310 AGA, May 1, 1798, GUS, May 1, 1798, PG, Apr. 30, May 2, 1798. AGA, June 14, 1800, describes Relph’s role.
311 According to WD, BFB got him to give up his $10-a-week salary sometime in May or June, so that BFB could hire James Thomson Callender, AGA, Aug. 11, 1802. BFBT, 402.
312 PG, Apr. 30, May 2, 1798. See AGA, June 14, 1800.
313 See AGA, June 14, 1800.
314 AGA, May 3, 1798.
315 PG, May 2, 1798.
316 GUS, May 4, 1798, JAWO, IX, 186-187.
317 See FETT, 8-9, JAPS II, 963.
318 Anas, TJWF, I, 346.
319 TJ to Madison, Phil., May 3, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 413-416. See NJUV, 68, 308, DMAF, 161.
320 AGA, May 5, 1798.
321 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1578.
322 GUS, May 26, 1798.
323 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3726.
324 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3727.
325 PAPS, XXII, 270-271.
326 NJUV, 65-67.
327 KMM, 182-183.
328 GW to Sec. of State, May 6, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 254.
329 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, May 7, 1798, AANL, 169.
330 GUS, May 7, 1798.
331 PG, May 7, 1798.
332 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, May 8, 1798, AANL, 169.
333 1740 ed., PRA, I, 186.
334 JAWO, IX, 187-9.
335 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, May 8, 1798, AANL, 169.
336 AGA, May 9, 1798. See also NJUV, 67.
337 BFBW, [i].
338 NJUV, 67.
339 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, May 8, 1798, AANL, 169.
340 TJ to James Madison, May 10, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 417, 418. See AGA, June 14, 1800.
341 To the people of Burlington County, N. J., [May 8, 1798], JAWO, IX, 191.
342 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1631-1642.
343 NJUV, 68.
344 On this same day, William Cobbett published a pamphlet: William Cobbett, Detection of a Conspiracy Formed by the United Irishmen, with the Evident Intention of Aiding the Tyrants of France in Subverting the Government of the United States of America (Phil., 1798), REDX 48,395, WCPW, VIII, 220-225. See DMAF, 28, 150, TJAH, 375-376.
345 TJ to James Madison. [Phil], May, 17, 1798, TJJM, II, 1049-1050.
346 See W&A, II, 70-71, GLP, 150.
347 Joseph Hopkinson, What Is Our Situation And What Our Prospects? A Few Pages for Americans. By An American (Phil., 1798), REDX 33,904. That this was sent to GW on May 9th, see GW to Joseph Hopkinson, Mt. Vernon, May 27, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 274-275.
348 TJ to James Lewis, Jr., Phil., May 9, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 416-417.
349 PG, May 10, 1798.
350 AGA, Sept. 10, 1800.
351 James Abercrombie, A Sermon, Preached in Christ Church and St. Peter’s, Philadelphia: on Wednesday, May 9, 1798 (Phil.: John Ormrod [1798]), REDX 33,263.
352 David Osgood, Some Facts Evincive of the Atheistical, Anarchical, and in other respect Immoral Principles of the French Republicans, stated in a Sermon Delivered on the 9th of May, 1798, the Day Recommended by the President of the United States for Solemn Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer. (Boston: Samuel Hall, 1798), REDX 34,284. Reprinted in GUS, Aug. 21, 1798.
353 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, May 10, 1798, AANL, 170-172.
354 JCPB, I, 35. Callender described the leader of the plot to burn BFB’s house on May 9 as “the attorney that fled for forgery.” Your author has substituted the name Joseph Thomas to identify that person. See AGA, Aug. 6, 1798.
355 AGA, Apr. 30, 1799.
356 JCPB, I, 35.
357 Margaret Morriss to Milcah Martha Moore, Montgomery, May 11, 1798, SJRH, 296. See BFBP, 103-104.
358 JAWJ, 127, TJAH, 367.
359 GUS, May 11, 1798.
360 Abigail Adams to Mrs. Elizabeth Peabody, Phil., June 22, 1798, SFP.
361 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, May 10, 1798, AANL, 170-172.
362 “To the Printers of the Boston Patriot, Letter 1,” JAWO, IX, 241, 279.
