Son of Thunder

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Son of Thunder Page 12

by Murray Leeder

  But, Sungar wondered, could Geildarr’s words possibly be true? Could the weapon of the chiefs have come from the most ancient figure of their history?

  Geildarr smiled. “Better still, it’s possible—I can’t be entirely sure about this, admittedly—that it was also once wielded by Uthgar himself. If this magical axe was an unholy, corruptive influence, as you seem to think, it certainly must have drawn some of the great ones into its web.

  “Perhaps you should re-evaluate your relationship with magic. It seems to have been with your tribe from the very beginning. What do you say to that?”

  Sungar kept his lips tight. In different words, this was the same argument put to him by the mage Arklow. Worse, Geildarr had a rather dramatic way of showing him up. Limp from weakness and chained to a chair, the only defiance he could manage was silence. Geildarr didn’t seem disappointed.

  “Mull it over some,” he said. “We will speak again. There’s no reason we can’t be friends. We have much in common, as we are both leaders of men. Your stay in Llorkh needn’t be unpleasant. You could have women, food, wine, and all the comforts available even to me. You could be a resident on this keep’s highest floors instead of its lowest.”

  “You will die,” said Sungar, though he simultaneously berated himself for playing Geildarr’s game.

  “Oh?” said Geildarr. “Who will kill me? You? Your people? You should stop thinking that way now—no good holding on to false hope. But you should know this: that axe of yours now resides in the hands of a hobgoblin—a dirty, smelly hobgoblin whose dim mind somehow recognized it as a weapon of legend better than you ever did. But it’s far more than a weapon. If only you had realized, you could have kept it safe. Now my people carry it to the depths of the High Forest, where they will use it to rape the history of your tribe.”

  Geildarr leaned a trifle closer across the table. “And when they do,” he said, “it will all be your fault.”

  In the dark woods of the High Forest’s southern reaches, a series of low-slung tents stood pitched in a small clearing. The remnants of a small campfire smoldered in the dark, lighting the twisted trees that surrounded the camp. The Antiquarians felt uncomfortably close to the stands of white-barked trees that marked the edge of the Dire Wood like albino sentinels. That day they had seen an example of the “wizard weather” that sometimes roared out of Karse Butte—a fireball arching over the treetops before exploding into a rain of bloody snow. This part of the forest had obviously been scarred by such phenomena. The trees were tortured, screaming shapes, warped and ugly, and the fact that some of these trees might be sentient and keeping a close eye on them did nothing to help the group sleep better.

  Late in the night, Gan stood watch at the camp’s edge, clutching the greataxe tightly. He was so happy when Geildarr told him he could wield it again that he almost wept. “But I’m not worthy of it,” said Gan. Geildarr told him that he was to wield it as an agent of Llorkh’s mayor, and so when Gan held it, it was as if Geildarr carried it.

  “Do you know what the axe is?” asked Ardeth. Gan was surprised; he hadn’t known she was awake and now she was standing next to him.

  “What do you mean?” asked the hobgoblin.

  “Did no one tell you?” she asked. “It was once the weapon of a great leader and warrior who lived thousands of years ago. He died in a battle against a demon, giving his own life to save his people.”

  “Was he a human?” asked Gan.

  Ardeth nodded.

  “My kind have no such great leaders,” Gan lamented. “Word came to us that a hobgoblin named Glargulnir wants to make himself a king of all our people, as Obould united the orcs of the Wall. But humans make the best rulers.”

  “Why do you have so little faith in your own people?” asked Ardeth. “This Glargulnir could prove a great ruler.”

  “As great as Geildarr?” asked Gan.

  “Let me tell you about Geildarr,” said Ardeth. “He may be a great man, but he is mayor of Llorkh only because more powerful men across the desert allow him to be. If they changed their minds, he would be gone in an instant.”

  Gan frowned. He had allowed himself to build Geildarr up into an authority beyond question. This he could not believe.

  Ardeth pointed at the largest tent, from which they could hear Mythkar Leng’s snores. “In a way, Geildarr even answers to him.”

  “The priest?” asked the hobgoblin.

