Without Law 18

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Without Law 18 Page 24

by Eric Vall

  “You’re right, that’s not as cool,” Tara joked.

  “It starts up,” I said. “But will it fly?”

  “There’s only one way to find out.” Hammer grinned.

  “Hey, Ben,” I called, and the pilot opened the cockpit and stuck his head out. “You think you can see if she’ll make it into the air?”

  “Roger that.” The pilot grinned wide, hopped back into his seat, and started to push different buttons.

  “Everybody get back,” I called.

  The civilians and the SEALs all followed me back toward our sandbags while we waited for Ben to try and get the MiG going. First, he had to maneuver it off the trailer it was on, but he seemed to manage that alright, then he turned the aircraft around so he was facing north and away from us. The road was clear, so all he had to do was get her going.

  I held my breath as I watched the plane start to barrel down the road. It picked up speed quickly, and the front wheels bounced as it nearly took off. For a second, I worried that was as good as it was going to get, but then the jet lifted off the road and into the air. It flew just above the highway for a moment, then it lifted higher and higher into the sky.

  As Hammer said, butter my ass and call me Susan. The fucking thing worked.

  Chapter 16

  It was dark out, but I could see the plane by the lights on it, and I couldn’t help the huge grin that came over my face as Ben did a quick spin maneuver in celebration.

  I could barely believe the plane was able to get into the air. My heart rate kicked into high gear, and I held my hand up and screamed up at the pilot.

  “Fuck, yeah,” Tara laughed. “Tav’s excited. I like it.”

  “You always like it when I’m excited,” I said with a wink.

  “Duh, how do you think this happened?” The platinum-blonde asked as she pointed to her stomach.

  Once Ben landed the plane, we all made our way back to the road to greet him.

  “That was a hell of a maneuver,” I told the pilot with a grin.

  “What can I say, I was pretty stoked about this girl,” Ben replied, and he patted the nose of the plane.

  “I’m impressed,” Hammer said. “I figured it would take you a little bit to get used to the controls, but you picked it up quick. You’re a hell of a pilot.”

  “Thanks,” Ben laughed. “Like I said, give me five minutes, and I’ll figure it out. This one, though, this one is fun.”

  “I’m glad you like it,” I chuckled. “That’s your new position from here on out.”

  “The role I was built for.” He grinned. “I’ll take it.”

  “Are you going to fly it back to camp?” Bailey asked.

  “I suppose that’s best for the night.” I nodded.

  “Alright, then,” Ben said, and his grin hadn’t left his face. “I’ll see you all there.”

  “Get the sake ready for us,” Anna laughed as the pilot climbed back into his seat.

  Ben gave her a thumbs up and then took off into the air again.

  “Alright, everybody, let’s round up,” I said. “We should get back home. We can go through the debris here first thing in the morning.”

  “What about the ship?” Paige asked.

  “Right.” I nodded and turned to Minji. “You all should get it back home, too. I’d rather have it close by.”

  “Alright.” The Korean woman smiled.

  The civilians and the SEALs made their way to their vehicles while the girls and I got into our jeep and took off toward home. There wasn’t anybody around to try and steal from the remains of the NK troops, so I figured it was safe to leave everything there for the night.

  As I pulled on the road, I looked at the dark sky and thought about how our day had gone. I hadn’t expected the NK troop to arrive within six hours of us getting into contact with them, but they had. And while we’d spent all day preparing for a fight that lasted less than an hour, I was satisfied with the outcome. We’d gained more information about the troops down south, we didn’t have a single casualty on our side, and, the ultimate reward, we’d gained a MiG.

  My girls did exactly what they always did, and once again we’d come out victorious. I hadn’t been kidding when I said I couldn’t do all this without them. Those women were fierce as hell, and with them on my team, it was a no brainer that we’d take home the crown.

  The civilians and the SEALs had been impressive today, too. I was particularly amazed with Jeff and Ben, and Donna, Johnny, Joe, and James.

