One Lick [A Tigers of Twisted, Texas Novella] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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One Lick [A Tigers of Twisted, Texas Novella] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Jane Jamison

  “Sure. Like we said. In Vegas, on television, the usual places.”

  Her heart sank. If they knew anything, they weren’t saying. “But not around here.”

  Garron took the last shirt out of the basket and hung it up. “We’ve got wolves, coyotes, bears, and a bunch of other animals. But tigers?” He scoffed. “Not a chance.”

  Eric grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the line. “Come on, baby. We’re wasting sunlight.”

  She couldn’t resist them and didn’t want to try. Instead, she let him pull her toward a black Jeep sitting at the curb. Eric motioned for her to get inside then slid behind the wheel while Garron came around to the other side.

  Eric’s eyes sparkled with mischief as he started the motor and pulled it onto the road. In under a minute, they were flying down the road with the wind blowing her curls. She laughed, feeling happier than she had in a very long time.

  “Okay, since you guys know about me, it’s only right for you to tell me about you. You first, Garron.”

  His hard body bounced as the Jeep hit a pothole, pressing him closer to her. She rested her hand on his leg and felt the solidness of him. One glance at his crotch sent heat between her legs.

  Don’t lose control.

  “There’s nothing much to tell. Eric and I were both born in Twisted. His folks were friends with my folks. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know him.” Garron gave her a wink. “Go ahead. Feel sorry for me.”

  Eric made a hard right turn, throwing her body away from Garron’s and against his. She laughed, thinking it had to have been on purpose. “So your dads were friends, too?”

  “All three of them,” answered Eric.

  “Wait. Three of them? How’s that work?”

  “You’ve seen how it is around here.” Garron slid his arm around her shoulders and tugged her back his way. “My mom was with two men. Eric’s mom stuck with one, making them the weird ones.”

  She’d noticed all right, starting with her aunt and uncles then the people at Roar. “So it’s a Twisted thing? Multiple unions? Is that why my aunt calls Uncle Bob and Uncle Gunther her mates?”

  The men exchanged a telling look. Had she said the wrong thing?

  “We’re here,” announced Eric.

  She’d been so focused on them that she hadn’t noticed Eric taking a narrow dirt road that led down to a tree lined pond. Part of her wished the ride had continued on longer so she could’ve asked more questions. Her disappointment must’ve shown, but Eric guessed the wrong reason.

  “Hey, I know it’s not much. It’s more of a pond than a lake. Still, the water’s great.” Eric hopped out of the Jeep and left the door open for her. “Get a move-on, baby.” He started running toward the water.

  She watched, unsure what they were doing as Garron raced after his friend. Their intentions, however, became clear as they started stripping and tossing their clothes into the air.

  “Oh, shit.”

  By the time they’d reached the water’s edge, they were naked. They turned around, giving her a good full frontal view.

  “Are you coming or what?” Garron let out a whoop and hurried over to a large tree. Climbing it as swiftly as any ape would have, he worked his way along the thick limb hanging out over the water. Waving once, he jumped. He sailed through the air, did a flip, and landed with a big splash.

  “What are you waiting for, baby?”

  What was she waiting for? Every ounce of her screamed for her to join them. But she’d made a promise to keep her head on straight.

  “You can fight it, but it won’t do you any good.”

  “Fight what, Eric?” She told herself to stay near the Jeep and yet her feet started moving as though her heart had already told them what to do.

  Eric’s smile was so sexy her heart skipped a beat. “You can’t fight the connection between us. That little thing called love.” Turning, he ran into the water, meeting his friend as Garron swam toward land.


  Holy hell.

  As though the simple word were the key to her mind and body, she hurried faster, taking no time in pulling off her clothes. Eric and Garron waited for her, each of them standing in waist high water. Their lust-filled expressions made love to her as she walked, naked and unashamed, into the water.

  “Come here, sugar.”

  They waited for her to wade over to them. Jane told herself it was only the breeze making her tremble, but she knew better. The water sloshed back and forth as she stopped less than a foot in front of them.

