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Freeing Destiny (Fate #2)

Page 22

by Faith Andrews

  “He’s worried sick. He wants us to go find her. Get your bag and come help me.”

  That was all I needed to hear. “Emma! Emma!” I screamed as loud as my meek, exhausted voice would allow. “Emma, help me!”

  “Oh my God. She’s here? Aubrey, what have you done?” Her frightened voice was still in the distance, but the thudding and crashing that followed sounded as if it were happening right in front of me.

  “Leave her alone. Go away. She doesn’t want to see you. She came here for me.” Aubrey fed her sister lies. Desperate, pathetic lies told only to cover her ass. But Emma fought past her. I could hear things banging and crashing as she made her way toward me.

  “She’s lying, Emma! Please. Help me! She has me trapped!”

  “Aubrey, get the hell off me!” When Emma appeared in the doorway to the dining area I’d been forced to sit in, I exhaled as if breaking the surface after a ten thousand league dive.

  “Emma!” I cried, desperate for her to reach me already. Everything moved in slow, agonizing motions. She was so close, yet so far away, and Aubrey was right behind her. I remembered seeing her tuck the knife behind her when she went to answer the door. It was no longer visible, but that meant crap. Would she really harm her sister? She kidnapped me to hurt her brother, so who the hell knew how Aubrey’s mind worked. It wasn’t stable, that I knew for sure.

  She hadn’t whipped out the knife yet, so wishful thinking had me believing she’d forgotten about it. I wanted to warn Emma without bringing attention to the weapon Aubrey was concealing. “She’s not stable, Emma. Please be careful,” I cautioned as I used all my might to rise from the table. My arms ached from being held in the same position for so long, but I fought through the pain. I needed to help Emma, escape from Aubrey, and get to Jack.

  My arms dragged the heavy chair I was shackled to. Emma noticed my peril.

  “Aubrey, get me the keys to those cuffs. I can’t believe—what were you thinking?”

  I was so grateful for Emma, but rather than try to understand Aubrey’s irrational behavior, I wished she would use her phone to put an end to this mess.

  “Call Jack!” I screamed. Tears streamed so quickly I pictured myself drowning in them.

  “Don’t you fucking dare!” Aubrey barked. “You leave him out of this. We’ll work it out on our own. Make something up. I’m not going to jail for an Edwards girl. I’d rather die.”

  I didn’t doubt it and she did have a weapon. Aubrey was so unstable, the idea of her ending her life wasn’t farfetched. I hated this girl with every molecule in my body, but I didn’t want her death on my hands. “Aubrey,” I spoke, shaky and unsure. “Please calm down. You’re not going to jail. I won’t press charges. We’ll figure it out if you . . . just please let me call Jack.”

  “No! No! No!” she shrieked, unhinging before my eyes. She paced the room, fists tight at her sides. I eyed her with disdain, pure and deep hatred. During my thorough examination of the woman who made me feel things so vile I wanted to vomit, I noticed something behind her. The knife stuck out from where the strings of her apron were tied together around her waist.

  I looked to Emma, careful not to be seen by Aubrey. We shared a moment of gratitude, me mouthing a silent thank you, her blinking in her response. Before Aubrey had any more say in my fate, I caught Emma typing out a text with high speed taps of the on-screen keyboard.

  Aubrey was too busy throwing her tantrum to notice that Emma had managed to update Jack and dial 9–1-1. I had to hand it to her for pulling off this scam thus far, but as I learned from my mother, Aubrey wasn’t the smoothest of criminals.

  I stood there in awe as the girl who was once a threat to my mother, my stepfather and now me, unraveled into a heap of pitiful cries and inconsolable yelps. “Why me?” she actually had the nerve to project, when I was the one handcuffed to a chair.

  There was no use trying to reason with her, or to move a muscle for that matter. Help was on the way, whether she could comprehend that or not. I slunk down into the chair that had held me captive for the last three hours and watched on as Emma tried to talk to her sister.

  “What were you thinking, Aubrey? Honestly. Please tell me what’s going on in your fucked up brain. Do you know how worried everyone’s been? They had a search team looking for her and then the texts—” Emma’s attention was back on me looking for answers.

