George (Book 2): The Long Road Ahead

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George (Book 2): The Long Road Ahead Page 7

by Le Clair, Scarlet

  “Yep, well I’m not most people. I love fighting the good fight. I have this need to get out there and help this camp as much as I can. I need something to take my mind off…” I didn’t want to finish my sentence.

  The doctor nodded in understanding, we didn’t say anything else as we had arrived in front of the rooms where my friends were staying. There was only one problem; Will Billy and Nia were missing.

  “Adam. Where are Will, Billy and Nia? You’re not sick are you?” I was worried; my mind went to the worst-case scenario. That Will was injured in some way. That some bloody, decaying undead had gotten hold of him and had sunk their black rotten teeth into his soft warm flesh. That right at this moment Will had been ‘Taken care of’ and that Nia was now sat beside his twice dead body. Or that Adam was the sick one.

  “Hey George, we are all ok.” Adam confirmed.

  “You’re sure?” I had a giant ball of lead in my stomach.

  “Yeah don’t worry, Billy and Will are in a meeting with the Captain, Nia too.”

  “Come on George, let’s go crash a meeting” the doctor smiled and tugged on my arm.

  “Oh, ok that’s good thank you. I’m glad that you are all ok. Can’t wait to catch up with you both. Tomorrow?”

  “Yeah I’ll be fine here!” Adam called out jokingly.

  The captain’s office was at the other end of this large warehouse and through some double doors. As soon as we entered what they were using as the reception area, his Rochelle stood up and ushered us into the room without question.

  The Captain was sat at his chair, Lt Jacks was sat to his right. Nia and Will were sat opposite them. There were around eight of nine other uniformed men and women scattered around the room including Billy. They all stood up as the doctor and I entered.

  “Ah there she is, we’ve been waiting on you Annabelle. Welcome George” The captain smiled warmly at us. He pointed to a chair next to Nia for me and the doctor walked around and sat in the chair on his left.

  “We wanted to talk to both you and Will, George, Miss Perry here would leave her uncles side.” I sensed that the captain was not too happy about that fact but I knew that nobody would change Nia’s mind once it was set. She hadn’t seen him in hours and had been worried about him, she wasn’t about to let him out of her sight for the moment.

  “I’ll bet” I looked at Nia and grinned. She just shrugged her shoulders, she had a stubborn look on her face and her eyes flashed, daring me to challenge her.

  “Oh then” the captain said a little louder than usual, “We need to get this talk going, I have to leave first thing” he paused letting this information sink in.

  “Leave?” I knew that the captain often went on rescue missions with his men when they were short on hands to help but it had been decided by the camp that no more rescue missions could go ahead until the second compound was ready as we just didn’t have enough room. The Rescue mission that the men had saved our group was supposed to be their last for a few months.

  “Yes, I’m afraid that I must. Let me tell you a little of our back ground” he shook his finger between himself and Lt. Jacks. We were both under the same Colonel, Colonel Rees. Now, for a year before this whole apocalypse started. Even before patient zero attacked that plane full of people over in New Orleans there was chatter in certain military groups. It was said that governments abroad had engineered a mass weapon. Able to kill millions and that nowhere would be safe from this virus.” He paused, looking gravely at each of us, in turn, before continuing. “Colonel Rees believed what they were saying and started to order extra supplies for our camp; Ammo and weapons came first. Then six extra generators, extra food and water, clothes and boots even extra bedding. He told his superiors, that the stuff we had was worn and no good anymore”

  The Captain paused again, this time to take a sip of water. None of us spoke a word, we were too caught up in his story.

  “To be honest, I thought him mad. But I went along with it because we could always use extra supplies at camp. He only ordered bits here and there so as not to raise suspicion. We set the new generators up and placed the old ones into storage. When disaster struck, and blockades started to fall, people were coming to our camp to ask for help. Of course, we took in as many people as we could but we were soon at maximum capacity and had to expand. Within a month the second place was thriving, extra garden patches were made to start growing more produce and people were settling in. We decided that we would try to set up camps across. This is the second one that we have tried away from base. The plan is to stay for three months after which a team of five military men would move on with a few trained and skilled survivors to a new place. We bring the basics with us, but mostly we try to get stuff when we are out and about on recuse missions. We also planned to leave at least three military trained men at each base to help to continue training and keeps things running smoothly.”

  “But Billy had other ideas?” my eyes flickered to Billy stood on the left of the captain.

  The Captain smiled warmly “Yes. Billy has proposed that we leave this camp up to the survivors to run. Fully trained personnel are getting rarer and rarer, they would be of more benefit to me out on the road setting up new camps than just sat around here.”

  It made perfect sense; leave the professionals go head first into danger as they were trained to do and let the amateurs stay safely behind the high fences and brick walls of the compound.

  I nodded and gave Billy a double thumbs up.

  Anyway, we were supposed to be having a shipment of goods from the main base, ready for the next camp we are to set up. It’s about a seven-hour drive from here in Inverness. That shipment was supposed to arrive three days ago” The captain finished.

  “What was the cargo?” Will asked. The captain’s eyes flickered to the Lt just for a second but I caught it. There was something that he wasn’t telling us.

