Freeing Destiny (Fate #2)

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Freeing Destiny (Fate #2) Page 21

by Faith Andrews

  I contemplated how we were supposed to spend this day. Thanksgiving. A feast. Gratitude for our blessings. Togetherness. My mind played unkind tricks on me as I pictured it in vivid flashes of imagination. “Pass me the corn, Sunshine.” “Here you go, Flame.” A stab of anxiety punctured my already weakened heart as I returned to our horrible reality.

  But then something clicked. Or rather, someone. Emma was already searching high and low in my absence, and while my parents were of no assistance on holiday in France, I did have another sister who was desperate for forgiveness.

  Aubrey owed me. She owed all of us. By some miracle, maybe she could win our forgiveness and bring my Sunshine back to me.


  “Oh, how freaking cute. He has a nickname for you and everything. Must be the real deal.” The sound of Aubrey’s disdain made my ears sting.

  I’d been moved from the bathroom to the kitchen, unwillingly but without a fight. Aubrey had delusions of grandeur and I was quickly catching on. Through her mumblings and lunacy, I gathered that she felt spurned by everyone. Her loneliness got the best of her and finally made her crack. I was here as an improvised houseguest, forced to keep her company during Thanksgiving.

  It was sick. So sick and twisted that I seriously worried for my life. What would she do with me after today? I mean, she couldn’t exactly release me and send me on my way as if nothing had happened.

  This was a kidnapping. I was a hostage. This bitch was off her rocker, but still had to know there would be repercussions—legal consequences—for capturing me like some stray animal and caging me for her enjoyment.

  So I played nice. I went along with her demands because I didn’t want her to hurt me. It would only be a matter of time before someone came looking for me. All signs pointed to crazy legs over there. I had no enemies, no reason to run away, and an itinerary as proof. In my heart of hearts I knew Jack and my family were already on their way to rescue me from this deranged psycho, so I used that as the calming anecdote to my anxiety. Play nice and go with the flow. Let her think she’s in control. Maybe she’ll veer off her distorted path and slip up, give you an out. Stay keen for any opening, Stella. She’s bound to fuck up. Focus.

  I tried to ignore her fingers as she scrolled through my phone. I had no idea what she was doing, but one could only guess she had an ulterior motive. She’d obviously been searching through my texts with Jack because she mentioned the nickname.

  What are you up to, Aubrey?

  I wanted to flip out, but I couldn’t chance anything. She had a knife handy at all times, not just for her culinary madness today, and she was swiping through my phone like nobody’s business. For all I knew she’d been deleting all proof of my existence. So instead, I tried to grab her attention and throw her off. “Do you want my help with dinner?” I asked, confident on the outside, shaking in my boots on the inside.

  “Well, you’re kind of . . . tied up.” She pointed to my hands that were handcuffed to the chair. The smirk on her face actually frightened me. I had no idea what she was capable of, and she seemed to be enjoying herself.

  It didn’t matter, though. I had to let her think she had power over me while remaining unscathed. “If you give me one free hand, you’d be surprised what I can do,” I offered.

  “Ha!” she cackled. “You really think I’m that stupid? Shut up, Stella. You can sit there and watch while I cook and pretend I’m you.”

  What was she talking about, pretend she’s me? “If you were pretending to be me, wouldn’t you be handcuffed, too?” I forced a shy smile to goad her for more.

  “Yeah, that’s true, but this is so much more fun. I just single handedly—pun totally intended—broke up with your boyfriend and told him to stop looking for you. He thinks you changed your mind. Apparently, you don’t want to be with him anymore. You thought about it and the distance will just be too much. You can’t focus on your career with him weighing you down and you feel suffocated. So, you decided not to go to New York for the holiday because you need time to yourself. To think it through. You didn’t tell anyone because you didn’t want to make them worry, but you’re still in California, laying low at a hotel. You were so selfish. You scared the shit out of everyone and now they’re all furious with you, Sunshine. Especially my heart broken brother.”

  I had no words. I couldn’t react even if I wasn’t tied down. The blood slowly drained from my face and settled in my toes. “What have you done? You evil bitch. How could you do this to me?”

