  Galt, “I am more than ever disappointed”: Skelton, Galt, pp. 410–11.

  Macdonald, “British North America is now merely a geographical description”: letter to Monck, April 5, 1867, Pope, Memoirs, p. 730.

  Pp. 435–36 Lady Macdonald, “This new Dominion of ours”: Gwyn, Private Capital, p. 191.

  Vindicator, “some of them rush[ed] so closely”: Louella Creighton, Elegant Canadians, pp. 170–71.

  Morning Chronicle, “Died! Last night at twelve o’clock,” refusal to allow Queen’s Proclamation, and Yarmouth with no gun salute: Granatstein and Hillmer, First Drafts, pp. 83–84.

  Brown, “With the first dawn of this gladsome midsummer morn”: Careless, Brown, vol. 2, p. 252.

  Reporter, “From Halifax to Sarnia”: Waite, “Ideas and Politics in British North America, 1864–66,” thesis, p. 442.

  Times, “It supposes a nationality”: Waite, Pre-Confederation, p. 251.

  Smith, “to hold together a set of elements”: The Week, April 10, 1884.

  Gowan, “artificer in chief”: Pope, Correspondence, p. 43.



  The motherlode of Macdonaldiana is located in the Library and Archives Canada (LAC), in Ottawa. His fonds comprise 805 rectangular cardboard boxes that, if stacked side by side, would stretch 37 metres. By contrast, the collection of Pierre Trudeau extends to 851 metres, or more than twenty times as long, and that of Brian Mulroney to 722 metres. The volume of paperwork generated by and for Canadian prime ministers thus expands to fill the capacity of the technology available to generate it, as well as the number of officials assisting in its production, and also, perhaps, to meet an ever-growing prime ministerial conviction of accomplishment.


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