Burnin' Love [Men for Hire: Firemen 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Burnin' Love [Men for Hire: Firemen 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Jane Jamison

  “Anyway, after a while, Melissa got to know Charlie’s brother, John. And well, you can guess what happened after that.”

  “You’re kidding.” Wade wasn’t the only one surprised. “So Melissa swings both ways, huh? Not that there’s anything wrong with it, of course. Actually, it’s kind of hot.”

  Wade went into protective mode when the rest of them glared at him. “Okay, okay. I’ll shut up.”

  “She got it on with her lover’s brother. Not cool, but not the most earthshaking news, either. What else?” Troy’s eyebrows lifted up but he took another swig instead of following up with his question.

  “I’m not sure this is my place to say anything, but I think you need to know. Melissa’s pregnant and Charlie’s brother, John, is the father.”

  Things had just gone from bad to worse. “Is she sure?”

  “That she’s pregnant? I’d say so. That it’s John’s? I’m so not asking that question. It doesn’t matter anyway. John believes it’s his baby so it’s his baby. As you can imagine, when Charlie found out, all hell broke loose.” Daisy took a bite of her pizza then let out a sigh. “Damn, but this is good stuff.”

  “So is it Charlie or John or the both of them that we need to worry about?” Worry wasn’t the right word. He didn’t worry that he could keep Melissa safe.

  “I’m not sure. Charlie for sure, but John could be pulling at her other side at the same time.” Daisy spoke as she ate, but with her palm covering her mouth.

  “Seems simple enough to me. We keep Melissa under wraps and safe until the situation calms down. Then we get her moved in with family or, if needed, to another town or state.”

  Daisy was already shaking her head before Paul had time to finish what he was saying. “I don’t know if she’s going to go for that. First of all, her family disowned her when she got involved with Charlie. Second, all she’s said is that she wants to have time to think. She hasn’t said anything about getting away.”

  “But it may come to that. Domestic problems often turn into something real bad, real fast. I haven’t run across it personally, but I’m willing to bet that Charlie being a woman won’t make a lot of difference. Men are generally more aggressive, but I wouldn’t want to take that risk from what you’ve told me about her.”

  “Oh, I know how domestic squabbles can escalate into horrific violence. I’ve seen enough of it working with Gabriel and his teams.” She chuckled. “Well, not actually working like they do, but I lend a hand, a free room, that kind of thing every so often. Speaking of which, where do you think you’re going to take her?”

  He frowned, knowing that the gesture only added to his usually stern expression. “I don’t plan on taking her anywhere.”

  She coughed, almost choking on her last sip of wine. “What are you talking about? That’s what Gabriel’s team would do. They’d have a safe house or they’d take her to the ranch.”

  “We don’t have a ranch and we sure as hell can’t let her stay at the firehouse.” He checked with Troy and Wade and saw that they were on the same page as he was. “This is the best place for her.”

  “Oh, no. Uh-uh. I’m supposed to be taking much needed time off. I didn’t plan on having a roommate, much less one that’s in trouble.”

  “And yet you took her in and brought her back here. Face it, Daisy, you’re in this, hook, line and sinker. You might as well get used to swallowing the bait.”

  She had her own version of steely eye and gave it to him. “That’s a clever way of putting it, but it doesn’t mean it’s what’s going to happen.”

  “Why not? You don’t seem the type to kick a woman in need to the curb.”

  “I’m not.”

  She twisted her mouth to the side in thought and he had an overwhelming urge to find out how her mouth would feel on his cock. “Then why are you hesitating?”

  “What I haven’t told you is that we already had a run-in with Charlie. Literally. We were just coming out of a diner and there she was. Trust me when I say she’s not the nicest lady I’ve ever met.”

  “Did you introduce yourself?” asked Troy.

  “No. I don’t think so. And I sure as hell didn’t tell her where I’m staying.”