  “She had my phone. She sent those texts. All lies.” I could barely form full sentences, I was still so shaken by everything that had gone down. The idea of my nightmare coming to an end kept me afloat in this sea of ugliness, but I couldn’t erase the fear Aubrey had instilled in me over the last day and a half. It took a very unwell individual to do the things she had done to me. I told her I wouldn’t press charges, but that was my lie. Bitch would pay for what she put me and my family through. I wanted her out of the picture for good.

  Emma continued to berate Aubrey, prodding her for explanations. It was all incoherent nonsense as far as I was concerned. Some of the shit she told her was true, but most of it was just blathering from a lunatic. When it was almost too much to listen to, I heard the sirens in the distance. The blaring drone was like heavenly music.

  My breathing accelerated; my heart pummeled against my rib cage. It was the moment of truth for Aubrey. She had about a minute and thirty seconds to pull one final, outrageous stunt. Would she go totally bonkers? Wave that knife around? Slice her wrists? The possibilities that lived inside her warped brain were probably endless, but fortunately for all involved, they were futile.

  Aubrey was broken. So weak and defeated she didn’t put up a fight when Emma slyly removed the knife from her apron and hid it underneath the couch. Once a dangerous threat, Aubrey could barely lift herself from the floor when the cops barged in through the front door. With guns held high and plenty of back-up, five burly police officers rushed into the dining area, the sound of crushed glass from Aubrey and Emma’s scuffle declaring their arrival.

  “Hands where I can see them!” One officer commanded.

  Aubrey and Emma did as they were told and I tried to do the same.

  “I’m cuffed, officer.” Another policeman with a bulletproof vest walked over to me to appraise my situation. Within seconds, he released the cuffs from my raw wrists with something from his belt.

  “Thank you!” I cried. “Thank you so much!”

  “We’re treating this as a hostage situation. The 9–1-1 call was followed up with a missing person’s report from the NYPD. Which one of you is Stella Edwards?”

  “That’d be me.” My words came out in a whisper when what I really wanted to do was rejoice.

  What happened after that transpired in a blur of craziness fit for the crazy queen herself. An EMT arrived on the scene and evaluated me. Emma sat with Aubrey as she rocked herself back and forth, unwilling to confess to a crime. I recounted the story from the second I got into the Uber until right before the cops showed up. My statement paired with the missing person’s report meant not such good things for my captor. She had some road ahead of her. One I kind of wanted a front row seat to.

  When it was time to leave the house, Aubrey threw a very Aubrey-like, melodramatic tantrum. A police officer threatened to Taser her if she didn’t calm down. Apparently, the sting of a Taser gun was the only thing Aubrey feared. Her fit of rage ended in tears and she was taken out of the house in cuffs, kicking and screaming.

  I felt bad for Emma. Regardless of how nuts Aubrey was, she was still her sister. And even if Emma couldn’t sympathize with Aubrey, she had to be embarrassed by her actions. When Aubrey was in the back of the cop car, still raging and flailing like a madwoman, I walked over to Emma and wrapped my weary arms around her.

  “I don’t know how to thank you. You literally saved my life.”

  Emma took in a deep breath and hung her head. “Stella, I’m so sorry for everything she’s put you through. I don’t even know how to look you in the eye. You have every right to hate me.”

bsp; “Hate you? How could I hate you? You didn’t give up on me. It’s because of you I’m not stuck in that house with her. Or worse!”

  “I appreciate that.” A shy smile spread across her tear stained face. “But I’m not fully responsible, Stells. My brother wouldn’t give up until someone found you. This is all him. He’s the man behind the saving. I just stood in for him because he couldn’t be here.”

  I was confused. His apartment was only about an hour from here. He had to be on his way, right? “What do you mean? Isn’t he—”

  “Oh my God. You don’t know!” Emma’s eyes went wide with realization.

  “Don’t know what? You’re scaring me.”

