Silver Wings

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Silver Wings Page 12

by H. P. Munro

  Lily's eyes flitted from Helen's eyes to her mouth and back to the blue eyes regarding her.

  “Nothing,” she shook her head then took a deep breath. “Just…” she exhaled slowly and, leaning forward, pressed her lips against Helen's. The blue eyes widened in shock then slowly closed as she melted into the kiss. She reached a hand up threading her fingers through Lily's locks to hold her in place as she deepened the kiss, her tongue slipping into the warmth of Lily's mouth.

  Lily felt her heart rate increase as Helen’s actions ignited the fire that had been burning within her for weeks, the blaze threatened to consume her as her cheeks flushed. Her hands rose to Helen’s body propelled by no thought other than her desire.

  Helen moaned against Lily's mouth, as hands clutched desperately seeking some form of purchase that would increase the contact between their bodies. Stumbling backwards slightly, Helen's hip brushed the small table with their glasses. She thrust her hand out behind her to steady the table only succeeding in knocking a lamp to the ground. The room was plunged into darkness as the lamp’s cable tore from the socket. Ignoring the destruction that they were causing, the two women shuffled towards the bed. Their progress slowed as determined hands clawed at clothing, desperate to rid the barriers stopping them feeling their skin pressed against each other.

  Quickly unbuttoning Lily's shirt, Helen peeled her mouth away and started to trail wet kisses down Lily's neck. Her lips settling on Lily's now throbbing pulse point, the blood flow so rapid that Helen stilled her lips to relish the feeling of Lily's neck pounding against her mouth. She pushed Lily's blouse over her shoulders, tossing it aside once she had freed the material from Lily's' body.

  Lily threw her head back granting Helen more access to her sensitive neck as her fingers fumbled with the buttons on the blonde's shirt, which were stubbornly halting her progress. Pulling the shirt from where it had been neatly tucked in, Lily focused her attention on operating fingers that, under normal circumstances, had no problem nimbly playing the most complex of music on her violin.

  However, with Helen lavishing kisses on her neck, those usually compliant digits were struggling with the easiest of functions. She gave a small yell of satisfaction when finally the last of the buttons popped open, allowing her to rid Helen of the piece of clothing. She snaked her arms around the small frame of Helen's torso, which was pressed tightly against her own. She dropped her head and started to kiss along Helen's shoulder, shivering as she felt fingertips dance up her spine.

  The dance stopped at the clasp of her bra, which was deftly released. Helen roughly pulled the underwear off, dropping down to capture a swollen nipple in her mouth. Lily's knees threatened to give as every fiber of her body felt alive and craving the touch of Helen. She reached around the smaller woman to work the catch on Helen's bra, pausing as her addled mind couldn't process the direction required to open the catch from this new angle. She felt Helen's lips spread into a smile against her breast, as the blonde woman removed her hands from Lily and reached around to her back to undo her own bra, allowing it to drop to the floor between them.

  Grasping Helen's face Lily pulled her back up, so that she could kiss the lips that had been teasing her breast so expertly. Exploring Helen's mouth with her tongue she tentatively cupped Helen's breast, her touch gaining in confidence with each soft moan that echoed it. She felt the back of Helen's hand brush against her stomach, followed by the waistband of her skirt loosen as Helen unbuttoned it and pushed it over her hips until it fell to her ankles.

  Never removing her lips, or hands, from exploring, Lily toed off her shoes and stepped backwards out of her clothing, the heel of her foot caught the edge of her earlier discarded suitcase causing her to fall backwards onto the bed. They landed with a soft bounce on the mattress.

  Using her position to her advantage Helen removed the remnants of Lily's clothing before hurriedly casting the last of her own garments aside. She stood at the bottom of the bed, her head tilting slightly as she regarded Lily lying naked on the bed, her dark locks strewn like a halo around her head.

  Lily watched as the look of lust that had been in Helen's eyes disappeared. She had a moment of panic that the blonde was having second thoughts, before she placed the look that was now on Helen's face, it was a look that she recognized from the myriad of expressions she'd seen animate Helen's face over the time they’d known each other.