363 JCPB, I, 35.
364 AGA, May 21, 1798.
365 To the citizens of Hartford, Conn., [May 10, 1798], JAWO, IX, 192.
366 PG, May 23, 1798.
367 TJ to James Madison, May 10, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 417, 418. See DMAF, 151.
368 Abigail Adams to her sister, May 10, 1798, AANL, 172, FETT, 249.
369 Eliz. Hewson to Thos. Hewson, May 10, June 20, 1798, HP, BFBT, 107.
370 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1655-1656, 1678. See DMAF, 150, GUS, June 9, 1798, DAQW, 84.
371 See GUS, May 11, 1798, AGA, May 14, 23, 1798.
372 To the Citizens of Easton, Pa., Columbian Centinel (Boston), May 26, 1798, DMAF, 159.
373 See GUS, May 11, 1798, AGA, May 15, 1798.
374 Francis Von A. Cabeen, “The Society of the Sons of Saint Tammany of Philadelphia,” PMHB, XXV (1901), 442-451; XXVI (1902), 346-347; XXVII (1903), 29-48, GLP, 150. See BFBB,183-186.
375 George Logan, On the Natural and Social Order of the World, as Intended to Produce Universal Good; Delivered Before the Tammany Society, at Their Anniversary, on the 12th of May, 1798 (Phil.: BFB [1798]), REDX 34,011. Also, quoted in GLP, 151.
376 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1727-1729. Two eminent historians have concluded that the army acts were to suppress democracy rather than to protect the country. AGHA, 170 and DMAF, 210. See ANC, 1631-1770, TPAD, 166-67.
377 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1738-1739, 1744.
378 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1744-1746.
379 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1747-1748.
380 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1752-1754.
381 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1755.
382 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1772, DMAF, 305.
383 ANC, 5C, 2S, 559.
384 TJMD, III, 374.
385 Albert Gallatin to J. W. Nicholson, May 18, 1798, AGW, 107.
386 DMAF, 222. See TJMD, III, 374-375.
387 James Madison to TJ, May 20, 1798, JMAW, VI, 320-322.
388 William Smith Shaw to Abigail Adams, May 20, 1798, JAPM, Reel 388. See FETT, 24.
389 To the Young Men of Boston, Mass., [May, 22, 1798], JAWO, IX, 194-195.
390 JCHU, 249.
391 PG, May 26, 1798.
392 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, May 26, 1798, AANL, 179-181.
393 GW to Joseph Hopkinson, Mt. Vernon, May 27, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 274-275.
394 GUS, May 30, 1798.
395 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3729-3733.
396 To the Grand Jury for the County of Plymouth, Mass., [May 28, 1798], JAWO, IX, 195.
397 AGA, June 9, 1798.
398 TJ to James Madison, Phil., May 31, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 427-429.
399 TJ to John Taylor, Phil., June 1, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 430-433.
400 PAPS, XXII, 272.
401 Abigail Adams to William Shaw, Phil., June 2, 1798, SFP.
402 See Grenadiers adv., GUS, May 24, 1798.
403 PG, May 26, 28, 1798.
404 GW to Judge Alexander Addison, Mt. Vernon, June 3, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 279-280.
405 James Madison to TJ, June 3, 1798, JMAW, VI, 320-322.
406 PG, June 7, 1798, CRIS, 39.
407 See AGA, June 9, 1798. The Infirmary treated the doctors’ threat of resignation as a resignation. JCPB, I, 37.
408 See SWHP, I, 493, JAPS II, 969.
409 GLP, 155.
410 PG, June 7, 1798. See GUS, June 4, 1798.
411 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1868.
412 JCHT, 109, See GUS, June 6, 1798. See TJ to James Madison, Phil., June 7, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 433-434.
413 1739 ed., PRA, I, 156.
414 YF, 36.
415 PG, June 8, 1798.
416 TJ to James Madison, Phil., June 7, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 433-434. See TJMD, III, 387.
417 FETT, 160-161, DAQW, 87.
418 FETT, 161, n. 6. See CFFR.
419 Alexander Hamilton to Timothy Pickering, June 7, 1798, TPPM, XXII, 196.
420 Italicized words in this paragraph are WD’s. WDBM, 6. See WDKP, 54, Diary of William Wood Thackara (Hist. Soc. Penn.).