  Aubrey didn’t answer. She simply shrugged as her fingers continued to pretend they were mine.

  Tears flooded my eyes. My chest was heavy with fear and anger and so many other toxic emotions. She’d gone too far. There was no way out. But instead of feeling sorry for myself, all I could think about was Jack. My beacon of hope. My Flame. He probably hated me. He was forced to believe I broke his heart and turned my back on us. How could I fix this? It was hopeless. I was helpless. I refused to believe my destiny was to become a victim of Aubrey’s madness, but what other alternative was there?

  Control your own destiny, or someone else will.

  I wouldn’t go down without trying. It was time to fight.


  “I’m not buying it. I just won’t.” When Stella’s text came through my heart lodged in my throat. She was alive! She was safe! She was . . . breaking up with me?

  Initially, I was fuming. We all were. Wrath replaced fear as all of us pictured Stella sitting pretty in some hotel while we worried years off our lives searching for her.

  But that was over an hour ago. And time did crazy things to a person who’s lost all hope. It played tricks on you. It distorted your visions. It created apparitions. Time fucked with your head. And I had plenty of it. So I used it to carefully calculate the situation.

  When I called Aubrey earlier and told her Stella was missing she sounded genuinely upset. If not for Stella, for me. I asked her to swing by my apartment, scan the neighborhood. Go back to Gabriella’s old house. She was commissioned to retrace all the steps Emma had already taken and she did so willingly. When the search was over—whenever that happened—Aubrey would have a hand in finding her. All would be right with the world. Right?


  Within an hour of calling Aubrey, the text from Stella came in.

  My heart broke. My empty stomach nearly erupted onto Caleb and Gabriella’s shag carpet. I’d been duped. That’s how it felt. I put my heart on the line and did everything right only to have it ripped out of my chest.

  Nina was the first person I went to. I wanted her to see it. She was right. I was wrong. The letter that served as my proof that Stella was in love with me was all bullshit. “I guess you were right. She must have told you, didn’t she?” I had to direct my anger at someone, so Nina—the person who looked the most like Stella—was my target.

  “Jack, don’t. The letter had me convinced, too. When I asked you about all of this before, I was only speculating. I swear it. She’s never said one thing to me about leaving you. Maybe she just—”

  “Maybe she just changed her mind.” Stella’s Aunt Gina chimed in, any inhibitions dulled by her third glass of wine. “She’s been under a lot of pressure. Give the girl a break.”

  Give the girl a break? Seemed a little subtle for the circumstances. Just an hour ago there was a country-wide search and rescue mission going on and now they were all at ease with this? “Please excuse my bluntness, but you’re all freaking crazy. None of this makes sense! Why don’t you see that?” I knew crazy—I grew up with it—but these people were like yo-yos. One minute they were freaking out and the next they were perfectly fine that Stella put on an elaborate act because she needed space. Really? Was this real life?

  “What can we do, Jack? She doesn’t want to be here. Let’s leave it alone and wait to hear from her. She’s probably embarrassed and just needs some time.” The aunt was starting to piss me off.

  “You know what? You sit around and wait. I’m
not giving up!” Fuck that! I was outta there. I’d walk barefoot through the snow even if it was just to clear my mind.

  Caleb tried to stop me as I hurried to put on my coat. I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and reached for the door knob. Gabriella’s soft grip caused me to shudder.

  “Wait,” she pleaded. “Can we talk?”

  I closed my eyes and counted to ten. I was the one who needed a damn minute. But I also couldn’t deny what she needed. This woman had been through hell and back in the last two days. I wanted to hear what she had to say.

  After nodding my approval, Gabriella turned to her husband. “Give us a minute?” She winked and in turn Caleb kissed her cheek and left us alone.

  “Jack,” she whispered. Both of her hands clutched my shoulders in what seemed to be a gesture of desperation. I knew it well. I wanted to shake every one of those people inside just to have them hear me out.

  “What’s the matter, Gabriella? What are you thinking?”

  She pulled out her phone and showed me a text from Stella. It had come a little while after the one she sent to me.

  Stella: I’m sorry for worrying you. Please understand I just need to be alone. I’ll call you as soon as I have things figured out. Until then, please just give me time.

