Young Women Reform: Novella 1

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Young Women Reform: Novella 1 Page 4

by Candace Mia

  She smiled. She seemed a little nervous, but much better than yesterday. She moved to the board and drew a line. “One times one is one.”

  “Very good. Now show me one times two.”

  She did. They did fine on all the ones. She had the concept down. She got through the twos easily, and then halfway through the threes. Then she stopped. She’d just erased the board, when she said, “I don’t think I can do anymore.”

  He was taken aback a little by this. “Why not?”

  She shrugged. “I think I just forgot.”

  “Oh. I see.”

  She was smiling at him. He knew what she wanted. He got up from the chair and walked up to her. He placed a hand on her side. “Go ahead,” he said. Do three times five.”

  With that, she turned to the board and started drawing the rows of lines.

  He held his hand on her waistline. It was lean, but he could still feel her movement there. It was like her big ass wiggled so much when she moved that it shook the rest of her body.

  She easily finished up the threes and the fours with his hand there. She stopped about halfway through the fives. “Now I’m stuck. I can’t do it.”

  He didn’t waste time. He just moved his hand down and rested it on the incline of her butt. His cock burned and hardened as soon as he made contact there. “You can do it,” he said.

  With that, she started drawing lines. Now it was like his hand was on a mountain of jiggling flesh, covered only by a couple of thin layers of fabric. His cock was throbbing, like it was demanding to be more involved in this endeavor.

  She made it through the five and sixes with ease. She moved into the sevens and got to seven times three.

  She spoke. Her voice had become higher in pitch and more breathy. “I can’t do it anymore.”

  “Yes you can.” He patted her butt. It wasn’t enough.

  “No, I can’t. I want to quit now.”

  He wasn’t disappointed at all. He moved behind her. “I’m sure you can do it.” He moved his hands down to the hem of her dress. He slowly lifted that fabric over the lump that was her huge ass.

  She had on cotton panties. But her ass seemed too big. It seemed to have just swallowed them.

  He couldn’t believe how incredible his life had become. He’d thought he would spend his whole life in the cell, and here he was, looking down at the butt of an eighteen-year-old girl, and there was so much butt there. The shape made him think of two couch pillows covered with skin. The skin of it look tender enough to sink his teeth into. He put his hand on a part of a lobe not covered with the fabric of her panties. He gripped, his hand sinking into that tender flesh. A pleased moan escaped him. Then he said, “I know you can do it.”

  She went back to work. The time, she didn’t get as far. He didn’t think it was because it was more difficult to do the problems, though. He thought it was because it harder to resist taking what they were doing further.

  “Okay,” he said and released his grip on her ass. He lifted up her dress again. He dropped down. This part made him more nervous. He could stop touching her fast. But it would be harder to put her clothes back on. Still, he wanted it very bad. She seemed to want it too. Ms. Pennington had not questioned what she’d seen yesterday. So she would probably think what he was about to do was okay too. He went ahead and pulled those panties down around her ankles. She lifted her socked feet and he went ahead and pulled her panties the rest the way off and tossed them aside.

  He butt was big in every aspect of being big. Her crack was long. The cheeks were thick and the flesh went out about as far as her hips did.

  He was surprised by what he wanted to do. And looking at that big soft ass, he wanted to do it more than anything in the world. He didn’t even know if he could resist. He wondered how she would react. Surely, she wouldn’t like it.

  Still, he had to do it. He put his face right in the center of that ass.

  He was amazed at how far his face sunk in. Like a thick pillow, it gave so easily only to catch his face deep in. He was so glad he’d done this. Nothing had ever felt so good. He wondered how she felt about it. He didn’t think he’d like to have someone’s face in his ass.

  He felt her move, but it wasn’t to move away. No, the ass he had his face buried in was wiggling in a certain way. He realized she was writing on the board again. He heard her make her way through the eights. Then she stopped. But he didn’t think she was trying to get him to do more. Because there was soon a different movement, more back and forth and more rapid. She was moaning. He realized she was fingering herself again.

  He was burning hard himself. He felt like he was on the edge. He reached down and put a hand on his cock. He was only touching it through his jeans. As it turned out, that was quite enough. That in combination with her orgasm causing her butt to jiggle more was enough. He came in his pants.

  He might have thought it would be awkward after that. It was. But is was also easier to teach her. They finished the tables and moved onto reading. With the sexual tension gone, she was an efficient learner. Maybe next time they’d move faster through that process.


  After his Resling’s lesson, Brody went to his room. He checked on his two stories. The one he was giving away was up to over 500 downloads, and the one he was charging for had a couple of sales on Smashwords. He was thrilled. He’d actually made a little money for the first time in over twenty years. He started editing more. He actually didn’t want to break for lunch, but knew he should. Then he skipped working out that day, and by the time he went to bed had a third story out. He’d wake up early the next day to a surprise. The free book had been reviewed four times on Smashwords. All were good. Between the two other books he’d sold ten copies. All three books were now available on Kindle but had yet to sell there.

  He thought it was probably a good time to start typing in a novel. He got started on that before breakfast.