  Jeff and Ben had worked the howitzer well, even when they’d had to adjust it themselves. They’d been able to follow orders and get the shot without too much coaching, which was good since I didn’t have time to talk them through anything during the battle.

  Ben had the MiG now, so he’d be flying that whenever we needed him to, but I’d put him and Jeff on the howitzer from here on out. They’d earned that position.

  And Donna, Joe, James, and Johnny had worked the M51 Skysweeper like pros. They’d been able to make contact with the plane even though there was a skilled pilot behind the controls, and I was proud of their efforts.

  My entire team had surpassed my expectations, especially considering they’d only had hours to prepare for an attack I’d usually take days to prepare for.

  “I can’t believe the MiG worked,” Paige said, and her words pulled me out of my thoughts.

  “I know,” Tara agreed. “I thought they’d both be toast after the howitzer blast.”

  “We’re lucky Jeff and Ben didn’t fire just a few feet over, or it probably would’ve been,” Anna said.

  “That’s true,” Paige agreed. “It was still pretty beat up.”

  “Hey, as long as it works,” Bailey chuckled and shrugged.

  “I was just thinking about how we got the MiG,” I told the girls. “And how everyone did so well even though we only had a few hours to prepare.”

  “Yeah, that was crazy,” Tara laughed and shook her head. “I wasn’t expecting that today.”

  “I don’t think any of us were,” Bailey agreed.

  “I can’t wait to get a drink of that sake in me,” Anna groaned and laid her head back against the headrest.

  “I know,” Paige said. “The only thing better than that would be a hot shower.”

  “I’d take a hot shower,” Tara pouted. “Especially since I can’t even have the sake.”

  “Oh, yeah, sorry, Tar.” Bailey frowned.

  “We can grab a shower when we get back to camp,” I said.

  “You don’t think it’s too late for that?” Paige asked.

  “Fuck, no, it’s not too late,” Tara said. “I desperately need a shower after today. I’m filthy.”

  “I think everyone is,” Anna said, and she held out her arm and looked at it. Even in the darkness I could see that it had a fine coating of dirt on it.

  “We should probably let everyone get a shower tonight.” I nodded. “I’m sure you’re right, everyone has to be dirty after the explosions we were by.”

  “So. Much. Dust.” Tara wrinkled her nose and looked down at her body. “Gross.”

  “We’ll get you in the shower,” I laughed. “Don’t you worry your little pregnant head off.”

  “I’ll try,” the platinum-blonde said. “But the sooner you get me in the shower, the sooner I’ll stop worrying.”

  “We’re nearly to camp,” I chuckled. “Just hold on a minute more.”

  “I suppose that’s doable,” Tara teased, and she smiled at me in the rearview mirror.

  A few minutes later, I pulled up to the old soda factory that was our temporary home, and the rest of our party pulled up behind me. The MiG was already parked in the road near the factory, so I knew Ben had made it there just fine.

  “Hey, the girls and I are going to head to the ship and grab some showers,” I said as I hopped out of the jeep. “Everyone else is welcome to join.”

  “That sounds great.” Ben nodded from his place by the fire.

  “A sho
wer doesn’t sound half bad,” Hammer agreed from the driver’s seat of his jeep. “I think we’ll take you up on that.”

  “I didn’t even think about the ship having showers,” Donna said as she walked toward her tent. “I could definitely use one.”

  I followed the girls to our tent, and we quickly gathered up some fresh clothes and toiletries, then we headed back to the jeep and hopped in.

  “Should we wait for everyone else?” Paige asked.

  “They know where the ship is.” Anna shrugged.

  “Yeah, and I bet the hot water lasts a while,” Bailey added. “So everyone can get a nice warm shower.”

  “I’m sure you’re right,” I agreed, and I started up the vehicle.

  As much as Tara wanted a shower, I wanted one, too. I’d been so focused with everything else going on that I hadn’t even thought about the showers on the ship, but after the day we’d had, I could definitely use some hot water on my aching muscles. My body was covered with soot and dirt, and the girls were, too.

  Anna’s long braid was tinted a dingy brown color from the debris that had rained down on us, and her pale skin had a thin layer of dust on top of it.

