Blood Sisters: The Women Behind the Wars of the Roses

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Blood Sisters: The Women Behind the Wars of the Roses Page 44

by Sarah Gristwood

Scales, Ismanie, Lady, 62

  Scarborough, 272

  Scott, Sir Walter, xxii

  Scrope, Lord, 119

  Segovia, 44n

  Severn, river, 112, 197, 296

  Shaa, Dr. Ralph, 183, 186

  Shakespeare, William, 112

  battle of Bosworth, 227–228

  “Captain Margaret,” 53

  Clarence’s character, 141

  Edmund’s death, 60

  Edward’s paternity, 38n

  Henry V, 9–10

  Margaret Beaufort, 320

  Marguerite of Anjou, 4, 6, 13, 27, 166

  Richard III, 124, 199, 220, 227

  Sheen, 118, 122, 177–178, 260, 276, 280

  Sheriff Hutton, 207, 224, 241

  Shore, Jane, 122, 146, 179, 182–183

  Shrewsbury, John Talbot, Earl of, 12, 146

  Shrewsbury (Talbot) Book, 12

  Sicily, 4, 7

  Simnel, Lambert, 246, 248, 265, 270–272, 285

  Simons, Richard, 248

  Skelton, John, 55, 317

  Skinners’ Fraternity, 113

  Skyp (fool), 280

  Somerset, Edmund Beaufort, 2nd Duke of, 19, 23–24, 26, 29–30, 40–43

  Somerset, Edmund Beaufort, 4th Duke of, 96, 113–114

  Somerset, Edmund Tudor, Duke of, 282, 288

  Somerset, Eleanor Beauchamp, Duchess of, 29, 37

  Somerset, Henry Beaufort, 3rd Duke of, 60, 70, 86, 96

  Somerset, John Beaufort, 1st Duke of, 18

  Somerset, John Beaufort, 1st Earl of, 18

  Somerset Herald, 292, 300

  Southwark jail, 104–105

  Stafford, Elizabeth, 297

  Stafford, Henry, 51, 70, 101, 113, 125–126, 198, 321

  Stallworthe, Simon, 178, 182

  Stanley, Sir William, 227, 230, 237

  Stanley, Thomas, Lord. See Derby, Thomas Stanley, Earl of

  Star Chamber, 182

  Stillington, Bishop Robert, 146, 178, 183

  Stoke, battle of, 248, 251

  Stonor, Elizabeth, 137

  Stonor, Sir William, 91, 178, 182

  Stony Stratford, 77–78, 175

  Stow, John, 138, 195, 299, 316

  Stuke, Henry, 255

  Succession, rights of, 185–186

  Suffolk, Alice Chaucer, Duchess of, 13, 28, 37, 72, 113, 138

  Suffolk, Edmund de la Pole, 3rd Duke of, 285, 289, 294, 296–297, 302, 307, 312

  Suffolk, Elizabeth, Duchess of, 108

  birth of, 21

  Cecily Neville, 137

  Edward’s marriage to Elizabeth Woodville, 83

  Henry VII’s accession, 236, 248, 254

  her death, 302

  Margaret Beaufort, 156

  marriage, 72

  Mowbray marriage, 144

  Paston affair, 90

  Richard III’s accession, 190

  York family, 159–160

  Suffolk, John de la Pole, 2nd Duke of, 27, 31, 72, 83, 173

  Suffolk, William de la Pole, 1st Duke of, 27

  Suffolk, William de la Pole, Marquess of, 4–5, 13–15, 24, 27–28, 72

  Suicide, 19

  Surrey, Earl of, 301–302

  Swynford, Katherine, 18–19, 220, 225

  Syon Abbey, 273

  Tapestries, 154

  Taxation, 276, 312

  Ten-Noode, 279

  Tetzel, Gabriel, 89

  Tewkesbury, battle of, 114

  Tewkesbury chronicle, 141

  Thaxted, 148–149

  Titchfield Abbey, 6–7

  Titulus Regius, 205, 240

  Torrigiano, Pietro, 322

  Tournament of the Golden Tree, 94

  Tournaments, 93–94, 272, 291

  Towton, battle of, 64–65, 70–71, 76

  Treaty of Arras, 191

  Tristan, 217, 217n

  Tudor, Edmund, 32, 40, 48, 71, 125

  Tudor, Henry. See Henry VII, King

  Tudor, Jasper

  birth of Henry, 50–51

  exile, 70

  flight to France, 114, 126

  Henry VII’s accession, 226, 237, 239–240

  Lancastrian opposition, 95–96

  Margaret Beaufort’s wardship, 31, 48

  Princes in the Tower, 195

  Warwick rebellion, 106

  York as “defensor” of the realm, 40

  Tudor, Owen, 31, 247

  Tutbury, 43

  Twelfth Night celebrations, 118, 259–260

  Twynho, Ankarette, 143

  Tyrell, Sir James, 201, 294

  Unicorn’s horn, 119, 320

  Urswick, Christopher, 196, 239

  van der Weyden, Rogier, 286

  Venice, 156

  Vergil, Polydore

  Clarence death, 146

  Elizabeth Woodville marriage, 75

  French negotiations, 126

  Marguerite of Anjou, 4, 6, 52, 70

  Perkin Warbeck affair, 266, 269–272, 277–278, 281–282

  Princes in the Tower, 193–196, 198, 200

  Richard III’s accession and reign, 184, 186, 190, 193–194, 204, 209–211, 217–218

  Tudor accession, 226–231, 241, 246–249

  Tudor-York marriage, 163

