Country Cottage Mysteries Boxed Set

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Country Cottage Mysteries Boxed Set Page 24

by Addison Moore

  She’s not even hiding the fact she wants him back. And what does she mean, she just spoke to Jasper? Do exes speak to one another on the regular? Is that a thing?

  Of course, I work with mine. But Jordy and I didn’t date for four years only to have me cheat on him with his co-worker.

  No sooner do I get the thought out than a sheriff’s deputy enters the inn and gives a jovial pat to Sherlock’s head.

  “Hey, old buddy. I’ve missed you.” The deputy straightens only to reveal himself as Leo Granger.

  Well, there you go. Speak of the devil and he will come. Or in my case think. Same difference when the devil in question is a mind reader.

  He winces as he heads my way. His wavy hair is combed back and his dark eyes are squinted with laughter as if he were in on some horrible joke. And sadly, he sort of is.

  Devil? He shakes his head. Now is that any way to talk about your fellow transmundane?

  Trans what? Now it’s me shaking my head at him. I figure I’ve already outted myself to the deceptive deputy. There’s no backing out now.

  Sherlock runs over to my side of the counter. Careful, Bizzy. He’ll try to hypnotize you with his eyes. That’s exactly how he stole Camila.

  I make a face at Leo for doing anything of the sort. Although, I should probably be penning him a thank you.

  Leo barks out a laugh. “That you should. And do you prefer to talk?”

  “Yes,” I hiss. “But keep it down.” Partly because I’m not so sure I should be talking to him in particular. “What’s this transmundane?” I whisper.

  He shrugs as he leans in. “That’s what we are. I have an aunt that’s just like us. The one that happened to lead me to you last month.”

  “Knew it.” I strum my nails against the counter. Georgie somewhat outted me, and the woman ran with it at the craft festival. Mack put the event together, and I should have known anything that Mayor Woods touches would endanger me in some way.

  Before I can ask another question, a sassy older brunette with stunning gray eyes that I’ve grown to have a slight obsession with—on her son, that is—pops up at the reception counter.

  “Gwyneth, how can I help you?” I force a cheery grin, although that condescending smirk she’s wearing lets me know I shouldn’t be too thrilled to see her just yet. Her hair is wavy and shellacked into place. Her lips look hardened with a harsh shade of orange, and her mascara is clumping her lashes into groups of two and three.

  Her smile tightens in my direction. “I’m meeting with Jasper’s special friend in the café. As soon as he gets here, do redirect him. I’m trying so hard to get those two lovebirds back where they belong.” Her head twitches toward Leo as if her sixth sense just alerted her to his presence. “Deputy Granger? Oh, Leo.” She pulls him in for a quick embrace. “How ever are you doing? Don’t answer that. I heard all about Camila breaking your heart. You know you can’t have her. But there are plenty of fish in the sea.” She sucks in a quick breath as she looks my way. “Come to think of it, you and Dizzy would make a fine pair. Why don’t the two of you take a lunch break and get to know one another?” The whites of her eyes expand as she gives a quick chortle. “Of course, I’d like a special mention at your wedding for coming up with the idea. You’ll both thank me in a year.” She points a red fingernail at the two of us as if she were casting a spell before trotting off.

  Sherlock whimpers and Peanut follows suit.

  Is she gone? Sherlock trots out from behind the counter to get a look. Oh, thank heavens. And who is this Dizzy person, anyway?

  I shrug over at Leo. “She’s my biggest fan. What can I say? Dizzy Baker at your service. Now, what is this transmundane business? You said that’s what we’re called. How do you know? How does your aunt know?”

  He opens his mouth to answer just as Nessa speeds over and cranes her neck at him. Her face looks white as a sheet at the sight, and if I didn’t know better, I’d say Nessa was most definitely acting like a killer who didn’t want to be sent up the river for a very long time.

  “On second thought, Detective Granger”—my voice spikes unnaturally—“why don’t you inspect the grand ballroom one more time? I have absolutely no problem with that.”

  He takes off, but his eyes are slow to peel away from mine.

