Lost and Found Family

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Lost and Found Family Page 18

by Jennifer Ryan

  Sarah’s heart melted at the sight of her boys roughhousing with Luke and the sheer delight in Luke’s eyes as he played with them. It really was true. Men remain little boys on the inside.

  She walked down the stairs and stood just between Luke’s dangling feet and stared over the back of the couch at all three boys. “What’s going on down here?”

  All of them stopped and stared at her. Caught.

  Jack and Nick looked unsure and ready for her to scold them.

  Luke got a mischievous look in his eyes. “I think your mom missed at least a dozen kisses yesterday while she slept.” He untangled his arms from the boys, reared up, took her under the arms, and dragged her over the couch and on top of him. He planted half a dozen kisses all over her face. The boys dove in and kissed her on the head.

  She laughed so hard, it drove them to kiss her even more. They smothered her in love that ended with all of them hugging her close, Jack and Nick at her sides and draped over her back. Luke holding her close against his chest, her knees and feet still hanging off the sofa.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.” Luke smiled up at her.

  “Yes, it is.” She smiled at each of the boys. “Are you guys having fun?”

  “Luke is the best!” Jack proclaimed.

  “He’s silly,” Nick added.

  She brushed her fingers over the side of Luke’s face. “You’re both. And crazy, you know that?”

  “Definitely crazy about you.” He brushed his nose against hers, then turned to the boys. “Go get your mom’s surprise set up.”

  The boys scrambled over the couch again and ran for the kitchen.

  Luke held her close, his head not even on the sofa, and kissed her good morning like he’d kissed her more than a dozen times last night. Her body heated with the memories of making love with him. “How do you feel?”

  “Good. Rested.”

  “I hope so after all the hours you slept.” Luke shifted, trying to hold his head up and take her weight on top of him.

  She rolled over onto her back, much like him, pulled her legs down and around, and sat up on the sofa.

  Luke made the same awkward move. “That used to be easier when I was younger.”

  She laughed. “You guys were having a good time.”

  “I know they need discipline, too. It’s just . . . They’re a lot of fun.”

  “They’ve never had anyone but me to play with, and I’m not that great at the wrestling and roughhousing. And there’s something about boys. They just love to be tough.”

  “So we can impress girls.” Luke’s grin made her belly flutter.

  “Mission accomplished. If we were alone, I’d show my appreciation for the way you look playing with my boys. The sheer joy in you and them.” She surveyed him up and down. “All those muscles rippling when you pick them up and toss them.”

  “Oh yeah.” Luke leaned in, bracing his hands on both sides of her as she fell back onto the sofa arm. He stared down at her. “When I saw you coming down the stairs from our room and I thought about how this could be every morning, how you could be here, in our bed, every night . . .” He kissed her again, this time letting loose all the passion he’d restrained when he and the boys attacked her with kisses.

  His forehead touched hers and he looked deep into her eyes and said, “I love you.”

  Her heart felt so full she thought it might burst with joy, hearing those words from him. Tears filled her eyes.

  He sat up and pulled her up with him. “Hey, what’s with the tears? Talk to me.”

  “I’m happy.”

  Relief lit his eyes. “That’s good.”

  “I haven’t been this happy, well, ever. Except when the kids were born, of course. I just don’t want this moment to ever end. I don’t want the rest of the world to intrude on you and me right here, right now, just like this.”

  Sarah thought about what he’d said about them being together all the time. She imagined waking up every day to his gray eyes, filled with so much warmth and love for her that she ached with the need to hold him to her and never let him go.

  “No one can take our happiness.”

  She wished that were true, but everyone who’d ever come into her life that mattered took what little happiness she’d been able to make for herself.

  With Luke, she felt the potential to finally have it all. Love. A real family. A father the boys deserved. A man she could count on.

  If only she could make it all happen.

  “My time here is coming to an end soon. The kids love it here, but they also miss home, having their things around them, and their friends.”

  Instead of telling her he wanted her to stay again, Luke surprised her and asked, “What’s your place like?”

  “We live in a big house in a gated community, so they know we’re better off than most. I wanted them to have room to play and be outside where it was safe. We live on a third-acre with a pool and a play yard. They have a tree house with a slide. It’s really cool. We have a huge lawn for them to run and play ball. Everything little boys need to use their imaginations and spread their wings. I never had anything like that growing up, so I spoiled them with it. And they have half a dozen friends in the neighborhood, who come over all the time.”

  “You worked hard to give them a good life. You always put them first, despite the long hours and sacrifices you make for them. I can see why you’d want to spoil them.”

  “I want Jack and Nick to have the best in life, but that doesn’t mean they get everything they set their eyes on. I want them to appreciate real things. Family. True friends. Honesty. Trust. Love.”

  “All the things Sean never gave or taught them.” Luke brushed his fingers through her hair. “You’re a good mom. You’re conscious about the decisions you make. You always try to do right by them. That’s admirable.”

  “I just want them to know they’re loved. Buying them the latest and greatest toy or game won’t show them how much I love them. But playing tag in the backyard . . . I hope they’ll remember that for a lifetime.”

