Cowboys & Kisses

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by Summers, Sasha

  Cowboys & Kisses

  Teens of Black Falls, Texas—Book One

  A Young Adult Novel

  Sasha Summers

  The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, places, or events is coincidental and not intended by the author.

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  Cowboys & Kisses: Teens of Black Falls, Texas- Book One

  Copyright © 2014 Sasha Summers

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13 ISBN (Print) 978-1-939590-30-5

  ISBN-13 (ebook): 978-1-939590-29-9

  Library of Congress Control Number:

  Inkspell Publishing

  5764 Woodbine Av.

  Pinckney, MI 48169

  Edited By Deb Anderson

  Cover art By Najla Qamber

  This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission. The copying, scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions, and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.


  "Summers is a fantastic writer and, if you have not read her work yet, you definitely should." Marissa - For The Love of Film and Novels

  "Miss Summers is able to really capture the emotion of the piece and we feel for the character." - Dan Wright, Author

  "I can assure you, you're in great hands when reading a book by Sasha Summers." Viviana, Enchantress of Books

  "Ms. Summers is an amazing writer, trust me on this. One of the best I have read, actually." - Jean Murray, Author

  "Honestly, I have not read anything by Sasha Summers that I did not love and I look forward to more works by her." - Holly, Full Moon Bites Reviews

  "A sweet story about family, growing up, and a love that heals all wounds." - BookKins Reviews.

  "Sasha Summers writes character that move into your heart and stay there. You cry with them, get mad at them and cheer for them." - Jolene Guinther Navarro, Author.


  To my amazing daughters:

  Summer and Emma

  Love fearlessly, dream endlessly,

  & believe in yourself unequivocally


  “It needs a little TLC,” my father said as he put the truck in park.

  A little TLC? What the hell is he thinking? I glared at the back of his head. Oh, wait, he isn’t.

  “Um, yeah, Dad.” Even Dax, my twin brother, sounded pissed now. Good, maybe he’d cross over to my side—the dark side. “You could say that.”

  This was not Grandma’s yellow house with pretty white lace-looking trim. This house was grey. And dirty. And old. And pathetically sad. Now it was way more haunted house than Grandma’s house.

  Not Grandma’s house anymore. My house. I felt sick. He’s officially trying to drive me crazy. I glared at my father, but he was staring at the house—grinning like an idiot.

  That was when I noticed the scaffolding covering the far wall. It looked like someone was scraping the paint off the house—which meant Dad knew the house was in bad bad shape.

  We all climbed out of the truck. I was relieved to see Mom and Dax were just as thrown by the whole shack thing as I was. This was a big deal—a real shock. Well, not for Dad obviously.

  “What?” He shrugged, glancing at our expressions. He looked irritated.

  Like you have any right to be irritated.

  “It’ll be just like new in no time,” he said, all calm and cool and smug.

  You are such a prick.

  “I’m sure it will,” Mom said, pushing my irritation closer to anger. When had she become his biggest cheerleader? And why? Like his mid-life crisis needed a cheerleader?

  I looked pointedly back at the house and crossed my arms over my chest. My life is a bad joke.

  The wind picked up, kicking up dust. The lone chain holding up one corner of the front porch swing squeaked miserably—which was fitting. Yep, so haunted house.

  “At least you’ll have something to do. School doesn’t start for a few weeks,” my dad continued.

  “Yeah, Dax,” I said softly to my brother.

  “This isn’t a solo kind of project.” Dax shot me a look. I couldn’t tell if he was mad at me or Dad, but since I hadn’t done anything to him—recently—it had to be Dad. With good reason.

  “You think I’m going to make this place less of a dump? That I’ll sweat my ass off fixing up a pile of crap we’re being forced to live in? Since we have nothing else to do, I mean.” I heard how nasty I sounded, but I just didn’t care. “Thanks, but I’ll pass.”