  “Then it should be okay.” Paul didn’t want to move Melissa. He didn’t think it was in her best interest or in his, either. Not if he wanted to see Daisy again. Despite his resolve to keep his business and personal lives apart, he couldn’t help but want that.

  “You’re sure you didn’t give her any hint, any bit of info that might help her track you and Melissa down?”

  Shut up, Troy. We need to keep her involved.

  He was being selfish, but it wasn’t like anything would happen to Daisy. He’d make sure of it. Besides, staying with Daisy was in Melissa’s best interests.

  “She did take a call from John on the way home.”

  Things were getting more complicated and he didn’t like it. “Did she say anything about you or where you were going?”

  Daisy gave it some thought. “Nope. Not a word.”

  “Then like I said, I think we’re good not relocating her to a different location. You just stick with her and lay low until we say what to do next. Understood?” He could tell by the way her eyes flashed and how she clenched her teeth that she didn’t like taking orders. But she didn’t have much of a choice.

  “Fine. For now.”

  Wade gulped down the rest of his drink. “Good. Now that we’ve got that settled, let’s concentrate on catching up on old times. Tell us what you’ve been up to, Daisy. Did you ever get married? Have a kid? Have sex with old classmates?”

  Wade’s joke broke the tension in the air, making Troy and Daisy laugh. Paul remained stoic, his attention centered on the intriguing woman sitting across from him. No one could ever call her “normal” or “average” or any of those mundane words. No, Daisy was a different kind of woman. Different and mesmerizing.

  * * * *

  Daisy still had a difficult time believing that the two brothers were the same guys she’d known in school. It was more than the obvious physical improvements. They had a self-assurance that she’d never seen, but it wasn’t a cockiness that some men had after changing from zeroes into a real, live heroes. Instead, they were just as friendly as she remembered them and it was obvious that they didn’t think of themselves as studs. They were down-to-earth good guys who had grown up to put their lives on the line for those who needed help. Even if they weren’t hotter than an Oklahoma sun on a summer day, they would’ve been attractive for their personalities alone.

  Then there was Paul. She didn’t think he was that much older than the Chambliss brothers, but he acted like he was. Whether he’d taken on the role or it had been thrust on him, he was the obvious leader of their small team. Still, she sometimes caught an expression that made her think he’d just as soon have abdicated that authority position if given the chance.

  Some men were born leaders and Paul Winchester was one of them.

  They were three men who not only stirred her yearning, but made her feel safe all at the same time. She could easily imagine curling up in first one man’s lap, then the other’s, and finally the third’s. Being a strong independent woman, she’d never found any man who could make her feel like turning all her problems over to him. Now she wondered if she’d found three.

  She thanked Troy when he refilled her glass, then took a long drink. Instead of steadying her jittery nerves, it only made her hornier than she’d already been. It had been a long time since she’d felt this turned on.

  So did she do something about it? Or wait until when, hell, if, they decided to make a move?

  Three men. Holy hell.

  “Daisy, do you have any kind of protection?”

  She blinked. Had Wade read her thoughts? “Uh, no.” It wasn’t as though she slept around a lot. In fact, she’d be thrilled if things hadn’t closed up shop down there. A dark, dusty room filled with cobwebs came to mind as she imagined her pussy.
r />   “Is there anything you could use? Maybe a big butcher knife?”

  She gaped at Troy. He wanted to use a knife? Down there? “Of course not.”

  The three of them gave her strange looks. Paul leaned forward, pressing closer. She could feel the heat from his body. Granted, it had been a long while since she’d found a man attractive and interesting enough to want him to make a move, but she didn’t doubt that he was attracted to her.

  “What about that baseball bat you used to wield like a sword?” Wade took a big drink. “I don’t suppose you still have that thing?”

  She jerked her gaze away from Paul and back to Troy. “My bat? Oh!”

  She felt like an idiot. They weren’t talking about sexual protection. Thank God she hadn’t said anything to give away what she’d really been thinking. “Actually, now that you mention it, I did bring it along.”