421 BFB to unknown subscriber, June 8, 1798, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 3.
422 1748 ed., PRA, II, 26.
423 James Thomson Callender, Sedgwick & Co. or A Key to the Six Per Cent Cabinet (Phil., [at the office of the AGA], 1798), 35. REDX 48, 395. Pref. is dated May 22, 1798.
424 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, June 8, 1798, AANL, 187-189.
425 JMAW, VI, 323-325.
426 1749 ed., PRA, II, 64.
427 GLM, 75-76.
428 GLM, 57-60. See GUS, June 23, 1798.
429 FETT, 206.
430 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3737-3739.
431 E.g. BFBW, 35-47, AGA, Mar. 26, Apr.14, 25, 1798.
432 AGA, Aug. 27, 1793.
433 See WDRP, 553-576.
434 BFBR, 46-47.
435 JMOW, III, 125-136.
436 PMIIB, XLVII, (1923), 359-360.
437 GUS, June 20, 1798.
438 GUS, June 21, 1798.
439 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3739-3742.
440 CRIS, 47-48, AALP, 350. See TJMD, III, 385.
441 1739 ed., PRA, I, 159.
442 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3425.
443 ANC, 5C, 2S, 1972-1973.
444 James Lloyd to GW, Phil., June 18, 1798, GW Papers (LC Microfilm), Ser. 4, Reel 112. See AGA, June 25, 1798, Time Piece (N.Y.), June 22, 1798, GUS, July 19, 1798, Albany Centinel (Albany, N.Y.), June 13, 29, 1798.
445 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, June 19, 1798, AANL, 193-194.
446 GUS, July 28, 1798.
447 Elizabeth Hewson to Thomas Hewson, June 20, 1798, BFBS, 158.
448 ANC, 5C, 2S, 2008, 2010, 2013-2014, 2016.
449 RJMP, I, 266.
450 TJ to James Madison, Phil., June 21, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 439-441.
451 JCHT, 106, 109.
452 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3743-3744. See DAQW, 96.
453 JA to GW, June 22, 1798, GW Papers (LC Microfilm), Ser. 4, Reel 112.
454 1748 ed., PRA, II, 20.
455 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, June 23, 1798, AANL, 196. See JAPS, II, 961.
456 GUS, June 25, 1798.
457 GUS, Aug. 2, 1798.
458 The sender, 28-year-old Louis Pichon, was working for the American section of the French Foreign Office and had worked as secretary to the French legation in Philadelphia. See BFBT, 377-386, 393 n. 42.
459 JCPB, II, 74-75.
460 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, June 25, 1798, AANL, 196.
461 GW to James Lloyd, June 25, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 299. The dotted sections of this excerpt are illegible.
462 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3744-3746. See FETT, 61.
463 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3747-3748.
464 To the Students of Dickinson College, [June 25, 1798], JAWO, IX, 204-205, GUS, June 30, 1798.
465 AGA, Dec. 18, 1800.
466 1733 ed., PRA, II, 18.
467 AGA, June 27 & 30, 1798. BFBT, 387-388. Columbian Gazette (Boston), July 4, 1798, See BFBW, Pref., and Bee (New London, CT), July 4, 1798.
468 TJMD, III, xxvi, TJWF, VIII, xx.
469 See also PG, Apr. 16, 1798.
470 Italicized words in this paragraph are presumably WD’s. AGA, Mar. 31, 1800.
471 See TJ to Samuel Smith, Monticello, Aug. 22, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 443, 446, Anas, TJWF, I, 353-354.
472 BFB to Louis Gabriel Cramer, June 27, 1798, BFBL, 70-71.
473 1737 ed., PRA, I, 105.
474 DMSM, 252.
475 DMSM, 252.
476 YF, 35.
477 YF, 35.
478 See GUS, Aug. 9, 1798, AGA, Aug. 10, 1978.
479 BFB’s fourth son, Hartman, was born on Sept. 3, 1798.
480 Margaret Bache’s brother responds, “You are certainly unhappy & 1 would advise you to come to us immediately.” Fr[ancis] Markoe to Margaret H. Bache, Aug. 4, 1798, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 3. See BFBT, 396, 403.
