OUTCAST: A Stepbrother Romance

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OUTCAST: A Stepbrother Romance Page 10

by Wilde, Ora

  He kept his pace for minutes... minutes of incessant euphoria that drove me to the brink of insanity.

  I didn’t want to wake up... ever.

  Then, his head withdrew from my pussy and he crawled towards me. He held my arm and gently pushed me to my side. He lied behind me, his arms reached for my breasts, his lips deeply planted on my neck. He began to kiss me, to lick me... and his hand started to fondle my bosoms. His leg wrapped itself around mine. He locked me up with his body... he, my ardent captor and I, the willing prisoner.

  “I missed you,” he whispered. “I missed you so much.”

  I wanted to reply, but it was hard to speak when I was asleep. Only incoherent mumblings would come out of my mouth... so I didn’t even try.

  Then I felt it...

  His rock hard cock pushing itself between my thighs, its shaft rubbing against the line of my butt, working its way towards my cunt. I was dripping wet. The area between my thighs was very slippery. It wasn’t difficult for his dick to find its way towards its intended destination.

  And soon enough, he was inside me, his massive tool thrusting in and out of my womanhood as his hands held on to my tits for leverage. He held me tight as he fucked me harder and harder with each spearing entry. My eyes rolled up in uncontrollable ecstasy. I was groaning, albeit silently, from the mixed sensations of pleasure and pain.

  He was so hard.

  I was so wet.

  The resulting combination was pure bliss.

  I felt his cock throbbing with excitement inside of me. I smelled his familiar scent of musk and ruggedness and mystery, leaving their imprint on my back, a fragrance I would always want to keep with me. I tasted the warmth of his fingers as they managed to make their way to my mouth in a futile attempt to silence my moans.

  His grunts grew rapidly with each thrust... a rhythm I found very, very arousing.

  The acute heat inside me expanded to the rest of my body, willing me to explode, to give up any and all inhibitions I had left... to surrender a battle I didn’t even know I was waging...

  And surrender I did.

  With a scream made mild through a conscious effort to remain quiet, I came...

  But he never stopped fucking me.

  And I came again... and again... and again...

  I expected my wetness to dry up after each climax, but it didn’t. Instead, I felt that my pussy got damper, as if more of my juice was released.

  Eventually, I realized that it wasn’t my wetness that made his thrusts more slippery and smoother.

  I was squirting. Viciously. Uncontrollably. Delightfully.

  It was the first time that I experienced that kind of a sensation. It was very liberating, as if all the passion I had inside was allowed to burst out in one gigantic eruption that freed me from all the negative thoughts and feelings I’ve had for the past few weeks.

  With a rather loud groan, he came as well. His body stiffened, like before. His grasp became tighter. And the kisses on my neck became a savage bite that would’ve surely left a mark.

  “I have fixed everything,” he whispered once more. “I know what they did to your school, but it’s over now. You’ll be safe from hereon in.”

  I felt his semen, warm and strangely satisfying, fill up my cunt to the brim, dripping its excess down my thighs before settling on the area of the bed beneath my groin.

  He didn’t pull out. Again.

  But it didn’t matter.

  It was just a dream. What harm could it do? What consequences could it possibly cause?

  Besides, what’s the point of pulling out if I was already...

  A blaring thud woke me up. I checked the source of the sound. It was the branch from the oak tree outside, swaying with the strong winds, banging against my window.

  I started to get up from bed when I realized that my nightdress was pulled up to my neck, the rest of my naked body exposed to the elements. I looked around and found my underwear on the floor.

  I stood up and a liquid substance trickled down my thighs. I checked the bed and a puddle of wetness formed from where I got up.

  I gazed back at the window. The glass pane was open.

  He was here.

  We made love.

  I wasn’t dreaming.

  And I failed to say what I should’ve told him.


  Hitting The Fan

  After classes ended the next day, I hurriedly walked towards the parking lot. I was planning to do something that afternoon, and I didn’t want to get home late as that would surely rouse up some suspicions at home... suspicions which I was in no position to answer.

  I dashed through the hallway, down the main steps, to the open area where the students converged. Some were planning about parties they will either host or attend the coming weekend. Some were just busy chatting. Others were engaged in gossips. A number were huddled in groups, gaining some confidence to flirt with some people a few feet away from them. Strength in numbers, so they say.

  All of their chitchats, all of the issues they were discussing, all of the pseudo-problems they were tackling... they were all mundane compared to the things I was going through.

  But was it something that I should really be worried about?

  What if the test was wrong?

  I had to be sure.

  I had to know for certain so that I could plan my next course of action.

