Hitler's Terror Weapons

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Hitler's Terror Weapons Page 22

by Brooks, Geoffrey

  Hess informed his OSS inquisitors that the Vril Society was an active occult organization drawn from the upper echelons of society:

  “There are all sorts of rumours that some sort of oriental monk is often seen around Nazi Party functions. He is a dark Tibetan who looks incredibly old and wizened. His eyes glow a faint green. He wears a black long woollen cloak with cap, belt and gloves of green. Hess confirmed what most occult experts believe, that the Nazi Party operates on a deeper level still, that perhaps a group of mystic lamas somewhere in Tibet might be the puppet-masters connected with the shadowy organization known as the Green Dragon.”

  Haushofer, the leading member of the Luminous Lodge, remained in Berlin with the supreme lama, known only as The Man with the Green Gloves, until the capitulation, when all the Tibetans died either as a result of enemy action or by ritual suicide. It was widely reported on 25 April 1945, for example, that Russian troops in the eastern sector of Berlin found in the ruins of a three-storey building the corpses of six Tibetans dressed in German military uniform without insignia and arranged in a circle around a dead Tibetan monk wearing a pair of bright green gloves. Before Berlin fell on 2 May the bodies of several hundred, some sources say up to a thousand, more Tibetans were found in similar circumstances. Haushofer ended his own life by ritual suicide in 1946.

  The Methodology of the Vril Society

  Many may think it extraordinary to suggest that an advanced western industrial society such as Nazi Germany would have had such links with an undeveloped country in Central Asia, the majority of whose male inhabitants were monks. Tibet was xenophobic, believing that foreigners were the cause of all their misfortunes, and they were always anxious to see them depart. This was especially so in the case of the British, together with the Chinese the only influential presence in Tibet. The British were keen to start up the Tibetan economy but the Tibetans were firmly convinced that in western-style progress there lay a terrible danger. Tibet was so backward that the country had not affiliated to the International Postal Union and the nearest post offices were in India, to where all mail was taken by yak caravan. They had not accepted metric measurement and had a phobia against the wheel, whose use was prohibited in certain territories on the grounds that it threatened the equilibrium of nature. What could not be carried by the arm of man caused death and destruction. Western medicine was held to be a flagrant violation of the life-death equilibrium. Both polygamy and polyandry were practised, together with a form of ritual prostitution of which even the most refined availed themselves. Sex was an effusion only slightly more intense than a handshake and offered to foreigners as a courtesy. Mystics used it “as a means of ascent to the sacred”.

  The Tibetan monasteries seem to have been the repository of scientific techniques long lost to the world. The mystery of how the pyramids were constructed, for example, continues to baffle Western scientists and historians, yet the lamas do appear to have the solution. A scientific writer on harmonic theory, Bruce Cathe172, investigating a report on levitation which had appeared in a German magazine, described how Dr Jarl, a Swedish doctor working on behalf of the English Scientific Society in 1939, visited a certain monastery in Tibet and was offered the opportunity to observe a number of phenomena including the construction of a rock wall in front of a cave entrance about 250 metres up a sheer cliff. In a meadow below the cliff was a polished concave slab of rock on to which blocks of stone measuring 1½ metres in length and 1 metre in width and thickness were manouevred by yak oxen. Thirteen drums and six trumpets (all described in detail in the text) were set in an arc of 90° at a distance of about 63 metres from the stone slab. Together with the chanting and singing of the monks, the orchestra began to play, the noise reaching a tremendous crescendo over a period of four minutes at which point the stone block began to rock and sway and then rose in the air towards the rigging platform 250 metres above. The ascent lasted three minutes. The German magazine report continued:

  “They brought new blocks continuously to the meadow and using this method the monks transported five to six blocks per hour on a parabolic flight track approximately 500 metres long and 250 metres high. Because Dr Jarl… had the opinion in the beginning that he was the victim of a mass psychosis he made two films of the incident. The films showed exactly the same things that he had witnessed. The English Society for which Dr Jarl was working confiscated the films and declared them classified for fifty years. This action is rather hard to explain or understand.”

  Mr Cathe pointed out that it is not difficult to understand why the British classified the films once the given measurements had been transposed into their geometric equivalents, for then it became obvious that the monks of Tibet in 1939 were fully conversant with the laws governing the structure of matter.

  “The secret is in the geometric placement of the musical instruments in relation to the stones to be levitated, and the harmonic tuning of the drums and trumpets. The sound waves being generated by the combination were directed in such a way that an anti-gravitational effect was created at the centre of focus and around the periphery, or the arc, of a third of a circle through which the stones moved. The distance from the block to the rear face of each drum could be close to 63.75 metres. My theoretical analysis, by calculator, indicates that the exact distance would be 63.7079 metres for the optimum harmonic reaction. I believe that there is not much doubt that the Tibetans had possession of the secrets relating to the geometric structure of matter and the methods of manipulating the harmonic values.”