  This one resembled the look that would appear when she spoke about flying.

  This look was one of awe.

  Helen smiled softly. She'd seen Lily naked before. Living in each other’s pockets the way that they did in the bay Helen was sure that by now every woman knew every freckle and blemish, on each other’s bodies. However, this was different. This time, Lily was naked for her.

  She caught brown eyes looking at her in wonder and struggled to find power in her voice to ask the question, but she needed to. Despite the fact that a response of no would break her heart irreparably.

  “Are you sure?” she asked tentatively.

  “Never more sure of anything,” Lily replied confidently.

  With a smile Helen leaned down and started to kiss her way slowly up Lily's thigh. Their eyes locked as she continued her progress, Lily bit her bottom lip trying to control her breathing. When eventually Helen's lips concluded their torturous trail towards Lily's mouth, she lowered her body down on top of Lily relishing the sensation.

  Lily's breathing quickened as she held Helen's face in place plunging her tongue into the blonde's mouth in a searing kiss. Hips moved involuntarily, moaning as they found the friction that they desperately longed for. Helen groaned into Lily's mouth, she trailed her fingers down hot skin, drawn toward the heat of Lily's center. Lily bucked her hips as finally, Helen's fingertips caressed her where she needed, arching her back she moaned and sensing her need, Helen wasted no time with teasing as she built up a steady rhythm.

  Lily's stomach and thigh muscles contracted in time with the rhythm created by Helen, until finally the tension built up by Helen's ministrations released in an explosion and Lily's lungs emptied in a massive rush.


  Lily didn't think she could be happier; she was lying with Helen in her arms, not because she was comforting the woman after a nightmare or because they were crammed into a bathtub studying the wonders of navigation. She had Helen dozing in her arms after they had spent the night making love. She trailed the back of her thumb lazily up Helen's arm, which was thrown protectively across her stomach. Helen moaned softly and snuggled closer, shifting her head until she found another comfortable spot on Lily's chest.

  “What time is it?” Helen mumbled, her breath tickling Lily's breast.

  “Five thirty,” Lily replied, checking her wristwatch.

  A blue eye popped open in surprise. “And you're awake? Are you…are you okay?” she asked nervously, wondering whether Lily had been lying regretting their time together.

  “I'm fine,” Lily smiled and seeing the anxious look still on Helen’s face she added. “Honestly I’m okay. Are you?” she chewed on her lip. “Are you okay? I mean I sort of took you by surprise last night. “

  “You certainly did that,” Helen laughed. She traced patterns on Lily’s stomach as she spoke. Her fingertips reaching to circle the small freckle on Lily’s breast that she had admired so often, “I imagine you surprised yourself too,” she said lightly, her tone not fully disguising a hint of seriousness.

  Lily chortled, “Damn near shocked myself.”

  She teased fingers through Helen’s curls, “I never thought…” she paused as her mind shuttled between thoughts. “I mean, I’ve never…”

  Helen placed her hand on Lily’s chest, “I know. It’s confusing at first.”

  Shuffling down so she could lay on her side and face Helen, Lily asked quietly, “Was this your first time?”

  Smiling Helen reached out a hand to touch Lily’s face; the brunette moved her cheek further into the caress.

�No and yes. No, as I have been with other women, and yes because I’ve never before experienced what we had last night.”

  She groaned softly as Lily leaned forward to place a light kiss on her lips. When they separated she saw a thoughtful look on Lily’s face. “I’m assuming that you’ve never…”

  Helen let the question hang.

