Very Irresistible Playboy: Billionaire Bachelors: Book 1

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Very Irresistible Playboy: Billionaire Bachelors: Book 1 Page 18

by Lila Monroe


  “Okay, lean a little more into the light. There, that’s it. Show off that handsome face!”

  Jack laughs, and I snap a photo of that expression too. “I’m going on the cover of a business magazine, not GQ,” he reminds me.

  “Yeah, well, you want the ladies picking up that magazine too, don’t you?” I grin at my former boss and then glance across the studio—my studio—to his girlfriend. “You don’t mind, do you, McKenna?”

  She grins back. “He might as well cash in on those good looks while he still has them.”

  “Hey!” Jack protests. “Where do you think they’re going?”

  “Well, maybe you’ll find some eternal youth potion to invest in. But don’t worry—if you don’t, I’ll still love you when you’re old and wrinkly.”

  “That’s a relief,” Jack mutters, but he can’t hide his smile. Hard to imagine he’s the guy who used to have a revolving door of women coming in and out of his life, but McKenna has brought out his mushball side. Probably to the benefit of whatever executive assistant replaced me at his office.

  “Off the stool now,” I say, motioning at him. “Let’s get some standing shots. Give me a pose like you just made a billion dollars off an investment and it’s not even that big a deal to you.”

  Jack snorts, but he strikes the perfect pose anyway. I give him a thumbs up and start snapping.

  Times like this, I feel like pinching myself to make sure this is really my life and not a literal dream. Carlisle Publishing let me transition from photo assistant to close-to-fulltime photographer with a little help from Melissa, and now I only head out onto sets with her a couple times a week. Which is actually great, because she’s still teaching me tons.

  Plus, for the first time ever, I’ve been able to do Jack a business-related favor. Max decided to revamp the company’s main business mag, and I pitched my former boss as the cover story for the first issue. So naturally I got dibs on the photo shoot.

  We break so Jack can take a drink and stretch his legs. My phone pings with an incoming text. It’s from Max.

  Hey, sweetheart, how late are you working? I need my Hallie fix.

  I smile. Probably no more than another hour. You want me to come over after?

  I’ll make it worth your while. He adds in a kissing emoji. And I’ve got a surprise for you.

  Oooh, what did you do?

  If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it? Just get your cute ass over here and you’ll find out.

  Tease, I shoot back.

  Oh, I can tease even better than that if I wanted to. He signs off with a wink.

  “The boyfriend?” McKenna asks when she sees my expression.

  “Yeah.” My smile is probably giddy, but who cares? It’s hard to hold back how happy I am.

  We wrap up the shoot in just half an hour. Jack stops on his way out to give my shoulder a quick squeeze. “It’s great to see you doing so well, Hallie,” he says. “Looks like quitting working for me was the best thing that ever happened to you.”

  “Oh, I don’t regret that time,” I say. “I learned an awful lot. Particularly about keeping guys like you in line.”

  He laughs. “Say hi to Max for me.”

  I hop in a cab to Max’s apartment, on the top floor of a brownstone that somehow puts even Olivia’s Agency building to shame. When I reach the apartment door, I come to a sudden halt.

  There’s an envelope taped to it. A way-too-familiar-looking linen envelope. My guy does have a sense of humor.

  I grab it and rip it open. Surprise, surprise, there’s a slip of paper inside with a clue on it. Although Max’s style is a little different from his grandfather’s.

  I drank it first with you

  Come in and let’s have round two

  Oh-kay. A drink. In the kitchen seems like a fair guess. The door’s unlocked, so I slip inside and head into that room of shining stainless steel and marble.

  A bottle of cognac and a snifter are sitting on the counter. Even though it’s been a couple of months, I recognize the label. It’s the same stuff Max ordered when we met to discuss the job posing as his girlfriend. How could I forget? It was damn good stuff.

  I pour some into the glass and take a sip. Yep, still fucking amazing. I’m liking this treasure hunt a hell of a lot more than Franklin’s version already.

  Another linen envelope was resting under the bottle. Another clue.

  Lots of books up on the shelves

  We’ll write our story for ourselves

  The bookshelves are in the living room. I carry the cognac glass over. A red rose is lying on one of the shelves on top of a third envelope. I pick it up and sniff the sweet scent. I have no idea what got into Max, but I’m definitely not complaining. My pulse thumps a little faster in anticipation as I open the next clue.

  On silky sheets we rest or play

  Now it’s time to hear what I have to say

  I laugh a little to myself, making my way around the sofa and around the corner into the master bedroom.

  My pulse skips when I see what’s waiting for me. Candles are all across the dresser and the night tables. Max is sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for me, a grin on his face and a matching glass in his hand. He gets up and clinks it against mine.

  “Glad you could make it.”

  “This is definitely a hunt I can get behind.” I take another sip of the cognac. “What’s the special occasion? I know you didn’t get a promotion, because there’s no higher position to promote you to.”