  “Oh wow, he’s hot, Bizzy,” Nessa pants as she shoves her purse into the cabinet below the reception counter. Her dark hair is swept back into a bun and she’s wearing a cinnamon-colored sweater made of spun yarn that looks feather soft and cozy. “Oh my goodness!” she coos as she picks up Peanut. “Hey there, sweet boy. Has anyone ever told you that you’ve got the face of an angel?” She presses a long, lingering kiss between his ears and Peanut’s tubby little tail wags happily.

  I like her, Bizzy! Peanut squeals out loud as he says it. Can I keep her? Can I keep her?

  Fish yowls with laughter. I think Peanut has found his person. He’s in love.

  “I think Nessa is in love for sure,” I say as I give Peanut a light scratch over his back. “So, what’s going on?” I ask, examining her features, and that distressed look comes right back to her face.

  “Oh, Bizzy. I’ve really done it this time.” She falls back onto a stool and holds Peanut all that much tighter.

  “What?” I pant with baited breath. “Tell me. It’ll all work out, I’m sure.”

  “Not if I’m locked up behind bars forever.” She presses her lips tight. “Bizzy, it’s no secret that I didn’t like Shelby. And do you know how she died?”

  “She was shot.” I nod. “I think everyone knows that by now.”

  “Yes, but do they know she was shot with my gun?”

  “What?” I squawk so loud, Fish, Sherlock, and Peanut all jerk their heads my way. “Nessa, you don’t have a gun, do you?”

  She shrivels in her seat. “Okay, don’t get mad. But after that murder last month, my dad made me go out and get a concealed carry permit. And, of course, he bought me a small handgun to go along with it—a .38 Special. I had lessons down at the shooting range and everything.”

  My mouth rounds out in horror. “My God, Nessa, did you kill Shelby Harris? Was it an accident?”

  She shakes her head in disbelief, wisps of hair falling loose around her face.

  “I keep my gun in my purse, right underneath the cabinet. When I got home that night, I went to put it away and opened the cylinder just to inspect it. My heart stopped once I saw a dimple on the primer in the back of the casing. It’s a sure sign that the bullet has been spent. I pulled it out and took a closer look, and I was right.” Her forehead breaks out into three deep-set worry lines. “Someone fired my gun, Bizzy. And it wasn’t me.”

  I study her a moment, both my mind and hers reeling with panic.

  Peanut suddenly begins to squirm. She did it! She killed my Shelby. Help! Get me down! Killer on the loose. Killer on the loose!

  I take the anxious creature from her and dot him with a kiss before setting him on his feet.

  “Nessa, how do you think the gun got from your purse to the killer?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, we both know Grady is prone to wander from the counter and take extended breaks for no reason. The reception counter could have been unmanned for hours. Anyone could have retrieved it.” She cinches her eyes shut tight and holds her breath a moment. “Chelsea—Shelby’s partner—Chelsea Ashley, she knew I have a permit to carry.” She presses a hand to her chest. “That’s right. She freaked out once she heard the seminar was at the inn. She swore it was probably haunted after what happened last month. She didn’t want to come. I had to convince her it was safe. I even joked that I would be patrolling the grounds with my weapon. Of course, I wasn’t. But she asked what I meant and I told her that my father bought me a gun. I’m sorry, Bizzy. I never meant to bring any trouble to the inn.”

  I try my best to process everything she’s just spilled at my feet. “Do you think Chelsea had a motive to kill Shelby?”

  Nessa glances back at the ballroom. �
��I don’t know. I heard rumors about something.” She brings her fingers to her mouth and takes a nip at her crimson-colored fingernails.

  “What rumors? You can tell me, Nessa. I need to know.”

  She shrugs it off. “Something about a favor Chelsea did for Shelby. Chelsea told me that after the incident happened it almost split their friendship apart. But that she was glad it made them stronger. I won’t lie. She didn’t look happy about it. She looked downright angry. I don’t know exactly what happened, but if Shelby was twice as shady as her father, it was very, very bad.”

  A shiver runs through me just as a dark figure walks through the front door, and a sense of relief washes over me in an instant.

  Detective Jasper Wilder looks dressed to kill—pardon the pun—in a dark suit with a slick navy tie, his gun holster peeking from underneath his jacket. Jasper looks hot to trot, and if I had my way I’d trot him right over to my cottage.