  “Just a few chickens, some medication, some vegetables that they had managed to grow. They are doing extremely well there, it’s what we hope to achieve with this place.”

  “Ok so maybe they got lost or maybe there’s been some hold ups on the road? “Nia replied. She was right, anything could happen out on the roads these days. What may be a few hours’ drive could now turn into days.

  “Yes indeed, but the strange thing is that we have lost all communication with the other site. Again, this could be nothing but I would like to go and check. These are my friends”

  “Ok I get that, if it were these guys I’d be right there with you already planning the mission. But here’s my question and please don’t feel that I’m trying to be rude here but why are you telling us?” I looked at everyone else in the room, they were all military and I understood why they would be informed but not why we would be.

  “Well, we have been talking with other survivors and as you know we take a statement of everyone’s account of what they have been through since the apocalypse began. Just to see what skills people have and maybe even to match up a missing person with their families. When it comes to both, you and Will are regarded significantly high by the people that you were rescued with. Especially Billy, here.” He pointed over his shoulder at Billy who smiled at me. “Plus, when asked what jobs you would like Will said sentry duty and the occasional mission and you said supply runs. So, we would like both you and Will here to join our ranks. We are drastically thin on military members at the moment.”

  I looked at Will, he had a look of utter shock on his face that I’m sure would be mirrored on my own. I’d thought about asking them for a military position but didn’t think that they would ever consider me which is why I chose supply runs. It was the closest job which required military training that I thought I could get. Now that I knew it was not the case I was a little excited.

  I nodded slightly to Will who replied with his own little nod.

  “Sounds good to me” I grinned at the captain standing up and shaking his hand.

  “Me too” Will stayed sitting dow
n but had a huge smile on his face and I knew that he was just as excited as me to become part of the team.

  I sat back down and glanced at Nia, she looked tremendously unhappy. I knew why. This meant extra danger for myself and now Will too.

  “Right, that’s fantastic. I’ll be leaving with a group of four officers around ten, I’d like to see you both here in my office at 9am sharp to be briefed. Thank you both” he smiled at us and started to talk quietly to the doctor.

  I guess that was our cue to leave. I got up, followed by Nia and then Will. We left the room and closed the door behind us. The rest of the officers stayed.

  “Nia, I-“I started to explain why I had chosen to say yes to the captain but she cut me off.

  “I understand George, after hearing about what the guys managed to get from the lab I get it. I know how much it will help our camp, I just wish that it wasn’t you guys risking your lives, but I guess in this world we are risking our lives every day.”

  I pulled her in for a big hug, then Will joined in.

  “Team hug!” Adam called out running towards us and hugging tightly, I laughed. This felt good, although I felt bad for feeling happy, I couldn’t push it away.

  “Hey, aren’t you supposed to being quarantine? Nia laughed

  “They let us out early, like Will, for good behaviour” Adam explained. Amelia was with him but did not join in our family hug. Instead she held back, hugging herself and looking a little awkward.

  “I’m here too” Billy had just exited the Captains office, looking very smart in his new khaki uniform. It suited him.

  “That’s great, how about we all get some food and you guys can fill me in on what happened whilst you were out?” I said once I had broken free of the hug.

  Nia held on to my arm, I watched as Billy’s eyes narrowed in jealousy. I wasn’t about to tell her to let me go though. She was my friend, if he had a problem then he needed to man up and say.

  So, I just ignored it as we made our way towards the canteen, laughing and joking like we didn’t have a care in the world. I tried to hide my hurt that I still carried around behind my smile. My friends had gone out on a mission and had all come back safely and for that I truly was grateful.

  Chapter 8

  Will and Adam were so animated when they were telling the story of their adventure that I couldn’t help but feel a little green with envy. I swore that at any moment I was going to turn into the hulk.

  Billy didn’t say much, just nodded along as he played with his food. He kept giving Nia pointed looks which she kept ignoring, in the end he huffed out an excuse and left the room. Nia looked troubled but when she saw me looking she smiled and started up a conversation with Amelia.

  The boys told me that they had started off well and got to the facility quickly. No hordes of zombies, no road blocks with assholes like Deacon around, ready to take advantage of innocent people. They found most of the things that we needed but that there were a few offices they couldn’t access without a key card. They had spent a few hours at the site trying to override the system only to be unsuccessful. Still they were clearly happy with their haul, as was the doctor and the captain. They were hoping to go back in the future to see if they could get in using the doctors key card that she had forgotten to give them.

  It all sounded amazing, it struck me as a little odd that the Doctor would forget to give them her key card, after she had planned the mission herself. But I didn’t say anything, it sounded like the mission was a success anyway and the doc had a lot going on. Which would probably account for the memory slip.

  “Aw guys I’m so jealous, I really wish that I could have come with you” I told them as we exited the dinner hall.

  “Don’t worry G, were not going anywhere without you next time. I’m going to find Amelia she’s been working in the gardens today” Adam said.

  “Thanks Adam” I clapped him on the shoulder. “I’d better get back to the hospital. I’m not sure if I’m allowed out yet” I smiled, I said good night to them all, hugging Nia and Will before I walked in the opposite direction to them all.

