Burnin' Love [Men for Hire: Firemen 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Burnin' Love [Men for Hire: Firemen 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Jane Jamison

  Daisy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She’d thought she’d gotten involved in a domestic dispute, but it had turned out to be so much more. Charlie and John were two seriously bad people. She didn’t know how to handle that kind of person.

  “You should’ve told me. Or Paul, Wade, or Troy. Someone.” She tried, but she couldn’t keep the irritation out of her voice.

  A sob from Melissa took the edge off her anger. “I’m sorry. I know I should have, but I was afraid that if you all found out, you wouldn’t want to help me. I’m so, so sorry.”

  One look at her told Daisy that she was truly remorseful. And the truth of it was that even had she known, she still would’ve helped her. Either way, it was too late now. Again, she glanced in the mirror and found comfort in seeing Paul at the wheel with Wade and Troy in the vehicle with him.

  “It’s okay.” She shot her a hard look. “But you need to tell us everything from now on. Understood? It’s not only your life that’s in jeopardy now. It’s ours, too. And your baby’s. So? Is there anything else?”

  She paused before shaking her head and Daisy had to wonder if the pause was because she was sincerely trying to think of anything else or if she was trying to decide to hold back more information. “Okay. Then let’s put this behind us for now. Look? See that pretty two story house? That’s my place.”

  Melissa sat up and oohed and ahhed at Daisy’s B&B. Daisy was proud of her pristine white home with the wraparound deck and pretty flowers, hanging from pots as well as decorating the flower boxes under the windows. The grass had been freshly mowed by the neighbor boy that she’d hired and the bushes were nicely trimmed. She pulled into the driveway then took her car behind the house to the parking lot that she and her guests used. Since she was supposed to be away, there were no guests.

  She put the car into park then got out and waited as Paul maneuvered his vehicle next to hers. Seeing the way Melissa’s eyes lit up at her home, she was almost hopping up and down to see what the men would think of it.

  The three of them, the men who had come to mean so much to her, got out of the car. After giving her a quick smile, their gazes had gone straight to the house.

  “So this is it, huh?” Paul nodded his approval, then started unloading their duffel bags.

  His lack of enthusiasm hit her hard. “Yeah. This is it.” Couldn’t he see how much her home meant to her?

  “It’s really nice, Daisy.” Troy snatched up his bag and handed it off to Paul. “I’ll get the ladies’ luggage.”

  Again, the reaction wasn’t what she’d hoped for. “Well? Do you really like it?”

  It was finally Wade who made her feel like her place was appreciated. “Daisy, it’s a terrific home. I love the porch. And didn’t I see rocking chairs out front?”

  She placed her hand on Wade’s arm, offering him a silent thank you. “There sure are. I like to sit out there and have a little drink in the evening. I know that makes me sound like I’m eighty-five and getting a thrill out of watching the grass grow, but I like it. It’s very peaceful.”

  “I could use a little peace and quiet about now.” Wade leaned over and placed a kiss on her temple. He acted like he wanted to do more, but stepped away when Melissa’s eyes grew wider.

  “Let’s get everyone inside.” Daisy let Troy and Wade handle their two bags. She opened the back door with a flourish and brought them into the kitchen.

  “How about the five-cent tour, everyone? As you can see, this is the kitchen. Feel free to use it whenever you want. I’ll try to round up breakfast and dinner, but I usually let guests fend for themselves for lunch.”

  Once again it was Wade who spoke highly of her home. Melissa told her how pretty it was as Daisy led them into the living room, then into the foyer. She thrust her thumb upward and took the steps up to the second floor.

  “Melissa, you can have the last room to your left. It has its own bathroom. My room’s next door.” She pointed down the hallway to the other rooms. “Guys, you get the rooms across the hall. I’ll let you sort it out amongst yourselves about who gets what room. They’re basically all the same except that you’ll have to share the bathroom at the end of the hall. I hope that’s okay.”

  Paul started down the hallway alongside Wade. Troy hefted the bags in his hands. “No problem. It’s a sight better than the dorm-style room we share at the station when we’re working.”