  “Hey, Bizzy. Hello, Nessa.” He nods her way. Sherlock goes bonkers as he prances around Jasper, hungry for attention—and if it weren’t for Nessa’s news, I’d probably do the same.

  I got the job! I got the job! Sherlock’s tail wags like a whip as he hops up on his hind legs. I’m the official greeter of the Country Cottage Inn! Fish and I are double teaming ’em.

  I can’t help but bite down a smile. It’s adorable to see Sherlock basking in his greeter glory.

  “Jasper.” I’m about to head around the counter when Nessa grabs me by the hand.

  “Bizzy, we can’t tell him.” She pleads twice as hard with her eyes.

  “Tell me what?” Jasper offers a crooked grin as he settles those intense gray eyes to mine and I melt like a marshmallow in a cup of hot cocoa.

  Oh God. Nessa moans. Bizzy is going to blabber it all to her new boyfriend, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life on a chain gang on I-95.

  I crimp my lips at her. “Nessa, you’re innocent, aren’t you? It wasn’t you who pulled the trigger.”

  Her expression grows cold before she softens. “No, it wasn’t.” She looks to Jasper as her body stiffens. “I am one hundred percent innocent.” I’m sure they all say that in the big house. Isn’t that the bridge of the prison choir?

  Jasper’s playful demeanor quickly dissolves and in its place is that hard-boiled detective look that means business.

  “What’s going on?”

  I look to Nessa and she closes her eyes and gives a slight nod.

  In less than ten seconds, I relay everything Nessa just told me.

  Jasper’s eyes widen a notch. “Nessa, do you have the gun with you?”

  Nessa sags a moment before retrieving her purse from underneath the counter.

  “Take the whole thing,” she says. “Maybe the killer left their prints on it.”

  I pull a paper bag from the shelf beneath me and Nessa drops her purse inside.

  “I have my license in my phone case,” she says. “And that’s in my pocket. I don’t need anything in there right now.” She takes the bag from me and hands it to Jasper.

  Jasper holds the bag to the side as if it were filled with death, and it just might be in the proverbial sense.

  “I’ll have forensics inspect it.” He presses out a depleted smile. “They have the bullet that killed Shelby. We’ll see if it matches your gun.”

  “How will they do that?” I ask out of morbid curiosity.

  Jasper lends those gray eyes my way. “Bullets tend to have distinct indentations carved into them as they leave the chamber called lands and grooves. They’ll have to fire a round of Nessa’s gun to see if they match.”

  I nod. “It’s like a fingerprint then?”


  “Jasper?” a male voice calls out from the right and we find Deputy Granger stepping into our midst, looking like the cat who swallowed the canary.

  “What are you doing here?” Jasper grunts.

  “Bizzy invited me to inspect the ballroom once again.” Leo offers a cheesy grin without missing a beat.

  Why do I get the feeling Leo enjoys tormenting Jasper and he’s using me to do it.

  Jasper glances my way. “I’m not buying it. What are you really doing here?”

  A tiny laugh begs to bubble from me at the thought of Jasper knowing me so well.

  Leo shrugs. “You’re the one who put in a request to roam the grounds. I’m simply working my detail for the day.” His features harden. “Camila is having lunch with your mother in the café.”

  “Is she?” Jasper turns his head in that direction, and I can’t help but frown at Leo.

  What did you do that for? I snip.

  Leo’s lips expand, no smile—and he certainly doesn’t say a word, verbally or otherwise. It’s a strange trick not many people can pull off. Just the wicked ones seem to have mastered it, and I don’t mind one bit if he heard that last part.

  Jasper takes a breath, his chest expanding the size of a door. “Bizzy, I’m going to say hello to my mother. I’ll be back in less than two minutes.” He looks to poor Nessa, who’s shivering like a lamb to the slaughter. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to question you. It won’t take long. I promise.”

  Nessa gives the hint of a nod.

  I knew there would be trouble. She shakes her head as she looks out the opened doors. I should run. Better yet, I should tell the whole truth. God knows I don’t owe him any favors. If anything, he owes me.

  I glance to Leo a moment.

  Who is she talking about? I ask mostly to myself. Is she talking about Jasper?

