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by Richard N. Rosenfeld

1319 Lieut. Gen. Earl Cornwallis to Gen. Henry Clinton, Yorktown, Oct. 20, 1781, DRDK, XX, 244-246.

  1320 Gen. Anthony Wayne to Robert Morris, York, Oct. 26, 1781, AWSC, 283.

  1321 MJTF, 614.

  1322 MJSS, 182.

  1323 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain (No. 145), London off Chesapeake, Oct. 29, 1781, DRDK, XX, 252-253.

  1324 JA to Francis Dana, Amsterdam, Dec. 14, 1781, Dana Papers (MHS).

  1325 BF to BFB, Passy, Jan. 25, 1782, BFSM, VIII, 372-373.

  1326 BF to David Hartley, Passy, Feb. 16, 1782, BFSM, VIII, 381-382.

  1327 MJTF, 617.

  1328 BF to Lord Shelburne, Passy, Mar. 22, 1782, BFSM, VIII, 460-461.

  1329 Lord Shelburne to BF, London, Apr. 6, 1782, BFSM, VIII, 461-462.

  1330 JCCS, II, 415-416.

  1331 Oswold to Shelburne, July 10, 1782, FC Lord John Russell, ed., Memorials and Correspondence of Charles James Fox (London, 1853-1857), 4 vols., IV, 239-241. See BSDR, 207-208, MRPM, 287.

  1332 See TJMD, I, 399.

  1333 BSDR, 208.

  1334 See JAC, 161-163.

  1335 JA to Edward Jennings, Hague, July 20, 1782, JAPM, Reel 357.

  1336 Lord Shelburne to Richard Oswold, July 27, 1782, Shelburne Papers (William L. Clements Lib., Univ. of Michigan), LXXI, 165-169.

  1337 BF to Robert R. Livingston, Aug. 12, 1782, BFSM, VIII, 576.

  1338 BFB’s Journal (translated into English by Margaret Hartmann Bache), Aug. 1, 1782-Sept. 14, 1785, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.

  1339 BFBT, 33-34.

  1340 JA to Robert Livingston, Aug. 18, 1782; crossed-out portion in JA to John Trumbull, Jan. 23, 1795, De Coppet Collection, Princeton Univ. Lib. See MRPM, 304-305.

  1341 Thomas Townshend to Richard Oswald, Whitehall, Sept. 1, 1782, Shelburne Papers (William L. Clements Lib., Univ. of Michigan), LXXXVII,8 9.-96. See British Cabinet Meeting Minutes, Aug. 29, 1782, KGFJ, VI, 118, MRPM, 317-318.

  1342 JA to Robert Livingston, Hague, Sept. 6, 1782, JAPM, Reel 106.

  1343 Mathew Ridley to JA, Paris, Sept. 20, 1782, JAPM, Reel 358.

  1344 MRPM, 315-316.

  1345 JAC, 167, MJSS, 202. On Jay’s approach to the negotiations, see DJDH,146.

  1346 Following Yorktown, French Admiral de Grasse returned to the West Indies and, on April 12, 1782, lost five ships-of-the-line and three thousand men to British Admiral George Rodney’s fleet. See PJFR, 397-401.

