Country Cottage Mysteries Boxed Set

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Country Cottage Mysteries Boxed Set Page 30

by Addison Moore

Camila follows his gaze and frowns. I bet she’d love to see me run back to this one. Sorry, Dizzy. One of us doesn’t get what she wants in this equation, and that one would be you.

  I avert my eyes as I head for the lobby, and Leo follows me right out the door.


  I pause as he heads my way. “It sounds as if Camila is set to give you a run for your money.”

  A dull laugh pumps through my chest. “I try not to let myself be ruled by aggression or fear.” Camila just so happens to dole out both.

  He laughs. “That she does.”

  I give a quick glance around. “The other day you were telling me about those who are transmundane. You alluded there were other abilities.” It took everything in me not to call them powers.

  He nods. “There are at least a handful of other known powers that we know about.” He gives a bemused smile when he puts the emphasis on the word powers, and I cinch a wry smile.

  “Boy, I must be an easy read,” I say.

  He lifts a dark brow. “The pure at heart often are.”

  “Don’t keep me in suspense. What are these powers? How many of us are there?”

  Leo’s lips part, but his attention is hijacked by something behind me and I turn to see Jasper stalking on over. He looks lean and mean and drop-dead gorgeous in a dangerous way.

  “Jasper.” I straighten as if I were caught with my hand in the Leo Granger cookie jar.

  “Hey, Bizzy.” His lips curve, but he’s missing a smile. “I’m afraid I’m here on business.” He glowers at Leo momentarily.

  What’s it going to take to keep this guy away from her? Every time I turn around, he’s doing his best to lock her into a conversation. And to think I entertained the idea of letting bygones be bygones. It’s clear Leo is still gunning to eviscerate me. I will never understand what happened between us. We were closer than brothers. It was as if he always knew what I was thinking.

  I’m tempted to swat Leo, but decide to hold back for now. Of course, Jasper thought that. It was true.

  It was. And I did care about him like a brother. Leo nods to Jasper. Still do. I’ll find a way to fix things. I just don’t know how or when.

  I clear my throat as I look to Jasper. “You’re here on business? What kind of business?” I run my finger down his tie absentmindedly and something in me heats. Okay, fine. I’ll admit, that conversation about my mother’s late night hookups has my hormones cruising in all kinds of interesting directions. A small part of me thinks the only Baker woman who should be indulging in a Wilder man is me.

  It’s wrong, I know.

  I take a moment to shoot Leo a look because I happen to know he heard and he bounces his brows as if to affirm this.

  “I’m sorry, Bizzy.” Jasper pulls me in and wraps his arms around me momentarily. “I’m here for Nessa.”


  No sooner does he say her name than Peanut bounces by with Nessa laughing along.

  “Just as I suspected”—she pauses next to us and Peanut hops backward—“the little guy was a hit. I think I’ll take him to the café for that treat I promised him.”

  Bacon, bacon, bacon. Peanut spins in a circle as if he were crazed.

  “Nessa”—Jasper’s chest expands as he steps to the side—“I’m afraid I’m going to have to bring you down to the Seaview Sheriff’s Department for more questioning.”

  “Why?” Her eyes bulge, and her tawny skin lights up bright pink from the shock of it.

  “Forensics came back. The bullet that killed Shelby Harris was a match.”

  “Oh my God.” Nessa presses her hand to her chest. “But we knew that.” She shakes her head vigorously. “I already told you—someone fired my gun. But it wasn’t me.”

  Jasper closes his eyes for a moment. “I know we covered that, but a witness has stepped forward.”

  “A witness?” both Nessa and I sing it out like a choir.

  Jasper nods. “And he has informed us that you were having a full-fledged argument with Shelby in the courtyard where she was killed.”

  “I”—Nessa gives me a nervous glance—“It’s true, but it’s not what it seems.”

  “He said it got physical.”

  “She pushed me.” Nessa shakes her head in horror. “Bizzy, you have to believe me. I didn’t do this. I’m not going to Seaview. I’m not going to prison for something I didn’t do!”

  Jasper’s lips harden, but his eyes are full of sympathy for the poor girl.

