Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1

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Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1 Page 6

by Roberts, Jaimie

  “Why don’t you stay? I bought Chinese.” Chris pulled the bag up and the smell hit me.

  “I really don’t want to impose. Besides, I bet you only bought enough for the two of you.”

  “Nonsense!” Chris shouted. “Billy texted me to let me know you were here, so I took the liberty of buying you that chicken with broccoli you like. I hope that was a good choice.”

  My stomach rumbled. “That’s a great choice. Thank you.”


  I stayed for another couple of hours, chatting and laughing. Chris was always a huge presence in my life as they have been together well over twenty years now. I had a hard time at school for a little while because nobody could understand why I lived in a house with two men. Once I went to secondary school, it all changed. The school I went to was all girls, so once a lot of them found out, I became rather popular. The girls there thought it was cool. It was almost like it was the new “in thing” to be in a living situation like mine. It never bothered me, even when I was being picked on in little school. I took it on the chin as I loved Billy and Chris very much. Nothing else really mattered to me apart from that.

  “So, who’s this hunk Billy was telling me about?”

  Snapping out of my daydream, I found Chris eagerly awaiting my answer. “His name is Michael and he’s a policeman. That’s about it.” Grabbing the chopsticks, I placed a piece of broccoli in my mouth. My goodness, it was good.

  “Hmm,” Chris began. “From what I hear, it got very hot in Billy’s studio for a while—like, “need to open a few windows” hot. Where have you been hiding him?”

  “Nowhere.” I was a little too eager to point that out. “He never really gave me the time of day until Billy saw us earlier. We started talking and, to tell you the truth, I was shocked. I always thought he hated me.”

  Billy and Chris exchanged knowing glances and smiled. “What?” Placing my chopsticks down, I glared at them.

  “The way I saw you two together, he doesn’t hate you one little bit, dear Cassie. It sounds like a classic case of a male struggling to understand his feelings for you.”

  I looked at him, confused. “But why? Why does he need to struggle with anything?”

  “It could be any number of things.” Billy’s forehead crinkled a little in thought. “He may be in a relationship already, or he may think you don’t like him. He could also think that you may have a boyfriend. Who knows?”

  A little pang of jealousy erupted at the mention of a girlfriend. I really hoped that wasn’t the case because that would be more upsetting than any of the attitude he’s unleashed on me the past few months.

  “I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough,” Chris piped. “If today was anything to go by, I’ll doubt he will be able to hide his feelings much longer, whatever the circumstances.”

  Chris smiled, placing his hand on my shoulder. They both knew I didn’t like touching hands. They knew about my “gift” and how hard it was on me at times.

  I stayed until about eight-thirty, helping them wash up and put everything away. As I was at the door saying goodbye, I turned to Billy. “Can I see those photos when they’re developed?”

  He smiled, letting his cheeks grow even rosier. “Of course. I will even go as far as making a set for you. I’ve seen how they look on camera and I think, because of them, I have a really good shot.”

  Smiling back, I took his hand and let the vision come. “Yes, Billy. They will love them. Good things are coming to you.”

  He practically danced when I told him that. He jumped up and down and gave me a big hug. I was really happy for him.

  “Just one more thing, though,” I said before leaving.

  “What’s that, sweetie?”

  “They are going to ask, Billy, and the answer is no. Don’t even bother asking me. I’ve given you my answer.”

  “Anything.” Billy was all flustered. “You’ve just given me the best news ever!”

  I laughed, saying goodbye to them both before heading for home. But little did I realise, there would be a surprise waiting for me when I got back.


  It was absolutely freezing. I walked home slower than usual, as I was frightened I might slip again and hurt myself. The thought made me worry about Lisa-Marie again. I told myself that I would not read any news about it over the next few days. I knew it would upset me, especially when they divulge the names and faces of all the people that perished in the crash.

  As I neared the doorstep to my little cosy home, I noticed a figure sitting on the steps. I was wondering who on earth would sit outside in this weather. It was only as I walked nearer that I could see that the figure was Lisa-Marie.

