Lost and Found Family

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Lost and Found Family Page 30

by Jennifer Ryan

  His mother stepped back from her, caught his eye, and then said something to the beautiful woman, who slowly turned to face him and stopped his heart.

  The back of her dress was spectacular, but the front was even better. The dress had a deep V-neck that showed off the swell of her breasts. It was skintight to her waist, where the skirt flared out.


  Mine, his heart called out.

  “Luke can’t remember who he was seeing,” Jason said to their friends, “because now, all he sees is her.”

  Truer words . . .

  Luke couldn’t get to her fast enough or take his eyes off her. She stared at him from across the room with a smile on her beautiful face that lit up his heart. She held her hands away from her sides and leaned a little to her left to show off the dress, which nearly stopped his heart. She did a little twirl and waved her hands down at the pretty shoes.

  She knew she looked amazing. She knew he liked what he saw.

  His mouth watered and his long, determined strides took him across the room and right to her.

  Just before he reached her, his dad grinned and said, “Watch out, dear. That’s a man on a mission.”

  “I love that man.” Sarah’s smile and eyes said it, too.

  “I know you do. And he loves you.”

  Luke appreciated that his father saw the love between them, that Luke had finally found what he’d admired about his parents’ relationship. Undying, unyielding, undeniable love.

  Luke stopped short of taking her in his arms and stuffed his hands in his pockets and just took in the breathtaking woman who made his life infinitely better in more ways than he could count.

  Sarah cocked her head, confused. “Aren’t you going to kiss me?”

  He shook his head.

  “Don’t you like the dress?”

  “I love the dress. I just can’t kiss you, because if I do, that dress is going to fly right off you, and all these people are going to get an eyeful of me devouring you.”

  “Oh. Oh!” She smiled at him. “I’ll take my chances. Your mother and father are right behind me.” She gave him a wicked grin and then leaned into him and kissed him softly. Before she could pull back, he pulled his hands free and put them around her waist and crushed her to him. Then he really kissed her.

  Flashbulbs went off all around them. He didn’t care how many pictures of them ended up splashed across the Internet. All he could think about was how soft the skin on her back felt and how sweet she tasted.

  He ended the kiss and looked down at her. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” A shy smile tugged at her red-tinted lips. “Another gift. No one’s ever said that to me.”

  He leaned his forehead to hers. “I think it every day I’m with you and will remember to tell you more often.”

  “Son, let’s get her away from all this chaos.”

  “Okay, Dad. I can’t wait to dance with my beautiful girlfriend.” He needed to change that to “wife.” Soon.

  He led her away from the crowd, the press calling out questions to her, and headed toward the ballroom.

  Jason and Michelle, along with his mom and dad, followed.

  “You look amazing, Sarah,” Michelle said from just behind them.

  Sarah glanced over her shoulder as he led her down the hall. “Thank you, so do you. How do you like your new job?”

  “It’s fantastic. My boss is really great and so understanding,” she teased, because Sarah was her boss.

  A woman ran up beside Sarah and smiled at the two of them.

  Sarah looked back at Michelle again. “Wow! You’re really lucky. Abby, here, has a horrible boss who makes her work like crazy. She gets back at me by setting up press conferences behind my back.” She smiled to soften the sarcasm.

  “Hey, I warned you ahead of time.” Abby shrugged. “I may have kept the size and scope of it to myself.”

  Sarah and Luke stopped just outside the ballroom. “It’s all right.” His family gathered around them. “Abby, I’d like to introduce you to the Thompson family. This is James, his wife, Lila, their son Jason, and his wife, Michelle, who is our newest marketing associate for Andy’s Antics.”

  Everyone said hello and shook hands.

  Sarah wrapped her arm around Luke’s and beamed at Abby. “And this is Luke.”

  He shook hands with Abby. “It’s nice to put a face with the cell phone ringing.”

  Abby laughed at his silly joke. “I’m very happy to meet the man who finally put a smile on Sarah’s face. I can’t remember ever seeing her this happy.”

  “I’m hoping to keep her that way from now on.”

  “I’ll hold you to it.” Abby smiled, but she meant every word.

  He appreciated that she looked out for Sarah. And when he wasn’t around, he’d count on her to still do it. But now that was his job and he’d never let anything bad happen to Sarah ever again.

  Abby held up a padded envelope and glanced around as everyone else attending the benefit made their way through the double doors into the ballroom. “I’m not sure where your family is. Maybe they’ve already gone inside. But I have the package for Tyler.”

  “Thank you.” Sarah turned to a man who tapped her on the shoulder.

  “A word, please?” the man asked.

  Sarah took several steps away from all of them.

  Luke watched them, tempted to go over and make the man not stand so close to her.

  Abby knocked her elbow into his arm. “Don’t worry. That’s Jim. Our CIO. He’s had a thing for her forever. He’s mostly harmless. He’s not stupid enough to do anything to jeopardize his job. No one who works for Sarah would do that. She’s made all of the original employees millionaires. Not to mention that we all worship her.”

  “I certainly do.”

  Abby turned to look at him. “Keep treating her well, Luke. It’s about time someone did.”

