Compelled by the Vampire: Vampire Enforcement Agency Series Book 1

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Compelled by the Vampire: Vampire Enforcement Agency Series Book 1 Page 18

by McAllen, Kellie

  She looked better than well; she looked incredible. Her luscious hair fell in soft waves over her shoulders, her cheeks were flushed with pink, and the little bit of makeup she wore made her green eyes look huge in her pale face. They sparkled like the peridot jewelry his mother used to wear. She’d dressed up a bit for her interrogation, wearing a silky, green blouse that matched her eyes and a soft, floral skirt that swirled around her knees — clothes that begged to be touched. He squeezed his hands into fists and pressed them to his side, resisting the urge to reach for her.

  “Thank you for the blood bags and the money.” Her voice was strained with that same mix of emotions he saw in her eyes.

  “Of course. I promised I’d take care of you. I was going to bring you some more, but then the clinic called me. I guess you’re feeding there now.” The thought of her feeding from someone else was a dagger to his heart, and his chest heaved, trying to expel it.

  “No, I tried, but… I couldn’t do it. I just got some blood bags.”

  Roric let out a deep breath as the dagger clattered to the ground. Thank God. He knew it was unreasonable, but he couldn’t stand the thought of her drinking from anyone but him.

  “You know, some vampires never drink from the vein, like me.” That wasn’t totally true. He’d drunk from her vein when she was unconscious, tempted by the oozing fang marks in her neck, but he didn’t want to admit that. The memory of her blood still clung to his tongue and swirled in his nostrils.

  She pinched her brows and stared up at him like she was trying to see into his soul. “Why not?”

  “Drinking from the vein is kind of… intense. I never met anyone I wanted to get that close to before.” Until her, of course. Now that was all he could think about.

  “But you’ve let others drink from you.”

  He shook his head and reached to cup her cheek. “Only you.”

  She nuzzled her cheek against his palm, closing her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, her gemstone gaze bore into him again. “Why did you let me drink from you?”

  The moment stretched between them like a pulsing vein, ripe for the taking. If he told her the truth, told her why he’d broken all the rules just for her, he’d run the risk of scaring her away, maybe for good. Was she ready to hear that? He didn’t know, but she was here, and that meant something. He’d always played it safe, but never when it came to her. Why should he start now?

  “I think I fell in love with you the moment I saw you slap that vampire and run away. Then, when I saw you lying there dying, I couldn’t bear the thought of never knowing you. I told myself I was doing the right thing by saving your life, but I was just being selfish. I wanted you, and I still do. You’re all I can think about.”

  As soon as the words were out, his heart and lungs stopped, his whole body waiting for her response. She didn’t say anything at first, just stood, still and silent as a statue. Only her dilated pupils gave any indication that she had heard his declaration. Of course, being Caroline, she didn’t make it easy on him.

  “I always hated vampires. Despised them. The last thing I ever wanted was to be one, and I was so angry that you took that choice away from me.” Her words were like a knife slash to his heart, deep and jagged. He clutched a hand to his chest to keep himself from bleeding out.

  But then he realized she wasn’t trying to hurt him. She was cutting them both open and letting the infection drain so the wounds could heal.

  “But I’m glad I’m alive, even if I’m a vampire now. You showed me a side of them I didn’t know existed. I thought they were all monsters, until I met you. But you’re not a monster, Roric. I can’t stop thinking about you, either. I don’t want to want you, but I do.”

  He didn’t speak, didn’t even think, just pulled her into his arms and lowered his lips to hers, drinking her in. She responded immediately, grabbing onto his waist and opening herself to him. She groaned as he buried his tongue in her mouth, stroking and probing, desperate for more of her.

  He pulled her body closer and ran his hands down her curves, cupping her ass through the silky fabric of her skirt. The hem was only inches from his fingers, and he longed to slide them underneath and up her thigh.

  They kissed till their breath grew ragged before he finally pulled away, gasping for air. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes glassy, and her lips were swollen from his kisses. She’d never looked more beautiful.