  My heart began drumming in my chest. She was safe, thank god. She obviously listened to me and didn’t take the train.

  “Thank god you’re here.” She jumped up, bouncing a little as she rose.

  “How long have you been waiting here? It’s freezing out.”

  “About three hours. I wanted to see you. I knew you lived here, but I didn’t know which flat. I tried ringing on all the bells and only one answered, but it was a man. I don’t know your name so I didn’t know who to ask for. I’m surprised he hasn’t called the police on me.”

  Tugging at her arm, I marched up to the door. “Come inside and let’s get a hot drink. You’re going to get hypothermia if you sit out here much longer.”

  We walked in and I switched on the lights. The heat felt divine as we stepped into the room. I always liked to have to heat on before I got in the flat. It was something I looked forward to once I knew I was going home.

  Switching the kettle on, I grabbed a couple of mugs from my kitchen cabinet. “Do you take sugar?” I shouted from the door.

  “Yes, please. Two.”

  I busied myself with the tea and, once all was ready, I walked out with the mugs and some chocolate biscuits.

  “I should imagine you have a hundred questions at the moment.” I looked at her as I placed the mugs and biscuits on the table.

  “Yes, but I wanted to thank you first. If I hadn’t listened to you, I wouldn’t be here now.”

  That was a first. Thanking me was not what people normally did.

  “I saw it and couldn’t let you leave without saying anything—even if you did think I was crazy.”

  “What’s your name? You know mine. It’s only fair that I know yours.”

  I smiled at her. I couldn’t quite wrap my head around the fact that she was still here. “Cassie,” I finally answered.

  “Well, Cassie, it’s nice to meet you. Thank you for saving my life.” She had tears in her eyes as she looked away in embarrassment.

  “It was my pleasure, Lisa-Marie. You have a family that love you dearly. They would have been devastated if you got on that train.”

  “How do you do it?” She looked a little incredulous. “It must upset you having these… What are they called? Visions?”

  I had to be honest with her now. She already knew I saw the future. “Yes, but it is only when I touch someone’s hands. The past, present, and future seems to map itself out in my head.”

  “And you saw that when you touched my hand? You saw me getting on that train and then you saw my death?”

  I cringed when she asked me, but I couldn’t lie to her. “I know it’s not nice to hear, but yes.”

  Cupping both hands around her mug, Lisa-Marie took a sip and closed her eyes for a moment. She was obviously enjoying the warmth it gave to her.

  “I’m not really sure how to feel about that, to be honest. On one hand, I obviously don’t want to die; on the other, I’m frightened that my time is up—or meant to be. What if I end up dying next week in some terrible accident because I was supposed to die today?”

  I didn’t know what to think about that. Her concerns were justified, of course. I didn’t really know how to answer that one. There was only one way I could, but do I—or Lisa-Marie, for that matter—want to find that out?

“There is only one way to figure out what you want to know, but I’m unsure if you really want to go down that road. If the tables were turned, I wouldn’t want to see any bad things happening to me.”

  She sat there, contemplating for a moment. “Would you do it if I asked you only to reveal something good? If you don’t want to do it, I would totally understand. I’m just intrigued as I was supposed to die today. I’m not sure how my life will be mapped out now because of it.”

  I thought about what she said and got an idea. “Okay, think about it this way…and I think it may be better if you did. What if you weren’t meant to die today? What if fate played a hand in helping us both by me slipping on that ice and you walking past at the precise time I fell?”

  A smile widened on her face. “You mean, maybe you were meant to save my life?”

  “Yes, precisely.” I took a sip of my tea and placed it on the table.

  Her smile widened, obviously pleased. “Yes, that works. I feel better now. Thanks.”

  “No problem. Do you still want me to see something nice for you?”

  “Okay,” she said with a wink. “But make it good.”

  She reached out her hand to me and I grasped it.