  Halfway through the quadrangle, a familiar figure approached me. Tall, slender, blonde and extraordinarily beautiful, I cringed as she called out my name,

  “Hey Andrea,” she said, “can you spare a few minutes? We really need to talk.”

  I pretended like I didn’t hear her. I walked faster towards the parking lot, towards my car, adamant to get out of there as soon as possible.

  “Andrea, please...” she pleaded. There was a tinge of helplessness in her voice, begging for mercy.

  So I stopped and turned to face her.

  “There’s nothing to talk about, Jaynie,” I frigidly told her.

  It was true. What could we possibly discuss that I didn’t already know? The truth? That she and Finn were having an affair behind my back? Or the excuse that Finn already told me? That she just went to his place for a shower?

  “You haven’t been attending practice,” she calmly said, an icebreaker of sorts, or so it seemed.

  “That’s because I have quit,” I replied callously. “Or do I need to put that in writing and give you a thirty day notice?”

  “No, no,” she answered as she bowed her head... because of shame or disheartenment, I would never know. “It’s just that, well, the girls have been asking about you?”

  Really now?

  I found that very hard to believe. Everyone in that group... well, majority of them, at least... hated me. To them, I was the commoner who never belonged, the average girl - unexceptional in every way - who managed to win the heart of the hottest guy in school. Either because of jealousy or discrimination or plain arrogance, they never really accepted me in their ranks.

  “They were asking about me?” I sardonically asked. “Or are you just worried that I told some of them about you and Finn?”

  Her eyes widened, in dejection more than shock.

  I started to walk towards my car once more, and that time, she didn’t stop me. She has delayed my plan already, and I couldn’t afford another second in school. I had to be somewhere.

  I rode my car and drove off. Some fifteen minutes later and I was at Lincoln Highway, about to turn left towards Mosquito Road.

  Linda’s Round-The-Clock Convenience Store.

  That was the name of the shop by the gas station. It was on a lighted signage right above the main door. How could I have missed it before? As it turned out, the proprietor’s name had to be revealed via an unexpected encounter with our next-door neighbor. I prayed that Billy Bob wouldn’t be there that time around.

  I parked a few meters away from the store. As I walked towards the entrance, a lot of questions starte
d to flood my mind...

  Will Linda remember me?

  Will she be as helpful and as nice as before?

  Do I really need to buy another kit?

  Will it show a different result?

  An electronic tone - like a Christmas song - sounded as I opened the door, and Linda greeted me good evening as soon as I entered. Good evening. I didn’t even notice that the sun has set. I had to do this quick. I had to get back home fast. It was late enough as it was.

  I didn’t dillydally anymore, like how I did during my first visit. I didn’t have the luxury of time. I went straight to the counter where Linda was.

  “How can I help you, young lady?” she asked with a warm smile, her spectacles looking small above her chubby cheeks. She was a rather rotund elderly woman with the most pleasant of personalities. And based on how she treated me the last time around, she was a very kind and understanding person as well. That’s why I drove this far to her store.

  But her question gave me the impression that she didn’t remember me.

  Oh crap. That would make matters more difficult.

  “Uhm... uhm...” I started to say, trying my best to find the right words to utter.

  “Oh... it’s you!” she suddenly exclaimed, much to my relief. “You’re Billy Bob’s neighbor, right?”

  I nodded and gave her a shy grin.

  “Want to make sure, huh?” she said with a weird expression on her face... like a mixture of excitement and glumness... wanting to reassure but quite anxious at the same time. It’s amazing, however, how she seemingly read my mind.

  Again, I just nodded.

  “Come here, right around the counter,” she invited me. “Least thing we want is another person who’ll come in and recognize you while you’re buying another rabbit test.”

  I did as she instructed. I walked to the side of the cashier’s table where a small opening led to her area of the store. Then I stood right beside her.

  She opened the drawer below the desk and showed me a number of pregnancy kit boxes of different brands.

  “Which one do you want?” she asked.

  “I dunno,” I replied. “Which one is the most accurate?”

  “All of them are equally reliable,” she said. “This right here, though, is a lot cheaper than the rest.” She reached for a baby blue box that was noticeably smaller than the others.

  “This would be good,” I told her. I hurriedly picked up the box and placed it inside my bag before anyone would see me carrying it in my hands. I was traumatized by what happened last Saturday, and I didn’t want a repeat of that incident again. “How much?” I asked Linda.

  She didn’t answer.

  I was about to repeat my question, fearing that her advanced age has diminished her hearing. But when I gazed at her, I noticed that she had a disturbed look on her face. She was seemingly alarmed and frightened and at the verge of panicking as she was staring outside, past the glass windows of her store. I turned to look at what caused her trepidation.

  Then I saw them.