  “As you saw for yourself, Geildarr couldn’t order him on this mission. It’s not always so clear as that. In some ways, Leng is Geildarr’s superior, but in other ways, Leng answers to Geildarr.”

  “But what if the priest were gone?” asked Gan.

  Ardeth looked over the camp to make sure all was silent.

  “Let me tell you something,” she whispered to Gan. “But you can’t let anyone else know.”

  The hobgoblin nodded.

  “We know that Leng has been scheming to overthrow Geildarr,” said Ardeth. “He wants to become mayor of Llorkh, and he’s willing to kill Geildarr to achieve this.”

  Gan’s face showed almost no reaction. With as much calm as he could muster, Gan said, “We must kill him.”

  “It’s not as easy as that,” said Ardeth. “This isn’t a hobgoblin tribe—we can’t openly murder our enemies. But if we give our enemies enough time and a little help, they may just take care of the job on their own. I have a plan, and I could use your help.”

  Before she could say more, a loud crashing came from the woods. The trees parted like waves, drawing away as a great treant stepped into the clearing. Propelled by its long roots, it reached the tents with frightening speed. Its heavy, gnarled arm reached out and released water that drizzled onto the campfire embers, eliminating all its heat and light with a hiss.

  The Antiquarians crawled free of their tents, and Mythkar Leng, dressed in simple brown robes that concealed his identity and power, did the same.

  “You dare make fire in our wood!” the walking tree declared.

  Royce took the lead. “Grant us your pardon, woodlord,” he said. “The night was chill and we burned only dead wood we collected as we passed through your forest.”

  Huge green eyes studied him intensely. “Fire cannot be permitted,” the treant said. “What business do you have among these trees?”

  “We seek the Star Mounts,” said Royce. “We want nothing but safe passage to them.”

  “A dangerous destination. I’ve seen many outsiders pass this way bound for those peaks, but they seldom return.” He stared down each member of the group. “I’ve never seen a party as this. A hobgoblin in your midst, and clutching such an axe—what am I to think?”

  “You can think whatever you will, treant,” Leng hissed. “So long as you let us pass.”

  A wave of dismay passed through the Antiquarians. They had hoped to talk their way past the forest giant without incident. Leng spoke without fear or respect to a creature so much larger than they, and so imposing. He destroyed the image that he was an ordinary traveler.

  The treant thought for a long time. An eternity seemed to pass as its oaken features remained still. Any onlooker would have mistaken it for an ordinary tree. Then it said, “You may pass, so long as you give that axe over to me.”

  Gan clutched the battle-axe tightly and brandished it over his head in challenge. But a clever root crept around and yanked it from his hands. The Antiquarians drew their weapons, and Ardeth pulled her slender sword from her belt.

  The axe swiftly vanished among the treant’s higher branches.

  “That was not an axe for cutting wood,” Royce protested. “We need it returned.”

  “Leave my forest and it shall be yours again,” the treant threatened.

  “Do you believe you can make threats?” asked Leng. “We could make kindling of you. I understand that in Thay, the Red Wizards have devised a way to corrupt your kind into twisted trees in their service. If only I knew how to do that.”

  The treant let out a low, reve
rberating war cry. Its roots snaked out toward its foes, who slashed at them with their weapons. Leng surreptitiously slipped backward. Vonelh unleashed a spinning, whirring collection of magical blades that cut into the treant’s trunk. Bessick held a root in place with his raw strength, while Ardeth sliced at it with her sword. Nithinial and Royce readied their crossbows and launched their steel quarrels at the treant’s face, but then they heard Leng behind them mutter, “If we are not permitted fire …”

  Royce spun backward, leaping toward the priest, but he could not stop Leng from what he was doing. A fiery column burst from the air above and rained down onto the treant as if from heaven itself. It enveloped the treant so that every limb was awash with fire that leaped and coursed along its body, incinerating leaves and burning away bark. The roar of the blaze overwhelmed its screams as its body crumbled away.

  Ardeth and the Antiquarians could do nothing but try to jump free of the wave of fire that coursed down the treant’s trunk and over its writhing roots. The axe fell from its grasp, crashing atop one of the tents and flattening it.