  “I have every intention of doing just that.”

  Abby gave him a nod.

  Sarah returned to them. “Sorry. Just some business stuff to sort out.”

  “We’ll meet you both inside,” Luke’s mother said, before his family headed into the ballroom.

  Abby stopped Sarah before she followed. “You can’t go in yet. They want to announce your arrival.”

  Sarah and Luke waited outside the doors.

  Abby held Sarah’s forearm. “Um, Sarah, you know how I surprised you with the press conference earlier. Well, I kind of gave the organizers a list of your most recent personal charitable donations.”

  “You did what!”

  “You deserve to be recognized for everything you do for others.”

  “You’re lucky I don’t have time to replace you.” There was no sting to Sarah’s words.

  “You love me,” Abby said, all confidence.

  “I do. And I need you to get the six new people I hired started on Monday.”

  Luke squeezed her hand. “Then maybe we can sit down and make some definite plans for our future.”

  “We will. I—”

  Abby cut her off. “It’s time to go in. They’re announcing Sarah and you, Luke, right now.”

  Which meant everyone in the room would know they were together. He liked that.

  The doors opened to a crowd standing and applauding as they made their way into the room.

  Luke led her up to the podium at the front of the ballroom, where he handed her off to the head of the organization honoring her.

  Luke went to take his seat at the long family table the organizers had set up for both her family and his. Her dad and stepmom both smiled at him, then stared up at Sarah. They’d do the introductions later.

  Sarah took her seat next to the podium with the members of the Rockford Charity Organization.

  The head of the awards committee spoke first. “We’re here today to honor Sarah Anderson., CEO of Spencer Software and chairperson of the Spencer Foundation. It’s a pleasure to have her join us today, because as many o
f you know, she rarely grants interviews, and if you’ve ever hired her, you’re more likely to have a conference call than an in-person meeting. Not only is she the head of two growing and already highly successful software companies, she’s also someone who believes in helping others. She may not like to call attention to herself, but she absolutely caught the attention of our organization for her outstanding charitable work.

  “Sarah and the Spencer Foundation have helped many individuals and charities, including a school and retreat for the deaf and blind, shelters for homeless mothers and their children, food banks, other organizations that feed the hungry, and free STEM summer programs for underprivileged girls in underserved communities. Wherever Sarah travels, she is likely to discover where the greatest need for help is and fill it, most of the time anonymously. She takes advantage of business trips to identify charitable opportunities. In several communities hit hard by wildfires, she donated new fire engines to replace the ones lost. With two young sons, it is no wonder she’s known to support Little League baseball teams by providing them with new uniforms and shoes. During the holidays, she donates turkeys to charity organizations to pass out to families in need. Homeless shelters also receive new blankets and coats. When she drove past an underfunded school in a low-income neighborhood that didn’t have a play yard for the young children, she made sure they got one. When an employee told her about a nephew’s disappointment that his high school didn’t have enough instruments, she not only donated thirty new instruments, Sarah also sponsored the choir’s trip to New York City to attend three Broadway musicals.”

  Luke had no idea Sarah had done so much for others. She sat there listening to the list of what was probably a fraction of all her accolades with her cheeks pink with embarrassment. She clearly didn’t want or need the praise for all she’d done to help those less fortunate. She did it because she knew what it was to go hungry and want for what you needed most.

  Her father stared up at her, pride in his eyes for all her accomplishments.

  “Sarah is an outstanding example of what can be accomplished through hard work, determination, and dedication to helping others. Please help me celebrate Sarah Anderson.”

  Sarah stood, shook hands with the head of the Rockford Charity Organization, then faced the crowd and waited for the applause to die down and everyone to take their seats again.

  “Thank you to the Rockford Charity Organization for this amazing honor. Nothing pleases me more than giving to others and encouraging others to give. I especially love helping young people have access to the things they need to achieve their dreams.

  “I’d like to take this opportunity to thank a few of the many people who have helped me help others. First, I’d like to thank my amazing assistant, Abby Garner, for helping to organize the fundraiser for the Spencer Foundation, in which we raised over three million dollars at our benefit this year to help with the many charities and community needs mentioned here tonight. I’d also like to thank the Thompson family for their generous donation. The money they’ve provided will benefit countless people.” Sarah winked at Luke.

  Luke watched Jason raise a glass in salute to Sarah’s thanks. Luke leaned over to his brother. “How much did we generously donate?”

  “A hundred grand from the entire family, which turned out to be chump change because Abby told me Sarah donated the huge bonus she earned for completing the Griffin Worldwide Financial project. She donated the entire six hundred K to the Spencer Foundation.”

  “She gave up her bonus?”

  “According to Abby, all of her bonuses for finishing on time are donated to the foundation. It’s another way she raises money without calling attention to herself because the funds are donated by whichever company she earns the bonus from. She seems to think there are more important things in life than money. She cares about people. Especially you. Why she fell in love with your ugly mug, I don’t know.”

  Luke jabbed Jason with his elbow.

  Michelle tapped the back of her hand to Jason’s shoulder. “Pay attention. Sarah is speaking.”

