Blood Sisters: The Women Behind the Wars of the Roses

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Blood Sisters: The Women Behind the Wars of the Roses Page 42

by Sarah Gristwood

  Marguerite of Anjou with Henry VI and John Talbot in the “Shrewsbury Talbot Book of Romances,” c. 1445. British Library, Royal 15 E. VI, f.2v (© The British Library Board).

  The stained glass Royal Window in Canterbury Cathedral (© Crown Copyright, English Heritage).

  Margaret Beaufort by Rowland Lockey, late sixteenth century (by permission of the Master and Fellows of St. John’s College, Cambridge).

  Margaret Beaufort’s emblems (© Neil Holmes/The Bridgeman Art Library).

  Cecily Neville’s father, the Earl of Westmorland, with the children of his second marriage (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris/Flammarion/The Bridgeman Art Library).

  Portrait of Elizabeth Woodville from 1463 (© The Print Collector/Corbis).

  Anne Neville depicted in the Rous Roll, 1483–1485. British Library, Add. 48976 (© The British Library Board).

  King Richard III by unknown artist, oil on panel, late sixteenth century; after unknown artist late fifteenth century (© National Portrait Gallery, London).

  The risen Christ appearing to Margaret of Burgundy by the Master of Girard de Rousillon, from Le dyalogue de la ducesse de bourgogne a Ihesu Crist by Nicolas Finet, c. 1470. British Library, Add. 7970, f.1v (© The British Library Board).

  Elizabeth of York by unknown artist, oil on panel, late sixteenth century; after unknown artist c. 1500 (© National Portrait Gallery, London).

  The birth of Julius Caesar from Le fait des Romains, Bruges, 1479. British Library, Royal 17 F.ii, f.9 (© The British Library Board).

  The Devonshire Hunting Tapestry, southern Netherlands (possibly Arras), 1430–1440 (© Victoria and Albert Museum, London).

  Procession at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth, 1502 (© The Trustees of the British Museum).

  The preparations for a tournament. Illustration for René of Anjou’s Livre des Tournois, 1488–1489? Bibliothèque nationale de France, Francais 2692, f.62v–f.63 (Bibliothèque nationale de France).

  Margaret of Burgundy’s crown, Aachen Cathedral Treasury (© Domkapitel Aachen [photo: Pit Siebigs]).

  Song “Zentil madona”: from Chansonnier de Jean de Montchenu, 1475?, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS Rothschild 2973, f.3v–f.4 (Bibliothèque nationale de France).

  The Tower of London from the poems of Charles of Orléans, c. 1500. British Library, Royal 16 F.II, f.73 (© The British Library Board).

  Elizabeth of York’s signature on a page of “The Hours of Elizabeth the Queen,” c. 1415–1420. British Library, Add. 50001, f.22 (© The British Library Board).

  Wheel of Fortune illumination from the Troy Book, c. 1455–1462. British Library, Royal 18 D.II, f.30v (© The British Library Board).