  At breakfast, Ms. Pennington had something to say to him.

  “I noticed you did not workout yesterday.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “And I understand it is good for a man to give his body a rest.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “That is fine. I just hope you will not become so caught up in your intellectual endeavors that you neglect your body.”

  He looked at her. Her expression was stern. It was very important to her that he take care of his body. Was it part of the job description?

  “Of course not, Ma’am.”

  “Good. And if you do a good job with Penny today, you shall have plenty of time this afternoon to work on your fiction, and your body.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  After breakfast, he went to the library. He located a good book for Penny to read. It contained a series of stories each less than five-hundred words. They were designed for children.

  Penny showed up a little while later with a stubborn grin on her face.

  “Come in,” he said. “Sit down.”

  That much, she did. She even went to the chair he pointed to.

  “Your reading has gotten much better,” he said. “Today, I want to work on your comprehension. That means I want to work on how well you’re understanding what you read.”

  She didn’t say anything. She just stared at him with the stubborn grin, her arms crossed in front of her.

  “Now. Pick up the book in front of you. I want you to open it to the first story and start to read.”

  He was surprised when she did that.

  But she did it. She opened the book to the first story and stared at it for a few seconds. She then said, “There was a girl. Her name was Penny. Her teacher was an asshole. So Penny wouldn’t read the story he told her to read. She didn’t even care if he spanked her. It probably wouldn’t hurt anyway.”

  It was very clear to him that he was being dared. He’d play along. “Oh really. Penny doesn’t care if she gets spanked, and it probably wouldn’t hurt.”

  She looked at him with big ey
es and a feigned innocence. “That’s what it says.”

  He chuckled. He then pulled her up from the chair. He brought her across his lap. He pulled the dress up. Her panties were up her butt. They were up her butt in such a way that she’d clearly wanted them that way. She’d planned this. He smacked the bare skin hard a couple of times.

  She didn’t make a sound. He lifted her off his lap.

  She was grimacing. He could tell she was trying hard not to show that it had hurt. He got up and sat her back down.

  “Now. Are you ready to read?”

  “No. And I’m tired of looking at that.”

  “At what?”

  “At that,” she said and pointed right at the bulge in his pants. “It gets big like that every time you spank me. It’s gross. I don’t want to look at it anymore.”

  Was she daring him again? He thought she might just be.

  “You know what? You better read that story, or I’m going to make you touch it.”

  “Yuck. No way.”

  “Then read.”

  She looked away from him and his cock. She opened the book. She began to read. And this time she read the story. He noticed she was reading much better. He supposed the prior lesson had had time to settle in her brain. That kind of hibernation often happened in students.

  When she was finished, he said, “Great job. Now, tell me what the story was about.”

  She shrugged. “It was about some dumb girl.”

  “Okay. But what did the story mean. What lesson is the story teaching?”

  She shrugged again. “That you’re an asshole.”

  “Hmm. I don’t think that’s it. But you’re new at this. This time, I want you to read the story and think about what lesson it’s trying to teach.”

  “No way. I already read the stupid story. I don’t want to read it again.”

  “Do it anyway. It won’t take long.”

  “I don’t care. You can’t make me read it again, asshole.”

  He stood right at the side of the chair. “Touch it.”

  She turned her head to it. “No.”

  “Do it. You were warned.”

  “That’s disgusting. I don’t want to touch it.”

  “Then read.”

  “I won’t do that either.”

  He reached down and grabbed her by her little wrist. He put her little hand on his hard cock.

  She gasped. Her eyes got big. “Ewww,” she said. “It’s so hard.”

  He let her wrist go and she pulled it away.

  “That’s right,” he said. “It’s hard. You make it that way when I have to spank you or make you touch it. Now read or there will be more to come.”

  She hesitated, then turned back to the book. Then she read. She didn’t sound out a single word either. Reading was becoming second nature to her.

  “Good job,” he said. “Now, can you tell me what the lesson is?”

  “Yes. I can tell you.”

  “Okay. What is it?”

  She grinned. “I’m not going to tell you.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t want to.” She looked right at his cock.

  “Oh. You want to touch it again.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t care. I’m still not going to say what the lesson was.”

  “I see. So I guess I have to step things up a bit.”

  He undid his pants.

  “What are you doing?” She asked. She didn’t sound panicked. She sounded like she was trying to sound panicked but the intrigue accidently came through.

  He reached into his underwear. He pulled his cock and balls up and over the rim so they were both now on display.

  Her eyes were so big. She seemed to study them for a while. It was like she’d never seen these things before. Like a curious kitten, she leaned toward it a little. Then she finally seemed to remember the game she was playing.

  She recoiled. “Ewww. Fine. I’ll tell you what the lesson was. Just put it away.” She said this as she glanced at it again.

  He did put it away. “Okay,” he said. “What was the lesson?”

  She sighed. “The dumb little girl learned that she should put up her toys when she was done with them, because if she didn’t her room would get so full of toys that she wouldn’t even have room to play.”

  “Very good!” he said. “I knew you could do it.”

  “Whoopy. Now can we quit.”