  I’d been talking to Dax, but I made sure every syllable was loud enough for my dad to hear. We didn’t talk—hadn’t talked in almost five months now. I found talking loudly to other people allowed me to get my point across just fine.

  I could tell it had this time. My dad stared at me, the muscle in his jaw working—a dead giveaway he was pissed. Good. I wanted to fight.

  I raised my eyebrows at him, daring him to say something. Anything. I wanted him to know this was all his fault.

  My mom put her hand on Dad’s arm, tugging on him. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, smiled at her, and turned to greet the moving truck as it pulled up the driveway.

  Anger, hot and hard, choked me. When Mom’s pale blue gaze met mine, I didn’t back down. I hated to see the disappointment in her eyes, but she was wrong. This was wrong and I wasn’t going to pretend it wasn’t. I raised my chin just a little and stalked back to the truck. Not caving. Not apologizing. Not my fault—just my problem.

  I grabbed my bag out of the truck bed, unaware the soft fabric snagged on the metal corner of the truck latch. I heard the rip of fabric and froze. Perfect. It wasn’t bad, just a little tear. Calming down now. I counted backward from twenty and took a deep breath before swinging the bag over my shoulder. I kept my head down as I climbed up the steps onto the front porch.

  I walked to the broken swing, pulling on the chain. I’d spent hours on this swing when I was little—snapping beans, shucking corn, trying to needlepoint with Grandma, reading Reader’s Digest stories out loud… I tugged harder on the chain. It squeaked, but held tight.

  At least the view was familiar. Massive oak and cedar trees ran the fence lines. Acres of fields, row after row of round hay bales, and then? More fields… Not much else. No houses, just the faded dirt road, a few dilapidated barns, and…nothing.

  Because this is Hell and no rational person would choose to live here.

  I turned the front door handle and pushed it open, bracing myself…

  Okay. Not so bad.

  It looked clean and mostly empty. One lone rocking chair sat in the corner, an odd box here and there.

  Thank God.

  I poked around a little, memories popping up. Grandma’s sewing kit in the bottom of the hall closet. The bottom kitchen drawer full of extra ketchup, sugar, salt and pepper packets. Making pie with the peaches and apples from Grandma’s orchard. I’d made some good memories here…but that was because I hadn’t been living here. I could leave then, go home… Now this was supposed to be home, my home. There was no escape.

  That hot, hard knot started to form in my throat again.

  I wandered up the stairs, noting the colored patches on the wall, where family photos had hung for years. On the l
anding, more blank walls and empty spaces. I kept going, heading to the room where I’d slept when I was little. Guess it is my room now. Down the hall, last door on the right, and up a flight of steps: Dax’s and my old playroom. The only room we could get loud and not get in trouble since it was at the other end of the house from everyone and everything. Just the way I liked it. I stood in the doorway. It seemed smaller now.

  It felt weird for it to be so bare. My footsteps echoed off the wooden floors. A few dusty boxes were stacked on one side of the room. I walked to the window, peering down at the fields and the valley in the distance. Maybe it was because I knew this view was going to be the view I had to see for the next year, but it wasn’t as nice as I remembered it.

  Everything was so…so brown. Rocky. Cactus everywhere. It wasn’t green. No rolling grasses. No steady wind. This wasn’t north Texas. This was…

  My hands fisted and my chest ached. This is home now, I heard my dad’s words…almost a threat. He’d said it over and over again. Like he can brainwash me into believing it or something. This might be his hometown and his house. But this was his choice…not mine.

  I kicked one of the boxes against the wall, letting my frustration out.

  Something thumped back.

  I jumped, freaking out as the thumping kept going—faster and faster—from behind the box. The house had been empty for almost six months. Out here, in the middle of nowhere, it was possible that something got inside. A skunk, a raccoon, a…a snake…

  I swallowed, glancing at the bedroom door. Dax and my parents were in and out, unloading boxes. “Dax?” I called out. “Dax!” He was into nature, kind of. He could take care of it.