  “No, hun. It’s all good.” She took my hand in hers and patted it calmly. “He’s in New York with your family. He flew in right after you to surprise you, but obviously you never showed up and then they thought you were missing, and then they thought you were hiding, and there was a snow storm, and now—”

  “Crap! My phone,” I interrupted. I’d get all the details later. Right now I just wanted to talk to Jack. “The police had to take my phone for evidence. Can I use yours? I have to call Jack. I need to hear his voice.”

  Without hesitation, Emma reached into her pocket and pulled out the one thing keeping me from my destiny. My hero. My Flame. She slid her fingers over the screen and handed me an already ringing phone.

  I put it to my ear and felt my heart thunder in my chest. “Emma. What’s going on? Please tell me everyone’s okay?” His voice. His beautiful, deep, loving voice. It’s him! Oh, Jack!

  “Hi, baby.” I choked out, a lump lodged deep in my throat. “It’s me.”

  “Oh my God, Stella! Thank God you’re all right! I love you so much, Sunshine. I just need you to hear that before you say anything else. I love you and I never want to be without you again.”

  “I love you, too, Jack.” For the first time in days I smiled. I wanted so badly to hold him, but this was the next best thing and I would take whatever I could get as long as he knew how desperately in love with him I was. “You know I didn’t send that text, right? It was Aubrey. She had my phone. She had me . . .” Realization set in. When I really wrapped my head around it I almost couldn’t believe what I’d just endured.

  “I know, Sunshine. I know. But the police gave us the news that you were okay. You’re safe now and I’ll be on the first flight out of here so I can kiss away all your tears.”

  Somehow he made me believe that. As long as I had him, I’d be safe. I never wanted to be away from him again. I would stay in San Francisco. Forget about everything and everyone else. “Jack,” I sobbed. I clutched the phone to my ear as if it could bring me closer to him.

  “Yes, Stella!”

  “No separation. Ever again. Not even to go to the bathroom.” I smeared away the last of the tears—these were happy ones—and giggled.

  “Now, that might actually be a lot of fun. An all access pass. I love the sound of that.”

  “I love the sound of you. I thought I’d never hear your voice again.”

  “Oh, baby. I won’t ever let her get away with what she did to you. I promise you, she will be held responsible for every crime she committed, and there were quite a few, so don’t worry your gorgeous little head about her. This will be taken care of, the right way, for the last time.”

  Jack’s tone was fortified with vengeance. There was a time I actually sympathized with Aubrey and wanted Jack to forgive her for the sake of righting things for his family. But after today, I didn’t care how harsh it sounded or what kind of person it made me seem—Aubrey was dead to me. And since Jack and I were going to be one united entity, he would have to face the fact she was no longer his sister. Based on his promise to keep me safe, I was certain he wouldn’t care less about losing her.

  I delighted in vindication. Aubrey was facing the worst punishment of all. Never mind jail time or a lifetime of repentance. Her ultimate shame was being alone. And now she’d be forced into an eternity of loathing and rejection from everyone she ever cared about.


  I ran in what seemed like slow motion through the airport. “It’s you! It’s really you!” My voice cracked as I bawled.

  Jack couldn’t get a flight out of the city back to me so I booked the first flight out to him. In New York. With my family. I noticed them in the distance, but love blinded you in wonderful ways. As much as I needed to hug my mother, kiss my sister, thank Caleb, Ryan, and Aunt Gina for standing vigil for me, I needed Jack. If I didn’t get to touch him within one more second, I would explode.

  “Sunshine! Yes, it’s me. I’m here. You’re here. Oh my God. I’m so happy to see you!” Jack scooped me up in a tight embrace and then appraised me at arm’s length. His strong, wonderful hands cupped my face and pulled my lips to his.

  Our kiss was more than passionate. More than greedy. More than desperate. It was unbreakable. If someone told me I’d take my last breath after this kiss, I would die a content woman. But luckily for me, Jack, and everyone involved, I had plenty of breaths left to take after this magical moment.

  “I thought I’d never see you again.” Jack’s reverence became serious. He rested his forehead against mine and breathed deep and slow.

  “Me, too, Jack. I was so scared!” I couldn’t say anymore. My throat was clogged with tears and my breathing was too rapid to contain.