  Aachen, 95

  Aesop’s Fables, 158

  Agincourt, battle of, 4

  Alnwick, 300

  Amboise, 104, 107

  André, Bernard, 50, 114, 163, 243, 265, 278

  Angus, Earl of, 313n

  Anjou, 4–5, 14, 26

  Anne of Brittany, 162, 262

  Anne of Cleves, 6

  Anne of York, 155, 157, 162, 206, 244–245, 267, 273, 299

  Argentine, John, 193

  Arthur, Prince of Wales, 259, 263

  birth and naming, 245–246

  Cecily’s will, 274

  death, 297

  estate, 247

  French campaign, 268

  his marriage, 254, 280–281, 285, 290–292

  mistress, 256–257

  Perkin Warbeck affair, 272

  Tudor dynasty, 287

  wedding and death, 291–293

  Arthurian legends, xxiv, 11, 38–39, 50, 93–94, 158, 160–161, 217n, 245

  Attainders, 54, 143, 203, 209, 239

  Bacon, Francis, 225, 247, 249

  Elizabeth Woodville, 255–256, 259

  Henry VIII, 312

  Lambert Simnel, 249

  Princes in the Tower, 246, 295

  Tudor dynasty, 285

  Woodville marriage, 242

  Ballad of Lady Bessy, 224, 256

  Ballads, 70

  Bamburgh, 86

  Barante (chronicler), 6

  Barnet, battle of, 110, 113, 125

  Barnwood, 91

  Basin, Thomas, 195

  Baugé, battle of, 42

  Baynard’s Castle, 60–61, 63, 101, 110, 148, 156, 177, 185–187, 237, 290

  Beaufort, Cardinal, 23–24

  Beaufort, Margaret, xxiii

  Buckingham rebellion, 197–200, 203–204

  Cambridge University, 309–310

  character and education, 31, 73, 303–306

  Clarence’s execution, 145

  Duke of York’s reburial, 135

  early life, 14, 18–19, 42, 47–51

  Henry VII’s accession, 186, 236–238, 243–244, 247

  Henry VII’s birth, 48–51

  Henry VII’s illness death, 312, 314–317

  Henry VII’s marriage, 163

  Henry VII’s reign, 254–260, 268, 273, 276, 280–285

  Henry VIII’s coronation, 316–317

  her death, 317–318

  her household, 280, 304

  her tomb, 321–323

  increased independence, 284–285, 288–289

  Lancastrian opposition, 96

  love of money, 312, 319–320

  marriage (de la Pole), 27, 31–32, 72

  marriage (Stafford), 50–51, 125–126, 321

  marriage (Stanley), 126–128, 320–321

  marriage (Tudor), 35–36, 48

  Prince Arthur, 244–245

  Prince Henry, 310–312

  Princes in the Tower, 195–197, 200

  relations with Elizabeth of York, 256–260, 299–300

  religiosity, 32–33, 154, 257, 274, 304–306, 319

  Richard III’s accession, 190–191

  status as feme sole, 238–239, 283

  Tudor claim, 198–199, 204, 211–212, 219–220, 222–223, 226–227, 231

  vows of chastity, 284, 308–309

  Warwick rebellion, 99–100, 106

  Yorkist opposition, 70–71

  Beaujeu, Anne of, 211, 223

  Beaulieu Abbey, 124

  Beaumont, Viscount, 92n

  Becket, Thomas, 25, 99n, 157

  Bedford, George, Duke of, 158

  Bedford, Jacquetta, Duchess of. See Jacquetta, Duchess of Bedford

  Beja, Duke of, 220

  Beltane, 78

  Berkhamsted, 99, 99n, 137, 148, 186, 225, 273

  Bermondsey Abbey, 240, 247, 262

  Berwick, 69, 86

  Bible stories, 161

  Black Jack, 86

  Blackheath, 7, 30, 276

  Blanche of Lancaster, 18

  Blaybourne (archer), 21

  Bletsoe, 18, 31

  Blore Heath, battle of, 53

  Bluemantle Pursuivant, 118

  Bocking, John, 43

  Boethius, 158, 216–217

  Bohemia, 81, 89

  Boleyn, Anne, 75

  Bolton Hall, 119

  Bona of Savoy, 80

  Book of Hours, 236, 244, 257, 290

  Bordeaux, 36–37

  Bosworth, battle of, xxiii, 227–231, 235–236, 243–244, 249, 273

  Bourbon, Duchess of, 88

  Bourchier, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 181, 190

  Bourne Castle, 71

  Brackenbury, Robert, 193

  Brampton, Sir Edward, 219, 277

  Bray, Reginald, 196, 212, 223, 231, 239, 258, 276, 308

  Brecon Castle, 196

  Brézé, Pierre de, 6, 86

  Bridget of York, 158–159, 206, 267, 267n, 274, 296, 3299

  Bristol, 110, 261

  Brittany, 87–88, 126–127, 163, 178, 191, 196–197, 203, 210, 249, 268

  Bruges, 84, 93–94, 158

  Buck, George, 123, 195, 197, 199, 215–217, 220, 256

  Buckingham, Anne Neville, Duchess of, 51, 54–55, 62, 83

  Buckingham, Henry Stafford, 1st Duke of, 50–51, 5
8, 70

  Buckingham, Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of, 236, 239

  marriage, 92

  Princes in the Tower, 198–199