  The treant’s instinct to protect nature—especially its woods—was overwhelmed by its agony, and it clambered into the open wood, flames leaping from its branches and igniting neighboring trees on the clearing’s edge. Before it could escape the clearing, Bessick swung his heavy spiked chain and snagged the treant along its trunk. A swift yank pulled it backward, tumbling to the ground and sending Gan and Ardeth scrambling as it landed in a crackling inferno of leaping flames and blazing heat. The group darted back to the edge of the clearing, though the quick-spreading flames would soon threaten them again.

  “Take cover,” called Vonelh, before spreading his arms and muttering a few arcane syllables. The sky exploded in huge hailstones that pelted the clearing and the trees surrounding it. They hissed and sizzled as they struck the roaring flames and melted, and soon the clearing was a mess of soggy ash and wet, burnt debris. The remains of the treant were lost among the charred fragments of inanimate trees. Several of the tents and much of the group’s equipment was irretrievably lost.

  Royce, leader of the Antiquarians, spun to confront Mythkar Leng. His natural deference to the high priest was forgotten on this occasion, and his face was red from the heat and his anger. “We were close to talking our way out of this. That’s what we do—that’s how we survive. If you hadn’t confronted it …”

  Leng smiled smugly, unapologetic. “Would you care to finish that sentence, Hundar?” he asked.

  Royce checked himself, but his tone was completely insincere. His shoulders hung, and he let his sword fall to the ground at his side.

  “You could have killed us all,” Royce said. “You may yet.”

  Leng could have slain Royce where he stood. He needed no weapon. Leng could merely lay a hand on Royce, and take his life. Royce was practically inviting him to do it. Ardeth prayed that he would, and give her an excuse to sink her sword into the priest’s back. Likewise, Nithinial, Gunton, and Bessick all had weapons ready. But Leng’s smile vanished.

  “We still have a mission, do we not?” he said. “A few crushed and waterlogged rations don’t change that. I can create food and drink, with my god’s grace. We have our weapons and our wits. The Star Mounts await, and soon we’ll find out if Geildarr’s Sanctuary is a myth or not.” With that, as if nothing had happened, he led the way into the forest.

  Behind his back, looks passed between the Antiquarians and Ardeth, while Gan stepped through the muck to reclaim the fallen axe. Inside, Ardeth was beaming. What luck! she thought. With all of them on one side, it would be no trick to finish the priest. The only question was, which form of death would be most appropriate?


  Such beautiful music, thought Vell as he woke, but it was only the wind whistling through the trees.

  No, he thought. One tree—the tree. He could see it, almost feel it growing.

  Half awake, he lay on his back on a carpet of leaves and could not bring himself to look any direction but up. A panoply of shades and tones filled his eyes from the light filtering through the great branches, whose smallest offshoots were themselves the size of trees. Oranges, reds, and golds fluttered and shimmered in those oaken boughs, an ocean of leaves growing crisp and golden—for even this bastion of permanence was subject to nature’s cycles.

  What beauty! Tears trickled down Vell’s cheeks. He felt so humbled under the immensity of it. All of his fears and anger vanished as if they had never mattered and were only faint memories, like the shadow of something that happened long ago. The nagging voice in his breast, the beast inside, fell silent, and for the first time in what felt like so long—perhaps the first time in his life, he mused—he knew complete peace. He would never know if what he was feeling was brought on by the treant’s drink, the tree’s natural magic, or something within his own mind, but it didn’t matter.

  No wonder men had spent their lives seeking this place. He knew this to be Grandfather Tree, but he did not dwell on that or any name, including his own. He almost forgot himself, lost himself in heady contemplation. If he had been allowed to lie there, he knew, he might have starved and turned to dust, still looking up at the gnarled trunk that had borne silent witness to the whole of history and more.

  Yet he felt no anger when he was roused from his reverie. Thanar came to him and crouched at his side. “They say a great tree structures a goodly part of the cosmos,” he said, “and Grandfather Tree is its reflection on Faerûn. I don’t know if that’s true, but I can think of no better symbol for the nobility of all living things.”