  They stayed unmoving, silent, thrilling her without even laying a finger on her. She soaked in the moment, knowing she’d remember the blissful moment for the rest of her life.

  Garron brushed her wet hair aside. “We want you, Jane, and we intend to have you.”

  Was it a warning? She doubted it. However he’d meant it, she took it as a promise. Since running out of Roar the night before, she’d ached for them, cursing herself for letting it go as far as it had while hating herself for wishing she hadn’t stopped them.

  Garron pressed his lips to the curve of her neck. Her skin tingled with the slight touch and sent the electric simmer through her body. He pushed the hair on the other side of her neck away, too, and added a kiss there. She inhaled and reached for Eric.

  As though her touch had filled them with life, they ran their hands over her body. A palm roamed down her arm, another caressed the swell of her breast, stopping a moment to skim a thumb over her nipple. Eric slid to her side, bringing his hand along the curve of the butt. He flicked his tongue over her skin, mixing his warmth with the heat from the sun.

  Jane laid her head back, her hands finding purchase on each of their shoulders. They each cupped a breast, their thumbs playing a duet on her nipples. The sizzle between them leapt into an inferno, one she never wanted to burn out.

  Her hand slid to Garron’s chest. She felt the race of his heart, a race against her own. Their scent was magnified by the water, tantalizing her nostrils with each breath she took. The air around them grew steamy with their passion.

  Garron took her arm, and giving Eric a growl that sounded more animal-like than human, he pulled her away from his friend. She gave Eric a soft smile, telling him he wouldn’t be forgotten. Amber blazed in his eyes and yet, although she still didn’t understand the why of it, she acknowledged it then dismissed it.

  Water droplets dotted their skin and hers. Garron dipped his head low and caught a nipple between his teeth. She whimpered, needing more and knowing more was to come.

  She wanted to demand they take her, skipping all the pleasure that would come before, but she couldn’t. Anticipation, after all, added to the experience.

  “It only takes one lick, you know,” murmured Eric against her ear.

  “One lick for what?” She found her own answer. One lick for me to give them anything they want.

  “To make you say yes to us,” answered Garron.

  “Yes to what?” Hadn’t she already given them permission by joining them in the water?

  “Yes to being ours.” Eric chuckled, his warm breath sliding over her skin.

  Glancing back at him, she smiled again as he slowly sank below the surface. As she guessed, he took hold of her legs. Still, it was a surprise when he pressed his face against her ass.

  Jane skimmed her palms along Garron’s broad shoulders. “How long can he stay under water?”

  “A long time.” He touched her palm and lightly kissed her. “But not as long as I can.” With a wicked grin, he lowered his body until all she could see was the top of his head beneath the surface.

  They were everything she’d ever wanted. Masculine, strong, sexy. At times funny and irreverent. They were smart, too, with sharp wits that would keep her entertained well past the time when their bodies would move slower.

  She blinked then looked back to the shore. What was she thinking? Just because Eric had said the word love, she was ready to fantasize about a life together? After
all, he hadn’t said he loved her. And Garron hadn’t said anything about love at all.

  At least, not yet.

  Jane barely knew them, but she felt closer to them than anyone else in her life. She felt connected to them in a way she couldn’t describe. Her body told her as much and her mind agreed.

  “Oh!” She looked down to see Garron’s hair drifting on the current below the water. His face was pressed against her pussy, his tongue already exploring between her folds. A tug on her clit had her gasping for air and trembling under the rush of an orgasm.

  But having Garron at her clit was only half of her ecstasy. Eric’s fingers prompted her asshole to give way. Then a softer touch came when he slid his tongue between her cheeks and traced the puckers around her dark entrance. Her body responded, quivering with each stroke of their tongues.

  She couldn’t have been more swept away if she’d been caught in a tidal wave. Moaning, she held on to Garron’s head and prayed she wouldn’t drown him. But let him leave her pussy? How could she allow that?