  Luke took her hand. “Do you want to have more children?”

  “I’d love to have a couple more.”

  His eyes went wide. “Really? A couple?”

  “I love being a mom. Based on how much you love playing with the boys, I’m guessing you’d like to have your own children.”

  “I would.”

  “Our enthusiasm for each other last night overrode good sense. We got carried away. You may get your wish.” She waited for hesitation or anger. She even braced herself for an accusation that she’d done it on purpose to trap him. But he appeared absolutely pleased by the idea, judging by the smile and thoughtful look in his eyes.

  “I’ve never been in love like this before, where nothing matters more than being with you. I’m usually so careful. I always use protection, but last night, and this morning, I just got lost in you and how you make me feel and I wanted to experience every bit of it.”

  “I feel the same way.”


  “I’m afraid we’re moving too fast without taking the time to plan for our future.”

  “That you believe we have one is enough. I want you to trust that I’m here for you and the boys, and making us a family is what I really want.”

  “My life is so . . . busy. And overwhelming sometimes. I know you love me. I know I love you. I just need some time to figure out how to be everything to everybody and not let anyone down.”

  Luke hooked his hand at the back of her neck and looked her in the eye. “You already are everything to me and the boys. We’ll work the rest out together. I know it’s not fair, but I love this ranch. My place is here. It’s what I’ve always wanted. Please consider moving in here with me. If you’re concerned about the boys, we can put in a pool, build a tree house, whatever they want. There’s a great private school not far from here. We could have it all.”

  She leaned in and kissed him for his enthusiasm and absolute belief t
hey could be together and build a life after knowing each other for literally weeks. Her wild heart wanted to leap. But the woman who’d been lied to and cheated on and the mom inside of her needed to be cautious. She kissed him again because he made her believe in him and the possibility of them. “I love your crazy, let’s-just-do-this attitude.”

  “I know what I want, Sarah. It’s you and the boys and whatever life gives us in the future. I want it right now. But I know it’ll take time to put our two lives together.”

  She breathed a small sigh of relief.

  “We have all the time in the world,” he assured her. “But you should know something.”


  “I’m used to getting what I want, and now that I’ve found what I never thought I’d have with anyone, I’m not very patient when it comes to having you, with me, all the time. And I’m a lawyer, so whatever argument you have for stalling or dragging this out won’t work. I’ll give you every reason to say yes and do what we both know you want to do.”

  She chuckled. “You think you know me so well.”

  “I’m working on it. In fact, stay here with me. We’ll plan the next steps together and I’ll help you with the logistics.”

  “As much as I’d love that, I can’t. I promised Margaret six weeks with the boys and I want her to have them. It wouldn’t be right to cut her time short. I hope you understand. I gave my word.”

  “I get it, but I don’t have to like it.” He pulled her close and kissed her with the same passion that had swept them away last night. But this time, he cut it short and left her wishing they were still in bed. “Are you thinking about last night?” The need in his eyes said he definitely remembered every detail of their night together.


  “Good. Because when you move in, we’ll have that for the rest of our lives. Until then, sweetheart, make yourself at home. Come and go anytime you want while you’re visiting Margaret. And know I’ll be here waiting for you.”

  She pressed her hand to his face and took in the honesty of his words and in his eyes. “I’ll make it happen. Because it’s what I want. For me. For the boys. For us and the future you promised.”

  Luke smiled. “Should I call the pool company?”

  She laughed. “Why don’t you start by designing a tree house with the boys?”

  He beamed. “I will.”

  She loved that his plans included the kids. Not only that, but he knew the best way to get her here faster was to make this place theirs. After what they shared last night, the love he’d shown her, it already felt like home.

  Because Luke was here.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Sarah and Luke walked into the kitchen holding hands.

  Jack noticed immediately. He stared for a moment, eyes filled with questions and concern, until he looked up at Luke’s smiling face and all the worry went out of him and he moved on. “We made you breakfast, Mama.”

  She smiled at the bowl of berries, glass of orange juice, and the plate of pancakes. “You did this for me?”

  Jack nodded, pride in his eyes. “Luke said you need to eat a good breakfast.”

  “I poured the juice without spilling,” Nick announced, his sweet smile making her grin back.

  “You did a fantastic job.”

  Luke touched her back to get her to sit at the counter. “I fed the boys earlier.” He took the pancakes and popped them in the microwave to heat.

  “You did all this while I was in the shower?”

  “The boys helped.” Luke gave her a sheepish look. “I wanted to do something nice for you.”

  “Thank you.” It touched her deeply, and she hoped Luke saw that she really meant the gratitude and appreciation.

  “Taking care of you is my pleasure.” The purr in his voice made her think of how he’d taken care of her last night.

  Luke set the warmed pancakes in front of her along with a tub of butter and a bottle of syrup.

  “I could get used to this.”

  “Stay. I’ll make it worth your while.” Luke’s sexy grin promised heaven.

  “What are you talking about?” Jack asked, his gaze bouncing from her to Luke and back.

