White Wave, The (“Shira Nami”), see The Three Free Men, 11.
White Wave, The, opera, 463.
WHITMER (John), author of detective stories, 73.
Who’s Who in America, 86.
Who’s Who in France, 145.
WILHELM I, German Kaiser, 1797–1888, 495.
WILKER (Michel), Canadian shipowner, 449.
WILLIAM III OF ORANGE-NASSAU, Stathouder of Holland, 1650–1702, 280.
WINCHESTER (Chief Inspector), character in G. Berger’s story, 159–161.
WINCKLER (Gaspard), 4, 5, 6, 16, 22, 23, 25–33, 41, 48, 54, 55, 62, 65, 66, 113, 117, 119, 125, 126, 127, 162, 193–194, 203, 213, 216, 227, 241, 242, 244, 246, 286, 301, 332–336, 337, 345, 390, 391, 393, 433, 496.
WINCKLER (Marguerite), 59, 128, 193, 194, 195, 231, 242–246, 355.
WINNEMUCCA, Indian chief, 453.
Winnipeg (Canada), 113, 481.
WINTHER (Paul), author of detective stories, 68.
WIRZ (H.), urologist, 479.
Wisconsin, 383.
Wittenberg (Germany), 197.
WITTGENSTEIN (Ludwig Joseph), English philosopher, 1869–1951, 173.
WOLF (Hugo), Austrian composer, 1860–1903, 19.
WOLF (Jerome), German scholar, 1516–1581, 449.
WOLFE (Nero), hero of novels by Rex Stout, 280.
“Wolf Man”, The, patient of Sigmund Freud, 280.
Wood and Allied Industries’ Trade Association (Australia), 382.
Woods Hole (Massachusetts), 348.
Wool (England), 238.
Worcester (England), 209.
Workers ABC, by Edmond About, 216.
World Atlas, by Berghaus, 495.
Worms (Germany), 84.
Worried Hulk, The, by J. Whitmer, 73.
Wozzeck, opera by Alban Berg, 156, 499.
WRIGHT (Barbara), 581.
WYATT (Thomas), English poet and diplomat, a friend of John Leland, 1503–1542, 415.
WYNNE, musician, 100.
Wyoming, 330.
Xanadu, 172.
XERTIGNY (A. de), art critic, 35.
Xerus capensis, 347.
Xerus getelus, 347.
XYZ, French publishing house, 35.
Yalta (USSR), 457.
YAMOMOTO, Japanese admiral, 447.
Yankee at the Court of King Arthur, A, by Mark Twain, 467.
YASON, Indian chief, 453.
Year’s Work in Sociology, The, 109.
Yellow River (China), or Huang-Ho, 271.
Yellow Thread, television programme by S. Venter, 271.
Yenisei (river), 54.
Ye Olde Irish Coffee House, Parisian restaurant, 277.
Yeux de Mélusine, Les, poems by A. de Routisie, 289.
YOLANDE, Armand Faucillon’s secretary, 485, 486, 489.
YO NO KAMI, character in The Genji, 103.
YORICK, English sermoniser and playwright, 36.
York (England), 85.
YOSHIMITSU (Ashikage), 11, 13.
Yucatán (Mexico), 83.
Yugoslavia, 491.
Yvelines, Department of, 134.
YWCA (London), 142.
ZACCARIA (Juan Mariano de), Spanish archivist, 384–388.
Zafora (Cyclades), 127.
Zaïre, tragedy by Voltaire, 364.
Zakopane (Poland), 267.
Zanzibar, 46.
ZAPFENSCHUPPE, professor at Strasbourg University, 383–384.
Zauberberg, Der, (The Magic Mountain), by Thomas Mann, 495.
ZAZOUA, belly dancer, 488.
Zeeland (Holland), 52.
ZEITGEBER (Oswald), a Swiss jeweller, character in The Murder of the Goldfish, 222–225.
ZEITGEBER (Mme), his wife, 224.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 48.
Zeitschrift für Mineralogie und Kristallographie, 410.
ZEUS, 437.
ZGHAL (Abel-el Kader), Tunisian ethnologist, 48.
ZIMMERWALD, Austrian general, 288.
ZOLA (Emile), French novelist, 1840–1902, 291.
ZORZI DA CASTELFRANCO, medieval Italian anatomist, 271.
Zürich (Switzerland), 422, 429.
Zürn (Unica), 579.
ZWINDEYN, explorer, 76.
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Epub ISBN 9781448112791
Published by Vintage 2003
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Copyright © Hachette 1978
English translation copyright © David Bellos 1987
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First published in France in 1978 with
the title La Vie mode d’emploi by
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