  “Caroline, will you drink from me? I want to feed you.” His body throbbed at the memory of her fangs in his skin. He’d never felt anything so incredible. Had it been as life-altering for her?

  She nodded, her breath heaving too much for her to speak. He took her hand and led her over to his bed then sat on the edge. But before he had a chance to pull her down next to him, she sat on his lap and wrapped an arm around his neck, putting her own neck inches from his lips. He closed his eyes and held his breath, trying to calm his urge to bite her.

  “Maybe you should take off your shirt. I wouldn’t want to get blood on it.” She slid a finger around his collar.

  His first thought was to tell her it didn’t matter, that it was old and too small, but then her eyes twinkled mischievously, and he laughed. “I think you just want to see my abs.”

  She ran a finger slowly down the ridges, grinning. “If I remember right, they look even nicer than they feel.”

  He stuck his fingers in between the buttons and tore the shirt open. Her little gasp and the hungry look in her eyes gave him her answer. She laid a hot palm on his chest and slid it down over the ridges till it teased his waistband. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away. “Don’t tease me unless you want more than just blood.”

  Her face grew serious, and her big eyes latched onto his. “What if I do?” Then she pressed her hand against his dick.

  A deep groan tore from his throat, and he grabbed her face is his hands, shoving his tongue in her mouth. Her warm, little hand caressed him while he stroked his tongue in and out. He stopped just long enough to grumble, “Take my vein, Caroline.”

  She trailed her lips over his chin and down his neck, her hot breath setting his skin on fire. Then she opened her mouth wide and sunk her teeth into him. He roared in ecstasy at that first bite then settled into a deep groan as she sucked his neck and palmed his crotch in an alternating rhythm. Pleasure burst through his body, firing every nerve till his flesh buzzed with electricity.

  He wrapped one hand around her waist and slid the other one up her belly to knead her soft, full breasts. She wiggled on his lap, squeezing her thighs together, so he dropped his hand to her knee then slipped it under that sexy skirt and in between her taut thighs. When he pressed a finger against her satin panties, she bucked in his arms and cried out, yanking her fangs from his neck and tearing a gasp from him.

  Shit! Had he gone too far? But no, the look on her face said she wasn’t upset. Far from it. She stood up and pulled her blouse over her head then pushed her skirt to the floor, standing in front of him in nothing but white lace like a virgin bride. She wasn’t his bride, and she probably wasn’t a virgin either, but the way she presented herself to him felt like she was giving him the most priceless gift in the world. He stared at her for a long moment before tracing his hands reverently down her sides. She trembled under his touch.

  “Make love to me, Roric.”

  She turned and climbed onto the bed, and he scrambled after her, kicking off his shoes and shucking his pants and boxers. He grabbed a condom, and within moments he was lying next to her, their arms wrapped around each other. Her small body was such a contrast to his thick muscles, he’d be afraid that he’d crush her if he didn’t know that her tiny body hid a vampire’s strength. He trailed kisses down her neck, along her collar bone, then around one breast before gently sucking on the small, pink nipple.

  She moaned and rolled onto her back, dragging him with her. His lips followed the line between her ribs and her navel, then his tongue swirled and probed the small indentation. She writhed unde
r him, raking her nails down his back. He sat up and slipped his fingers under the waistband of her panties so he could drag them off of her. Her legs fell open, revealing her dark pink center, and she reached down to pull him up her body. He settled himself between her legs, pressing his hard length against her softness.

  He looked deep into her eyes, making sure she was ready before he entered her. They gazed back at him, shining with desire. His body tensed, and his eyes pinched closed as he slid in. She was hot, tight, and perfect. Their bodies fit together like a matched set, her soft curves nestled against his hard muscles. He could stay there forever. When his body finally adjusted to the sensation of being inside her, he started to move.

  When he opened his eyes again, Caroline was staring at him, examining every inch of his face like he was a work of art. But she was the masterpiece. He stroked a hand down her soft hair and traced the shape of her eyebrows, nose, and lips. Perfection.