  “I’d also like to thank everyone for coming tonight. As you know, there will be an auction toward the end of the evening. Please dig deep and give generously to the causes we are supporting tonight. They need your help. Let’s all do good for others.”

  Everyone rose to their feet and erupted in applause. Sarah’s shy smile made her all the more beautiful as she stood in the spotlight and gave the room a deep nod to show her appreciation. When her gaze landed on Luke, clapping for her, his heart full of pride and appreciation for the generous woman he loved, she touched her hand to her chest and that smile turned megawatt just for him.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  After the congratulations from the charity organizers, Sarah walked down the stage steps and went to the table as waiters began to serve dinner to all the guests.

  Luke met her a few feet from the table and wrapped one arm around her waist in a hug and handed her a glass of wine. “You were fantastic. Congratulations. How does it feel to finally stand in the limelight and celebrate everything you’ve achieved?”

  “Truthfully, a little exhausting.” She took a sip of the wine and smiled up at him. “But also really good.” She’d worked hard and given back. She’d risen above her circumstances and achieved great success. It was something to be proud of, but until now, she’d never really done so. Tonight, she felt it.

  And sharing it with Luke and her family made it even more special.

  Luke walked with her the few steps to the table.

  Tyler stood up and hugged her first. “Abby gave me the package from you. Thank you so much, Sarah.” Tyler looked just like their father, with the same lean, strong build and chiseled jaw and high cheekbones. Sarah liked his hair the best. It was dark and he kept it just a little too long. His mother was forever asking him to cut it, because it constantly fell across his brow. She imagined some young girl brushing it away for him. He’d graduate high school this year and make young ladies drop at his feet in college.

  “I can’t wait to go upstairs to our room and check it out. How do you think it turned out?”

  “Awesome. I loved all of your ideas.”

  “You really used them?”

  “I told you I would. In fact, I have something else for you.” She spotted Abby and waved her over. Abby handed her an envelope, which Sarah then gave to Tyler. “Thanks, Abby.”

  “Your speech was fantastic. I’ll check in with you later.” Abby walked off to join the Spencer Software group at their table.

  Tyler opened the envelope and stared at the check. “No way! Sarah, no way. You didn’t have to do this.”

  “You earned it. Most of that game was your idea. You deserve to be paid for your work.”

  Tyler leaned in close. “Dad’s not going to like this.”

  “Tell Lyon it’s my fault. You did the work, and I’m paying you.”

  “You’re awesome! Thank you.” Tyler wrapped her in a big hug.

  Sarah put her arm around Tyler and he did the same with her as they both faced Luke. “Tyler, I’d like to introduce Luke Thompson of the very prestigious Thompson Law Firm. He’s the lawyer slash rancher I told you about.”

  Luke smirked. “You forgot ‘future husband.’”

  She frowned at him. “You still haven’t asked me.”

  “I will,” he assured her with a grin before he looked at Tyler. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you, too.” Tyler glanced at her. “Are you guys really getting married?”

  “Not before I have a chance to find out what kind of man Luke Thompson truly is,” Lyon said from behind Luke.

  “Lyon.” Sarah released her brother and walked to her dad, whom she’d never called by that title, and stood beside him. “Luke, may I introduce Robert Lyons. Lyon, Luke.”

  Lyon gave Sarah a squeeze around her shoulders and held her to him. “She’s told me a lot about you.” Lyon had teased her about the way she gush
ed about Luke during their weekly calls. “It pleases me to see her happy.”

  They’d lost a lot of years because her mother never told him about her. She loved that his first instinct was to claim her as his. Of course it caused a stir with his family, who also had no idea. But his wife, Norah, welcomed her to the family, even if things started off strained because Sarah disrupted the family dynamic. It took her a while to fit in, though she still felt like the outsider simply because she and her father’s family didn’t have a shared history. As well, she’d held back, too afraid to really get to know them at first for fear that they’d send her away or treat her badly like so many had done to her in the past. But things only got better having her dad in her life.

  Luke smiled down at her. “I like making her happy.” Luke shook her dad’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you, sir.”

  “Sarah’s been through a lot in her life. She needs someone she can trust implicitly and count on to never waver in their support of her and her happiness.”

  Luke held Lyon’s gaze. “She has me for all of that and more.”

  Lyon nodded with an I’ll-be-watching-you look. “Your family made a generous donation to Sarah’s foundation.”

  Luke shrugged. “My entire family supports Sarah. But of course I’ll personally match it.”

  Sarah gasped in surprise. “Luke, you don’t have to do that. The money Thompson Law donated is plenty.”

  “I want you to know that I support what you do and want to be a part of it.”

  Lyon slapped his hand on Luke’s shoulder. “You’re a generous man. I especially appreciate that kind of integrity.”

  Luke took her hand. “Sarah makes everyone around her want to be a better person. She gives loyalty and trust without asking for anything in return. I want to be worthy of that kind of rare generosity and her open heart.”

  “Sarah told me trust and women haven’t really gone together in your life.”

  “I’ve had a few good and a lot of disappointing relationships. I couldn’t seem to find what I was looking for until I met Sarah and it all became clear that having a real partner and family was absolutely possible. With her.”


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