  “No. I want you to read the next story. But this time I’m only going to let you read it once, so be thinking about what the lesson is.”

  She growled. But she opened the book to the next story and read. She whipped right through it.

  “Good,” he said. “Now tell me what the lesson was.”

  “The lesson was, that if I don’t want to have to see that gross man thing, I should read. Now I read and I want to go play.”

  “No. You can’t go play. But you can tell me what the lesson of the story was.”

  “I don’t want to. I’m tired of you telling me what to do. I don’t care if you show me that thing again. I still won’t tell you what the stupid lesson was.” She was looking right at his cock, like her words could make it just explode through the fabric.

  “Tell me the lesson, or I’ll make you do something to it.”

  “You can’t make me do anything to it. And you can’t make me tell you something I don’t want to tell you.” Again, she was staring right at his cock.

  His cock seemed to know it was being stared at by this pretty girl. It felt harder and it burned. It was defiantly ready to be out of its confines.

  He brought it out. It was so hard it was pointing toward his head.

  She was staring at it with a slight smile. He didn’t think she was conscious of the smile.

  “Kiss it.”

  She hesitated. Then she seemed to gather herself a bit. “Ewww. No way.”

  “You’ll sit in that chair until you do. We’ll skip lunch if we have to.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “Kiss it or I’ll cram your head right into it.”

  She sighed. It was a very fake, forced sound. Then, like a kitten again, she leaned into it. He could feel the hot breath from her nose on his cock. She seemed to consider it for a few seconds. He thought she was smelling it. Then she planted a soft, sweet little kiss on it.

  She stayed there for another couple of seconds, as if considering what she’d just done. Then she pulled her head away.

  “That was so gross,” she said. “You’re sick.” She was staring at his cock while he put it away.

  “What was the lesson?” he asked.

  Again, she sighed. “Disobeying your parents can be fun, but you’ll get caught in the end.”

  “Very good. Now read the next one and tell me the lesson. If you can do that, we can move on.”

  She growled. “No. I’ve read two stories. That’s the most I’ve ever read I my life. I’m tired of reading and want to quit.”

  Then just read one more story and tell me what it means. Then you don’t have to read anymore. We’ll do math.”

  “No. I want to quit now. I don’t want to read and I don’t want to do math. I’m just going to sit here until Ms. Pennington makes us leave.”

  “Do I have to bring it out again?”

  “I don’t care. It’s ugly and stinky, but I’m no afraid of it.”

  “Are you afraid of putting it in your mouth?”

  “No. There’s no way I’d do that.”

  Again, he pulled it out.

  Again, her eyes locked in on it.

  “Go ahead,” he said. “Put it in your mouth.”


  He sighed. He then grabbed her by the hair on top of her head and pulled.

  “Okay,” she said. “Stop. I’ll do it.”

  He let go.

  She brought her head the rest of the way to his cock. She studied it for a few seconds. Again, she seemed to be taking in its scent. She moved her head like she was trying to figur
e out the logistics. She finally reached up and grabbed it with her hand. She straightened it out. She stared at it like she was looking straight into the eyes of a snake. She looked up at him and gave him a scowl. It looked very fake in its sentiment. Then she looked at the head of his cock again, opened her mouth and slowly brought it in.

  His cock seemed to barely fit in her mouth. He was glad she’d figured out how to block her teeth with her lips. The main thing he felt at first was the heat of her mouth. Then he felt to end of his cock dragging over the tenderness of her tongue. She held it in her mouth for a few seconds. She then gave one gentle suck.

  This felt so good that he couldn’t stop his cock from throbbing. He was pretty sure he’d just shot a little pre-cum in her mouth.

  She brought her head back. She smacked her lips as she leaned back in her chair. She put a finger to her mouth. She was moving her lips as if she was really considering the taste.

  He put his cock away. “Are you ready to read now?”

  Smiling, her finger in her mouth, she nodded her head. She then started to read. She quickly got through the story and then said, “The lesson is that you should not judge someone by what they look like.”

  “Very good. Now we can move onto math.”

  She smiled, but it wasn’t impish this time. It was more like she had something embarrassing to say.

  “I can do another,” she said.

  “Really. You want to do another one?”

  “No. I don’t want to. But I will. But you have to let me do something first.”

  “What’s that?”

  She didn’t say, but he knew the answer from where she was staring.

  “Okay,” he said. “You liked the taste of it don’t you?”

  He could actually see the blush in the face of this dark girl. “Yes, and it feels really cool in my mouth.”

  He nodded. “So if I let you suck on it for a while, you’ll be a good student.”

  She smiled, obviously very embarrassed and then said, “Yes, but only if you can give me a lot more of what came out.”

  He nodded. “You’ve got a deal.”

  She stayed in the chair. He took out his cock and brought it to her. He was amazed at how her eyes lit up like a little girl getting candy. She took his cock in her hands and bent it down. She smiled at him like she was truly grateful. Then she took his cock in her mouth. She was looking forward, but he could see her eyes and her expression. She didn’t look like she was trying to be sexy. She looked more like a hungry infant sucking gleefully at her mother’s tit.


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