  Four people, garbed in worker’s overalls much like the ones that carpenters and plumbers usually wore... but what was terrifying about them was that they were wearing clown masks. They didn’t want to be identified. It was clear that they had very, very evil intentions as they approached the shop.

  Terror gripped me and I began to hyperventilate. I saw two of them carrying baseball bats. Any reasonable person would immediately know that they were planning to rob Linda’s store.

  Suddenly, I felt a hand snatch the back of my shirt and pulled me down. I wasn’t able to resist as my knees bent and my body collapsed over my thighs. The hand held the top of my head, pushing me further down... hidden behind the counter.... hidden from their sight.

  “Whatever happens,” Linda said, “don’t stand up. Just hide there.”

  I held my legs tight and curled into a ball. I tried to ward off my tears... to muster enough courage... to keep my mind clear so that I’d know how to react to the situation that was about to unfold.

  I heard the door open and the electronic chime that followed.

  I heard their heavy footsteps enter the premises and walk towards us.

  I heard Linda gasp for air as she braced for the worst.

  “Ya’ know what this be about, ya’ fuckin’ old tramp?” one of them asked, mockingly.

  His voice... his voice was somewhat familiar. I’ve heard it before...

  “Calm down, son,” Linda said. “Take whatever you want and leave. I won’t fight back.”

  “Like hell you can, ya’ old shitty tranny!” the same voice yelled again.

  Then it struck me. It was the white guy from last Saturday, one of the two people who threatened me when I walked out of Linda’s store... the guy who wore an inverted baseball cap.

  I heard a slapping sound, followed by another, and another, and yet another after that.

  “Tranma! Tranma!” the white guy’s voice continued to taunt her. I looked up and saw the he was striking her with his open hand. “A tranny granma... tranma.” He laughed. “Ain’t that funny, Cholito?”

  “You fucking idiot!” another voice screamed. “What ya’ doin’ speakin’ my name like that?” It was another voice that I’ve encountered before... the white guy’s Latino companion... the one who asked me to deliver the message to Nash... the one who called me a crab bitch...

  “Enough of that shit, both of you,” yet another voice commanded. I haven’t heard it before. Based on his authoritative tone, it was apparent that he was the leader of their group. “Open the damn register and get the money.”

  “Ya’ ain’t the fuckin’ boss of me, hommes,” the white guy rebelliously replied. His words were followed by a swinging noise and the sound of bottles smashing against the force of a blunt object. “just coz’ the General made you leader o’ this set doesn’t mean you be the boss of me, you fag!”

  “You motherfucking moron!” the unknown voice answered back. His words were straighter and more common than the lingo the other two were using. “Stop drawing attention and finish this job quick!”

  I heard the cash register open. I heard their hands grabbing the money inside, including coins... some of which dropped to the floor right in front of me. I prayed really hard that they won’t bother to pick them up.

  “This be like eight Benjamins,” the Latino said. “This ain’t worth shit for all the effort we balled,” he continued, angrily.

  “That’s all I have,” Linda was quick to add. “Take the money and leave. I won’t even file a report.”

  “The General ain’t gonna be pleased with this haul,” the Latino voice muttered his frustration.

  “We got two more joints to raid,” the unknown voice spoke. “Let’s just get this done and move our ass to the next stop.”

  “Ya’ fool!” the white guy yelled. “Ya’ just told tranma what be our plan! She be callin’ the 50 and cryin’ to them ‘bout two other joints we gonna sack!”

  “I told you,” Linda interjected firmly, “I’m not going to file a report. I’m not going to call anyone.”

  “Yeah, Tranma?” the white guy didn’t believe her. “The only assurance for my crew is you be like bleedin’ to death right ‘bout now.”

  I heard the sound of something metallic drawn from someone’s pocket.

  I heard a click.

  I heard Linda beg for her life.

  I heard the blaring sound of a gun fired at our direction.

  I heard a loud thud.

  I saw Linda’s body drop beside me.

  I almost screamed in horror. I wanted to scream. I feared for my life, that the assailant was going to kill me next.

  “No!” someone shouted... another familiar voice... one that was even more recognizable than the others.

  I heard a commotion... a struggle... punches being thrown... bodies sprawling on the floor at the other side of the counter... bottles and cans falling off the shelves... and strangers trying to break up the mutiny.

  “Why did you shoot her, you son of a bitch!” he screamed once more.

  I heard the sound of fists pounding violently against flesh.

  “Stop that shit,” the unknown voice ordered. He was huffing. “What’s done is done. Let’s get out of here.”

  “I didn’t come back for this,” the very familiar voice answered back. “This ain’t right. We’re not supposed to hurt anybody. We’re not supposed shoot them dead!”


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