  Linking the yogic practices of the Vril Society in Hitler’s Germany to mystical Tibetan techniques, the writer Alec Maclellan173, unfortunately without stating his source, claimed that he had examined copies “of certain strange documents which once belonged to initiates of the Vril Society”. What he writes seems authentic, for he admits:

  “if the two methods sound like mumbo-jumbo associated with mediaeval witchcraft spells, then it is also a feeling shared by the author. However, as I am not a practising mystic – nor can I claim profound knowledge of the secrets of mysticism – I would not hastily denounce the documents.”

  For the foregoing reason, i.e. that Mr Maclellan does not understand the documents and reports them merely as a matter of passing interest, I believe it safe to accept them as genuine. I do not propose to reproduce them here, but for those interested the paperback version of Mr Maclellan’s book is still in print, and anybody who has studied Tibetan mysticism will recognize their purpose at once. They are undoubtedly the “methods of concentration and the whole system of internal gymnastics by which the mind is transformed” spoken of by Dr Willy Ley in his Essay Pseudo-Sciences under the Nazi Regime.

  A lodge of the Vril Society was essentially a Berlin annexe to a Tibetan monastery. The utmost determination was required of the young women and men accepted as initiates. Mystical attainment is not a matter of performing rites: the prime necessity is to be virtuous and firmly abstain from evil. The difference between realized mortals and ordinary humanity is simply that the former are aware of their underlying identity with Reality. Once the illusory ego falls away, Man becomes heir to special powers and all the knowledge of the Cosmos. Under the close supervision of a lama, who would employ additional techniques such as communication through trance states, a point made by Bulwer-Lytton in a lengthy passage, the initiate would eventually achieve the expansion of consciousness desired. Mr Maclellan’s document shows the ‘Mystic Way’, a Tibetan meditation technique of the Kalachakra School in which the mind has to be concentrated on a mandala while endlessly intoning the Tibetan letter K. The ‘Scientific Way’ is that technique of meditation practised in ritual intercourse between a male initiate and a female adept.

  In the chapter of his book headed Green Dragon, White Tiger, the Taoist John Blofeld174 described in outline this dual cultivation or sexual yoga which is a strictly regulated discipline. The process is far from simple and requires great yogic skill. It is not a licence for sexual pleasure and is in fact
dangerous for men who have difficulty in freeing themselves from the bondage of the senses. Tantric sexual exercises have powerful effects on the bio-tensile field and are capable of charging them with a great quantity of energy. These energies can be directed by the mind, producing effects of movement in matter but the object is to attain mystical understanding. The onset of cosmic consciousness triggered unexpectedly by sexual activity was vividly described thus by a 32-year-old woman:

  “Every time we made love, I had an out-of-the-body trip. It was like moving through a tunnel at warp speed, moving through space, passing stars and planets until I seemed to be at the centre of the cosmos. The Universe opened up to me. All kinds of knowledge and mathematical equations were passing through me. I understood them all in a split second and forgot them just as quickly. After three months of this I had to shut down … or die. I couldn’t possibly handle the knowledge and information passing through me.”175

  This woman’s fear of death was very real and was due to the fact that people:

  “are afraid to forget their own minds, fearing to fall through the void with nothing on to which they can cling.”176

  The terror is the reason why monastic training, under the close supervision of a guru or enlightened lama, is essential at all stages. Without it the condition can never be stabilized so as to use the “mathematical equations and knowledge”, the sum total of knowledge in the Universe, becoming available to a human mind within the limits of the individual personality as vast dormant areas of the brain are suddenly opened.

  Minds linked in the Reality merge at that level and this linkage ends the destructive competitiveness caused by the concept of separate identities. Ultimately a race of mystics would acquire a single integrated consciousness as compared to the fragmented billions of personalities of which humanity presently consists. Each person of the super-race would then function as an individual but in harmony with the Whole. The initial mystery is to understand how the personality:

  “… can be merged like a drop of quicksilver in the Whole, yet be still separate as a grain of sand in the desert”177

  and it is purposeless to attempt to secure the answer except through meditation, for:

  “it cannot be looked for or sought, comprehended by wisdom or knowledge, explained in words, contacted objectively or reached by good works.”178

  One can only know it intuitively. Humankind as a species composed of enlightened mystics linked in mind and conscience would be a truly formidable advance. All the world’s problems caused by individuation simply fall away; because the only thing to do is the right thing, poverty, war, crime, hunger, fear, intolerance, in fact all misery, are gone. A few moments’ reflection on the implications of access to universal knowledge should be sufficient to convince one that the super-race would eventually exert direct dominance over time, space and matter, that is, it would begin to manifest ‘god-like’ powers. In this way, Man would begin to become God. The tremendous struggle to understand this sixth stage of evolution accounts for all metaphysics, philosophy and religion.

  “Now do you appreciate the depth of our National Socialist movement? Can there be anything greater and more all-comprehending? Those who see in National Socialism nothing more than a political movement know scarcely anything of it. It is more even than a religion: it is the will to create mankind anew.”179

  So said its founder. But did his plan die with him and with the defeat of Germany in 1945, or were the adepts of the Vril lodges secreted to distant subterranean fastnesses to develop and breed in readiness for the appearance of the new race at another time? And if so, does the modern UFO phenomenon represent the post-natal care stage of the new race?