  He chuckles. “Always so impatient.”

  I set my hand on my hip. “You know I am. Is this all you have to say? Because after this build-up, I was expecting something a little more—”

  Max sinks down onto one knee, pulling a box from his pocket.

  Holy shit. My heart stops. All I can do is gape at him as he pops the box open. The diamond on the ring inside sparkles so bright it nearly blinds me. Or maybe that’s just the tears springing into my eyes.

  “Hallie Gage,” he says, “I spent way too long not knowing I needed someone like you in my life. Now that I’ve found you, I want to make it forever. I want you by my side through the good times and the bad, wherever life takes us. What do you say to the crazy, epic adventure of marrying me?”

  I’m so choked up it takes me a moment to find words. A breathless giggle spills out of me. “Yes. Yes, of course I will!”

  I grab the front of his shirt to tug him up. He pulls me into his arms, and I’m already pressing my mouth to his. I kiss him hard, with all the joy that’s swelling inside me. Crazy—maybe. Epic—for sure. I wouldn’t miss this adventure for the world.

  Max kisses me back deeply, until all that joy starts to turn into desire. I run my fingers into his hair as our tongues tease over each other. He tips my head to kiss me even more thoroughly. A hot bolt of lust shoots through me.

  Before I can act on it, Max eases back. His eyes are bright with a matching desire. He holds up the box. “I think we’d better get this ring on you before we forget all about it.”

  “Not much chance of that.” I hold up my hand, a giddy shiver racing through me. Max slides the ring over my finger. I set my hand against his chest, admiring the sparkle.

  “Is it OK?” he asks.

  I grin. “It’s even more beautiful than the fake one.”

  “Oh, there was nothing fake about that ring.”

  “You know what I mean.” I laugh imagining decades and decades with this spectacular man. Then I curl my fingers into his shirt again and yank his mouth back to mine.

  We tumble over onto the bed. I think I dropped my cognac somewhere back there, but I don’t really give a fuck, not with Max kissing my neck as I fumble with the buttons on his shirt. His tongue slides over the sensitive skin at the base of my throat, and I gasp. We strip off each other’s clothes, and I press up against him with a needy whimper. He groans, teasing his thumb over one nipple and then claiming it with his mouth. Another moan sl
ips out of me.

  As he has his way with my other breast, his hand dips under my panties. I arch into his touch with a gasp. He traces his fingers around my clit with a gentle precision that leaves me shaking.

  “More,” I gasp, and then he’s pushing me back on the sheets, moving down my body.

  His tongue slicks over my clit, and a bolt of pleasure sizzles through me. But as good as I know he can give, I want him closer than this. I want to feel him all. I want him inside me, as deep as he can go.

  “Max,” I plead, pulling at his shoulders. He doesn’t argue. He braces himself over me, and we lose ourselves in another searing kiss. His body rocks against me, his cock grazing my core. My fingernails dig into his back, and he slides deep inside. I moan, gripping him with my thighs. He gazes into my eyes as he fills me completely, lust and adoration mingling in his gaze. I touch his cheek, drawing his face down to mine.

  “I love you,” I say against his lips.

  He kisses me hard. “I love you too. And, fuck, I love how you feel, too.”

  “Mmm.” That’s all I can manage to say as he starts to move inside me. He seems to fill me more with each thrust. Pleasure radiates through me. I rock to meet him, and we find our rhythm together.

  Max groans, burying his head against my shoulder. He grasps my thighs and angles even deeper. I shudder against him with a rush of bliss. “Oh, God. Right there. Fuck.”

  He starts to chuckle, but it’s lost in another groan. His thrusts speed up, hitting just the right spot, and my orgasm explodes through me. I gasp, clutching him. Max makes a choked sound, right there with me.

  When I surface, I’m panting and boneless and utterly sated. Not that I can imagine ever having enough of this man. He stays over me, kissing my cheek, smiling when I meet his eyes.

  “Was that an enthusiastic enough yes for you?” I ask, fluttering my eyelashes.

  He laughs and rolls over, gathering me against him. “Here’s to many, many more.”

  Our adventure has only just begun.



  As a rule, I try to stay away from engagement parties. Weddings, too. Baby showers, anniversary shin-digs – basically, any event where the women get that special gleam in their eyes. The one that says, ‘Commitment’, as if they’re already planning the side-by-side rockers on the front porch somewhere and all they need’s the right sucker—I mean, partner, to rock into an early grave with them.

  But sometimes, duty calls. Like tonight, celebrating my buddy Max popping the question to his girlfriend, Hallie.

  “For an engagement party, this isn’t terrible,” I admit, glancing around the room. Max booked out one of his favorite restaurants for the night, and it’s packed with familiar faces. “Although, I remember the days when a night out with you meant waking up in Buenos Aires with no passport and the women’s beach volleyball team. Good times.”

  Max laughs. “I’m a changed man, my friend. True love will do that to you.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.”

