Home > Other > LOVE COMES TO ALASKA: A Lesbian Romance > Page 7
LOVE COMES TO ALASKA: A Lesbian Romance Page 7

by Lydia Rose

  “Were you afraid I’d seduce you?”

  “No.” Ann lowered her voice. “I was attracted to you, but when you said you were gay, I freaked.”

  “You were attracted to me?” Kayla asked shocked.

  Ann nodded her head. “I’ve never been attracted to a woman before.”

  Kayla squeezed Ann to her body. “I love you, Ann.”

  “I love you too, Kayla.” Ann rested her hand on Kayla’s arm. “So when I fell that day skiing, you fixed my leg?”

  “Your leg wasn’t broken, but I could tell you sprained it badly.”

  “You fixed my knee in the process?”

  “I guess so,” Kayla said with a chuckle.

  “Let’s go back to the house so Karen and Josh don’t think we killed each other.” Ann laughed as she took Kayla’s arm. She stopped at the door. “Uh, I have to use the bathroom.”

  “Come on. I’ll show you where it is.” Kayla led her to the outhouse.

  Ann stood at the door and opened it slowly. She turned to Kayla. “It’s a good thing I love you because otherwise I would never do this.”

  Kayla was still laughing when Ann came back outside, but her mind was screaming, she loves me. “See that wasn’t so bad, right?”

  “We are leaving in the morning, right?”

  “Yes, honey.” Kayla started laughing again. “We’re leaving in the morning.”

  They both walked into the house laughing.

  “I guess everything is okay?” Karen asked when they walked into the kitchen.

  “Yes, Karen, no more secrets.” Ann turned to Kayla quickly. “There aren’t anymore, is there?”

  “No more secrets.”


  “Ann just had her first experience with an outhouse,” Kayla said snickering.

  “Well, I see you survived,” Josh said added with a chuckle.

  “Barely,” Ann said softly.

  “You get used to it,” Karen said with a laugh.

  “I love you guys, but I like my plumbing indoors,” Ann said firmly.

  The room erupted in laughter.

  The gifts were opened and then Karen and Ann went to start dinner.

  “Kayla, do you want to help me break down the deer I got this morning?” Josh asked.

  “Sure.” Kayla stood and went to her duffle bag. Already anticipating that she would be helping Josh, she removed old jeans, a shirt and an apron.

  “We will see you later, ladies,” Kayla said with a kiss to Ann’s cheek.

  “Have fun,” Ann said with a smile.

  Josh and Kayla left for the barn while Karen and Ann started chopping vegetables.

  “I would never be able to cook on this wood stove,” Ann said with a chuckle.

  “I didn’t either in the beginning, but I learned.”

  Josh and Kayla were removing the deer’s coat trying not to rip it so that it could be used for something else. Kayla’s hands were dirty and bloody as they cut the meat.

  “Ann isn’t going to be happy sleeping with me tonight,” Kayla said with a chuckle.

  “I think that girl would be happy to sleep with you if you were playing with cow manure all day.”

  “You’ve got to remember, she’s a city girl.” Kayla added.

  “Is Ann going to go back to Seattle in the spring?” Josh asked not meeting Kayla’s gaze.

  “I have no idea, Josh.” Kayla stopped cutting the meat. “We haven’t discussed the future. I know she’s happy, but I don’t know if the life I lead is something she would want for herself.” This was the first time that Kayla voiced her concerns out loud. Those thoughts had been at the back of her mind since she realized that she was falling in love with Ann.

  “You don’t live like we do. You have all the comforts of living in the city. I don’t see why she wouldn’t want to stay.” Josh looked at Kayla with a smile. “I knew that gal was fallen for you when we visited.”

  “You know better than me what a lonely life we lead. Her family is in Texas and Ann has a job in Seattle,” Kayla said softly.

  “Give it time, Kayla, before you start to worry,” Josh said cuffing Kayla’s shoulder.


  “Karen, I hope we aren’t using all your supplies?” Ann asked.