  All the girls were coated in dust, actually, but Bailey had the worst of it. I think it was because the blonde was propped up so she could use her Barrett instead of hiding behind the sandbags like the rest of the girls. Her blonde hair was barely blonde anymore, it was so dirty, and I had a feeling if I wiped my finger across her skin I’d be able to write ‘wash me’ pretty easily.

  Paige and Tara were filthy, too, of course, but neither one was as bad as Bailey, though I did see a few pieces of debris stuck in Paige’s messy bun.

  I pulled out onto the road and headed toward the ship, fully expecting to be the first ones to arrive, but just a few seconds later, I saw headlights in my rearview mirror.

  “Damn, that was quick,” Tara remarked. “Are the others behind us already?”

  Suddenly, the headlights sped up until they were nearly touching the ass end of our jeep.

  “What the fuck are they doing?” Anna asked with a chuckle.

  “I don’t know.” I shook my head and glanced back into the rearview just in time to see the headlights swerve to the left.

  The other jeep pulled up next to us, and I saw that it was Hammer and the rest of the SEALs.

  “First come, first serve!” Rivers yelled out the passenger window with a laugh, then Hammer mashed on the gas and pulled in front of us.

  “Oh, my God, are they trying to get to the showers before us?” Tara asked, and she half stood up in the back so she could see the other jeep pull ahead of us. “Hit the gas! Go, go, go!”

  “There’s quite a few showers,” Paige laughed. “I’m sure we’ll be able to grab one for ourselves, too.”

  “Yeah, but not if everybody gets there at once!” Tara squeaked, and I looked in the rearview mirror again to see the other jeeps were right behind us as well.

  This had just turned into a playful race, and I couldn’t help but laugh at my team’s silliness. There were plenty of showers, and we’d all get one, even if a few of us had to wait.

  “Tav!” Tara squealed. “Go faster!”

  “Alright, alright,” I chuckled. “I’m already going 50, and we’re almost there.”

  “They’re going to beat us,” Tara cried.

  “Oh, relax,” Anna laughed. “Nobody’s going to take a shower away from the pregnant lady.”

  “You say that now, but you would do it in a heartbeat,” the platinum-blonde said.

  “Yeah, but I’m different.” Anna turned around to flash Tara a grin.

  “Whatev.” Tara rolled her eyes as I pulled down by the water.

  Hammer’s jeep was already parked, and they were already on the rafts on their way out to the ship.

  “Smell ya later!” Hammer laughed as his group rowed toward the large vessel.

  “You will if we don’t get a shower!” Tara yelled back.

  “You’re ridiculous,” I chuckled.

  “They’re the ridiculous ones,” she retorted.

  “Yeah, you’re right.” I nodded and shook my head at the SEALs who were now boarding the ship.

  The girls and I grabbed a liferaft from the pile of them near shore, then we hopped on and headed out to the ship as well.

  The rest of the civilians weren’t far behind us, and once we got on the ship, it seemed like a free for all as far as showers went. Everyone ran to the closest one to try and take dibs.

  Tara was gone before I could say two words. As soon as we got on the ship she took off and snagged one of the showers in the barracks that was currently unoccupied.

  Once the rest of us got down there, Bailey found an open one, too.

  “This one’s open,” the blonde said with a point into the empty room.

  “You should take it,” Anna told her.

  “Yeah.” I nodded.

  “Are you sure?” Bailey asked, and she looked at Paige. “Do you want to go first? I can wait.”

  “I love you, Bails,” Paige chuckled. “But you’re more of a mess than any of us, go ahead.”

  “I guess I am pretty grimy.” Bailey looked down at herself and frowned.

  “Yeeeahhhh,” Anna said, and she squinted at our resident sniper. “Pretty sure you’re the dirtiest out of everyone. You should go first.”

  “Well, you don’t have to rub it in,” Bailey laughed. “But, thanks.”

  The blonde went into the room and shut the door to signal that it was being used while Anna, Paige, and I continued on down the hallway.