  Right away, I saw an image of a very attractive young girl, not that much older than Lisa-Marie. She was smiling and coming in for a kiss. The love Lisa-Marie felt for this girl was awe-inspiring.

  “Oh,” I said, completely surprised.

  “What is it? It’s not bad, is it?”

  I saw her frightened expression and knew I had to answer as quickly as possible. “No, not at all. I didn’t realise something about you, that’s all. You will meet a girl soon—next week, in fact.”

  Widening her eyes, she smiled at me. “Really? Wow. I’ve been single for a while now and wasn’t sure how my life was heading in that department. Um…you don’t feel any different towards me because of it, do you?”

  I shook my head. “Of course not. I’d be the last one to judge. My uncle Billy and his partner Chris raised me since I was six.”

  “Wow, that’s awesome, but what happened to your parents?”

  “They died in a car crash.”

  She frowned, looking a little sad. “Did you never see it? The crash, I mean.”

  “For some reason, no. My parents knew I had this ‘gift’, as everyone calls it, and they stopped touching my hand. They said some things were better left unsaid. You see, I can’t see your future in, say, ten years’ time. It has to be the very near future.”

  “Oh, I see. That makes sense. I’m sorry to hear about your mum and dad. I don’t know what I’d do without mine.”

  And I knew they felt exactly the same way about her.

  Lisa-Marie stayed for a little while longer, but when it got close to eleven o’clock, she thought it was about time she left. It turned out she only lived a couple of streets down from me. It amazed me how we had never seen each other before but, then again, fate may have lent a hand today.

  At the door, we exchanged mobile numbers as we both wanted to keep in touch. I knew she would make a good friend, and needed more of those around me.

  Once I was ready for bed, I took Michael’s shirt out and inhaled his scent again. The familiar ache was back the minute I smelled it. Pulling the shirt up over my head, I settled down into bed. I could smell him all around me, and I fell into a very deep and wonderful sleep.

  Chapter 5

  I was floating on clouds. What a wonderful sensation. I was blissfully happy with Michael by my side. He cradled me in his arms and I smiled. He looked at me adoringly, stroking my face. We were encased in the softest, most beautiful cloud. It was almost like cotton, but even softer.

  I looked around and saw a light, a magnificent beam of precious light surrounding us in our love.

  “I will never let you fall, Cassie. I will keep you safe. I promise. I won’t let them harm you.”

  He leaned in for a kiss…

  My alarm blared in my ear and I shot out of bed, still with Michael’s shirt on, and I couldn’t help panting from the dream. I was a little annoyed that my alarm went off at the precise moment Michael was about to kiss me. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get through today now.

  I soon thought about what he said and what it could all mean. I could analyse it for ages but, at the end of the day, it was still just a dream.

  Reluctantly, I took his shirt off, fold it, and put it in my bag. I probably should have washed it before giving it back, but I couldn’t help myself.


  Once at work, Michael was one of the first people I saw. He looked at me, smiling, but I could tell he still wasn’t comfortable around me.

  “I’m sorry I left without saying goodbye.”

  “So why did you?” I was becoming braver around him.

  “It’s complicated. You’re a distraction.”

  “A distraction? What is that supposed to mean?” I was stunned. I didn’t know what the hell he was talking about.

  “Never mind. It’s hard to explain.” He sighed, looking down at the floor.

  “Do you have a girlfriend?” I winced, bracing myself for an answer. I knew I wouldn’t like whatever it was I was about to hear.

  He thought for a moment, his shoulders sagging. “Yes.” And that was all he offered.

  I gripped onto my bag for dear life. The news somehow seemed a lot harder hearing it from him.

  Unzipping my bag, I pulled out his shirt, handing it over. I could feel the panic start. “Thank you for doing that yesterday. You didn’t have to.” I turned around to head up the stairs to my office.

  “Cassie?” he called.

  I turn my head. “Yes?”

  “It was my pleasure.”