  “I’m sorry, Nessa. You’ll have to come with me.” He glances my way. “I’m sorry.”

  Jasper carefully navigates a panicked Nessa to the door as Peanut runs in a circle around my feet and I quickly pick him up.

  Go save her, Bizzy! Go get my Nessa!

  “I wish I could,” I say, dotting his fur with a kiss.

  Peanut whimpers in her wake. I’d give all the bacon in the world to save her.

  My arms tighten around the sweet angel.

  Leo takes a breath. “She sure sounds convincingly innocent. But then, most of them do.”

  “Well, she is,” I say it with only half the conviction I once had. I suppose everyone is capable of a dark moment or two in their lives. “I’m going to use my powers for good, Leo. I’m going to find out who really killed Shelby Harris.” My heart pumps wildly at the thought of what I’m about to say next. “And I want you to help me.”

  Chapter 12

  Nessa was arrested.


  I can’t seem to wrap my head around this. Her family is down at the Seaview Sheriff’s Department right now trying to convince anyone who will listen that she’s innocent—but now I’m beginning to wonder about Nessa’s innocence myself.

  Nessa’s older sister, Vera, is furious at me of all people. And the rumor mill—that would be Emmie—has it that Vera is plotting her vengeance against yours truly.

  My phone pings and it’s a text from Jasper.

  How about dinner?

  I wrinkle my nose at the screen. I hardly have an appetite after the news with Nessa. A thought comes to me and I text him back. Are you sure you’re free for dinner?

  I hate to be the one to remind him about his quasi-date with his ex, but I’m not looking for any more drama today.

  My phone lights up again with another text from Jasper. Shoot. I just remembered I told my mother I’d have dinner with her. Please join us. My mind has been all over the place today. I could really use your company.

  Ugh. His mother? That’s right. The big scheme I overheard her dreaming up. Who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky and Camila will cancel.

  Far be it from me to turn the offer down, so I put on my little black dress, my fancy houndstooth black and white coat—a discard of Macy’s—and my long, black, suede boots that look as if they have their own naughty intentions.

  Jasper brings Sherlock over to my place so he can hang out with both Fish and Peanut and we take off to a restaurant called A Fork in the Road. It’s an Italian-Asian fusion restaurant that I’m not entirely sure knows how it feels about itself. Yes, I said that correctly.

  A Fork in the Road has been sitting on the distal tip of Main Street for a couple of years now, but for some reason, I’ve never ventured past its doors.

  Inside, it’s dimly lit. The sound of exotic twanging instruments filters through the speakers, and the hushed whispers of the patrons just beyond the foyer sounds like the undercurrent of excitement that only a Friday night can bring.

  “Bizzy.” Jasper pulls me to the side a moment. That wicked half-smile on his face lets me know he’s hungry for far more than food. “You look amazing tonight.”

  My cheeks heat. “You may have mentioned it a time or two, but I’m not going to stop you anytime soon.” I hike up on my tiptoes, land a kiss to his lips, and make it linger. “Thank you, by the way.”

  A dull growl works its way up his throat. “I say we eat and run.”

  “What? No dessert? That’s practically sacrilegious.” I bl
ink up at him, not minding at all that I’m openly flirting.

  “We’ll pick up donuts on the way home. Or better yet, we’ll raid the café. Those pumpkin spice mini muffins are to die for.”

  I twist my lips. “No dying allowed tonight.” I crane my neck past him. “We’d better not keep your mother waiting. I don’t think she’s that impressed with me.”

  Jasper leans back. “What are you talking about? My mother loves you. Or at least she will once she gets to know you. She’s just a little stressed dealing with the flooding in her townhouse. It looks as if she’s going to have to move.”

  “Oh, that is terrible. Of course, she’s dealing with a lot. I feel horrible for saying that. I promise I wasn’t trying to make it all about me.”

  A dull laugh thumps through him. “Believe me when I say I want to focus on you alone. Let’s get going.”

  Jasper spots his mother, already seated, and begins to navigate us in that direction when I sense a disturbance in the force. It’s an odd feeling I get whenever something negative is about to—

  “Bizzy?” a male voice calls out.