  I grab a drink, pleased at least that domestic bliss hasn’t changed the man’s taste in scotch.

  “What about you?” Max asks. “Things have been so crazy with Hallie, I haven’t seen you in forever.”

  I take a reluctant breath. “Things are… complicated.” I reply.

  “Trouble at the company?” Max looks surprised. “I thought McAdams was having a stellar year. Remind me to get on the waiting list for the new model,” he adds. “I hear that beauty runs like a dream.”

  “She does,” I nod. For once, business is the least of my concerns. The auto company that bears my family’s name has been out-performing across the board, especially our luxury car division – my personal baby. Our new energy-efficient models have waiting lists over a year long, and rival Tesla as the new status car of choice among CEOs and A-list celebrities. “No, this is personal.”

  “Oh really?” Max smirks. “What’s her name?”

  I give a hollow laugh. “I wish it were that simple.” I pause, suddenly realizing that Max might have the answer to my problem, after all. “How did this all work?” I ask. “I mean, hiring Hallie to play your girlfriend.”

  Max hushes me, and I remember, they’re keeping their unconventional meeting under wraps. “Sorry,” I say quickly.

  “That’s OK.” Max studies me. “Don’t tell me you need to put on a show? I thought jet-setting playboy was the McAdams brand.”

  “Things change,” I say, not wanting to get into the details right now. “Let’s just say, I have my reasons.”

  Two of them, to be exact. Aged ten and eight, a handful at the best of times, but now is most definitely not that time.

  “Talk to Olivia,” Max tells me. “Over in the corner, the blonde.”

  He points to a cool, elegant woman across the room. “Thanks.”

  “But watch out.” Max grins. “These arrangements have a way of getting out of hand.”

  “Not for me,” I reply grimly, and strike out across the room. I’m not off on some wild treasure hunt like Max was. No, for me, the stakes are much higher than that.

  I have three days to find a wife, and the clock is ticking.


  Cal’s story is just getting started! The next Billionaire Bachelor book HOT DADDY is coming soon -

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  Have you discovered my Lucky in Love series? These sexy romantic comedies all feature alpha men, sassy heroines - and laugh-out-loud shenanigans.

  The Lucky in Love Series:

  1. Get Lucky

  2. Bet Me

  3. Lovestruck

  4. Mr Right Now

  5. Perfect Match

  6. Christmas with the Billionaire

  BOOK #1:


  What happens when you wake up in a hotel suite next to a gorgeous naked man with absolutely no memory of the past twelve hours?

  I guess it's true what they say. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

  Or at least I hope it stays here. The Romantic Style convention was meant to be a weekend of raucous fun with friends, sun, and enough poolside margaritas to forget about my ex. But now, instead of meeting my fans and signing books, I'm stuck with cocky divorce lawyer Nate Wexler. He's arrogant, infuriating, and I can't keep my hands off of him. Judging by the state of our hotel room, last night was wild. I just wish I could remember it.

  A pair of matching tattoos. A cheap wedding veil. A half empty box of glow in the dark condoms.

  What the hell just happened?

  Discover the hot and hilarious world of the LUCKY IN LOVE series from Lila Monroe!

  Available now!

  The Billionaire Bargain Series

  Sexy Australian billionaire Grant Devlin is ruining my life. He exercises shirtless in his office, is notorious for his lunchtime hook-ups, he even yawns sexily. If I didn't need this job so bad, I'd take his black Amex and tell him where to swipe it.

  He doesn't even know I exist, but why would he? He jets off to Paris with supermodels, I spend Friday nights with Netflix and a chunk of Pepperidge Farm frozen cake--waiting for his call. Because every time he crashes his yacht, or blows $500k on a single roulette spin in Monte Carlo, I'm the PR girl who has to clean up his mess.

  But this time, it's going to take more than just a fat charity donation. This time, the whole company is on the line. He needs to show investors that he's settling down, and Step #1 is pretending to date a nice, stable girl until people forget about what happened with the Playboy Bunnies backstage at the Oscars.

  My plan is perfect, except for one thing: He picks me.

  Available Now!

  About the Author

  Combining her love of writing, sex and well-fitted suits, Lila Monroe wrote her first serial, The Billionaire Bargain, in 2015. She weaves sex, humo
r and romance into tales about hard-headed men and the strong and sassy women who try to tame... love... tame them.

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  Also by Lila:

  The Billionaire Bargain series

  The Billionaire Game series

  Billionaire with a Twist series

  Rugged Billionaire

  Snowed in with the Billionaire (holiday novella)

  * * *

  The Lucky in Love Series:

  1. Get Lucky

  2. Bet Me

  3. Lovestruck

  4. Mr Right Now

  5. Perfect Match

  6. Christmas with the Billionaire

  * * *

  Billionaire Bachelors Series:

  1. Very Irresistible Playboy

  2. Hot Daddy

  3. Wild Card

  4. Man Candy




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