It is also my sincere hope that this book has helped clarify for you some of the more daunting aspects of the craft, providing you with some constructive, I-never-looked-at-it-quite-that-way approaches that you can “take to the bank.” Concrete knowledge, borne of my experience, that has hopefully added to your skills, and again, much more importantly, to the pleasure you will derive from your writing.
The End
A | B | C | D | E
F | G | H | I | J
K | L | M | N | O
P | Q | R | S | T
U | V | W | Z
1101 Park Avenue, 187
39 Steps, The, 105
Abel Magwitch, 127
Abrahams, Jim, 66
Alison, Joan, 20
All the President’s Men, 70
Allen, Woody, 85, 108, 141
Ambler, Eric, 20, 53
American Beauty, 90
American Hero, 104
And Now, My Love, 49
Andy Sipowicz, 99
Angela’s Ashes, 8
Appointment in Samarra, 96
Arkin, Adam, 40
Ashley Wilkes, 87
Asquith, Anthony, 13
Austen, Jane, 141
Babcock, Barbara, 23
Ball, Alan, 90
Ball, Lucille, 139, 143
Barnum, P.T., 107
Barry, Philip, 187
Barthelme, Donald, 13
Bass, Ron, 138
Baumes, W.L., 20
Beaches, 167
Beauty and the Beast, 63
Beckett, Samuel, 13, 44
Beer and Blood, 187
Beethoven, Ludwig von, 32
Before the Fact, 121
Being John Malkovich, 13
Beinhart, Larry, 104
Benchley, Peter, 126
Bennett, Charles, 105
Berger, Thomas, 87
Bergman, Ingmar, 40, 141
Bernstein, Carl, 70, 104
Billy Budd, 16
Biro, Lajos, 48
Blanche DuBois, 90
Block, Lawrence, 74
Bochco, Steven, 73
Bogart, Humphrey, 86
Bolt, Robert, 97
Brackett, Charles, 48
Brando, Marlon, 35, 36, 86
Bridges, James, 70
Bright, John, 187
Brigid O’Shaughnessy, 12
Bronte, Emily, 114
Brooks, Mel, 13, 127
Buchan, John, 105
Buchman, Sidney, 187
Build My Gallows High, 48
Burnett, Murray, 20
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, 165
Cabot Cove, 19
Cain, James M., 48
Cannell, Steve, 51
Capra, Frank, 187, 188
Captain Ahab, 95, 96
Carrey, Jim, 143
Carroll, Sidney, 95
Carter, Forrest, 41
Casablanca, 10, 19, 29, 88, 167
Cats, 90
CBS, 21, 71, 100-101
Cervantes, Miguel de, 96
Chandler, Raymond, 11
Chaplin, Charles, 141, 143
Charlie Callan, 50, 108
Chase, David, 100, 114
Chekhov, Anton, 50, 57
Chernus, Sonia, 41
Chertok, Jack, 174
China Syndrome, The, 70-71
Christie, Agatha, 11, 12, 74
Christmas in July, 78, 163
Cinderella, 13
Cinema Paradiso, 40, 41
Clarice Starling, 102
Cody’s War, 100
Cohn, Harry, 140, 188
Collector, The, 66
Columbia Pictures, 188
Columbine High School, 20
Columbo, 103
Condon, Richard, 126, 144-145, 158
Connell, Richard, 188
Connery, Sean, 86
Cook, T.S., 70
Cooper, Gary, 86
Coppola, Francis Ford, 165
Corea, Nick, 71
Cotten, Joseph, 53-54
Crime and Punishment, 6, 126, 151
Crowe, Russell, 41
Cruise, Tom,86
Cukor, George, 13, 187
Cummings, Robert, 72
Curtiz, Michael, 20
Cusack, John, 13
Dahl, John, 69
Dahl, Rick, 69
Dalrymple, Ian, 13
Dart, Iris Rainer, 167
Darth Vader, 103
David vs. Goliath, 63
David, Larry, 107