  “Anytime you want to help, Allie.” Dax’s voice floated up the stairs. “Whenever you’re done having a temper tantrum.”

  Temper tantrum? Really? His tone rubbed me the wrong way. Fat chance. I kicked the door shut.

  The thumping went crazy. Crap.

  I almost opened the door when I heard Dax yell, “Wimp!” I’m not a wimp. I could do this. Without help. I was stronger than him, more physical than he ever was. He was the wimp. I would so do this.

  I reached forward, pulling the box back fast—like ripping off a Band-Aid.

  A tiny bird stared at me with sparkly black eyes. Its chest rose and fell so rapidly it looked like it was about to pop.

  I laughed. “You scared the crap out of me.” The bird cocked its head at me, hopped, and flew to the window—straight into the glass with a sickening smack.

  “Oh, stop…” I stared at the stunned bird lying on the floor. “Wait, wait, okay?” It shook itself and flapped its wings, preparing to fly again. “Seriously, chill.” I took a step forward, not sure what to do. The bird flew up, hovering in front of the window, pecking on the glass. “Yeah,” I agreed. “I get it. You want to go outside.”

  It settled on the windowsill and stared at me. I stared back. Now what? I couldn’t catch it. I didn’t want to hurt it trying.

  “Can you herd birds?” I wrinkled my nose. It blinked at me. “I think you’re going to have to go out that way.” I stared at the window.

  If I could open it and somehow get the screen off and not scare the bird even more, the little guy would be free. Easier than trying to get it down the stairs and out the front door.

  I slid along the wall toward the window, holding my arms against my body. “I’m not going to hurt you,” I explained to it. “I’m going to get you out of here. This is my…my room now.” It blinked. “I know, I’m super thrilled too.” Stupid bird.

  I reached out, slowly twisting the window latch. The bird hopped off, flitting across the room to perch on the edge of one of the old boxes. I pushed the window, hoping it would slide right open.

  It didn’t. It was old, the wood dry and sticking in the grooves. “Of course not.” I shook my head, gripped the window more securely and tugged. The window barely moved, moaning loudly. “So haunted house,” I grumbled.

  The bird chirped from the box in the corner.

  “Thanks for the help.” I sighed, fighting with the window.

  Suddenly, the window slipped up an inch, then jammed on something. The wood frame splintered in my grip, a thick splinter gouging into my finger. “Ow! Ow, crud, crap, darn it,” I bit out, staring at the bird before I realized I didn’t have to keep my language PG. “Shit.” I pulled out the splinter and sucked on my finger. “Son of a bitch.” I turned back to the window, fueled by months of frustration and anger…and now pain.

  “Open, dammit!” I shoved, putting all of my weight behind it…shattering the glass pane and sending shards onto the side yard below. With most of the glass gone, I pitched forward, one arm windmilling forward and knocking the screen out before I could catch it. I caught myself on the window frame, grabbing frantically. A sharp burst of pain radiated along my palm and up my arm. “Shit!” I yelled, pulling my hand back. A nasty gash throbbed, oozing blood. “Perfect. Just perfect!”

  “Allie?” I heard my mother call me from outside.

  “What?” I bit out. The bird flew out the window, its wings ruffling my hair as it escaped. “You’re welcome,” I called after the bird.

  Dax was laughing. “What did you do now?”

  I lifted my other hand off the window. The remaining wood and glass fell around me on the floor, the crash echoing in the empty room. I shut my eyes and stood, furious and bleeding. There wasn’t a sound from outside, just footsteps on the stairs. Perfect.

  I heard a squeak in the hallway—the same board that told Dax and me when Grandma was almost to our room so we needed to pretend we were sleeping. Which meant I was about to get an audience for this. Stupid bird. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut, waiting.

  Footsteps on the steps…

  “You okay?”

  I didn’t know that voice. I opened one eye, hesitant. Then both.