  I turn to my right and suck in a quick breath. It’s Leo Granger seated directly across from Mack Woods.

  Oh my Lord up in heaven, now this is a pairing if ever there was one.

  I glance up ahead, and I’ve momentarily lost Jasper in the crowded restaurant.

  “Wow,” I say, still trying to wrap my head around the scene. “Mayor Woods, Leo.” I shoot him a bemused smile. You have a propensity for barracudas, I see.

  His eyes widen a notch. That bad, huh?

  Worse. I smile over at Mack, but she’s not smiling back.

  Jasper appears and says a quick hello. “Mayor Woods.” He nods her way.

  Mack looks cuttingly sharp tonight with her dark red lips and eyes lined like an Egyptian pharaoh.

  “Detective.” Her smile broadens. Now there’s a piece of meat I’d like to take a bite out of.

  I can’t help but lift a brow at Leo. As much as I’m trying not to say I told you so, I think there’s an entire choir of that very phrase going off in my mind.

  Leo shakes his head as if it weren’t a big deal.

  The man must have an ego made of steel.

  “Any word on our killer?” Mack addresses the question to Jasper.

  He expands his chest. “We made an arrest. Nessa Crosby. Things moved very quickly after forensics came back with hard evidence.”

  We’ve yet to discuss this so-called “hard evidence”. I didn’t want to pull us down that rabbit hole once he picked me up for our date. But as soon as we get back to my cottage, I’ll do a little interrogating myself. And I won’t let Jasper leave until I get a complete confession out of him. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve to make sure he tells me everything I want to know.

  Mack’s mouth falls open. “Nessa?” She looks just as affronted by the arrest as I feel. Mack is good friends with both Vera and Nessa. And for once, I’m glad about the fact she’s conned the good people of Cider Cove into giving her so much political power. Maybe she’ll put it to good use for once—like pardoning a prisoner. “I always suspected that girl was up to no good.”

  “Mack!” I squawk her name so loud half the restaurant turns in our direction.

  Her eyes narrow in on mine. “What’s the matter, Bizzy? Are you upset you didn’t get to the killer first? Or, let me guess—you were about to give her a free pass just because she works at your silly little inn.”

  A choking sound emits from my throat. “Silly little inn?”

  Jasper offers them both a quick wave as he wraps an arm around my waist.

  “Enjoy your dinner,” he says. The two of you just might deserve each other.

  A tiny laugh bubbles up my throat. Although, I’m not sure if I agree with him entirely. Leo can’t be all that bad.

  Thank you, Bizzy, Leo says from afar and I turn and shoot a sly smile his way.

  Jasper stops short just shy of his mother and I crane my neck trying to look past his shoulder.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Bizzy”—his voice is low and slow—“I promise I had nothing to do with this.”

  And just like that, my stomach knots up because I have a sneaking suspicion I know exactly what’s going on.

  Jasper steps over, exposing the exact malfeasance I pegged it to be.

  “Mom, Camila.” Jasper nods before turning my way. “It looks as if we’re going to have a full table.”

  Camila’s mouth rounds out in horror at the sight of me.

  How did this happen? She casts a hard look to Gwyneth who offers a circular shrug.

  Gwyneth’s lips expand my way as if it took all her energy to feign a smile. With her dark hair pulled back, her silver eyes flashing, she looks like Jasper in female skin.

  This is far more serious than I thought. She cringes openly my way. Certainly Jasper has had his fair share of floozies. Why this one? She shakes her head as she openly examines me.

  We exchange polite hellos as Jasper pulls my seat out, landing me right next to his mother.

  Just perfect.

  Camila looks stunning tonight with her hair set in soft waves, a bright red dress that screams I’m planning to dig my claws into my ex tonight, and a large sparkler on her ring finger of all places that looks suspiciously like something of an engagement nature.

  “Bizzy”—Camila leans in, placing her left hand onto the table in plain view, in the event I missed the quasi-matrimonial stunt—“so nice to see you away from the inn.” The woman is a walking horror story. “I think you and I will grow to be fast friends.” Or even faster enemies. “We should plan a girls’ day out sometime.” In about fifty years.