  Lily shook her head, “No I didn’t date much in school or college, mainly because I was so focused on either flying or my violin. Then after I graduated college I wanted to stay in New York so started to play in a women’s orchestra and found out that I could make more money if I also played in nightclubs. So my time was filled with music. Then I met Henry, he played in one of the nightclubs and our relationship kinda grew.” She frowned as she compared her feelings for Henry with those she had for Helen, “I thought that I loved him, but I think now I loved the idea of him more than anything. He was what I was supposed to want.” Her eyes hardened as she considered her marriage, “But in reality I didn’t have what I wanted, he was sweet to begin with, but he changed after we got married. I ended up with a man who as well as being an adulterer undermined my confidence and dictated what I could and couldn’t do.” She felt the familiar anger rise as she thought about her late husband, “He made me quit playing in nightclubs he wasn’t playing in, and when we flew together, he would always take control despite the fact I was a better pilot.” Her eyes softened and the anger disappeared faster than it had appeared and as she returned to the present, she looked deeply into blue eyes full of more concern than her husband had shown in their years of marriage. She smiled softly, “You make me feel confident; that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.”

  “You can,” Helen responded with conviction, before pulling Lily’s hands to her lips and kissing her knuckles. She spoke quietly, “I grew up thinking I was Huckleberry Finn.” She narrowed her eyes playfully at Lily’s soft chuckle. “Hey no mocking, Huck was great,” she grinned. “Seriously though, my brother was only a year older and what he did, I did. It never occurred to me that we were supposed to be different. It was only as I got older that I realized what those differences were meant to be and yet still I didn’t feel them.” She gave a small shrug, “I just figured that I wouldn’t marry since it didn’t feel right and I was going to be one of those old spinster aunts, with cats.” She gave a laugh at her younger self. “And then,” she sighed, “I landed in Hollywood and I realized that there were others that were different. I wanted to tell you, but I have lost people that I cared about in the past when I was honest.” She looked deeply into Lily’s eyes, “And selfishly, I didn’t want to lose you.”

  Lily pulled Helen into her arms and held her tightly as a loud sigh escaped her lips.

  “Still okay?” Helen asked, her anxiety less but still not completely abated.

  “I’m just savoring this time,” Lily replied.

  Helen frowned as shifted her position so she could see Lily's face, “You sound sad.”

  Pressing her lips onto Helen's, Lily sighed then pulled back, “We go back today.”

  Their night together had been wonderful, amazing, life changing, and now that she was changed irreversibly Lily did not want them to return to base as if nothing had altered in their relationship.

  Helen sat up, kneeling in front of Lily. “No, we fly to Avenger Field today. We,” she pointed between them. “We don't go back,” Helen took a deep breath. “Do you remember the night we were out after Taps?” Lily nodded smiling. “I said that I'd never met the right person.”

  “That someone that made it feel like you were flying,” Lily laughed softly at the memory.

  “Exactly, well I have. Liliana, when I'm around you. I'm flying!” she smiled broadly her dimples highlighting her joy. “I get the same kick out of a smile from you from across a room as I do from doing an inside loop.” She leaned forward and took Lily's hands into her own, “So we aren't going back to the way it was before.”

  Lily pulled Helen close to her, and in one easy action had spun their bodies until she was lying on top.

  “Impressive one eighty,” Helen laughed as her back thumped against the mattress, her hands trailing up Lily's hips and sides.

  “I'm a terrific flyer,” Lily replied in a cocksure tone. “In fact I'm going to give you a lesson now.” She smiled as Helen cocked an eyebrow.

  “You are?”

  “I am, Lesson one, pre-flight check, you should give the body of the plane a once over checking for damage from previous flights.” She lifted herself up, looking down the length of Helen's body beneath her. “Check!” she grinned.

  “Then when in the cockpit, adjust your seat.” She eased her legs between Helen's, using them to part the blonde's thighs. She sat up knelt and pulled Helen's knees up, before leaning back down. “Then check the instrument panel.” She looked lustily at Helen's breasts. Helen started to laugh, squirming slightly at the attention she was receiving.

  “Check!” Lily smiled, lasciviously licking her lips.

  “You then need to prime the engine,” she dipped her head and took a nipple into her mouth, toying with it for a second before pulling her head up slowly, lightly dragging her teeth over the sensitive bud. She smiled at the gasp she received in response. “Once you've primed the engine, if you've got the mix right, then you should be able to crank the throttle a little.” She thrust her hips, feeling the moisture from Helen's arousal wet her skin. “I think the mix is right. Check!” she lowered her head back down to Helen's breast. “Work the wobble pump,” she smirked taking Helen's other breast into her mouth, ignoring the laughter that burst from Helen.