  Richard III’s accession, 173, 175, 177–179, 182–183, 186–191

  Buckingham, Katherine Woodville, Duchess of, 92, 189, 204–205, 239, 252

  Buckingham, Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of, 307

  Burgundy, 63, 87–88, 127–129, 138–140, 142, 156–157, 163, 249, 312

  Burneby, Thomas, 25

  Bury St. Edmunds, 24

  Butler, Eleanor, 145–146, 178, 205

  Cade, Jack, 28

  Caen, 29

  Caerleon, Lewis, 195–196

  Caister Castle, 120

  Calais, 36–37, 52, 54, 58, 86, 88, 99, 101, 109, 287–288

  Caltrops, 62

  Cambrai, Bishop of, 282

  Cambridge University, 309–310. See also Queens’ College, Cambridge

  Camulio, Prospero di, 61, 64–65

  Canterbury Cathedral, 25, 118, 157, 160

  Carmarthen, 48

  Catatonic schizophrenia, 37

  Catherine of Aragon

  education, 160

  Elizabeth and Margaret with, 259

  her marriage (Prince Arthur), 280–281

  Isabella of Castile, 42

  marriage (Prince Arthur), 254–255, 280–281, 285, 290–292

  marriage (Prince Henry), 307, 310–311, 317

  Maundy Thursday, 260

  political isolation, 311

  potential marriage to Henry VII, 306–307 376

  Caxton, William, 73, 151, 158, 161, 245, 257

  Cecily of York, 100, 127, 160–162, 206, 244, 252–253, 267, 279n, 291, 299

  Cerne Abbey, 110

  Chamberlayne, Margaret, 5

  Channel Islands, 85

  Chapel Royal choir, 133

  Charles, Duke of Burgundy

  Cecily Neville’s morality, 21

  his death, 139, 142, 153

  his marriage, 93–94, 138–139

  Marguerite’s flight to France, 87

  Warwick rebellion, 106

  Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 314, 315n

  Charles VII, King of France, 4, 13, 24, 69–70

  Charles VIII, King of France, 128–129, 134, 139, 157, 162, 191, 211, 223, 225

  Chastellain, Georges, 13, 87–88, 193

  Chaucer, Geoffrey, 13, 158

  Cherbourg, 29

  Cheyneygate, 244, 247

  Child mortality, 293–294

  Childbirth and lying-in, 48–49

  Chivalric traditions, 6, 11–12, 83n, 93, 119, 291, 310

  Christine de Pizan, 8, 10–11, 15, 39, 48–49, 53n, 161, 172

  Christ’s College, Cambridge, 309–310

  Churching, 37, 48–49, 89, 245

  Clarence, George, Duke of

  Anne Neville marriage, 122–124

  appearance, 98

  attainder, 143, 209

  disregard for law, 142–143

  early life, 26, 63, 71

  Edward IV’s paternity, 98, 147, 183

  Elizabeth Woodville marriage, 81–83, 91, 146–147, 183–184

  his death, xxiii, 144–147, 153, 156, 200

  his rebellion, 98, 100–103, 107–109

  marriage of, 98

  Mary of Burgundy, 98

  Clarence, Isabel Neville, Duchess of, 98, 102, 108, 123, 141–142

  Clarence, Lionel of Antwerp, Duke of, xxiii

  Claver, Alice, 188

  Clere, Elizabeth, 25

  Cloth of gold, 134

  Cock, river, 64

  Cock John, 3

  Coldharbour, 239, 276, 290, 315

  College of St. Martin-le-Grand, 123

  Collyweston, 283, 288, 300, 308

  Comets, 120

  Commynes, Philippe de, 109, 111, 128, 145–146, 165, 183, 218

  Cook, Sir Thomas, 95, 109

  Corfe Castle, 276

  Cornazzano, Antonio, 76

  Cornelius (shoemaker), 95

  Courtenay, Lady Katherine, xix, 297

  Courtenay, William, 289

  Courtly love, 13, 38

  Coventry, 44, 54, 121

  Cromwell, Oliver, 160

  Crowland chronicle

  Anne Neville marriage, 123

  battle of Towton, 65

  Clarence death, 147

  Clarence marriage, 141–143

  Princes in the Tower, 194, 197–198, 200

  Richard III’s reign, 174, 176–177, 182–183, 213–215, 220–221, 231

  Somerset family, 19

  Titulus Regius, 205

  Tudor accession, 226, 230–231, 240

  Warwick rebellion, 107–108, 112

  Woodville family, 92–93

  York children, 159

  Croydon, 294, 311

  Crusades, 162

  Daisies, 11, 73, 120, 286

  Dampierre, Château de, 166

  Darcy, Elizabeth, 256–257

  Dartford, 299

  Dauphin, the. See Charles VIII, King of France

  de Ayala (Spanish envoy), 281

  De Infantia Salvatoris, 150

  De Puebla (Spanish ambassador), 254

  Deal, 275

  Dean, Agnes, 297

  Deepden Woods, 86

  Derby, Thomas Stanley, Earl of, xx–xxi

  Henry VII’s accession, 224–231, 239, 242

  his death, 308

  marriage, 126–128, 320–321

  neutrality, 212

  Princes in the Tower, 197, 199

  reign of Richard III, 203–204