481 1740 ed., PRA, I, 180.
482 WWHJ, 31.
483 AGA, June 30, 1798. Opening date for Penn. Cir. Ct. from PDS, 21.
484 When Israel Israel was elected to the Penn. Senate in Oct. of 1797, PG called it a complete triumph of the Jews over the Gentiles. On Dec. 13, Penn.’s Federalist-controlled Senate called an investigation of his election and proceeded to expel him. PG, Oct. 10, 1797. See PG, Apr. 12, 15, 16, 1797, THRF, 176-177, 179. On the issue of his Jewish extraction, see WWHJ, 31, NJUV, 45.
485 See AGA, Aug. 22, 29, 1798.
486 Whether it was “Robert” Smith seems in some question. See GUS, June 30, July 3, 1798, FETT, 202, Massachusetts Mercury, July 6, 1798, BFBT, 387-389.
487 JCPB, I, 33.
488 WBRA, 341.
489 RJMP, I, 267, GWF, IV, 397.
490 DAQW, 343.
491 Thomas Day, An Oration on Party Spirit Pronounced Before the Connecticut Society of Cincinnati convened at Hartford … (Litchfield: T. Collier, 1798), REDX 33,612.
492 Theodore Dwight, Esq., An Oration Spoken At Hartford in the State of Connecticut on the Anniversary of American Independence, July 4, 1798 (Hartford: Hudson and Goodwin, 1798), REDX 33,655.
493 Augustus Pettibone, An Oration Pronounced at Norfolk on the Anniversary of American Independence … (Litchfield: T. Collier, 1798), REDX 34,344.
494 David B. Ogden, An Oration Delivered on the Fourth of July, 1798 … (Newark: Jacob Halsey & Co., 1798), REDX 34,266.
495 GUS, July 5, 1798.
496 Abigail Adams to Elizabeth Peabody, Phil., July 7, 1798, SFP.
497 PG, July 6, 1798.
498 PG, Aug. 15, 1798.
499 Stevens T. Mason to TJ, Phil., July 6, 1798, TJ Papers, (LC), CIV, 17825.
500 ANC, 5C, 2S, 599. See DMAF, 162-163, 206, 343-348.
501 James Lloyd to GW, July 4, 1798, GW Papers (LC Microfilm), Series 4, Reel 112. See DMAF, 199.
502 GW to Pres. of the U.S., Mt. Vernon, July 4, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 312-315.
503 GW to Sec. of War, Mt. Vernon, July 4, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 304-305. See TPAD, 168, 172, DAQW, 96-97.
504 DAQW, 104.
505 1750 ed., PRA, II, 98.
506 ANC, 5C, 2S, 2093-2101.
507 ANC, 5C, 2S, 2107-2111.
508 ANC, 5C, 2S, 2114
509 GW to Sec. of War, Mt. Vernon, July 5, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 318-320.
510 ANC, 5C, 2S, 2118-2220.
511 Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, Phil., July 20, 1798, JAPM, Reel 390.
512 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3753-3754. See AALP, 350, DAQW, 100.
513 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3752-3753.
514 Time Piece (N.Y.), July 9, 1798, AGA, July 9, 1798, Argus (N.Y.), July 7, 1798, Daily Advertiser (N.Y.), July 7, 1798, FETT, 204-220, TJAH, 404-405.
515 Timothy Pickering to Richard Harrison, July 7, 1798, TPPM, XXXVII, 315. See FETT, 211, TJAH, 404-405.
516 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3754. See SDOP, 325, THRF, 183, DMAF, 305.
517 Bass vs. Tingey, as reported in GUS, Aug. 20, Oct. 11, 1800, AGA, Aug. 22, Oct. 8, 1800.
518 ND, I, 175-179, VII, 366.
519 Columbian Centinel (Boston), July 14, Aug. 8, 1798, as quoted in ND, I, 176.
520 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3757ff. See THRF, 215.
521 GUS, July 12, 1798.
522 ND, II, 363-364, GUS, Mar. 2, 1799.
523 ND, II, 147-197.
524 Abigail Adams to Mary Cranch, Phil., July 9, 1798, AANL, 199, 200.
525 “Instructions of Sec. Stoddert to commander of U.S. Armed Vessels,” July 10, 1798, ND, I, 187.