  Why was Gabriella showing this to me? The aunt was right. It was there in writing. She just wanted to be left alone. “So? What am I supposed to do with this?”

  Gabriella scrolled up and then placed the phone in my hand again. “Read.”

  The time stamp on the texts were from Monday evening.

  Gabriella: Just letting you know I got your email with the flight info. Aunt Gina’s taking the ride to the airport with me to pick you up.

  Stella: No prob. I’m excited to see you all tomorrow!!!

  Gabriella: Me too! It’s been too long since I hugged my baby girl.

  Stella: Anything you need me to smuggle from Cali?

  Gabriella: LOL No, we’re all good. Just get your cute little butt home where it belongs.

  Stella: I’m not so sure anymore.

  Gabriella: Of???

  Stella: That New York is home. I’m having such a hard time leaving him, Mom. I love him more than I ever thought I could love someone. We’ll talk in person, but I think I need to figure some stuff out. I can’t do the distance thing. I need him there or I need to be here. I’m so confused.

  Gabriella: Oh, honey. We’ll talk all about it when you get here. You know I’ve got your back no matter what you decide, right?

  Stella: Thank you, Mommy! I don’t know what I’d do without you. Can’t wait to get some of your lovin’ xo

  Gabriella: xo right back. Call me as soon as you land tomorrow.

  Stella: Of course. Love you!

  Gabriella: Love to you, too! Safe flight and see you soon.

  Now that sounded like Stella, but it still made no sense. “I don’t get it. It just doesn’t add up. Why would she go to such lengths if she was planning to stay behind the whole time?”

  Gabriella shook her head and closed her eyes. “I don’t know. I just don’t know, Jack. But I’m with you, sweetheart. Something smells fishy. What can we do?”

  After the revelation with Gabriella, I needed some fresh air. I wandered aimlessly through the streets of New York City with zero purpose and tons of uncertainty. For a city that was famous for never sleeping, it didn’t seem very lively. Whether it was the storm or the holiday, the Uptown streets were fairly empty and the only pedestrians were those walking their dogs.

  I took the quiet time to call Emma. She’d been my only saving grace this whole day. Until that last eye-opening conversation with Gabriella.

  When my sister picked up, I didn’t even give her the chance to finish her one syllable hi. “Hey, it’s me again.”

  “Anything new?”

  “Nope, but—I don’t know. Something’s not sitting right with me. Have you been in touch with Aubrey at all? Maybe she can help. You think you two can—”

  At the mere mention of Aubrey’s name, Emma jumped down my throat. “Jack, I love you. I love Stella, too, but really? You want me to spend the rest of this messed up day searching for a person who doesn’t want to be found, with someone I hate?”

  “You don’t hate her.” Emma didn’t have it in her to hate anyone, least of all our sister.

  An aggravated moan escaped her. “Okay, I don’t hate her, but I don’t like her that much either. Maybe Gabriella and the aunt are right, Jack. Maybe we should just let Stella be. She didn’t even give anyone the name of her hotel. She probably wants to be alone.”

  Not her, too. No way! I wouldn’t have it. “No. Forget that. I need you, Emma. I can’t be there and you are. Aubrey will do anything to make it up to us. I could tell by the sound of her voice earlier. This is her way back in. Go hit her up and give her the option to team up with you to help me out. Please, Emma. Please do this for me. The two of you have to go to my apartment and see if Stella left any clues. There’s got to be something. Then, once you find the hotel that Stella’s staying at, all you have to do is make sure she’s okay and check out her story. If her text was true, if she doesn’t want to be with me, I’ll leave you alone. I promise. No more missions, you can go back to Thanksgiving with Simon the Surfer.” My lame attempt at humor was lost on her. Even I wasn’t in the mood to tease my easily ruffled sister.

  “Ugh! Fine!” Emma groaned, but she gave me a reason to jump up and punch the cold, bitter air. “Let me call her from the landline so I can get you off my back. Hang on.”

  I waited in silence, a thread of hope dangled in front of me.

  But she was back too soon. “No answer. Let me try Mom and Dad. The time difference sucks, but I think they’ll answer.”