Davis, Andrew, 102
Dead to Rights, 122
Death of a Salesman, 90
Degas, Edgar, 42, 141
Demme, Jonathan, 102
Diamond, I.A.L., 187
Diaz, Cameron, 138-139
Dickens, Charles, 127
Disneyland, 89
Don Corleone, 100
Don Quixote, 96
Donoghue, Mary Agnes, 167
Dortmunder, 74
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 6, 141, 151
Douglas, Michael, 86
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 11
Dracula, 100
Dukes of Hazzard, The, 104
DuMaurier, Daphne, 114
Dunaway, Don Carlos, 21
East of Eden, 16
Eastwood, Clint, 41
Eddie Felson, 95-96
Edwards, Blake, 143
Elaine Benes, 184
Eleanor McGinnis, 23-24
Eliot, T.S., 90
Epstein, Julius J., 20
Epstein, Philip G., 20
Everybody Goes to Rick’s, 20
Falk, Peter, 103
Fanfares of Love, 187
Faulkner, William, 187
FDR, 111
Fellini, Federico, 40
Fenton, Frank, 48
Film Noir, 12,47-48
Fischer, Peter, 12, 23
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 6, 141, 157, 164, 165
Five Graves to Cairo, 48
Fleming, Ian, 103
Jessica Fletcher, 19, 74-75, 122, 148-149
Flynn, Errol, 86
Fonda, Jane, 71
Fontaine, Joan, 121-122
Ford, John, 57
Foster, Lewis R., 187
Foster, Norman, 53
Fowles, John, 66
Frankenstein, 10, 122
Franz, Dennis, 99
Franzoni, David, 41
Friedman, Bruce Jay, 168
Front Page, The, 77
Fugitive, The, 102, 167
Gardner, Erle Stanley, 15
Gavilan, 71-72, 74
George Costanza, 107
Gibson, Mel, 86
Gilbert and Sullivan, 42
Gilligan’s Island, 40
Gladiator, 41
Godfather, The, 100, 114, 165
Goff, Ivan, 187
Goldberg, Leonard, 73
Goldman, William, 6, 70, 105, 159, 165, 171
Goldwyn. Sam, 140
Gone to Texas, 41
Gone With the Wind, 87, 151
Gottlieb, Carl, 126
Grady, James, 106
Grant, Cary, 72, 121-122
Grapes of Wrath, The, 168
Gray, Mike, 70
Great Expectations, 127
Great Gatsby, The, 164
Greenwood, Edwin, 105
Greer, Jane, 48
Gregor Samsa, 165
Guiol, Fred, 187
Gunga Din, 187
Guthrie, A.B., Jr., 88
Hamlet, 10
Hammett, Dashiell, 11, 12, 47, 74, 96, 114, 171
Hannibal Lecter, 102
Harris, Thomas,102, 122
Harrison, Joan, 105, 121
Harry McGraw, 23-24, 57-58, 94
Hatch, Eric, 187
Havelock-Allan, Anthony, 127
Hawks, Howard, 57, 77
nbsp; Hay, Ian, 105
Heartbreak Kid, The, 168
Hecht, Ben, 77, 187
Hellman, Lillian, 171
Henkin, Hilary, 104
Hercule Poirot, 11
Hickey, 44
Hill, George Roy, 165
Hilton, James, 20
His Girl Friday, 77, 165, 187
Hitchcock, Alfred, 4-5, 56, 57, 72, 105, 121, 122
Hitler, Adolph, 108
Hogan, P.J., 138
Holt, Will, 110-111
Homes, Geoffrey, 48
Hoover, J. Edgar, 112
Hotel Imperial, 48
Howard, Leslie, 13
Howitt, Peter, 13
Huggins, Roy, 102
Hugo, Victor, 102
Hustler, The, 95
Huston, John, 12
I Love Lucy, 137-139, 143
Iceman Cometh, The, 44
Il Postino, 40
Iles, Frances, 121
Ilsa, 167
Inspector Clouseau, 143
Inspector Javert, 102
Isaacs, Susan, 108, 148
JACK, 111
Jack and the Beanstalk, 103
James Bond, 103, 172
Jane Eyre, 114
Jaws, 126, 152