  “What’s the thing about a bat?” Paul had managed to down an entire piece of pizza in the short time that she’d been confused.

  “Daisy used to play softball in school and she was one hell of a hitter. On and off the field,” joked Wade. Trust me. You should’ve seen the way she slung it around. No one, but no one could stand up to her.”

  “And I’ve still got a pretty hard swing, if I do say so myself.”

  “Good. Then keep it handy just in case. One of us will be standing guard outside so all you have to do is yell if you need anything.”

  “Why not just stay the night?” The invitation was out before she’d realized what she was saying. Yet no way was she taking it back. “I mean, there’s another guest bedroom with two twin beds in it. One of you can stand guard while the other two sleep.”

  It sounded perfectly sensible to her. But then again, if it got them to stay, then almost anything she’d say would make sense to her.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Troy was quick to jump in after Wade. “Me, too.”

  “There’s no need for all three of us to stay.”

  Damn it, Paul.

  “But I guess it wouldn’t hurt. It’ll save us travel time in the morning.”

  Now that’s what I like to hear.

  She studied him and he caught her doing it. The wall that he seemed to have built around him came up, harder than ever.

  He’d been hurt. His stoic exterior couldn’t hide that fact.

  The recognition that he was vulnerable made her smile. She loved a challenge and Paul was definitely a challenge. She’d break down that wall one way or another. She jerked her mind back to the conversation.

  “Yeah. Besides, we need to take shifts,” added Troy.

  “Great.” She pushed the glass of wine away. “I know it’s not kosher to mix alcohols, but I’m not really all that big on wine. How about I get out the bourbon and mix us a hot toddy?”

  Or more than one.

  “That sounds like what my grandmother would drink.”

  She laughed at Wade’s grimace. “Where do you think I got the idea? But this isn’t that kind of toddy. In fact, I’d say there’ll be a lot more toddy than tea. One of my toddies will go a long way to relax you.”

  “I’d just as soon take a shot of the bourbon than even bother with the tea part.”

  “You can have it any way you want it, Troy.” She met Wade’s gaze, hoping he’d understand the real meaning behind her offer.

  Wade paused, then nodded, harder than was necessary. “Hey, I’m up for anything. I don’t think we’ve had a lot of wine. And I wouldn’t care anyway.”

  “We need to stay sober. We’re on the job, remember?”

  Troy let out a groan. “We know, Paul, but a couple of drinks aren’t going to hurt. Loosen up, will ya?”

  She kept quiet, hoping that in this instance, silence would be golden.

  “Yeah, come on, Paul. You said it yourself. The likelihood of anything happening is remote. This Charlie girl doesn’t know who Daisy is or where she took Melissa.”

  Paul wanted to let go. She could see it in his eyes. Leaning forward, she let the front of her dress fall forward just enough for a little enticement. “Please, Paul?”

  His gaze landed exactly where she’d hope it would. “Fine. But one of us has to stay on guard at all times.”

  “Deal.” Troy stood up and took the wine bottle to the fridge. “Start mixing the drinks, Daisy.”

  “Yeah.” Wade was up and moving the food to the kitchen counter. “You’re on guard duty first, Paul.”

  * * * *

  For Wade it was his dream come true. He’d spent his years in high school lusting after Daisy Winters. Now, here she was, standing in a kitchen and downing shots with him. Correction, with him and Troy, while Paul watched on like some stone statue. He couldn’t blame Paul. After what he’d gone through with Amber, the man had to have developed a thick skin.

  He wouldn’t mind sharing her with Troy. In fact, they’d often half-joked about it in high school. Sharing Daisy with his brother was a lot better than not having her at all. Plus, it added a whole different element of excitement. There was no way either one of them would’ve gotten her on their own back then, and even if they had managed that miracle, neither one of them could have imagined shutting the other brother out.