  Her eyes narrowed in on the fang marks she’d left on his neck, and she lifted her head and swiped her tongue up his neck, licking up a trail of blood. Then she suctioned her lips over the holes and pulled. He moaned loudly, and his body shuddered at the hit of pleasure. His strokes sped up, matching the speed of her sucks. She mewled under him, bucking against him as she came.

  He let himself go then, grunting and clenching her hair in his fists as he pumped into her. He wanted to fill her, coat her insides with his seed, claim her as his. But for now, this was enough. This was more than he ever hoped for.

  Spent, he collapsed on top of her and buried his face in her neck, savoring the intoxicating scent of her blood. His lips latched onto her, and he sucked at her skin, resisting the urge to clamp his fangs into her. She ran her fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp.

  “Roric.” Her throat vibrated against his lips.

  “Mmmm?” He didn’t bother removing his mouth from her skin.

  “I want you to drink from me.”

  That got his attention. He yanked his head away from her neck and gawked at her. “Why?”

  Her brow furrowed. “Don’t you want to? I thought… I thought you did.” She closed her eyes like she was embarrassed.

  “Caroline, there’s nothing in the whole world I want more than to taste you.”

  Actually, there was one thing. He wanted to mate her, but he didn’t dare mention it. He knew it would scare her away. As it was, she was a timid little bird, taking tiny hops towards him. If he moved too soon, she might fly away.

  “Then do it.”

  She didn’t have to say any more. He didn’t need to question her motives. She was offering herself to him, and he intended to claim her in any way he could. He moved her hair away from her neck so she wouldn’t bleed on it then stroked a finger down the graceful column till he found the right spot. Her pulse throbbed under his fingertip, pressing against the skin, begging his to take her. He bent his head and plunged his fangs into her neck. Hot, pulsing blood filled his mouth, and his body exploded.

  Chapter 30

  Roric lay in Caroline’s arms, his body sated in every way. He traced a finger up and down her abdomen, enjoying the way she quivered under his touch. One of her legs was thrown over his, and she bent her knee, pulling them closer till their bodies were entwined. She nudged her pelvis against his suggestively.

  He kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arms tighter around her. “Is that a hint that you want a second round? You know, all you have to do is ask, and I'll give you anything you want.”

  “Anything?” She smirked at him.

  “Anything. My blood, my body, my home. Everything I have is yours.”

  “Your home?” Her teasing tone grew serious.

  “Yes. Stay with me, Caroline. Drink from me. Let me take care of you. There’s nothing I want more.” He knew it was a risk. It was too much, too soon, but he couldn’t resist.

  She scrambled away from him. “You’re asking me to move in with you?”

  Shit! Why did he say that? He knew she’d never go for it. Now she was going to think he was some possessive psycho. He tried to backpedal. “I mean, you know, just while your cravings settle. You should have a mentor to help you through it.”

  With the look she gave him, he wasn’t sure if he’d made it better or worse. “Do most newly-turned vampires move in with their mentors?”

  He dropped his eyes to the comforter, tracing his finger along the damask design. “No, but it might be easier. Did you get your car windows tinted yet?”

  Suddenly, she was fascinated by the comforter, as well. “Not yet.”

  “Was that not enough money? I can give you more.”

  She shook her head. “No, it was enough, I just…”

  She should’ve had plenty of time and opportunity; he’d given it to her more than a week ago. “You were afraid to be around humans?”

  “No, I mean, yeah, but…”

  Why else would she have waited? It had to be hard not to be able to go anywhere during the day. And why did she seem embarrassed about it?

  “Caroline? Please tell me what has you looking like that.” He stroked a hand down her cheek and lifted her chin so he could look in her eyes. She closed them as soon as he did, but not before he saw the pain in them.

  “I couldn’t work. They sent me home when I bared my fangs at someone. I didn’t know how long I’d be without a paycheck, so I thought I better save it in case I couldn’t pay my rent.”