Jekyll and Hyde, 63
Jessica Novack, 71
JFK, 77, 110-113
Johnson, Malcom, 35
Jonze, Spike, 13
Joubert, 173
Journey Into Fear, 20-21, 53-54, 127
Julian English, 95-96
Kafka, Franz, 13, 165
Kasdan, Lawrence, 165
Kaufman, Charlie, 13
Kaufman, Philip, 41, 165
Kaz, 21
Kazan, Elia, 35-36
Keller, 74
Kellogg, Virginia, 187
Kennedy, John F., 46, 110-113
Kennedy, Joseph P., Jr., 110-113
Kennedy, Joseph P., Sr., 111-113
Kennedy, Rose, 113
Khouri, Callie, 171
King, Stephen, 14, 136
Kipling, Rudyard, 187
Koch, Howard, 20
Kramer, 159
La Cava, Gregory, 187
Lansbury, Angela, 74, 103, 122
Lansbury, Bruce, 103
Launer, Dale, 66
Laurel & Hardy, 143
Law & Harry McGraw, The, 23, 94
Law & Order, 73
Lawton, J.F., 13
Lean, David, 127
Lederer, Charles, 77
Lehman, Ernest, 105
Lelouch, Claude, 40, 49, 141
Leonard, Elmore, 102, 164, 171
Leoncavallo, Ruggero, 20
Lerner, Alan Jay, 13
Les Miserables, 102
Levinson, Barry, 104
Levinson, Richard, 12, 103
Lewis, Cecil, 13
Liebman, Ron, 21
Lieutenant Gerard, 102
Life and Death of John Doe The, 188
Lily White, 108, 148
Lincoln, Abraham, 61
Link, William, 12, 103
Lipscomb, W.P., 13
Lloyd, Harold, 143
Loewe, Frederick, 13
Logan, John, 41
Logan, M., 187
Loos, Anita, 171
Lost Horizon, 20-21
Love Boat, The, 20
Love Boats, The, 20
Lubitsch, Ernst, 77
Lucas, George, 165
Lucy Riccardo, 137-139, 143
Ludwig, Jerry, 71
MacArthur, Charles, 77, 187
Major Strasser, 167
Malkovich, John, 13
Maltese Falcon, The, 10-12, 47, 96
Mamet, David, 104
Man For All Seasons, A, 97
Man Who Knew Too Much, The, 105
Manchurian Candidate, The, 126, 144, 158
Mankiewicz, Joe, 171
Mann, Thomas, 12
Marathon Man, 105
Marshall, Garry, 13, 167
Marston, Dr. William Moulton, 103
Martin, Steve, 143
Marx Brothers, 143
May, Elaine, 168
Mayer, Louis B., 73, 140
McCourt, Frank, 8
McGivern, Cecil, 127
McQueen, Steve, 86, 88
Meet John Doe, 187
Melanie, 87
Melville, Herman, 16, 95, 96, 165
Mendes, Sam, 90
Mercedes Benz, 98, 101
Metamorphosis, The, 13, 165
Michael Corleone, 100
Michelangelo, 141
Midler, Bette, 66, 166
Milch, David, 73
Miles Archer, 11
Miller, Arthur, 90, 95
Minnesota Fats, 95
Miracle of Morgan’s Creek, The, 78
Miss Marple, 11, 74
Mitchell, Margaret, 87, 151
Mitchum, Robert, 48
Moby Dick, 165
Mona Lisa, 126
Monty Python, 143
More, Thomas, 97
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, 187
Mulroney, Dermot, 138, 139
Murder, She Wrote, 12, 19-20, 52, 67, 74, 122, 134, 148
Murphy, Eddie, 143
Muzhi-muzhi, 93
My Best Friend’s Wedding, 138-139
My Fair Lady, 13
My Favorite Martian, 174
My Man Godfrey, 187
Name Above the Title, The, 188
Natica Jackson, 168
NBC, 73
Neame, Ronald, 127
New York Times, The, 182-183
Newman, Paul, 86, 95
Niccol, Andrew, 13
Nicholson, Jack, 86
Nicholson, William, 41
Nick Charles, 74
Ninth Symphony, 32
Nixon, Richard, 61-62, 70, 96
Nora Charles, 74
North By Northwest, 105
NYPD Blue, 73, 99