  Luke took the lead. “I like having all of you here.”

  “We have fun,” Nick added.

  Jack studied Luke. “Can we play baseball again tonight with all the guys?”

  Luke filled her in. “I put together a game with the ranch hands before dinner last night.”

  Of course he did.

  “Luke taught me how to throw a wicked fastball,” Jack announced, pride lighting up his whole face.

  “Let’s go riding again.” Nick bounced in the seat next to her.

  She swallowed the bite of fluffy pancakes. As much as she’d like to stay . . . “We have to go back to Grandma’s.” Margaret probably couldn’t wait to tell her off and chide her for exhausting herself and putting the boys at risk. Like she didn’t already feel bad enough about what happened. “She’s probably waiting for us right now.”

  She hated putting that disappointed expression on Luke’s rugged face. The boys’ faces matched his. But she couldn’t go against her promise to Margaret. “We’ll come back and see Luke every day before we go home. I promise.”

  Luke leaned on his forearms on the counter in front of the boys. “Your mom and I . . . We really like each other. In fact, I love her. And I want us to be a family.”

  Jack sat back. “What does that mean?”

  “Well, your mom and I have a lot to talk about and work out, but eventually, someday soon, I hope that you will all live here with me. How would you guys feel about that?”

  Jack linked his fingers together in his lap and nervously kicked his feet back and forth. “Do you mean all the time?”

  “That’s right.”

  “What about our house?” Jack looked to her to answer that.

  “The house is still ours, sweetheart. We aren’t moving immediately. Like Luke said, someday soon.” She turned her gaze to Luke. “There’s still so much you don’t know . . . things I need to tell you. About Sean. My life. The company.”

  “We will talk about all of it,” Luke assured her before turning back to the boys. “Your mom and I just want to know if you guys would like living here with me.”

  “Yeah, I guess that would be okay.” Jack shrugged.

  “I guess so.” Nick responded with more enthusiasm.

  Sarah assumed Nick’s enthusiasm was partly because of Luke, and partly because of the horses and kitties in the barn. Jack’s approval seemed more hesitant. She’d talk to them more about the future she wanted with Luke and all of them being a family and what that would look like.

  She stood, kissed both boys on the head, put her dish and silverware in the dishwasher, while the boys plied Luke with a dozen questions about making the rooms upstairs theirs. She found their constant chatter endearing, especially since it showed how much the boys loved Luke’s attention.

  Sarah had finally gotten a good look at the house. The great room was her favorite. The white walls with the wood floor and ceiling with the chunky beams made the room so cozy and inviting.

  “Luke, I really love the house. This kitchen is amazing.” She loved the big dark gray island with the white quartz countertops. The farmhouse sink was charming and went with the white Craftsman-style cabinets.

  “I had the place redecorated several months ago. I’m glad you like it. I hope you’ll be comfortable here, but if there’s something you don’t like, we can change it. Anything you want, I’ll make it happen.”

  She smiled at him, her heart expanding with an abundance of love. “It’s perfect.” They’d be really happy here.

  “I hope my family thinks so, too. They’re coming for dinner Sunday night for our monthly get-together. I want you and the boys to join us.” Luke wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close. “Please say you’ll come. I want you to meet them. I want everyone to see us together and how happy we ar

  How could she resist him? “Okay, we’ll come to dinner. Are you cooking?”

  “No. I have a personal chef who does everything.”

  “Oh really?” Sarah eyed him.

  He smirked. “I totally get why you have Camille. And I’m with you. When you work hard, you deserve to splurge once in a while. And this way, all we have to do is show up and eat.”

  A truck and trailer arrived outside and distracted her. “Today is Friday.”


  “You have a delivery.” She smiled up at him.

  Luke gazed out the window. “I didn’t order or buy anything.”

  “It’s a gift.” She helped the boys down from their stools. “Come, boys. You can watch cartoons while I show Luke another part of who I am.” The boys gave her a strange look, but she had Luke’s full attention.

  * * *

  Luke left Sarah to settle the boys in front of the TV and reached the truck in the driveway just after two men got out. One was in his fifties, gray hair, a good strong build, and about six feet tall. The other was in his twenties with dark blond hair to his shoulders and a strong lean build of about six-foot-two. Given the similarity of their looks, Luke guessed they were father and son. Two horses nickered at him from inside the trailer. He approached the men and caught sight of the sign on the truck door. Flames rose behind the black words “Blaze Ranch.” The same ranch he’d tried to buy horses from a while back.

  “Can I help you guys?”

  The older man eyed him. “Are you the owner? Luke?”

  “That’s me. What can I do for you?”

  “We’re here to deliver the horses.”

  “That can’t be right. I called about buying some horses a long time ago, but the owner wouldn’t sell.”

  “I guess she changed her mind.”

  Luke didn’t know what to make of this. The older man looked like he was sincere about delivering the horses. “But I didn’t buy any horses.”

  “You’ll have to talk to her about it.”

  “Well, where is she? How do I get in touch with her?”


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