  As he stood and regained something of his wits, Vell’s wonder didn’t lessen; it only amplified. He surveyed his surroundings. The tree’s size was no illusion. Other oaks, themselves mighty and huge, grew underneath its lowest branches, circling it the way the stone menhirs ringed the altar at Morgur’s Mound.

  “They spent a lifetime seeking it,” the druid went on. “They say they would spend a thousand lifetimes now, keeping it safe and secret.”

  “The Tree Ghosts,” Vell said. “Will they help us?”

  Thanar smiled. The simplest gesture was so amplified here that the warmth in his smile struck Vell and lit up his spirit. “They have made no promises as yet. But they trust us.”

  Vell became aware that other people were beneath Grandfather Tree, some so far away that Vell could tell nothing about them. Others were closer and looking on. He recognized some by their dress as the Tree Ghost barbarians, perhaps some of the same he had met on the outside. Many stood guard as well around the tree. There were others: lithe, brown-clad figures whose skins were coppery tones. By Uthgar, Vell realized. These were elves! For all the exotic folk that had come through Grunwald in the old days, he had never laid his eyes on an elf till today.

  Finally, he looked toward the others, still asleep, or perhaps unaware, open-eyed and gawking at the majesty of the canopy above. Only Thluna was not among them.

  “They roused me first,” said Thanar. “Thluna is meeting with the tribal elders in the settlement nearby. I thought it wise to take you there next.”

  “Why?” asked Vell. He realized that this was the first time he had ever spoken to the druid alone.

  “You transformed into a behemoth, did you not?” Thanar said. “I have transformation powers of my own. I surveyed the Wall wearing a mountain goat’s form, but what happened to you goes far beyond. There are rare individuals with abilities that surpass those of any common druid. Apparently one is living in the Tree Ghosts’ settlement. Perhaps she can help you understand your condition. She is a flighty creature who comes and goes with her whims, but this young elf promises she will help you how ever she can.”

  “The Tree Ghosts live among the elves?” Vell asked. The notion amazed him.

  “Normally the tree plays host to much stranger forest folk,” Thanar told him, “satyrs, korreds, centaurs, and the like. They have taken their leave since we outsiders arrived.” This talk of such woodland
beings, so remote from his experience, was amazing to Vell.

  “We will rouse the others soon,” said Thanar. “Let them know this miracle. The Tree Ghosts do not keep it jealously—indeed, they wish all light souls could experience this place—but they are very protective. I only hope Keirkrad will think wisely and keep his dogma in check.”

  But Keirkrad’s face was crossed with a look of naked awe, just like the rest of the group. Vell’s eyes settled on Kellin and he was astonished at what he saw. In a state of glorious languor, her bright eyes open and staring at the world, he beheld her clearly as a creature of wonder. She controlled magic; it flowed into her and out, and now he saw her as magic itself, shimmering and glowing with all of its forbidden wonder and power.

  What an effect this place had, Vell thought. It banished all that was inconsequential and brought into sharp focus what mattered most. The fog on his brain had floated away; he desperately wished it would never return.

  “Vell,” said Thanar. “Meet Rask Urgek, of the Tree Ghosts.” Vell almost gasped to see the massive barbarian approaching him, wearing a glistening chain shirt. With large ears, orange-tinged skin, traces of fangs, and wiry hair pulled up into a topknot, Rask Urgek was clearly a half-orc. The North crawled with such hybrids, most of who served as mercenaries. They were regarded as the scum of the civilized world and as pariahs within orc tribes; few were allowed to join Uthgardt tribes. No trace of orcish anger appeared on Rask’s features. Instead, he showed the warmth and peace of years spent in the company of this extraordinary tree.

  “Vell the Brown,” Rask said. “Walk with me. Your friends will be safe with Thanar watching over them.”

  Rask and Vell walked together, leaves crunching beneath their feet.

  “Thank you for allowing us to come here,” said Vell. He looked up and raised his palms, offering a simple gesture against the immensity of their setting. “I don’t know what words could describe my feelings about this place.”


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