  Richard III’s accession, 191

  wife’s independence, 288–289

  Yorkist claim, 53

  Devotio moderna, 149

  Dictes or Sayengis of the Philosophers, 161

  Ditton, Mistress, 253

  Dominic, Master, 89

  Dorset, Cecily, Marchioness of, 244, 267

  Dorset, Thomas Grey, 1st Marquess of, 111, 176, 197, 220, 225–226, 244, 267

  Dorset, Thomas Grey, 2nd Marquess of, xix, 289

  Dover, 28, 157–158, 288

  Dublin, 26–27

  Dudley, Edmund, 312, 316

  Dumfries, 59

  Dunstable, 63

  Dürer, Albrecht, 55

  Durham Cathedral, 136

  Edgecote, 99

  Edward II, King

  his death, 24, 165–166

  marriage, 9

  Edward III, King, xxii–xxiii, 20, 93, 118–119

  Edward IV, King

  accession, 64–65

  Burgundy negotiations, 127–128, 140, 155–158, 162–163

  Clarence’s execution, xxiii, 143–146, 200

  disregard for law, 143–144

  Duke of York’s reburial, 134

  Edward V’s upbringing, 121

  French expedition, 127–129

  Henry VII’s accession, 200

  his death, 171–173, 200

  his reign, 70–74, 97–89, 131, 235, 238

  his will, 127, 177

  intemperate life, 163–165

  Lancastrian opposition, 86, 96

  marriage, 75–84, 146–147, 171, 183, 205

  minority, 54–55, 61, 63

  mistresses, 122, 147

  paternity, 21–22, 98–99, 148, 183–184

  Richard III’s marriage, 123

  royal household, 118

  seals of office, 177, 185

  Warwick rebellion, 99–104, 106, 108–113

  Woodville family, 92–93

  Edward of Lancaster, Prince of Wales

  arranged marriage, 102

  his birth and paternity, 37–39

  imprisonment and death, 114, 123–124, 129, 200, 209

  Warwick rebellion, 106, 111–112

  Yorkist claim, 64

  Edward of Middleham, Prince of Wales, 125, 192, 209

  Edward the Confessor, 37

  Edward V, King

  accession, 127

  Anthony Woodville, 120

h Darcy, 257

  his birth, 117

  his marriage, 162–163

  imprisonment and death, xxiii, 177, 182–183, 192–195, 198–201

  Richard II’s accession, 165–166, 172, 182, 190–193

  Richard III’s accession, 174–182

  Warwick rebellion, 106–107

  Elizabeth I, Queen, 317

  Fotheringhay, 134n

  Henry VII chapel at Westminster Abbey, 323

  linguistic ability, 319

  military leadership, 53, 61–62

  sexual accusations, 38–39, 271n

  Elizabeth of York, xxiii

  Anne Neville, 214

  appearance, 241, 254–255, 307

  as queen, 254–263, 268–269, 271, 280, 293–294

  childbirth, 244–245, 262–263, 267, 297–298

  cultural influence, 256

  early life, 89, 101, 103, 105–106, 119, 124, 144, 159

  education and reading, 159–161

  estates, 158

  finances, 260–261, 268, 296–298

  Fotheringhay, 134n her coronation, 251–254

  her death, 298–299

  her funeral, xvii–xxi, 298–299

  her tomb, 322–323

  Katherine Gordon, 277–280

  marriage, 17, 163, 195–196, 198, 200, 204, 211, 224, 237–238, 240–243, 255–266

  marriage of Arthur, 291–292

  proposed match with Dauphin, 128, 139, 157, 162, 191

  reburial of the Duke of York, 135

  relations with Margaret Beaufort, 256–258, 260

  religiosity, 151, 257

  Richard III, 214–218, 220, 225, 240–241

  Tudor claim, 205, 210–211, 237–238

  Elphin, Bishop of, 65, 71

  Eltham, 82, 118, 158–159, 177–178, 260, 268–269, 282, 313

  Empson, Richard, 312, 316

  English Chronicle, 52–53

  Epiphany celebration, 213–215

  Erasmus, 282, 322

  Essex, Earl of, 83

  Exeter, Anne of York, Duchess of, 72, 90, 107–108, 138

  Exeter, Henry Holland, Duke of, 72, 138

  Exeter Cathedral, 52

  Exhill, 91

  Exorcism, 37

  Fabian, Robert, 38, 77, 89, 112, 193

  Falcon, 155

  Falconbridge, Bastard of, 111

  Farnham, 247–248, 276

  Fastolf, Sir John, 120

  Feme sole, 238–239, 283

  Ferdinand of Aragon, 44n, 254–255, 281, 310–311, 313

  Fifteen Oes, The, 257

  Fisher, John, 32, 49, 73, 239–240, 303–306, 309–310, 312, 317–319, 321

  Flodden, battle of, 313

  Florence, 156

  Flour, William, 7

  Fotheringhay, 23, 98–99, 131–137, 140, 160, 273, 308, 323

  Francis, Duke of Brittany, 126–127, 163, 210

  Francisco, Master, 5

  French language, 73, 161, 281, 315

  Fuensalida (Spanish envoy), 316

  Gascoigne, Dr. Thomas, 14


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