  “Not at all. Kayla brought the beef and potatoes. I add parsnips and carrots to the stew. We are thankful for the beef that Kayla brings. It’s the only beef we have all winter. Besides, she brought deer meat today too.” Karen chuckled. “Kayla never takes the leftovers.”

  “Have you ever thought about adding water and electricity to your place?” Ann asked as she peeled potatoes.

  “Oh, no. That’s very expensive and we’re not in a position to do such a thing. Besides, you get used to living this way.” Karen maintained. “So tell me, Ann, how long after we left did you two get together?”

  Ann chuckled. “Not long and of course, I had to make the first move.” Her face turned bright red having admitted that bit of information.

  “Yeah, I didn’t think Kayla would tell you how she was feeling. She would have let you go home and never tell you she was in love with you.”

  “Probably,” Ann said and now she wondered if Kayla would ask her to stay or would she let her go back to Seattle after the summer. Then she thought, do I want to live in the woods the rest of her life? These were all the things that went through her head since she and Kayla had slept together.


  As soon as Josh and Kayla walked in the back door, the smell hit Ann’s senses. She instantly wrinkled her nose. Kayla smiled at Ann and shrugged.

  Kayla put the bucket of water she carried and deposited it on the stove.

  As soon as the water was warmed, she closed the curtain that separated the pantry from the kitchen. Kayla removed her clothes and put them in a plastic bag that she sealed. Then she took a bar of soap and scrubbed the smell off her skin. Freshly dressed Kayla walked out to the kitchen and moved to Ann side and whispered. “Better?”

  Ann shook her head up and down. “Much better.”

  Kayla looked at the apron that Karen had made as a gift for Ann. “You look right at home,” she said pointing at the apron.

  Ann held up the hem and twirled. “Just call me the pioneer woman.”

  Kayla’s lips twitch as she looked at Ann. She wanted so much to kiss her, but she wasn’t sure how her friends would react to displays of affection.

  “Go on and kiss her,” Karen said with a nudge against Ann. “Before Kayla dies over there.” She pointed with her head in Kayla’s direction.

  Ann moved next to Kayla and put her arms around her neck. Their lips touched briefly before Ann pulled her tighter and deepened the kiss. When she pulled away, she looked into Kayla’s eyes. “Better?”

  “Much,” Kayla said wearing a wide smile.

  “You two don’t have to hide your affection for one another in front of us.” Karen looked at Josh who nodded. “Love between people is something to be celebrated and not hidden.”

  Ann turned toward her friends holding onto Kayla’s hand. “Thank you.”

  “Were you able to get a signal to call your family?” Kayla asked Ann.

  “No, but I sent them an email before we left wishing them all a Merry Christmas. I’ll call when we get home tomorrow.” Ann added with a smile.

  Kayla loved to hear Ann refer to the cabin as home. She continued to hope that Ann would consider it her home once spring arrived.

  After dinner Karen put the kids to bed and they all sat around the fireplace sharing what they were doing while apart.

  “Ann learned to ski,” Kayla said when Karen sat down

  “That’s wonderful, Ann.”

  “What Kayla isn’t telling you is that I had a hard time in the beginning. I couldn’t move my legs without falling and then I couldn’t get up,” Ann said laughing at herself. “I even crashed into a tree.”

  “Were you hurt?” Karen asked.

  “Apparently, but Kayla took ca
re of that.” Ann pointed her finger at Kayla. “I hurt my leg, but Kayla told me it was nothing. She cured my bum knee too in the process.”

  “Kayla’s great to have around, isn’t she?” Josh asked.

  “I’m finding that out more and more each day,” Ann said squeezing Kayla’s hand.

  Kayla stood up. “I think we should turn in. We’re going to hit the road early tomorrow morning.”

  “I hate to say this, but I need to go to the bathroom before we go up to the loft.”

  Kayla held out her hand to Ann. “Come on. I need to go too.”

  As soon as they got outside, Kayla turned on the flashlight. Ann put her arm through Kayla’s. “This is so spooky. I don’t think I could live like this.”

  “Not many of us can,” Kayla shined the light on the outhouse and opened the door for Ann.

  “This may be awkward for both of us, but you’re coming in with me.” Ann pulled on Kayla’s arm.