  1347 Comte de Vergennes to Comte de Montmorin, Versailles, Oct. 2, 1782, BGH, III, 330-331. See BSDR, 243.

  1348 BSDR, 228.

  1349 RDCW, V, 805-807, MJTF, 639.

  1350 BFB to BF, Geneva, Oct. 15, 1782, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.

  1351 JAC, 163.

  1352 JAC, 162.

  1353 JJPA, II, 448-449.

  1354 JADA, III, 37, JAGC, 166, JAPS, I, 537-539.

  1355 JADA, III, 38.

  1356 Mathew Ridley Diary (MHS), quoted in JADA, III, 40n.

  1357 JADA, III, 39.

  1358 JADA, III, 82.

  1359 JA to Sec. Livingston, Paris, Oct. 31, 1782, JAWO, VII, 652-654.

  1360 JADA, III, 46-47.

  1361 See MRPM, 298, 360. That Jay had a negative effect on negotiations, see MJTF, 628-632, 641.

  1362 JA to Sec. Livingston, Paris, Nov. 6, 1782, JAWO, VII, 659-660.

  1363 JA to Sec. Livingston, Paris, Nov. 8, 1782, JAWO, VIII, 3-4.

  1364 JA to Abigail Adams, Paris, Nov. 8, 1782, JAPM, Reel 359.

  1365 RDCW, V, 869.

  1366 JADA, III, 49-50.

  1367 Letter from Alexander Hamilton, Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams Esq. President of the United States [N.Y., Oct. 24, 1800], AHP, XXV, 169, 191.