  I didn’t know this…this cowboy. This really cute, golden-tanned, copper-eyed cowboy taking up the doorway space. His light brown hair brushed the doorframe as he walked in…because he was tall and broad and so freaking cute. I stared at him like a complete idiot, while he stared at my hand.

  “No, she’s not. Okay’s not a word we use to describe her.” Dax followed Cute Cowboy Guy into my room, looking at me with a mixture of amazement and frustration.

  “Cut your hand?” Cute Cowboy Guy came forward. He took my hand, lifted it close, and inspected the gash. He sucked in his breath, a sharp hissing sound. “You did a good job on that. Might need stitches.”

  I stared at my hand in his. His hands were rough and big, but his touch was gentle. Gentle or not, why was he in my room? Why was I letting him touch me? Snap out of it, Allie. “Who the hell are you?” I pulled my hand from his, wincing.

  “Nice,” Dax muttered. “Allie, this is Wyatt, our new neighbor. He came by. To help.”

  New neighbor? “Oh,” I said, giving him a quick head-to-toe inspection. His faded jeans were ripped along his left thigh, and the sleeves of his plaid snap-front shirt were rolled up to his elbows. And his face…well…he was way too good-looking. Way way–

  Wyatt smiled. He had a really good smile, white teeth, dimples. “Nice to meet you.” And a Texas twang.

  I looked at him but didn’t say anything. It might have been nice to meet him if I wasn’t bleeding all over the floor of a bedroom in the middle of Hell. But—as much as I hated to admit it—even bleeding on the floor, he was pretty easy to look at.

  My mother came into the room then, her small medical bag in hand. “What happened?” Her voice had that edge to it, the why do you do what you do? exasperation that only I brought out so well.

  “There was a bird,” I mumbled.

  My mother probed around the cut, making me wince. “A bird?” she asked, clearly not believing me.

  “Yes. A bird,” I repeated. “I tried to let it out. The damn window stuck.” She looked at me, one eyebrow rising.

  “It was a starling,” Wyatt said, pulling my attention back t
o him.

  I cocked an eyebrow in question. My mother did too.

  “The bird. I saw it fly out the window.” He smiled a slow, easygoing smile. “It was a starling.”

  “Oh,” I answered coolly. I had to work at the tone though—because he was backing up what I was saying. And that might be the only reason Mom would believe me. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye.

  “They’re pests. Build nests in your eaves, in your light fixtures, cause damage.” He was watching me, still smiling. “Some target practice will fix that.”

  “Shoot it?” I narrowed my eyes and frowned. “I hope it doesn’t decide to live at your place.”

  Wyatt shrugged. “It wouldn’t for long.”

  Not so interesting after all. I leveled my best bitch-face at hunky cowboy.

  “Allie…I need to stitch it.” My mother spoke softly, thoughtfully. I watched her cover the cut with a clean gauze pad, knowing this would go on the list of Allie’s Screw-ups. “I’ll be right back.” Her big blue eyes—Dax and I both got her eyes—bore into mine for just a second, and then she left. Mom was a veterinarian and had patched me and Dax up many times. It was a lot easier than having to go to the emergency room.

  “Broom unpacked?” Wyatt asked, following her from the bedroom.

  Dax looked at me with an elevated eyebrow. “It’s been less than an hour and you’re breaking windows. What’s the deal, really?”

  I shook my head at him. “You wouldn’t understand. You didn’t have any real friends so you didn’t leave anything behind.” I shot him a smug smile, knowing I was being hateful and not caring.

  “Seriously? You think your freaks will miss you? All of this charm and charisma?” Dax snorted.

  Wyatt came in carrying a broom, dustpan, and trash bag. He glanced between Dax and me and said, “You should sit, keep that hand elevated.”

  He started sweeping, ignoring me altogether. Which was fine. I didn’t want to be the center of attention, no matter what my family might think.


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