  Kayla chuckled and followed Ann inside. “See it’s not so spooky.”

  “Oh yes it is.” Ann quickly finished and held the light for Kayla. “I think you and I have completely bonded with this experience.”

  “Do you always joke when you’re afraid?” Kayla asked as they walked back to the house.

  “It’s better than crying. I can’t wait to go to your cabin tomorrow and take a hot shower.”

  “Me too,” Kayla said softly disappointed that Ann had called the cabin hers and not home.

  They climbed up the ladder to their homemade bed and got under the covers. Ann crawled into Kayla’s arms.

  “Are you comfortable?” Kayla asked.

  “As long as I’m in your arms, I’m good. Good night, Kayla.”

  “Good night, sweetie.”

  They kissed and quickly fell asleep.


  Everyone was up early the following morning. Breakfast was eaten and Kayla and Ann gathered their things for trip back to the cabin.

  “I’m so glad that you both came to visit us,” Karen said hugging Ann. “Kayla, I can’t thank you enough for what you did for Stella.” She kissed Kayla’s cheek and pulled her close.

  They gave their goodbyes to Josh, Stella and Simon and headed home.

  The trip home took longer because it had begun to snow and the visibility was poor. As they reached the cabin, Kayla stopped by the side door.

  “Take our things in and I’ll go put the snowmobile away. There’s a spare key under that rock.” Kayla pointed. “Would you turn the furnace up and you may as well take a shower. I have to feed the hens while I’m back there.” Kayla revved the motor and drove to the garage.

  Ann opened the door and brought their bags inside the house. She went to the furnace and raised the heat. Ann decided that she may as well start a fire too.

  By the time Kayla came back into the house, it was nice and toasty. The bathroom was empty and Ann was nowhere in sight. “Ann.” Kayla called out.

  “Upstairs,” Ann said. Her voice was muffled.

  Kayla climbed the stairs just as Ann came out of the walk in closet. “You look comfy.”

  Ann looked down at her pair of sweats and a hoodie. “I feel so much better now that I had a hot shower.” She handed Kayla a pair of sweats. “Go take a shower and I’ll make us some lunch.”

  “You did well in starting that fire in the fireplace.” Kayla smiled proudly.

  “I’ve watched you do it many times.” Ann shrugged. “Wasn’t too hard.”

  Kayla went into the bathroom and Ann went into the kitchen. A container of soup sat in the refrigerator. While the soup heated up, she made a pot of coffee. Before Kayla came out of the bathroom, she went to the washing machine with their clothes. She knocked on the bathroom door. “Kayla, can I get your clothes for the machine?” Hearing no response, she opened the door slightly. “Kayla, can I come in?”

  “Sure,” Kayla said from behind the shower curtain.

  “I want to do a load of laundry and wanted your clothes.” The water went off in the shower and Kayla pulled back the curtain. Ann looked at the muscular body standing before her as the twinge of arousal hit her quickly. “I think I’ll leave before the soup boils dry and our clothes never get washed.”


  “No. Just horny.” Ann giggled as she left the bathroom.

  “I can help you with that problem.” Kayla yelled as Ann closed the door.

  Ann opened the door a crack. “Later.”

  The two women sat at the snack bar enjoying their hot soup. Kayla’s hand rubbed Ann’s back gently. The hand continued lower and she cupped Ann’s behind.

  “What are you doing?”

  “What does it feel like?” Kayla said looking at Ann with question.

  “It’s not even dark yet?” Ann said looking down into her bowl.

  “Dark? You want to wait until its dark?” Kayla put her spoon down and took Ann’s hand. “Why are you suddenly shy?”

  “I’m not shy.” Ann huffed out.

  “It is something, Ann. Tell me, please.” Kayla pleaded.

  “I’m not as well groomed and I wanted to wait until it was dark,” Ann said turning away from Kayla.

  “Do you think I care if you have some hair on your legs?” Kayla asked turning Ann’s chin toward her.

  “I shaved my legs when I took a shower.” Ann turned away again. “It’s.” Her hand moved over the lower half of her body. “I can’t use a razor because I get irritated and I’ve run out of hair remover.”