  Warwick rebellion, 106

  Virgin Mary, 8, 25, 35–36, 50, 80, 95, 120, 151, 160, 297, 323

  Virginity, 50, 81, 189, 252, 278

  Wake, Thomas, 100

  Wakefield, battle of, 60, 63, 132

  Walcote, Cecily, 188

  Wallingford, 113

  Walsingham, 35, 277

  Warbeck, Perkin, 208, 265–272, 275–282, 285–286, 299, 302

  Warbeque, Katherine, 277

  Warham, William, 271–272

  Warkworth’s Chronicle, 104

  Warwick, Anne Beauchamp, Countess of, 44–45, 124

  Warwick, Edward, Earl of, 192, 209, 236, 246, 248, 285

  Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl of (“the Kingmaker”)

  Anne Neville marriage, 102–103, 107

  Elizabeth Woodville marriage, 80–82, 84

  his death, 113, 123

  his rebellion, 97–113

  political power, 74

  Richard’s affinity, 41

  Tudor dynasty, 283–284

  Woodville family, 92–93

  Yorkist claim, 52–54, 57–58, 61–64

  Waurin, Jean de, 24, 26, 77, 82

  Weinreich, Caspar, 77

  Welles, John, Lord, 195, 239

  Westmorland, Ralph Neville, Earl of, 19, 41

  Whethamsted, John, 58

  Whittlebury Forest, 75

  Winchester, 243, 245

  Windsor, 40, 118, 120, 225, 260, 267, 280, 323

  Witchcraft, 78, 100, 110, 143, 179, 205, 266

  Woking, 96, 106, 126, 237, 308

  Woodstock, 259, 280

  Woodstock, Thomas of, 172, 296

  Woodville, Bishop Lionel, 176

  Woodville, Edward, 94, 155, 178, 211

  Woodville, Elizabeth, xxiii

  alienation of property, 246–247

  Anne Neville marriage, 123

  appearance, 79–80

  as queen, 39, 89–91, 117–118, 120–121, 269

  Buckingham rebellion, 198

  Cecily Neville, xxi, 137

  Clarence’s execution, 146–147

  coronation, 253

  early life, 17, 63, 70

  Edward IV’s death succession, 172–185

  Edward IV’s mistresses, 122, 164

  Edward IV’s will, 127

  Edward V, 106–107, 117–118, 120

  finances, 90–91, 260–261

  gillyflower emblem, 80

  Henry VII’s accession, 240, 243–244

  her coronation, 82–83

  her death, 266–267, 270

  her household, 118

  her reading, 160

  her tomb, 323

  her will, 266–267

  in sanctuary, 176–177, 204–208

  Marguerite of Anjou’s curse
on, 166

  marriage, 75–84, 146–147, 171, 183, 205

  patronage, 158, 161

  pretenders, 246, 249

  Princes in the Tower, 194–195, 198, 207–208, 241

  protectorship, 43n

  rapprochement with Richard III, 220

  retirement, 243–244, 247, 250, 261–262

  the Princes in the Tower, 208

  Warwick rebellion, 100, 105–113

  Woodville, John, 92, 100

  Woodville family, 92–95, 145–146, 172–175, 177–180

  Worcester chronicle, 98

  Worde, Wynkyn de, 306

  Wriothesley, Thomas, 316

  Wychwood Forest, 75

  Yolande of Aragon, 9, 42

  York, 64–65, 108, 136, 178–179, 191–194 390

  York, Cecily Neville, Duchess of

  as queen dowager, 72–73, 83–84, 90, 95, 105, 131, 258

  Berkhamsted, 98–99

  Clarence’s execution, xxiii, 147–149

  Clarence’s marriage, 98–99

  Duke of York’s death, 60–61, 71–72, 231

  Duke of York’s reburial, 131, 133–134, 136–137

  Elizabeth Woodville, xxi, 137

  Elizabeth Woodville marriage, 79–84

  Henry VII’s accession, 249

  her death, 268, 273

  her household, 20–21

  her library, 149–150

  her tomb, 323

  her will, 273

  Margaret of Burgundy, xxi

  Marguerite of Anjou, 22, 35–36, 55

  marriage, 23–24, 29–30

  religiosity, 74, 81, 149–151, 274

  Richard III’s accession, 184–187, 190, 210, 225

  Richard III’s death, 231

  sexual accusations, 21–22, 98–99, 148, 184, 205, 271

  Warwick rebellion, 101

  Yorkist claim, 30, 54–55, 57–59, 64–65, 83–84

  York, Edmund of Langley, Duke of, xxiii, 20

  York, Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of

  Anne Mowbray marriage, 148

  betrothal, 143

  birth, 122

  early life, 159

  imprisonment and death, xxiii, 192–195, 198–201, 207–208

  See also Simnel, Lambert; Warbeck, Perkin

  York, Richard Plantagenet, Duke of

  Cecily Neville, 19–22

  Edward IV’s paternity, 21–22, 184

  his death, 60–61, 231

  Irish exile, 26–27, 29

  Neville family, 23–24

  reburial ceremony, 131–137

  Yorkist claim, 26, 29–31, 37, 40, 43–44, 52–54, 58–61, 83




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