526 By its own terms, the Sedition Act expired on Mar. 3, 1801, last day of JA’s presidential term. See FETT, 130, 143.
527 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3774-3776.
528 JAWO, IX, 170-172, DAQW, 103, 410, BASN, 332.
529 GW to JA, Mt. Vernon, July 13, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 328. See JABW, 105.
530 WDKP, 54.
531 WDCA, 15. Cf. WDBM, 6 which says William John caught yellow fever.
532 WDBM, 1.
533 WDKP, 33.
534 1754 ed., PRA, II, 244.
535 WDKP, 58, WDBM, 6-7.
536 1737 ed., PRA, I, 107.
537 Callender found sanctuary in Loudon County, Va., at the home of Republican U.S. Senator Stevens Thomson Mason. James Thomson Callend
er to TJ, Rasberry Plain, Sept. 22, 1798, TJJC, 10. See TJ to James Monroe, Wash., July 15, 1802, TJWF, IX, 387-388.
538 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3776-3777.
539 See DMAF, 163-164, FETT, 441-442, DAQW, 100.
540 JAWO, IX, 291.
541 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3777-3785.
542 DMSM, 253.
543 ANC, 5C, 2S, 3785-3787.
544 ANC, 5C, 2S, 619-624, 2186.
545 FETT, 385-390.
546 DMSM, 253.
547 ANC, 5C, 2S, 622.
548 ANC, 5C, 2S, 621-623.
549 To the Freemasons of the State of Maryland, PG, Aug. 3, 1798.
550 1734 ed., PRA, II, 31.
551 GUS, July 23, 1798.
552 GLM, 75-76.
553 GUS, July 24, 1798.
554 1740 ed., PRA, I, 184.
555 PG, July 28, 1798. See WLFA, 42 & 42 n. (documenting JA’s absences from Phil.).
556 1736 ed., PRA, I, 85.
557 AGA, Aug. 2, 1798.
558 AGA, Oct. 12, 1799. See Minutes of the U.S. Circuit Ct., Dist. of N. J., Oct. Sess. 1798, Records Group, 21 (Nat’l Archives), Chronicle (Newark, N.J.), Nov. 15, 1798, AGA, Aug. 2, 1798, as cited in FETT, 270-274, CRIS, 112-113.
559 AGA, Oct. 12, 1799.
560 PG, July 31, 1798.
561 Sec. of the Navy to JA, Phil., July 30, 1798, ND, I, 255-256.
562 Benjamin Stoddert to JA, Phil., Aug. 25, 1798, ND, I, 336.
563 GW to Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Mt. Vernon, Aug. 2, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 382, 384.
564 AGA, Aug. 30, 1798.
565 DMSM, 254.
566 AGA, Aug. 30, 1798. See also the GUS, Aug. 9, 1798.
567 See TJ’s response, TJ to Samuel Smith, Monticello, Aug. 22, 1798, TJWF, VIII, 443-447.
568 GW to William Heth, Mt. Vernon, Aug. 5, 1798, GWW, XXXVI, 388-389.
569 JA to Benjamin Rush, Quincy, June 23, 1807, JAOF, 144, 148.
570 YF, 46-47, 53.
571 AGA, Aug. 10, 1798.
572 GUS, Apr. 13, 23, 1798, AGA, Aug. 9, 15, 1798.
573 Callender described the leader of the plot to burn BFB’s house on May 9 as “the attorney that fled for forgery” and reported that the Federalist crowd concluded its activities by going “to serenade Liston’s printer.” JCPB, I, 35. See AGA, Aug. 6, 1798, Apr. 30, 1799.
574 Carey is quoted in Earl Lockridge Bradsher, Mathew Carey, Editor, Author and Publisher: a Study in American Literary Development (N.Y.: Columbia Univ. Press, 1912), 11.
575 AGA, Aug. 10, 1798.
576 AGA, Aug. 9, 1798.
577 GUS, Aug. 8, 1798.
578 1738 ed., PRA, I, 137.
579 1733 ed., PRA, I, 15.
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