Searching for a New Home

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Searching for a New Home Page 9

by Karen Ward

  Willard fires several shots at the passenger door shattering the glass. He reaches his hand inside to unlock it. "I've got you now bitch. Tell me where the money is!" he screams.


  Jacob and Jason have come about five miles. The sleigh being pulled by two of their horses smoothly and silently glides across the top of the snow. Surely they will find her soon. Then they hear the gun shots. Oh God! Jacob's heart is pounding with fear. Please God, keep her safe!

  "There!" whispers Jason.

  Jacob's heart is pounding. The car is nearly buried under a snow drift and another car is pulled up right behind it. Willard! Jason pulls the sleigh to a stop a good distance away from the cars. They advance on foot, both carrying their hunting rifles at the ready. Jacob goes to one side of the car and Jason the other. The snow is falling so heavily they can barely make out the outlines of the vehicles.

  As Jacob makes his way to the passenger side of Jana's car he sees a form leaning in the passenger side door. Jacob drops to his stomach in the snow and yells, "You're surrounded, hands up!"

  Willard turns and fires in the direction of the voice. Then he bolts back toward his car. Jacob and Jason both fire and drop him in his tracks.

  Advancing slowly, Jacob and Jason turn him over, to find him dead. Jason checks for a pulse but doesn't find one. They check him for weapons removing his .45 from his hand and a smaller .38 from inside his coat.

  "Jana, are you all right?" Jacob yells. No answer. Oh God, please let her be all right!

  I hear Jacob call to me but I am so scared I can't force any sound through my lips. I am shaking like a leaf and my heart is pounding with fear.

  When Jacob approaches the passenger side door, he can see the driver's seat is empty.

  "Oh God, please let her be all right," prays Jacob. Where is she? Has he already killed her and dumped her body somewhere else?

  I heard the gunshots but I don't know what they mean. I am still shaking. I pray that Jacob is all right. Where is Sam Willard? I raise my head so that I can see over the backseat of the car.

  Jacob yells, "Jana, where are you?" Oh God, three bullet holes are in the back of the driver's seat. His heart is pounding with fear. He doesn't see any blood. Please God let her be safe!

  A smile slides across my face when I see Jacob's head sticking in the car through the passenger door. I manage a whisper, my voice trembling, "Here, Jacob."

  A look of sheer joy and relief spreads across Jacob's face when he sees Jana's head sticking up above the back seat from the rear luggage compartment of the SUV. He grabs the keys out of the ignition and pushes the button to open the rear hatch. Hurrying to the back of the car he sees Jana trying to untangle herself from the blankets. He picks her up, blankets and all and encloses her in a warm embrace. He presses his cold lips to Jana's warm ones and pushes his tongue past the barrier of her teeth seeking her sweet warmth. A wave of relief slides through me. I am safe.

  He helps me to untangle the blankets from around my body. I look at the car and see all of the bullet holes. Looking at the driver's seat, I realize had I not moved to the back of the car, I would be dead now. Three bullets are lodged in the back of the driver's seat. A cold chill runs down my spine.

  "Where is Willard?" My heart is pounding with relief.

  "Dead," says Jacob. "It looks like we made it just in time."

  "I was so scared, thank you so much!"

  Jacob says, "My God, Jana, I thought I was going to die when I saw those bullet holes in the driver's seat. I was so afraid he had already killed you and dumped you in the woods."

  I nod, "If I hadn't moved to the back of the car, I would have died."

  Jacob replies, "Thank God you thought to move."

  We had to deal with the sheriff before we could start back to the ranch. Once we gave our statements, he told us we could leave. He will see to the body and the cars.

  When we finally arrive back at the ranch Jacob carries me inside and places me in the chair nearest the crackling fire. Jenny shoves a warm mug of coffee in my hands and Dani crawls up into my lap. I am happy. I am safe. I am home.