  1368 JAC, 155.

  1369 See JAC, 155-157.

  1370 JADA, III, 53.

  1371 JADA, III, 64-65.

  1372 See MJTF, 630.

  1373 Vergennes to Luzerne, Nov. 23, 1782, as quoted in BSDR, 234 n. 19.

  1374 BSDR, 232-233, 239.

  1375 JA to Robert Livingston, Paris, Dec. 4, 1782, RDCW, VI, 106. See JAC, 184.

  1376 John Jay to Robert R. Livingston, Paris, Dec. 12, 1782, JJPA, III, 6.

  1377 Comte de Vergennes to BF, Versailles, Dec. 15, 1782, RDCS, IV, 55.

  1378 BF to Comte de Vergennes, Passy, Dec. 17, 1782, RDCS, IV, 56-57.

  1379 Vergennes to La Luzerne, Versailles, Dec. 19, 1782, BFSM, X, 390-393.

  1380 BF to Samuel Cooper, Passy, Dec. 26, 1782, BFSM, VIII, 48-49.

  1381 JCC, XXIV, 4-6.

  1382 BSDR, 247.

  1383 BFB to BF, Geneva, Jan. 30, 1783, BF Papers (Hist. Soc. of Penn.).

  1384 JA to Robert Livingston, Paris, Feb. 5, 1783, JAPM, Reel 108.

  1385 JA to Thomas McKean, Paris, Feb. 6, 1783, JAPM, Reel 108. See JAC, 184n.

  1386 James Madison to TJ, Phil., Feb. 11, 1783, JMAP, VI, 220-221.

  1387 France: Feb. 25, 1783 (Ratified by the U.S. Oct. 31, 1783), TMH, II, 115, 118-120.

  1388 ODF, 90-91, MJSS, 202, 204.

  1389 ODF, 91.

  1390 JADA, III, 41 n.-43 n. See JAC, 181-182, JAPS, I, 549.

  1391 JA to Samuel Osgood, June 30, 1784, JADA, III, 43 n.

  1392 James Madison to Edmund Randolph, Phil., Mar. 18, 1783, JMAP, VI, 355.

  1393 BF to Henry Laurens, Mar. 20, 1783, quoted in JADR, 134.

  1394 JA to James Warren, Paris, Mar. 21, 1783, JAPM, Reel 108.

  1395 Robert R. Livingston to Paris Commissioners, Phil., Mar. 25, 1783, RDCW, VI, 338-339.

  1396 JA to Abigail Adams, Paris, Mar. 28, 1783, JAPM, Reel 360.

  1397 JA to Gen. Warren, Paris, Apr. 9, 1783, JAPM, Reel 108.

  1398 JA to Arthur Lee, Paris, Apr. 10, 1783, JAPM, Reel 108.

  1399 JA to James Warren, Paris, Apr. 13, 1783, JAWL, II, 208-212.

  1400 FNE, II, 171.

  1401 JA to Abigail Adams, Paris, Apr. 16, 1783, JAPM, Reel 360.

  1402 JCC, XXIV, 321.

  1403 JADA, III, 117-118.

  1404 JA to Robert R. Livingston, Paris, May 25, 1783 (unsent), JAPM, Reel 108.

  1405 JCC, XXIV, 364.

  1406 BF to BFB, Passy, June 23, 1783, BF Papers (Univ. of Penn.). See BFBS, 79.

  1407 BFB to BF, Geneva, July 2, 1783, BFBC, Film 1506, Reell.

  1408 JA to Robert Livingston, Paris, July 9, 1783, RDCW, VI, 529-530.

  1409 BF to Robert R. Livingston, Passy, July 22, 1783, BFSM, VIII, 59-62.

  1410 BFB to Mrs. [Sarah] Bache, July 27, 1783, quoted in in BFBT, 44.

  1411 BFBT, 45. See BFPP, 9, 12.

  1412 Definitive Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, Sept. 3, 1783 (ratified by the U.S., Jan. 14, 1784), TMH, II, 115, 152-153.

  1413 GWAC, 173.

  1414 JADA, III, 141-142.

  1415 BP, Apr. 29, May 2, 1812, quoted in JADA, III, 143 n.-144 n. On the timing of JA’s illness, JA writes that, as of Sept. 14, 1783, “I had been some days unwell, but soon fell down with a Fever.” Diary, Paris, Sept. 14, 1783, JADA, III, 143.

  1416 JA to Elbridge Gerry, Paris, Sept. 10, 1783, JAPM, Reel 107.

  1417 BF to John Jay, Passy, Sept. 10, 1783, RDCW, VI, 686. BF sent identical letters of the same date to John Jay and JA.

  1418 JA to Ben Franklin, Paris, Sept. 13, 1783, RDCW, VI, 696.

  1419 Samuel Osgood to JA, Annapolis, Dec. 7, 1783, LCC, VII, 378, 383-384, 386.

  1420 Letter from Alexander Hamilton, Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of JA … [N.Y., Oct. 24,1800], AHP, XXV, 169, 190-191.

  1421 GW, Address to Cong. in Resigning His Commission, [Annapolis, Dec. 23, 1783], GWW, XXVII, 284-285.

  1422 “A Letter to GW …,” TPW, II, 691, 718.

  1423 JCC, XXVI, 22-23.

  1424 BF to Mrs. Sarah Bache, Passy, Jan. 26, 1784, BFSM, IX, 161-162.

  1425 MHCC. See BFCV, 710, BFWE, 326, BFFC, 80-82.

  1426 See James A. Leith, “La Culte de Franklin en France Avant et Pendant la Révolution Française,” AHFR, XLVIII, (Oct.-Dec., 1976), 543, 565. />
  1427 JAC, 194-195.

  1428 JA to Arthur Lee, Hague, Apr. 6, 1784, ALLR, II, 250-251.

  1429 Two drafts of letters (unsent) from JA to Samuel Osgood, Hague, Apr. 9, 1784, JAPM, Reel 362. The increasing type size is intended to mirror the size change in JA’s handwriting.

  1430 JCC, XXVI, 355-356.

  1431 BF to Samuel Mather, Passy, May 12, 1784, BFWS, X, 82, 84-85.

  1432 JAC, 195, TJAH, 98.

  1433 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.

  1434 BF to William Strahan, Passy, Aug. 19, 1784, BFSM, IX, 259, 263-264.

  1435 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.

  1436 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1. See BFPP, 9, 12.

  1437 BF to Richard Bache, Passy, Nov. 11, 1784, BFSM, IX, 278-279.

  1438 EHFJ, 6, as translated in FNE, II, 80.

  1439 JA to Elbridge Gerry, Auteuil, Dec. 12, 1784, JAPM, Reel 107.

  1440 JCC, XXVIII, 98.

  1441 Elbridge Gerry to JA, N.Y., Feb. 24, 1785, JAPM, Reel 364.

  1442 JCC, XXVIII, 134.

  1443 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1. See Albert J. George, The Didot Family and the Progress of Printing (Syracuse, N.Y., 1961), 6-13.