  “Hey,” Jack fussed, slouching down to meet my eyes. “Don’t cry. I’m here now. You’re okay.” Concern was evident in the tenor of his rich voice.

  I shook my head and buried my face in his neck. My fingers dug into his back, my arms clutched tighter than I ever imagined they could. I didn’t want to let go. I would never let go again.

  Seconds turned into minutes and my whimpers turned into sobs. I cried until I was depleted. Until the memories of the last few days were just that—a thing of the past. Even though they weren’t. We’d have to deal with Aubrey in the coming days so that meant more traveling and uprooting and . . . I refused to face that right now. I wouldn’t let her ruin this moment.

  My family gathered around us; my mother cried, my sister shook, and everyone else ogled. It was a lot to take in, but I wouldn’t dare protest their unified demonstration of loyalty and love.

  “Hi,” I whimpered. My eyes made their way around the circle they had created around me and Jack.

  “Hi!” It seemed as if they all said it in unison. A joint effort. Mom and Nina rushed over and tackle-hugged me. What a wonderful welcome home. I loved it.

  When the airport became too crowded and public for such a special reunion, Jack ushered me outside to the parking deck. He directed Ryan to grab my luggage and we walked in silence. There was so much to say, but I was overwhelmed. We had time. We’d have all the time in the world to say everything. But most importantly, I didn’t want to rush perfect words.

  Regardless of the infinite time we now had, I was certain there were just two things I needed to say. Right now. No waiting. Not another millisecond.

  “Jack?” We stood outside the car—an Uber or Ryan’s. I had no idea.

  “Yes, baby!” With my back flush against the cold metal, Jack cradled my face in his warm hands. “Talk to me, Sunshine.” He smiled and then dipped down to kiss the tip of my nose.

  After a calming inhalation, I let it all out. “First of all, I know we’ve said it like eight million times since we last saw each other, but—I love you, Jack. I love you more than anything in this world. You know that, right?” I needed him to feel it, not just hear it. The kind of love I carried for him was all encompassing. I’d had countless hours of internal conversation over the last few days as Aubrey’s prisoner. During my darkest times, the one thing that kept me going was my undying love for Jack, and his for me.

  “We’re going to wear those three words out and I’m perfectly fine with that. I love you, too, Stella. So fucking much.” Jack’s declaration matched the urgency of mine. He would forever be the flame that kept my
fire burning.

  He kissed me again, this time deeper and lingering, but I stopped him by pulling away and gazing into his eyes. “I need to tell you one more thing.”

  “And then can I kiss you until my lips bleed? Because I need to make up for lost time.”

  “It was only two days, Jack.” I laughed, although it wasn’t funny at all.

  “They felt like an eternity.”

  Oh, yes they certainly did. Any time away from Jack, whether as a hostage or by free will, was too much time away. “I’m staying in San Francisco. I can’t be without you. Ever again.”

  I expected shock, happiness, confusion . . . anything. But I certainly hadn’t expected the hysterical laughter that erupted from Jack’s stubble-coated mouth.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “It’s going to suck if you stay there.”

  “Hey! Really?” Was he saying he didn’t want me to stay?

  “Yes, really! You can’t stay, Stella. It wouldn’t work. It’s just too much—”

  Oh my God. What was he saying? My heart nearly stopped beating at the idea of Jack rejecting me. “Too much? How could you say that?” I looked down at the ground to hide the disappointment on my face.

  Jack’s finger was under my chin in an instant, lifting my face so that our eyes could meet yet again. “You didn’t let me finish. What I was saying was, it’s just too much distance. You can’t stay in California, Sunshine, because I’m moving to New York. And I refuse to live on opposite ends of the country after I just got you back. You’re mine for good now. Are we clear?”

  My legs became wobbly sticks of rubber. My heart jumped for joy. My lips quivered and made it impossible to utter a response. I let my tears fall with abandon and pulled Jack to me so I could hold on to the man who’d appeared out of nowhere and turned my world upside down. Who would have thought that upside down would wind up being my new favorite state of mind? The view of the world from this vantage point was nothing short of perfect.


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