  My gaze falls to that sparkler once again.

  Has Jasper ever mentioned the fact they were engaged?

  Although, they did date for four years. If they weren’t engaged by then, it was very patient of Camila to sit around and hope for a ring. That is, if that’s what she wanted.

  “A girls’ day?” I clear my throat. “That would be great.” The words strum from me so low I hardly heard them.

  She can’t even fake being nice to me. Camila frowns my way momentarily. Most likely because I’ve stunned her into submission with this rock on my finger. That’s right, Bizzy, read the carats and weep.

  Gwyneth takes in a quick breath. “Is that your engagement ring, Camila? My, is it ever stunning. No use in letting that sit around in a drawer.” She looks to Jasper and winks. “Good on you for wearing it.”

  Jasper shifts in his seat. I would have preferred the drawer. I probably should have taken it back when she offered. Had I known it would be used as ammo to take me down at a later time, I would have demanded it myself.

  I glance over to Jasper and shake my head just a smidge.

  He’s got it wrong. Camila isn’t trying to take him down. She’s trying to pull him in.

  “Yes, it is.” Camila covers the ring for a moment. “I’m afraid I’ve made it a habit to wear it. My finger just feels naked without it.”

  Jasper reaches over and picks up my hand. “Bizzy, Camila and I were briefly engaged. It was a month, wasn’t it?” He tips his chin down while offering her a look that sears. “That’s when you decided that Leo was a better fit for you.”

  Her eyes flare with rage, and suddenly it looks as if Gwyneth and I are about to be caught in the crosshairs of a lovers’ spat. Ironically, the lovers would be my boyfriend and his ex.

  My stomach cinches because Jasper and I aren’t officially official just yet. And if Camila gets her way, that will never happen.

  Camila takes a breath. “Yes, well, that’s ancient history now. He’s here with another woman. Clearly, he’s moved on and so have I. I’m single.” Her bone-white teeth graze over her lower lip, a clear invitation if ever there was one.

  “I’m taken.” Jasper doesn’t miss a beat.

  But before Camila can gag or evaporate or whatever her splendid response wil
l be, a figure darkens the table and I gasp at the sight.

  “Dad?” I nearly eject myself out my seat at the sight of him.

  “Bizzy Bizzy.” He comes over and plants a kiss to my cheek. My father has wide blue eyes and a boyish charm that has allowed him to get away with everything for as long as he’s existed. Although, any one of his vast collection of ex-wives might disagree with me on that—starting with my mother. “Everyone looks happy and healthy.” He shakes Jasper’s hand before nodding over to Camila. “Gwyneth, have I interrupted your dinner?”

  Jasper’s mother looks horrified. How do I leave Camila here with that woman holding onto Jasper as if he were a life raft? Maybe I can coerce her to come along. This is her father, after all. But then, there goes my date. She’s just ruining everything tonight.

  Did she say date?

  Gwyneth’s not dating my father, is she?

  GAH! Did I do something to seriously offend the universe? If so, I demand to know—and I might demand a recount, too.

  I clear my throat. “Dad, why don’t you join us?”

  “Yes.” Jasper quickly grabs a seat from an empty table behind us and adds it to the mix. Soon, a waitress comes by and adds a table setting for him and we all put in our dinner orders.

  I catch Camila ogling my father long after the waitress takes off.

  He is something. Look at those eyes. And that naughty grin? Now there’s a silver fox I wouldn’t mind hunting.

  “No,” I say, looking right at her and she gasps my way.

  “Excuse me?” Her expression quickly morphs to annoyance. “Did you say no?”

  I take in a quick breath as all eyes feast on me. “I said oh. As in, a thought just occurred to me.” I look to my father. “Are you meeting someone here? We’re not interrupting your date, are we?”

  That permanent smile my father wears expands with devious delight. “I was meeting someone here. And it was a date. In fact, the woman in question is seated right next to you.”

  I curl my lips with satisfaction. If I have to know about our parents’ questionable dalliance, Jasper should, too. If Jasper feels as grossed out as I do, we’ll be able to squash this budding romance like a cockroach.


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