  “Wobble pump, really!” Helen giggled before her laughter stalled in her throat; replaced by a moan as Lily thrust her hips once more while using her tongue to circle the nipple held firmly in her mouth.

  Lily released Helen's nipple with a soft pop. “Check! Then it's a simple matter of flicking the ignition switch.” She lowered her hand between their bodies, groaning at the swollen arousal her fingers found, she slowly started to rub small circles, biting her lip as Helen started to moan noisily and move her hips in time with Lily's fingers. “You should hear the engine start to hum and the plane start to dance with the power,” she murmured seductively as she increased the pressure on Helen, eliciting a louder moan and a slight bucking of Helen's hips. “Check! The last thing is to check the flaps and radio the tower, so Hollywood, this is Sleeping Beauty. Permission for take-off?” she smiled dipping her fingers through Helen silky arousal. Helen nodded quickly.

  “Permission granted. Roger,” she groaned and gripped the bedding in tight fists as Lily's slender fingers entered her.

  Lily chuckled bringing her lips down onto Helen, “Just one thing. It’s Liliana, not Roger.”

  Chapter Eight

  Lily and Helen sat with the rest of their bay during a lively breakfast, each stealing glances as their minds escaped the chatter that surrounded them and took them back to moments during the night. Helen sat smirking as she recalled the 'flying' lesson that Lily had given her earlier.

  “Don't you look like the cat that ate the cream?” Adrienne remarked with a raised eyebrow at Helen's expression.

  “She's right. For once!” Adele added, getting a playful slap from Adrienne. “What you thinking about?” she nudged the blonde woman.

  Helen's eyes locked with Lily who was sitting feigning innocence while sipping her coffee.

  “Just going over my pre-flight checks in my head,” she smiled.

  Lily choked on her coffee, spluttering and coughing loudly as Lucy pounded on her back.

  “Ladies, finish up, we should be getting back to the airfield,” Ward said coming up to their table.


  The bus trip back was filled with Adele and Adrienne relaying their bawdy versions of the WASP songs. The two women stood in the gangway announcing that they were like the Andrew Sisters only cheaper. Helen and Lily sat laughing at their friends antics, their hands planted on the space on
the seat between them, their pinkies curled around each other.

  Pulling their heavy leathers on, the good-natured banter continued between the Bay Four women.

  “Hey, Stotty, you think that at tomorrow's game, you might try and hit a pitch?” Adrienne yelled, referring to the regular baseball game that replaced their PT sessions.

  “You wanna stop throwing no balls,” Adele countered shrugging her heavy jacket into place. “Then maybe I will!”

  “They're not no balls,” Adrienne snorted. “I can't help it if your head height is everyone else's waist height!”

  The women laughed as Adele waddled over in her heavy leathers to swat Adrienne with her flight helmet.

  “I bet you two weeks mopping, I hit a homerun Red.”

  Adrienne held her hand out. “Deal. Good job you're good with a mop!” she yelled climbing up the wing of her plane.

  “I ought to be, I spend enough time cleaning up your mess,” Adele shouted in return. “Happy landings ladies,” she nodded to Lily and Helen. before climbing up into her ride home.

  “Happy landings,” they chorused in return.


  Several hours of flying later Lily was parked in the stand completing her post flight checks, when the canopy of her plane opened.

  “Did you see them?” Helen said breathlessly, still dressed in her flight leathers.

  “See who?” Lily asked confused.

  “The Addies, you and me were the last to go, and they're not back,” Helen replied, running a frustrated hand thought her curls. “I thought maybe you'd seen them.”

  “How late are they?”

  Helen stepped down the wing walkway to allow Lily to climb out of the plane, “A half hour.”

  Lily frowned as she jumped down onto the ground beside Helen, “I'm sure there's a simple explanation.”

  They joined Marjorie and Lucy who were sitting on the wooden benches that ran the length of the exterior of the hangar. Helen shook her head as they approached, the two sister's expressions fell as the hope that Lily may have seen them disappeared.


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