  After a light dinner of beef stew and cornbread, Jacob puts Dani to bed reminding her that Santa won't come until she is sound asleep. Jason, Jenny, and Jana retire to the great room and the warmth of the fire. Baby Neal is safely tucked away in his downstairs crib sleeping. When Dani is sleeping Jacob goes back downstairs and sits down on the sofa next to Jana. Twining his fingers with mine, he looks deeply into my eyes and smiles.

  They chat comfortably with Jason and Jenny for a while; then Jacob turns to me gazing warmly into my deep blue eyes,

  "I love you Jana, will you marry me and be a mother to Dani?" he asks.

  Heart pounding, I look deeply into his warm brown eyes and ask, "Are you sure Jacob?"

  "I'm sure. Today, when you didn't come home, I thought I was going to go crazy. I was so afraid something bad had happened. I was terrified when we found the car buried under so much snow and Sam Willard was about to get inside. Even after we got rid of Willard I couldn't see you when I looked into the car. I thought we were too late. When I saw the bullet holes in that driver's seat, my heart stopped. Then, when you called to me and smiled from the rear end of that car, I thought my heart was going to explode with happiness. Please marry me."

  "Yes!" I answer and lean in for his kiss.

  Jason and Jenny grin at each other. Jason says, "All I can say is it's about time."

  When Jacob and I go upstairs, and Jacob stops at my door, disappointment flows through me. I look into his chocolate brown eyes, "Jacob?"

  Stepping inside the room he pulls me into his arms and kisses me deeply. He shrugs his shoulders and tries to explain, "Dani will be up before daylight tomorrow and I ..."

  I smile, "I understand."

  "Don't worry. Jana, I plan to make it up to you as soon as we can get married. Is New Year's Eve too soon?"

  Smiling I answer, "Tomorrow wouldn't be soon enough."


  Jacob is awakened shortly after dawn the next morning by Dani bouncing on his bed. "Wake up Daddy! I can't wait to see what Santa brought me!"

  "Okay, okay, go wake up Jana and knock on Jason and Jenny's door while I put on some clothes." Jacob says grumpily. He had tossed and turned for hours, his arms aching to hold Jana.

  Dani gathers all of the adults in the hall and they all follow her down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs Jason tells Dani to wait while he turns on the lights. Once everything is ready he tells Dani to come into the room. When she walks in the first thing that she sees is a brand new saddle for Sheba. A new softball glove and a new soccer ball are set on the floor in front of the tree and the most beautiful doll, almost as tall as Dani is smiling at her from in front of the tree. She is glowing with surprise and happiness.

  After Dani has had a chance to look at all of her presents from Santa, Jason begins to hand out the presents from under the tree. Each person opens their presents in turn so that everyone can observe the tearing of the wrapping paper and see the pleasure in the recipients face. Once all the presents are opened and the wrapping paper placed into trash bags, Jacob notices that Dani seems subdued and asks "What's wrong Pumpkin? Don't you like all of your Christmas presents?"

  "Y...Y..Yes" stammers Dani, her bottom lip quivering. "It's just that I asked Santa for something special and I didn't get it."

  "I'm sorry Pumpkin. Sometimes Santa can't give us everything we want," answers Jacob.

  "I know, but I really, really wanted it," says Dani. "He must not have gotten my letter."

  Jenny asks, "Dani, what is that little bag with the red bow hanging off the tree? I don't remember seeing that before."

  Dani looks over at the tree and spots a little green bag with a red bow hanging on one of the lower branches. She walks over to the tree and picks up the bag. The card attached says, TO JACOB FROM SANTA. Dani hands the bag to Jacob and says excitedly, "Look Daddy
, It's for you!"

  Jacob says, "Really? Bring it over here and let's see what it is." Jacob opens the little bag and he and Dani peek down inside and then says. "Hmmm...I think this may be for Jana." He dumps the contents of the bag into his hand. He glances over at Dani whose eyes are as big as saucers; then he turns to me holding out the contents of the bag, "Jana, will you take this ring as a symbol of my love and agree to by my wife and Dani's mother?"

  With tears in my eyes as I look at the beautiful solitaire diamond, I answer, "Yes!"

  Dani squeals and throws herself into my lap. Santa gave her the present she wanted most!