  My ankle felt stiff and I limped along but it felt much better than it had yesterday. I waved to Nurse Amy as I entered the medical area and she walked ahead of me to the ward and typed in the code to allow me access.

  “Thanks Amy”

  “No problem George. Get some rest tonight, I hear you’re out of here in the morning.” she handed me a glass of water and two different tablets from the ones she normally did.

  “New ones?” I nodded towards her hand.

  “Yes, thanks to your friends, we now have anti-inflammatory tablets, they will help your ankle. I can get you more pain killers if you need them?”

  “No, I’m good thanks, keep them for someone who needs them.” I popped the tablets into my mouth and washed them down with the water without any more questions.

  “So, tomorrow huh?” I grinned I couldn’t wait to be free. Not that the hospital wing was much different to lying in bed all day and night in my own room. but at least if I wanted to get up and walk around I could. Plus, the sooner I got out of here, the sooner that I could start training and building on my skills.

  I wished Amy a good night and settled down to read. I heard people coming and going but nobody entered the ward. So, I carried on page after page. Before I knew it, I was half way through the book. But my eyes were getting droopy and I was fighting back yawns every few minutes. I put the book down folding the top of the page into a small triangle so I wouldn’t lose my place. Then snuggled under the blankets. I’d forgotten to pick up a change of clothes from my room and wasn’t about to go outside at that time of night to get them.

  So, I huddled under the covers fully dressed. I fell asleep quickly, dreamt of Kelly, Poppy and Cameron. We were having a picnic at our favourite spot high on the mountainside, we flew kites and played ball. Everything was perfect, the food, the sunshine and most of all the laughter of my family. Not a zombie in sight.

  I woke up in the morning sad but with a hint of happiness. It was a good dream, but that’s all it was, all it would ever be was a dream.

  I got up to use the bathroom, without my crutches. I stripped off and washed the best that I could, then dried in the provided towel and got dressed again. I noticed that a disposable razor had been left out for me; biggest hint ever Doc. I thought.

  In any case I used the razor, I was starting to look hideously scruffy. I looked much younger and tidier by the time I had finished but I had cut myself a few times and had to use toilet tissue to avoid staining the towel.

  One look in the mirror at the tissue dotted on several areas of my cheeks and chin and it threw me back to when my father taught me how to shave for the very first time.

  My heart still ached for my parents even after all this time, I’d lost my mother to cancer when I was just 19. My father followed her six months later from a heart attack. I believe that it was a broken heart after losing my mother. I was brought up by my father’s older sister who was like a second mum to me. I lost her two years ago to cancer also. I was glad in a way that they were not around now to witness what our world had become but I also missed the hell out of them and wished for just one more hug off my aunt Sarah or one great big hug off my Mum and Dad.

  I shook myself out of my sombre mood. Today was the start of my new job, a chance to do my family proud by helping others.

  I tried to style my hair but it had gotten too long so I just brushed it the best that I could and made a mental note to ask the doc or the captain if we had any hairdressers in camp.

  I practiced smiling in the mirror and immediately felt foolish. I left before I could think up anything else as silly. It was quiet in the medical centre. A man I didn’t know was in nurse Amy’s place behind the desk and there was no sign of doc.

  “Hi there, you must be George. I’m Ben, the Doc left a note saying to give you these. Take two a day, on in the morning and one in the night.” He gave me a small, orangey
brown plastic bottle with four tablets in it. They looked like the anti-inflammatory tablets that Amy had given me yesterday.

  “Thanks Ben, that’s great. so, I’m free to go?” I asked hopefully.

  “Yes, you’re free to go” he chuckled.

  “Great, thanks again. Oh, and before I forget, are there any hairdressers in camp?”

  “Yeah, three doors down on the left from the canteen. Lady named Michelle and a guy named Rick I believe” he nodded.

  That’s great. Thanks. Bye Ben” I hobbled out of the door as quickly as I could.

  I still wasn’t walking properly and there was a slight discomfort when I put my weight on it but I wasn’t in any pain.

  I stopped by the food hall on my way to the captain’s office to pick up a mug of coffee to go. I thanked the lady behind the counter and sipped at my coffee, taking care as it was scolding hot.

  On my way to his office I took the long way around, choosing the exterior route rather than the interior. Even at this early hour there were lots of people milling about. Tending to the gardening and the cattle. There were people on the sister compound, they had started to erect a fence between the two camps. They had a nice safe walkway so that you would not have to leave the protective fence of one camp to enter the other. The next job was reinforcing the walkway.

  I carried on towards the captains’ office, not wanting to be late on my first day, but I was still the last to arrive.

  “Am I late?” I felt a little self-conscious.

  “No, I just got here myself” Will replied, eyeing up my mug. I handed it to him and he smiled gratefully. Taking a sip and moaning out loud.

  “You two want to get a room?” I joked.

  “Oh, I would love to.” Will winked at me and wiggled his eyebrows.

  In the room, today was just Will and I, Captain Cooper and Lt. Jacks. The latter two had been watching our exchange with an amused expression.


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