  “Man, every door is closed.” Paige frowned. “I think we’re going to have to wait.”

  “There are a lot of us,” Anna noted.

  “And not every room has a shower,” I added. “Most are shared.”

  “Right,” the redhead agreed.

  “Oh, shit!” Paige exclaimed, and she rushed down the hallway to an empty door. “This one’s open!”

  “Sweet,” Anna said. “Tav and I can keep looking. You take that one.”

  “I’m pretty sure this is the last one.” Paige bit her lip. “I feel bad taking it.”

  “Don’t,” I told her. “It’s alright.”

  “We could share,” the brunette suggested with a shrug.

  “Yeah,” Anna agreed. “We’re going to have to wait for someone anyway, right?”

  “I meant we could just share the shower,” Paige corrected with a laugh. “It’s not like we’ve never seen each other naked before.”

  “I guess that’s true.” Anna nodded and turned to me. “Tav?”

  “Are you asking me if I want to get in the shower with the two of you?” I asked with a sarcastically raised eyebrow.

  “Good point,” the redhead laughed. “That’s not much of a question, is it?”

  “It’s not a question at all,” I chuckled and walked into the room. “Come on.”

  “Alright.” Anna grinned. “But I actually want to take a shower, okay? So you can’t try and seduce us.”

  “I make no promises.” I grinned back.

  “That’s not exactly the reassurance I was looking for,” the redhead laughed.

  “Sorry, it’s all you’re gonna get.” I smiled, shrugged, and then pulled my shirt off.

  “You know, suddenly I’m okay with that.” Anna nodded and looked over to Paige. “Him taking the shirt off really helped with that, am I right?”

  “Definitely,” Paige sighed as she looked me up and down.

  “Hey, now, I’m not a piece of meat, you know,” I teased.

  “But I like meat,” Anna joked, and she flashed me a quick smile and a wink before she and Paige stepped through the threshold and shut the door behind them.

  I shook my head, walked into the small bathroom that was connected to the room we were in, and turned the water on for the shower. The small stand up shower looked like it was barely big enough to fit two people, let alone the three of us, but I was determined to
make it work.

  I pulled off my boots, then my weapons and pants, and finally my boxers until I was in my birthday suit, then I turned and looked in the mirror above the sink. There were clear lines on my skin from where my clothes ended and the dirt took over, namely my arms, neck, and face.

  I couldn’t help but chuckle as I stared at the mock farmer’s tan the dust had created.

  Before I could hop in the shower, the girls appeared in the doorway of the bathroom. They were both completely naked, and completely sexy.

  Anna’s long red hair was out of its braid, and it hung down to her belly button, covering her shoulders and breasts with long, wavy strands of auburn. Her tight, muscular body was on full display for me to see, and my stomach flipped in response.

  The redhead was the tallest of the girls, and she was thin but perfectly toned. She had round, perky breasts above washboard abs that led down to her perfectly shaven pussy. She leaned up against the doorway and stared at me with piercing green eyes and a cocky smile. She knew she was sexy, and she wasn’t afraid to show it.

  Paige was a little bit more hesitant, but the brunette was clearly ready to take on whatever I threw at her. She’d become more adventurous lately, and I couldn’t say I was surprised she’d been the one to suggest this little mĕnage â trois.

  The brunette stood next to her friend, but her long chestnut locks were still up in their tight messy bun. Some flyaway strands framed her delicate features and made her look all the more beautiful.

  Paige’s breasts were slightly larger than Anna’s, and she didn’t have the same abs, but her flat but toned stomach was sexy as hell. Like her friend’s, Paige’s pussy was freshly shaven, and all I could think about was how good it would taste right then.

  I gulped and looked away before I got a full blown erection. I knew the girls wanted to wash up, and I could use a good scrub myself before we got to business, so I decided I would do my best to wait to take them like I wanted to.

  “That shower’s pretty small,” Anna said with a grin. “It might be a tight squeeze.”

  The redhead glanced down when she said ‘tight squeeze’, and my semi erection twitched in response and grew even larger.

  She knew exactly what she was doing.


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