  1444 JA to Richard Price, Auteuil, Apr. 8, 1785, JAWO, VIII 232.

  1445 Richard Price, Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution, and the Means of Making it a Benefit to the World. With a letter to Price from Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot (London, 1784), 71-87, REDX 18,739.

  1446 Anne-Robert Jacques Turgot to Dr. Richard Price, Mar. 22, 1778, reprinted in Bernard Peach, ed., Richard Price and the Ethical Foundations of the American Revolution (Durham, N. C.: Duke Univ. Press, 1979), 215-219.

  1447 JAWO, IX, 623.

  1448 JA to Elbridge Gerry, Auteuil, May 2, 1785, JAPM, Reel 364.

  1449 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.

  1450 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.

  1451 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.

  1452 BF to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bache, Passy, May 10, 1785, BFSM, X, 327-328.

  1453 JAPS, II, 624-625.

  1454 TJ to Rev. William Smith, Phil., Feb. 19, 1791, TJPB, XIX, 112-113.

  1455 JA to Sec. John Jay, Bath Hotel, Westminster, June 2, 1785, JAWO, VIII, 255, 258.

  1456 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.

  1457 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.

  1458 TJ to Rev. William Smith, Phil., Feb. 19, 1791, TJPB, XIX, 112-113.

  1459 Journal, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 1.

  1460 JAWO, IX, 622-623. See BFPL, XXII, 514.

  1461 WDBF, I, 367 n.

  1462 On BFB and Rousseau, see BFBT, 130, 138.

  1463 [Paul Wentworth], “Minutes Respecting Political Parties in America and Sketches of the Leading Persons in Each Province” [app. 1778] … The Endorsement … by the hand of Wm Eden. SFAC, V, 487.

  1464 AGA, Oct. 29, 1796.

  1465 JA to Benjamin Rush, Sept. 30, 1805, A&R, 39-40.

  1466 WDRP, 558.

  1467 FNE, II, 81.

  1468 Thomas Paine to BF, N.Y., Sept. 23, 1785, TPW, II, 1250.

  1469 Thomas Paine to Temple Franklin, N.Y., Sept. 23, 1785, TPW, II, 1251.

  1470 BF to Thomas Paine, Phil., Sept. 27, 1785, BFSM, X, 467-468.

  1471 TPHD, 162.

  1472 BF to Mrs. Mary Hewson, Oct 30, 1785, Phil., BFSM, IX, 473-474.

  1473 BF to Mrs. Mary Hewson, May 6, 1786, Phil., BFSM, IX, 510, 512.

  1474 SRMG, 33-35.

  1475 JA to Samuel Perley, June 19, 1809, JAWO IX, 623.

  1476 JA to John Taylor, Quincy, Apr. 15, 1814, JAWO, VI, 486.

  1477 See JAPP, 31, 38, JAGC, 212, JA to Benj. Rush, Braintree, Dec. 2, 1788, JAWO, IX, 556.

  1478 A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States …, JAWO, IV, 299-300.

  1479 JAWO, IV, 358-359.

  1480 JAWO, IV, 391-393.

  1481 JAWO, IV, 397.

  1482 JAWO, IV, 406.

  1483 JAWO, IV, 414.

  1484 JAWO, IV, 444-445.

  1485 JAWO, IV, 553.

  1486 TJ to William Short, Monticello, Jan. 8, 1825, TJWF, XII, 388, 394-395.

  1487 John Jay to GW, N.Y., Jan. 7, 1787, JJPA, III, 226-227.

  1488 BFCV, 743-744.

  1489 “The Society for Political Enquiries,” TPW, II, 41-43.

  1490 JA to Samuel Perley, Quincy, June 19, 1809, JAWO, IV, IX, 621, 623-624.

  1491 GLEF, 98-102, SSC, 237ff.

  1492 Autobiography, TJWF, I, 106.

  1493 Henry Knox to GW, Mar. 19, 1787, GWWS, IX, 237 n.-238 n.

  1494 Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, London, Mar. 20, 1787, JAPM, Reel 369.