  He smiled, but my heart just ached. If only I didn’t ask him that question. I would still be in ignorant bliss right now.

  With a quick nod, I head up the stairs. On my way up, I look at Michael between the cracks of the staircase. I watch as he inhales his shirt and closes his eyes. That sight had me almost to my knees. Did he smell me? Could he smell me? Although I was upset, the prospect made me feel a little giddy.

  As I was about to head into my office, I heard Stephen calling my name. “Hey, Twinkles. How are you feeling today? I felt a little guilty that I spiked your drinks a little stronger than they should have been.”

  “And you should be.” I was scolding him, but failing miserably. “You know you could get arrested for that, don’t you? Taking a girl to a pub and taking advantage of her. How could you, Stephen?” I started laughing, but all he did was wink at me.

  Oh boy, carry on with that and I will be in trouble.

  “Are you still going tonight?”

  “Yep, been planning it for ages. Bought a dress and everything.”

  “Great. I’m really looking forward to seeing you there. I might have to work late, but I will be over as soon as I’m done. I have overtime today so I probably won’t finish until ten, which is a bummer. I wanted you all to myself tonight.”

  He winked again and my heart fluttered a little. I couldn’t believe how quickly my feelings changed from one man to the next. I should be worried that Stephen said he wanted me all to himself, but now that Michael seemed to be out of the picture, why shouldn’t I let my feelings turn toward Stephen?

  “Okay, well, no matter what time you show up, I’ll be there.” Winking right back at him this time, I turned and walked away. I was watching him the whole time I was walking, though. He had his arm leaning against the wall and his eyes were trailing over every part of my body. I could see the lust in them and it excited me a little. Michael was in the past now and I have to move on. That’s what I will have to keep telling myself.

  I noticed that Kali wasn’t at her desk when I walked in. I placed my coat over my chair and set my bag down underneath my desk. I figured I could just get on with some files in my tray, check that the documents are in order, that sort of thing. I was only at it for ten minutes when Kali sa
untered in.

  “Hey, girl. What’s up?” Kali was looking rather regal today with her hair in a bun and a very fancy blouse.

  “Nothing, really. Actually, you know that girl who I saw on the train?”

  “Oh, yes?” She perked up a little, waiting for my answer.

  “She turned up at my door last night, wanting to thank me for saving her life.”

  “Wow. I bet that felt strange.”

  It did feel strange but, at the same time, I was glad that she did. At least now I know she is safe. “Just a little, but she’s a nice girl. She only lives a couple streets away from me so I’m sure we’ll see each other again.”

  “Did she say anything else?”

  I could tell Kali was interested as she leaned over her desk towards me. “Well, she did point out a couple of interesting things. Because I had saved her, she was afraid that death would eventually find her, that she was meant to die that day.”

  “Hmm, very clever.” Kali sat back and nodded her head as if she agreed somewhat.

  “But I said that maybe she was meant to turn up when she did at the precise time I slipped on the ice. Maybe I was sent to save her.”

  She pondered my statement for a while, the wheels turning in her head. “Well, yes,” she answered. “It could be that, as well.”

  With the conversation finished, I started flicking through my post. After a couple minutes, I found a couple more witness statements. Upon looking further, I realised one of them was for the case involving the Nissan and nine-year-old boy on a bike. Once I dug the file out, I read both statements.

  I was shocked at what I found. It would seem that the man driving the Nissan deliberately targeted this boy on the bike. Instead of slowing down when he saw him, he sped up. This was definitely a strange one.

  In my daze, I started thinking about Michael. I thought he would want to see this, so I rang the Station Officer on duty and asked him to put a call out for Michael.

  When he didn’t turn up, I realized he must have been out.

  After about a half-hour of waiting, I decided to use the photocopying room. I stand there for a few minutes, doing what I needed to do. I was blissfully off in my own little fantasy world, dreaming about Michael, hating Michael, wanting Michael. It was hard to keep away from him, despite the fact that I knew he couldn’t be mine.


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