  Major Donald Keyhoe, Director of the National Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) stated in his 1957 book The Flying Saucer Conspiracy that UFOs were of tremendous importance and that a coverup had been put in place at the highest level:

  “There is an official policy, believed in the best interests of the people, not to confirm the existence of UFOs until all the answers are known.”

  On 27 June 1967 the New York Post quoted UN Secretary-General U Thant as saying that:

  “next to the Vietnam War, I believe UFOs to be the most important problem facing the UN.”

  The morbid interest of President Ronald Reagan in UFOs is well known. In November 1985 at the World Summit Conference in Geneva, President Reagan told Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev before the world’s Press:

  “How much easier his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from another species from another planet outside in the Universe. We’d forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries, and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this Earth together.”

  Two years later, on 16 February 1987, during a speech at the Kremlin, Gorbachev referred to Reagan’s remarks and said:

  “I shall not dispute the hypothesis, though I think it’s early yet to worry about such an intrusion.”

  On 26 April 1990, in a reply to question about UFOs while visiting workers in the Urals, Gorbachev observed:

  “The phenomenon of UFOs is real. I know that there are scientific organizations which study the problem.”

  In a well-publicized speech at UN Headquarters in New York when addressing the 42nd General Assembly on 21 September 1987, President Reagan reiterated his earlier remarks with:

  “Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us realize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask, is not an alien force already among us ?”

  President Reagan spoke here as if he were in possession of information made available to the heads of various States, including the USA and USSR, communicating from an ultraterrestrial force a threat of an intrusion and some sort of date by when it is to be realized. If we look dispassionately at Vril, Green Dragon, German flying saucers and Presidential fears the general drift and meaning behind events over the last sixty years or so must, I think, be growing clearer. It will be well, perhaps, at the risk of some repetition, to bring the argument together in a few sentences.

  From time to time over the millennia there occurs a sudden step in human psychological evolution. Formerly, one suspects, this occurred in the form of an abrupt expansion in consciousness, or in the physical volume of the brain, such as the leap from Neanderthal to Cro-Magnon Man, and the impression has always been, despite Darwin, that the change has been engineered.

  Since the beginning of the 20th century we have been in the epoch of a revolution which is now approaching its climax. The horrors perpetrated during the National Socialist years should not blind us to the possibility that it is in such an environment that higher powers, should they be involved, are best able to wreak changes of a cosmic magnitude, and particularly if they are controlling the leader. From the earliest stirrings of Nazism, the enemy to be smashed was Bolshevism, and Bolshevism was Soviet Russia. This meant overruning the hinterland of Asia, to the Himalayas where the Aryan race originated and the mountains of Tibet, to the cold deserts of Mongolia and beyond to the Yangtse. Russian historians are now telling us that even before the outbreak of war with Poland, Stalin was planning to roll across Europe by 1942.181History does not take account of possible paranormal foreknowledge of an enemy’s aggressive intentions but the more important inference here is that the war with Soviet Russia seems to have been fore-ordained. Neither should we lightly dismiss the significance of Rudolf Hess’ mission in May 1941. Hitler’s defeat in the East meant that the New Race was not going to be bred at leisure in that same Asiatic hinterland from where flowed its Aryan ancestors and the whole scheme had to be hurriedly redesigned. The signs were obvious even before Barbarossa was launched in June 1941 that Hitler’s forces were insufficient for the task in hand against so many enemies – as the Germans say, the shirt was
too short. Thus was born the advanced aircraft project.

  The development of such a machine to utilize the knowledge the SS had acquired of how to travel in Gravity II, combined with Hitler’s idea of shifting the world’s axis to provoke a cataclysm to drown mankind seems an alien concept. Certainly the Germans were good at building the pioneer helicopters and flying boomerangs, but to have completed the project with its alien alloys and new aeronautical technology within three years was a great achievement. Obviously the craft were built for a reason so secret that the evidence that they ever existed has been deliberately concealed officially ever since. The reason for building them, at such a late stage in an apparently lost cause, was assuredly not to carry passengers across the Atlantic at phenomenal speeds, but to ferry the founder members of the super-race into the Underworld for safety and, for an ulterior motive prejudicial to homo sapiens, to liaise with the entities which inhabit it.

  The transfer of the German gold reserves and thousands of scientific technicians to South America at the end of the war, and the huge number of UFOs reported over Argentina and Chile since, has accordingly given birth to the suspicion amongst many that some modern UFO sightings are of the new generation of Reichsdeutsche flying saucers.

  According to the Tibetan prophecies, the final battle for control of the world known to us as Armageddon will occur in a specific year which can be calculated forward from the invasion of Tibet by the Younghusband Expedition. After this final battle the new race will take over.

  This is the sense, so it occurs to me, in which one must interpret Hitler’s incomprehensible prediction when, having renounced use of the miracle weapon and staring defeat fully in the face in 1945, he forecast that, despite everything, “The last battalion will be a German battalion!”


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