  Leo shakes his head. She’s covering for someone.

  And I’m afraid he’s right.

  Jasper comes back and cinches a tight smile over his lips as if he were mildly guilty of something.

  I don’t bother smiling back. I’m betting Camila has cast her spell over him once again.

  Jasper leans in. “I’m sorry about all the chaos. I’ll make it up to you. I promise.” He turns to Leo. “Why don’t you head over to the café and join them? You don’t have anything to discuss with anyone here.” His eyes harden with a threat.

  Okay, so I’m more than thrilled to have Jasper hovering protectively over me. And perhaps rightly so considering the fact Leo is infamous for swiping what isn’t his. Although, that’s the difference between Camila and me. I’m not going anywhere. I’m virtually unswippable.

  Leo nods my way. “I’ll see you later, Bizzy.”

  And we’ll continue where we left off, I say.

  He nods as he presses his gaze to mine. Indeed we will.

  Leo takes off, and Jasper scoffs.

  “See that? He’s trying to make me think he’s having some deep, meaningful moment with you. The guy is nuts. I’d steer clear if I were you.” It boils my blood to think of Leo trying to weasel his way into Bizzy’s good graces. What the hell did I ever do to him, anyway? He shakes his head. He could have kept Camila forever. But he can’t have Bizzy.

  He offers a meager smile. “Nessa? Why don’t we head to the ballroom where we can get some privacy?”

  Jasper leads the way with a happy Sherlock bouncing by his side, and Nessa reluctantly follows along as if he were taking her to the gallows.

  Poor thing. Peanut whines and I pick him up. She sure looks guilty, doesn’t she? He murmurs it out so Fish can hear.

  Fish traipses over and rubs her head against my arm. Oh dear, Bizzy. Our Nessa couldn’t have done this and we both know it. But it sure looks like trouble.

  “It sure does,” I say.

  I think I’d better pay Chelsea Ashley a visit.

  Trouble has come to the Country Cottage Inn once again.

  Something tells me this October will be a real killer.

  It’s already proven to be just that.

  Chapter 6

  Autumn is ablaze in all its glory as Emmie, Sherlock, and I walk along the Montgomery’s farm right after sunset.

  It turns out, tracking down Chelsea Ashley was easier than I thought it would be. Ap
parently, leaving breadcrumbs to where she is at all times is a part of her job as a social media influencer. And that led me right back to the Haunted Harvest Festival at the pumpkin patch. There’s not only a chill in the evening air, there’s most definitely a thrill as townspeople young and old have poured onto the Montgomery’s farm looking to soak in all that fall has to offer. The scent of cinnamon-spiced cider clings heavy in the air as the murmur from the thick crowd and the intermittent bouts of laughter explode all around us.

  Sherlock howls as the sound of a horn goes off from a distance. This is the place to be, Bizzy! Let go of the leash. I promise I’ll behave. Just one quick lap around that pumpkin patch. He stops short as we’re about to pass the petting zoo. Are those goats? Oh, let me see the goats, Bizzy. Let me see the goats!

  “Maybe later.” I can’t help but laugh. “Keep up, Sherlock. There’s no way I want to lose you in this crowd. I don’t think Jasper will ever speak to me again if I come home shy of one Sherlock Bones.”

  Jasper hadn’t come home from work yet, so I thought I’d bring Sherlock along on tonight’s little investigative effort. Nessa volunteered to watch Peanut for me. And Fish was fast asleep as soon as I fed her that Fancy Beast cat food she lives for.

  “I don’t know, Bizzy.” Emmie shakes her head as we navigate through the crowd with our arms laden down with platters full of pumpkin spice mini muffins. “I wouldn’t want my boyfriend’s ex taking up residence at the inn. That’s just asking for trouble. I’ll bet you every one of these muffins she’s still after him.”

  “Oh, she is. She all but said so.” She thought it—and I just so happened to intercept those delusions of grandeur. At least I hope they pan out to be nothing but delusions. “But I’m not too concerned.”

  My lips twitch, the way they’re prone to do when I’m stretching the truth.

  “You’re not too concerned?” Emmie steps in front of me, causing me to nearly topple the trays in my hands.


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