  Jacob Murray and Jana Bowen are married on New Year's Eve in the great room of the Rocking J Ranch with a small group of family and friends in attendance. It is the happiest day of Dani's young life ... Jacob's too.

  Standing in front of the big stone fireplace, Jacob anxiously awaits his bride. He doesn't remember ever being this nervous. His heart is pounding with excitement and his palms are sweaty. Standing beside him, his twin brother, Jason is grinning from ear to ear. He remembers how nervous he was before his wedding a few years ago. It was without a doubt the best day of his life. He feels so blessed to be married to Jenny and thanks God every day for bringing her into his life.

  When the music starts, Jacob looks toward the staircase and sees Jenny slowly making her way down, followed by his precious daughter in a beautiful red dress. She is beaming with happiness and scattering rose petals for Jana to walk on.

  Then he sees her and his heart skips a beat. Jana, wearing a beautiful full length antique lace gown is slowly making her way down the stairs on the arm of Bob Kenner. She is so beautiful with her long blonde hair falling in waves around her shoulders. She has a coronet of red roses in her hair and she is carrying a small bouquet of red roses. He can see her shaking as she clings to Bob's arm. His heart is pounding with anticipation.

  I am so scared. What if I fall down these stairs and embarrass myself in front of all of Jacob's friends. I cling tightly to Bob's arm. As soon as I reach the bottom step I breathe a sigh of relief. I look toward the fireplace and see him. Jacob is standing beside Jason, both of them dressed in dark western cut suits with red shirts, black string ties and black Stetsons. He is so gorgeous, my perfect man. My heart is pounding with anticipation. When he smiles at me, I can feel his love pouring over me like warm caramel over ice cream and a slow smile slides across my face.

  After the ceremony, the guests are treated to wedding cake and fruit punch. When the time comes for us to head to the airport for our brief honeymoon to the Caribbean, I turn at the door and toss my bouquet into the crowd. Everyone laughs when it is caught by none other than Barry Farrady. He blushes from head to toe and salutes Jacob with a low sweeping bow. Secretly he prays that he is the next one to find a life mate. He longs to find the woman of his dreams.


  Ten months later

  Nine year old Dani looks up into the tired face of her Mommie and smiles. Dani is sitting in the big rocking chair in the hospital room holding her brand new twin baby brothers, Zachary and Mason. They are so tiny she is scared to death she is going to hurt one of them. They aren't even one day old yet. Being a big sister is going to be a huge responsibility but she knows she is old enough to help Jana. A big sister ... wow ... that is way cooler than being cousin!!

  Jacob looks down into the tired eyes of his beautiful wife and then his gaze moves to his family. His heart swells with love. Eighteen months ago he would have never believed he could be so happy, so fulfilled. Dani is truly recovered from all the tragedy of her young life and now he has two beautiful sons, all thanks to the woman who is love of his life. Who would have thought that his life could be changed so drastically by one cell phone call on what he thought at the time was the worst day of his life. He is so blessed.

  I smile as I look at my precious daughter and two beautiful sons. My heart is overflowing with love. I reach over and take Jacob's hand in mine. He glances down at me with love glowing in his eyes and squeezes my hand. My greatest desires have been achieved ... a new life ... in a new town ...with my perfect man and my perfect family.


  About the Author

  Karen Ward is the pen name used by Glenda Hays.

  Glenda grew up in Texas but traveled the United States as a healthcare consultant for many years. She has over twenty years in the healthcare industry and has spent many hours on airplanes and in hotel rooms reading the stories of her favorite Romance writers.

  A few years ago she found herself one of the millions of Americans on the unemployment rolls and after a few months began to put some of her own stories down on paper. She loves the challenge of writing and plans to spend every spare moment sharing her love of her heroes and heroines with the world.

  Glenda is divorced with two grown children and three grandchildren. She lives in a small town in the DFW Metroplex.

  From the Author

  Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it and will recommend it to your friends. Please don't forget to rate the story before you leave.

  Be sure to read the other stories in the Wounded in Wyoming Series:















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