  Kayla laughed. “Honey, I don’t care.”

  “But.” Ann began.

  Kayla pulled Ann close. “I don’t care, Ann. Do you hear me?” She moved Ann back so she could see her eyes. “Do you think I fell in love with you because you were well groomed?”

  Ann shrugged. “I saw you in the shower, you’re well groomed,” she said embarrassed.

  “That’s because I had my hair permanently removed.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes. When you live where I do, it’s worth it.” Kayla took Ann’s hand. “Are you okay now?”

  “I’m going to do that as soon as I get back to civilization,” Ann said emphatically. “So I’m going to look like a hairy monster by the end of the winter and you won’t?”

  Kayla brought Ann’s fingers up to her lips and kissed her gently. “I love you, Ann. Nothing is going to change that. Do you hear me?”

  Ann nodded with a slight smile. She got off the chair and led them upstairs. Ann was undressed and under the covers before Kayla got her pants off.

  “Ann, you don’t have to hide from me.”

  “Would you just get in here and stop talking,” Ann said watching Kayla take off the rest of her clothes.

  Kayla lifted the covers and climbed in. Her body laid in the V of Ann’s legs. “Ooh, you’ve done something. Let me see.”

  Ann pulled Kayla toward her so she couldn’t move. “I trimmed it with my scissors.”

  “It feels great against my skin.” Kayla moved against her and moaned in pleasure.

  “You’re just so easy to please,” Ann said with a giggle finally relaxing.

  “You have no idea,” Kayla said taking Ann’s mouth softly.

  They spent the rest of the afternoon making love.


  The rest of the winter was spent with skiing, hiking and always making love. Ann did manage to get her writing in during the day and now the book was almost done. Ann promised Kayla that no word would be written of her sixth sense and the fact that she could heal with her hands. Kayla had finished five new paintings which would allow her to survive the following year, but as spring approached she wondered if Ann would walk out of her life. Kayla knew they were going to visit her parents, but would Ann go back to Seattle and to her former life. So many times, Kayla wanted to bring up the future, but her fear kept the words from leaving her mouth. She waited for Ann to tell her what her plans were.

  Before the snow began to melt, they sk
ied to the top of the ridge. “I’m going to miss this view,” Ann said looking down at the frozen lake.

  Kayla swallowed. “It will always be here for you, Ann.”

  Ann put her arm around Kayla and kissed her gently. “Let’s go back to the house. I want to finish the book and send it off to the publishers. This way we can enjoy the few weeks we have left here.”

  Kayla pulled Ann close. “I love you, Ann. With all my heart. I hope you know that?”

  “I do, honey. I feel the same way.”

  They turned their skis toward the cabin and went back home.


  Kayla came back into the house to the wonderful smells of breakfast. She walked over to Ann and kissed the back of her neck. “Looks and smells great,” she said over Ann’s shoulder.

  “Have a seat. This will be ready in a few minutes.” Ann poured Kayla a cup of coffee.

  “I took a walk down toward the road. The plows have been out already.” Ann looked at Kayla surprised. “How about a ride to town? We can restock some food and find out when we’ll be able fly to Texas.”

  Ann came over and hugged Kayla. “That would be wonderful. I can’t wait for you to meet my family.”

  “Will you tell your parents about us?” Kayla asked as Ann handed her a plate of food.

  Ann sat down before speaking. “I don’t want to throw too much at them at once.” Her eyes looked away. “If you’re capable of doing what I think you can, I think that will be enough for now.”

  Kayla nodded pushing her food around the plate. “I understand.” Unfortunately, Kayla knew all too well. Ann wasn’t going to tell her parents because this was just a fling. How she thought that Ann would want to live with her away from civilization was just a dream. For Kayla it had been a wonderful dream, but none the less a dream.

  They got dressed and Kayla went to get her truck out of the garage. Kayla remained quiet during the ride despite Ann trying to start and keep a conversation going.

  Once in town, Kayla drove over to the gallery with her artwork. Two of the paintings were going to be sent to Seattle, one to New York and two be sold in town.


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