  Then, after they’d joined the Firemen for Hire team, they’d even had serious discussions about sharing one woman. Not only for a night or two, but for the rest of their lives. The talks had come about after visiting the Second Chance Ranch and finding out that several of the men who worked on the Cowboys for Hire teams had decided to take one woman between them. He’d thought the idea was ludicrous at first, but after seeing how well it worked for them, he’d given it more thought. As one cowboy had put it, “Some special women are just too much for one man to handle.”

  If any woman was that kind of woman, it was Daisy Winters.

  “Here you go.” She poured a liberal amount of booze into a shot glass for Wade and Troy, then put some of it into the tea she’d made for herself.

  “To Daisy Winters.” Wade lifted his glass in a toast.

  “Yeah. To Daisy Winters and our finding her again.”

  Wade clinked his glass against first Troy’s, then Daisy’s, then downed the shot. The liquid fire burned a path down his throat.

  Wade watched her lips as she took a sip, then another, of her toddy. His penis had already gotten a head start on growing long and hard when they’d come into the kitchen, but the damn thing was standing up straight and pushing against his belly. If he didn’t do something soon, he’d have to either cut it off—Hell no!—or let it fly off his body like a heat-seeking missile. He leaned against the counter and hooked his thumbs in one pocket of his jeans so he could pull the denim away without being obvious.

  He’d thought that had worked when he caught Paul giving him the eye. If Paul had seen, then Daisy would soon enough. He had to cover himself. That, or draw her attention away.

  “Baby”—he paused as they all took in the term of endearment—“hit me again.” He thrust out his shot glass.

  “Take it easy, man,” warned Paul, who’d taken up a position near the entrance to the kitchen.

  Fuck off, Paul.

  Wade downed the second shot. She was sipping her drink like a lady, but he was willing to bet that she was anything but a lady in the sack. The drink hit him, loosening up what little inhibition was left.

  He slid his gaze along her body. The dress she wore clung to the curve of her hips and the rise of her breasts. He couldn’t remember ever seeing her wear a dress in high school, but thought she should wear them more often. She took another sip and as soon as her lips pursed against the mug, he lost control.

  He pulled her to him, letting his arms wind around her slender waist and tugging her closer. She blinked as though confused at first, then reached up and took him behind the neck. He looked down and wondered how soft her lips were.

  He had to find out. If he did nothing else the rest of his life, he had to know the answer to that question.

/>   She didn’t stop him when he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. If she felt his erection against her stomach, she didn’t let on. Instead, she moved closer, making it known that she knew what the hardness was.

  Troy groaned, but he didn’t dare break the kiss. He knew what his brother was going through, but he couldn’t help but feel smug that he’d taken the first move. The first move of many, he hoped.

  She was so perfect, her body molding to his as though they were two parts of a whole that had been broken apart and now finally glued back together. He never wanted them to be apart again. It had been true from the first day he’d seen her in high school and it was still true today.

  The heat from her melted into him. She was starving for the right kind of affection and he intended to feed that need for as long as she’d allow.

  Her lips were softer than he had imagined. And insistent. The longer they kissed, the harder she pressed her mouth to his. They shared tastes, flicking each other’s tongue back and forth. It was a sex game, but so much more than that, too.

  She was the one to stop the kiss. Yet instead of leaning away from him, she burrowed her face against his neck. The gesture made him feel more like a man than anything ever had.

  “Damn, what took you so long?”

  He risked sounding mushy. “When an angel falls into your arms, it takes a while to believe you’ve been blessed.”

  She glanced up at him, her dark eyes alight with joy. “Wow. That was freakin’ beautiful.”

  On any other woman, it would’ve sounded crass. But on Daisy? It was like hearing songbirds sing.

  He chuckled, then glanced at his brother. Troy’s expression was one of abject yearning. But he’d have to wait. Wade wanted her for himself for a few moments longer.

  “I’ve wanted you since I was a kid.”


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