  They ate at her, their tongues whipping into her recesses then giving way for their mouths. She held on, wishing she could hear the sounds they would’ve made on dry land.

  “Ohhh.” She spread her legs and gave them more room to treat her. They answered her, renewing their holds on her and pushing against her body even more. She would’ve kept them under water longer, but at some point they had to come up for air.

  Eric broke the surface and shook his head. Droplets of water cascaded around her. He took her by the chin and turned her to look at him.

  “You’re ours, Jane Smith.” The taste of her still lingered on his kiss.

  Garron came up for air, flicking his tongue over her nipple as he did. He winked, took in a large breath, and went under again.

  “Damn it. He’s not going to outdo me.” Eric gave her another quick kiss before sliding under the surface.

  They nibbled at her body, once again whipping their tongues over and around. Garron bit and sucked on her clit, raising her level of passion again. He caught her nipples between his fingers. She clamped her hands over his, daring him to torture them more.

  They came out of the water again, sucking in air hard. Her need for them grew stronger, too strong to be denied again. Gripping Garron’s shoulders, she jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “Fuck me, damn it. A girl can only take so much lickin’.”

  “With pleasure, sugar.” Amber brightened his eyes as his cock pushed against her entrance.

  She let out a small cry as he thrust his huge cock inside her. He filled her, threatening to be too large for her, but she held on and pushed against him as hard as she could.

  “Don’t forget about me.” Eric spread her butt cheeks apart then stopped. “This might hurt without lube.”

  “I don’t care.” She clung to Garron, her urgency to have both of them inside her overshadowing any thought of pain.

  “Let’s hope the water is enough because I can’t wait a second longer.” Eric reached one hand around and fondled her breast. “Tell me if it’s too much.”

  She didn’t have a chance to tell him anything. Although he eased his cock inside her anus, she was immediately caught up in the feeling of having both of them inside her. Gritting her teeth, she waited until the initial stab of pain subsided, then let out a long, moaning sigh.

  “I should stop.” Worry filled Eric’s tone.

  “No. It’s good.” She couldn’t have said anything more.

  They were her men. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, she knew in her heart she’d never find anyone to match them. In the short time she’d been in town, they’d ruined her for any other men.

  They moved together, the water washing back and forth over their bodies. No one spoke. No one needed to. Their bodies were as one. She only hoped their hearts were the same.

  Fighting back the rush of her release was impossible. Her orgasm tore through her, splitting her in half while connecting her even more to them. She cried out, reaching behind to take Eric’s neck as she clutched a handful of Garron’s hair. Her body shuddered out its release. She welcomed theirs as both men groaned and gave into their orgasms.

  Under the hot sun, they clung to each other as their climaxes thundered their way to the end. Jane clung to each of them, dreading the moment when she’d have to turn them loose.

  “That was amazing.”

  She smiled, thankful Garron had said what she’d been thinking. “Yeah.”

  “Well, look at this. I didn’t think cats liked getting wet.”

  Jane gasped, turned, and clutched Eric’s shoulders. He and Garron kept her between them, shielding her from view. A group of young men stood at the water’s edge. Their leers grew bigger.

  “Fuck,” muttered Eric. He turned around, keeping her between them but with his back to her now. “Go away, mutts. This isn’t your territory.”

  “Aw, don’t be that way.” The tallest one edged closer and narrowed his eyes. “Oh, I get it. She’s not one of you, is she? Not yet anyway.”

  “Boy, you’d better listen up and get while the getting’s good.” Garron lowered his voice, but it was loud enough the men on land couldn’t mistake his anger. “If you want to walk away on your own, then you’d better get moving. Trust me. You don’t want to tangle with us.”

  A smaller man with red hair sidled up to the tall one. “I think we should go, Ron. You know we’re no match for them. Not even with five of us.”

  “He’s right, Ronnie,” added Eric with a baiting tone. “So get along, little doggy, before you make us angry.”

  “Fuck you.” Ron waved at his friends to come closer. They did, but it was obvious they were reluctant to do so. “Come on out of there, bitch. We’ll show you what real men look like.”