O Hara, John, 95, 96, 168, 171
O Neill, Eugene, 44
Odets, Clifford, 44, 171
Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, 90
On the Waterfront, 35
Orbach, Jerry, 23
Out of the Past, 47-48
Outlaw Josie Wales, The, 41
Pagliacci, 19
Pakula, Alan J., 70
Parker, Dorothy, 105, 171
Pavignano, Anna, 40
PBS, 78
Perry Mason, 15, 86
Phantom of the Opera, 10
Philadelphia Story, The, 187
Philip Marlowe, 11, 23, 86
Pink Panther, The, 143
Pinter, Harold, 171
Pip, 127
Pollack, Sydney, 106
Polti, Georges, 11
Presnell, Robert, 188
Pretty Woman, 13
Producers, The, 13
Public Enemy, The, 187
Puccini, Giacomo, 141
Puzo, Mario, 100, 165
Pygmalion, 13
Pynchon, Thomas, 13
Quinn, Anthony, 100
Radford, Michael, 40
Raiders of the Lost Ark, 165
Raphaelson, Samson, 121
Raskolnikov, 151
Rawlinson, A.R., 105
Rayfiel, David, 106
Raymond Shaw, 126
Rebecca, 114
Red Rock West, 69
Redford, Robert, 86
Reville, Alma, 105, 121
Rhett Butler, 87
Rice, Anne, 122
Rich Boy, The, 165
Richard III, 100, 164
Richlin, Maurice, 143
Rick, 20, 88, 167
Ricky Riccardo, 138
Riskin, Robert, 187
Roberts, Ben, 187
Roberts, Julia, 138-140
Rockford Files, The, 51
Rogers & Hammerstein, 114
Rolfe, Sam, 21
Romeo and Juliet, 10, 17, 133
Rorschach Test, 126, 191
Ross, Stanley Ralph, 103
Rossen, Robert, 95
Ruthless People, 66
Ryskind, Morrie, 187
Saboteur, 105
Sackler, Howard, 126
Saint, Eva Marie, 35
Salt, Waldo, 187
Sam Spade, 11, 12, 23, 86, 114
Sammy Glick, 96
Sargent, John Singer, 42
Saunders, Jeraldine, 20
Scarlett O’Hara, 87, 94, 151
Scarpelli, Furio, 40
Scarpelli, Giacomo, 40
Schaefer, Jack, 88
Schlesinger, John, 105
Schulberg, Budd, 35, 96, 171
Schwartz, Sherwood, 40
Scott, Ridley, 41
Scott, Tony, 69
Seinfeld, 107, 159, 181, 184
Seinfeld, Jerry, 107
Sellers, Peter, 143
Selznick, David O., 140
Semple, Lorenzo, Jr., 106
Shakespeare, William, 6,10-12,14, 17, 95, 100, 133, 164, 171
Shane, 88
Shaver, Helen, 71
Shaw, George Bernard, 13
Shelley, Mary, 122
Sherlock Holmes, 11, 114
Silence of the Lambs, 102
Silverman, Fred, 20
Simon, Neil, 168
Six Days of the Condor, 106
Sixteenth Man, The, 31, 45, 50, 108, 145, 146, 150, 168, 189
Sleeping Beauty, 13, 64
Sliding Doors, 13
Sneaky People, 87
Some Like it Hot, 187
Sopranos, The, 100, 114, 126
Spielberg, Stephen, 41, 126, 152, 165
Springtime for Hitler, 13
Stark, Richard, 74
Starr, Kenneth, 104
Steinbeck, John, 16, 168
Stevens, George, 88, 187
Stewart, Donald Ogden, 187
Stewart, Jimmy, 72
Stoker, Bram, 100, 122
Streetcar Named Desire, A, 90
Stuart, Jeb, 102
Sturges, Preston, 77-78, 141, 163
Supertrain, 20-21
Suspicion, 121, 122
Tally, Ted, 102
Tarantino, Quentin, 69
Tevis, Walter, 95
The Gentleman From Montana, 187-188
Thew, Harvey, 187
Thin Man, The, 74
Thoeren, Robert, 187
Three Days of the Condor, 106, 168, 173
Tony Soprano, 100
Tornatore, Giuseppe, 40
Fiction Writing Demystified Page 22