  1495 BF to Due de La Rochefoucauld, Phil., Apr. 15, 1787, WDBF, VI, 195-197.

  1496 BF to Marquis de Chastellux, Phil., Apr. 17, 1787, WDBF, VI, 197-198.

  1497 TPHD 173.

  1498 BF to Francis Childs, Phil., May 8, 1787, BFSM, IX, 580-581.

  1499 John Jay to JA, Off. of Foreign Affairs, May 12, 1787, JJPA, III, 246.

  1500 FBRS, 192. See LFGB, 310, 314-315, CFR 13.

  1501 SSC, 281-283.

  1502 JMAD, I, 17-18.

  1503 Thomas Paine to BF, Paris, June 22, 1787, TPW, II, 1262.

  1504 CBCMP, 34-35.

  1505 JMAD, I, 31.

  1506 JMAD, I, 37-40.

  1506a Benjamin Rush to Richard Price, Phil., June 2, 1787, BRL, I, 418.

  1507 JMAD, I, 41-46.

  1508 JMAD, I, 49-55.

  1509 BF, “Speech in a Comm. of the Convention,” June 11, 1787, BFSM, X, 595-599.

  1510 JMAD, I, 111-120.

  1511 Alexander Hamilton’s Notes [June 18, 1787], AHP, IV, 185-186.

  1512 TJ to William Short, Monticello, Jan. 8, 1825, TJWF, XII, 388, 392-394.

  1513 Anas, TJWF, I, 163, 179-180.

  1514 Thomas Paine to BF, Paris, June 22, 1787, TPW, II, 1262.

  1515 BF, “Proposal for Consideration in the Convention for Forming the Constitution of the United States,” June 30, 1787, BFSM, X, 602-603.

  1516 BFBR, 34-35.

  1517 JAPS, II, 711.

  1518 John Jay to JA, N.Y., July 25, 1787, JJPA, III, 251.

  1519 BFB to BF, N.Y., Aug. 1, 1787, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 2. See BFPO, 158-159.

  1520 JMAD, II, 363-368.

  1521 JMAD, II, 373-374.

  1522 BFB to R. Bache, N.Y., Aug 8, 1787, BFBC, Film, 1506, Reel 2.

  1523 BFB to BF, N.Y., Aug. 1, 1787, BFBC, Film 1506, Reel 2.

  1524 “BF’s Speech at the Conclusion of the Constitutional Convention,” BBDC, I, 3-4.

  1525 WDRP, 564.

  1526 JMAD, II, 577-583.

  1527 Remark to Gilbert Stuart in 1825, quoted by MSOH, 347.

  1528 Letter from “Z,” in Independent Chronicle (Boston), Dec. 6, 1787, quoted in BBDC, I, 6, 8.

  1528a The 17th Amendment (providing for direct popular election of U.S. senators) won’t be adopted until 1913. The idea that, even with this change, the U.S. Senate would remain the handmaiden of aristocracy is a corollary of the anti-federalist fear that only wealthy aristocrats can win in larger voting districts (see anti-federalist arguments on the size of the House of Representatives, cited supra n. 718).

  1529 JA to John Taylor, Quincy, Apr. 15, 1814, JAWO, VI, 471-472.

  1530 JA to John Taylor, Quincy, Apr. 15, 1814, JAWO, VI, 470-471.

  1531 JA to John Taylor, Quincy, Apr. 15, 1814, JAWO, VI, 468.

  1532 JA to John Taylor, Quincy, Apr. 15, 1814, JAWO, VI, 473.

  1533 “Centinel” in the Independent Gazetteer (Phil.), Oct. 5, 1787, quoted in BBDC, I, 52, 54-61.

  1534 “A Letter to GW …,” TPW, II, 691-694.