  I waited again and when I heard her talking, I breathed a sigh of relief. A long two minutes later, Emma was back.

  “Did you know Aubrey was at the house in Palo Alto?”

  “No. Leave it to her to spend her misery in luxury.” I hadn’t been to that house in years. I was always afraid I’d break something expensive or irreplaceable. “So, you’re going, right?”

  Another groan, but I could sense her smiling through this one. “You are so lucky Simon lives less than a half hour away. You owe me, Jacky pants. You owe me big time.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Now tell me your plan. What are you going to do? Just show up at the house?” I hated being out of control. Too many miles between me and getting Stella back.

  “Well, what choice do I have? Aubrey’s not answering my calls. I have a ring in my glove compartment with keys to every house our parents own. It’s not like I’ll be barging in on her house. I have a right to be there, too.”

  Good. We were on the same page. “True. Okay. Now, go!” I demanded.

  “Hey, watch it.”

  “I’m sorry. Please go?” I almost fell to my knees and said a Hail Mary in the snow.

  “Good-bye, Jack,” Emma finally muttered. “I’ll keep you posted. Go get some sleep or something.”

  Yeah, like I could get any shut-eye at a time like this. My heart was so worked up I thought about following the signs right to the nearby hospital. Doctor, Doctor, revive my heart. It must have flat-lined at least fifty times in the last two days.


  Batshit crazy was a mild description for this chick. As long as I wasn’t being physically harmed, watching her talk to herself and pretend she was my friend was actually quite entertaining. But even as I observed her chop and dice vegetables like some homicidal Martha Stewart, my mind kept returning to Jack. What was he thinking? How was he feeling? Had he believed Aubrey’s lies?

  I silently prayed that he hadn’t given up hope. It wasn’t exactly the season for miracles quite yet, but I had to remain optimistic. If hope is lost, there is nothing worth holding on to.

  “Hey, what are you all teary-eyed for over there? Onions got to you, too?” Aubrey’s brash voice over the bass of her irritating hip hop music startled me to attention. She
’d been acting as if this was a normal get together between two lifelong friends. Freaking nut job!

  “Yeah, it’s the onions,” I lied, and lay my head back down on the table.

  How long would she keep me this way? I liked the bathroom better. I couldn’t stand being this close to her much longer. I had no idea what her intentions were, and there was no end in sight based on the texts she showed me that she’d sent on my behalf. No one was out searching for me because I was found. A selfish runaway, hiding from some made up drama Aubrey had everyone believing I’d been going through.

  I left Jack knowing our relationship was rock solid. We had hurdles to get through because of the long distance, but now Aubrey had Jack and my family thinking I was a basket case of uncertainty. I had no doubts. Sure, I packed my shit and moved in an attempt to do things the way I originally planned, but the second I sat down in that car, I realized I was making a mistake. I’d intended to call Jack as soon as I landed to beg him to join me for the holiday. The thought of being apart from him haunted me, and now—who knew when, or if, I’d ever see him again.

  I cried with such fervor, snot dripped from my nose and into my mouth. I wanted Jack, I wanted my mom. I wanted to be free from this girl’s ridiculous game.

  “Hello!” A new voice echoed through the massive house, and shocked me and Aubrey still.

  “Aubrey? You here?”

  I knew that voice. Emma! Yes! Thank you, dear Lord.

  I opened my mouth to shout out to her, but Aubrey darted over to me with the knife in her hand and threatened me. “Don’t you dare say a word or I swear to Christ I’ll use this!”

  Her eyes bugged out; her teeth bared through a maniacal snarl.

  I couldn’t react. I had no doubt she’d make good on her threat. She was crazy. I’d seen the movies. If I did wrong by the psycho, I was a goner.

  With shaky limbs and a thundering heart, I nodded and kept quiet.

  Prayers for mercy ran through my head and fell from my lips. Fear stunned my limbs. Apprehension seized my throat. My lungs begged for more air as I held my breath and awaited an outcome. I heard the two of them talking in the distance, but could barely make out the crux of their conversation. When I finally heard Emma speak Jack’s name, my ears perked to attention, everything at a standstill around me.


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