  He closed his own eyes and shook his head, his face pinched with guilt. He had no idea things were that tight for her, but he probably should have. She’d been on her own since she was a teenager, and bartending wasn’t a high-paying gig. He hated that she’d had to worry about paying her bills on top of dealing with the stress of being turned.

  “That’s not a great place for you to work, anyway. You should quit, find something better.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “I need that job, Roric. I didn’t go to college. I don’t have any other skills. Bartending pays better than anything else I could do. And the Taproom is a lot nicer than some other bars.”

  “There are way too many creeps hitting on you.” He growled at the memory of them — staring at her, talking to her, smiling at her.

  “Yeah, but they tip well, especially when I flirt with them.” She tossed her hair and gave him the same come-hither smile she used to make the customers feel special.

  He snarled. “Yeah, I saw that. I just about ripped a few of their arms off. And what’s up with that other bartender? Are you dating him? He seemed awfully handsy with you.”

  A laugh burst from her lips. “Gray? No, I’m definitely not dating him. We’re just friends. He’s interested in you, though. Asked me for your number.”

  His mouth fell open, and he gawked at her. “Okay, I guess I don’t have to worry about him. But still, you shouldn’t have to put up with customers treating you like that.”

  “Well, I might not have a job there anymore, anyway.”

  He took her hand and held it to his chest. “That’s all the more reason you should come and stay with me. We have this huge place. You wouldn’t have to stay in here if you didn’t want to. There’s all these bedrooms that no one is using. Please, let me try to make this up to you.”

  “I can’t just quit my job and move in with you, let you support me. We barely know each other.” She shook her head and looked at him like he was crazy. Maybe he was, but he’d do anything to make her happy.

  “Why not? It’s the least I can do since, as you said, I ruined your life.”

  She sighed and scooted closer, throwing her leg over his again. “I wouldn’t mind staying tonight.”

  He grinned and slid a hand down to her ass, pulling her tight against him. That wasn’t a no. He’d take it one day at a time if he had to. He wouldn’t give up till she was his.

  A loud ring sounded from the pile of clothes on the floor, and Roric groaned as he reached down and riffled through them, trying to find his phone.

p; “Roric,” he answered, yanking it to his ear on the fourth ring.

  “We’ve got trouble, bro. Can you come down here?” Taven’s voice sounded tight, strained.

  Roric threw a hand over his eyes. “Can’t you handle it? I’ve got… company.”

  Taven snorted. “Nice, bro. I’m happy for you, but I’m pretty sure you’re gonna want to see this.”

  Roric sighed and glanced at Caroline. “I’ll be there in ten.”

  She sat up — naked, gorgeous, and impossible to leave. “What’s wrong?”

  “Trouble at the Agency. I have to go. I’m so sorry, but I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can. Stay here, okay? Keep the bed warm for me.” He grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them on.

  “How long do you think you’ll be?”

  He gritted his teeth and shook his head. “I don’t know. Taven didn’t say what was wrong, which isn’t a good sign. I might be a while. Make yourself at home, okay?”


  He leaned down and cupped her head in his hands then lowered his mouth to hers. His lips made promises he couldn’t wait to keep.

  Ten minutes later, he swung his car into the Agency parking lot and headed inside. Serena was behind the desk, looking anxious, and Taven was leaned over her desk, talking to her. He stood up as soon as Roric walked in.

  Roric scowled at him. “What’s going on?”

  Taven smirked. “Hello to you, too. Geez, you in a hurry to get back to your date? Who’s it with, anyway? I thought you had to go to a council meeting tonight.”

  “I did. They called in Caroline and Ivy for questioning.”

  Taven’s cocky smile instantly fell. “Oh shit. How’d that go?”

  “Better than I expected.” He flicked his eyes towards Serena. “I’ll tell you about it later.”

  Taven nodded, getting the message. “So, Caroline…”

  “Is naked in my bed, so this better be important.”

  Taven whistled and wiggled his eyebrows. “Nice. Well, sorry to interrupt, but you know the rogue we brought in the other day, the one with the big mouth who liked to brag about vamps taking over the world?”


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