  1535 “To the Citizens of Penn. on the Proposal for Calling a Convention” [1805], TPW, II, 992, 995, 1001.

  1536 TPLW, 9.

  1537 WD reports that, during the decade following publication of the Federalist Papers, Hamilton was thought to be their exclusive author. AGA, June 7, 1800.

  1538 PAFC, I, 186, AF
C, III, 97.

  1539 BFBS, 90.

  1540 Independent Chronicle (Boston), Dec. 6, 1787, BBDC, I, 6-8.

  1541 Thomas Paine to George Clymer, Paris, Dec. 29, 1787, TPW, II, 1266.

  1542 Lafayette to Henry Knox, Paris, Feb. 4, 1788, Henry Knox Papers (MHS), Reel 23 (letter misdated on microfilm).

  1543 BF to Madame Brillon, Apr. 19, 1788, Phil., BFSM, IX, 643-645.

  1544 JAPS, II, 730-731.

  1545 Due de La Rochefoucauld to BF, Paris, July 12, 1788, BFWS, X, 355, as quoted in J. Paul Selsam and Joseph G. Rayback, “French Comment on the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776,” PMHB, LXXVI (1952), 311, 325.

  1546 GW to Noah Webster, Mt. Vernon, July 31, 1788, GWW, XXX, 26-27.

  1547 JA to Benjamin Rush, Mar. 19- Apr. 22, 1812, A&R, 211, 212-213.

  1548 GLEF, 102.

  1549 TJ to James Monroe, Paris, Aug. 9, 1788, TJPB, XIII, 488, 489-490.

  1550 FNE, II, 81.

  1551 BF to M. Le Veillard, Phil., Oct. 24, 1788, BFSM, X, 673-674.

  1552 GLEF, 104-105.

  1553 BF to Mrs. Catherine Greene, Phil., Mar. 2, 1789, BFSM, X, 3, 4.

  1554 TJ to Francis Hopkinson, Paris, Mar. 13, 1789, TJPB, XIV, 649-651.

  1555 BFBR, 3.

  1556 Benjamin Rush to JA, Feb. 12, 1812, A&R, 206, 209-210.

  1557 JA to Benjamin Rush, Quincy, Apr. 22, 1812, JAOF, 375, 377.

  1558 John Hench, “Letters of John Fenno and John Ward Fenno,” PAAS, Vol. 89, Part 1 (1979), 301-302.

  1559 JWMA, 3.

  1560 JWM, 10-13.

  1561 GLEF, 121.

  1562 TJ to Lafayette, Paris, May 6, 1789, TJPB, XV, 97-98.

  1563 JWMA, 40-41.

  1564 JWMA, 46.

  1565 JWM, 30.

  1566 James Madison to TJ, N.Y., May 23, 1789, TJPB, XV, 147-148.

  1567 Benjamin Rush to JA, Phil., June 4, 1789, BRL, I, 513-515.

  1568 JA to Benjamin Rush, N.Y., June 9, 1789, JAOF, 36-38.

  1569 WDRP, 8.

  1570 JA to Benjamin Rush, N.Y., June 19, 1789, JAOF, 39-40.

  1571 JA to Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, N.Y., June 19, 1789, JAPM, Reel 115.

  1572 JA to Hon. Jabez Bowen, Richmond Hill, N.Y., June 26, 1789, JAPM, Reel 115.

  1573 JA to Benjamin Rush, Richmond Hill, July 5, 1789, JAOF, 41-43.

  1574 TJ to Thomas Paine, Paris, July 11, 1789, TJPB, XV, 266-268.

  1575 DMSM, xii, GLEF, 135-137.

  1576 WDRP, 17.

  1577 SSC, 453-455.

  1578 TJ to Thomas Paine, Paris, July 17, 1789, TJPB, XV, 279.

  1579 JA to Benjamin Rush, N.Y., July 24, 1789, JAOF, 44-47.

  1580 TJ to James Madison, Paris, July 29, 1789, TJPB, XV, 315-316.


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