  “Men?” Garron laughed a hard bark of a sound. “Talk about bullshit. You boys need to run on back home. Your mammas are calling you.”

  Jane gripped Eric’s shoulders so hard his skin turned white. She whispered, “There are five of them. You’re outnumbered. And just so you know, if you’re thinking I’m going to be of any help, you’re totally wrong. I couldn’t fight a flea off a dog.”

  “Talk about fleas and dogs,” muttered Garron.

  But Eric wasn’t backing down. He pulled her grip off him and turned around. “Listen to me, baby. We’re going to get your clothes and throw them to you. Put them on while you’re still in the water. Then once I say so, you move as fast as you can to the Jeep. The keys are still in the ignition. You drive back to town as fast as you can.”

  “And leave you two behind? No way.”

  Garron took her by the jaw, forcing her to look directly at him. “You can and you will. Do you understand?”

  The magical sensation heightened in strength, telling her to obey them. Telling her they would keep her safe. She had no choice but to do what they said. “Okay. But, please, be careful.”

  “Don’t worry, baby.” Eric pressed his lips to hers for one sweet moment. “We’re not going to lose this fight.” He gave her his irresistible grin. “Even if we do, we still have eight more lives.”

  She was about to ask him what he meant when he pushed away from her. Together, Eric and Garron strode toward the shoreline.

  “Back off, boys.”

  Did Garron just growl? Strangely, he and Eric seemed to grow bigger. Or were her eyes playing tricks on her? She rubbed them, but her blurry vision didn’t clear.

  Eric snatched up his shirt and her jeans. Her other clothes were behind the line of men. Turning around, he bunched them together and hurled them toward her. They landed not far from where she was. She grabbed them before they could sink and put her back to the others.

  “Why can’t you guys share with us? Of course, we’ll have to have her first. We wouldn’t want any sloppy seconds. Especially not your sloppy seconds. Oh, wait. Did you already fuck her? Damn. You’ve ruined her for us, man.” Ron chuckled wickedly. “Still, even if her pussy�
��s rotten now, I’ll bet she can still suck a cock good.”

  She glanced over her shoulder as she held Eric’s shirt between her teeth and yanked on her jeans. Ron held up her panties and twirled them around his finger.


  She tugged the shirt on, not caring that she’d done the buttons wrong. When she turned around to face them, she stopped and stared.

  What’s with the amber eyes around here?

  Every one of the five men had amber lighting their eyes. Eric and Garron had their backs to her, but she knew they, too, had amber in their eyes.

  “Jane, get moving. Now.” Eric got within a foot of Ron. “You’re going to let her pass or we’ll tear your eyes out. You got that, boy?”

  She did her best to go as fast as she could toward the shore. Once she had her feet on dry land again, she paused, waited for the intruders to make a move toward her and, when they didn’t, she ran past them. Minutes later, she slid behind the wheel of the Jeep and turned the ignition. The engine roared to life.

  Taking one last glance, she saw what had to be an illusion. Or a figment of her imagination. Or her eyes going very, very wrong.

  Eric and Garron drew back their lips, exposing long, vicious teeth.

  “Holy hell.” She took one last look before turning the Jeep around and racing down the road.

  Chapter Four

  “Aunt Ruth. Thank God you’re home.” Relief swamped Jane when she found her aunt sitting on the couch watching her favorite television show while reading her tablet. She slumped onto the couch and tried to catch her breath. The drive back from the pond had taken a lot out of her.

  “What’s wrong, Janie?” Aunt Ruth set her tablet down and leaned closer, worry etched in her brow.

  “It’s Eric and Garron.”

  At once, her aunt grew guarded, casting her gaze away for the slightest of moments. “What about them?”

  “We were at the pond and we were…” Jane paused, unwilling to tell her every detail. “Anyway, these five guys came up to us and they were acting really strange. Like they were going to attack us.” She swallowed hard, reality hitting her. “And rape me.”


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