  “I’ll bet. But you know what?”

  He shifted back to her. “What’s that?”

  “You guys never told me where you live. I mean, you have homes outside the station, right?”

  “We do. We share a big house near the grocery where you and Paul went.” His blue gaze dove into hers. “We share a lot of things.”

  She was still trying to swallow that bit of information when he was already striding down the hall. Had he meant to give that more meaning? Or was she reading something into nothing?


  She forced her attention away from Troy and back to Melissa. “Yes?”

  Melissa changed then, from the frightened young girl to a woman. “You like them, don’t you?”

  She hadn’t expected that question. “Uh, do you mean Troy?”

  Melissa tilted her head. “I mean all of them.”

  “Oh.” She took another look down the hall, but the men were already inside their rooms. “Sure. I mean, they’re really nice guys and they’re doing their best to help you. To help us. How could I not like them?”

  “That’s not what I mean and you know it.”

  She couldn’t deny what was most likely displayed all over her face. “You’re right. Yeah. I do like them. All three of them.”

  “Do you love them?”

  She threw up her hands, stunned at the abrupt question. “Hey, are we having a sleep over and doing girly things like gossiping about boys? I am so not ready for this discussion.” She scooted toward her own room. “Get settled in and I’ll see you downstairs.”

  She couldn’t get away fast enough and closed the door behind her, willing herself not to slam it closed.

  Am I that obvious? Can everyone see that I—That I what? Care for them? That I love them?

  She leaned against her bedroom door, thankful to be alone with her thoughts.

  Yeah. I love them.

  She let out an awed breath. “When the hell did that happen?”

  * * * *

  Daisy heard the rap on her door just as she’d expected—no, hoped—would happen. Her nerves had been jumpy since the fire and she instinctively knew that only the men could calm them. Not simply with their presence, although it helped that they were at the ready should danger come again, but with the certainty that they would get together again.

  Her body tingled and she nearly giggled with anticipation. She ran a hand through her hair, playing and pulling at the ends.

  Right. Like that’s going to suddenly transform me into a sex kitten.

  Making sure that her face remained pleasant, yet impassive, she opened her bedroom door.

  And almost fainted.

  Wade, Troy and Paul entered her room without her inviting them. They wore no shirts and their hair was wet as though they’d just gotten out of the shower and hadn’t bothered drying off. She’d taken a quick shower, too, but had dried her hair in a hurry.

  They looked like three warriors from a different time. Their massive chests were unequaled by any average modern-day male and their lean waists spoke of hard work both in the gym and in manual labor. Their bodies glistened with beads of water. Her throat closed as she whipped her gaze from one man’s crotch to the other’s. Each had a tent already blossoming. They were horny and they were coming for her.

  She stepped back and they followed her, surrounding her, like a pack of wolves ready to claim their prey. Her breathing quickened as she looked into each of their eyes and saw what her heart already knew.

  “We know you’re shaken up about the fire.” Wade, the one who was always so funny, so r
eady for a laugh, stared at her with an intensity that shot heat all the way to her core.

  “I am. But I’m okay now.”

  “No, you’re not.” Troy skimmed his fingers over her shoulder. “You need us.”

  She shook her head, denying what she then spoke. “Yes.” Yet they had to know which was the truth.

  “You’re safe here. So is Melissa.” Paul stopped, his arm an inch from hers, his body at an angle to hers as he bored his gaze into her.

  Her pussy grew warm and wet. “Are you sure?”

  “We’re sure. But we’re staying for as long as it takes just the same.”

  Wade moved behind her, leaning close to her ear to whisper. “Melissa’s in her room. I think she’s resting.”

  “Good. She was pretty worn out.”

  “Are you worn out, baby?” Troy stood off to her right, but close enough that she could feel the heat from his body sifting onto hers.

  “It depends.”

  “On what?” questioned Paul.

  “On what you have in mind.”

  Troy took her by the chin, forcing her to lift her gaze to his. His blue eyes sparkled with mischief and need. “We want you. As men who want to share a woman. A woman who wants to be submissive to her men’s needs.”

  “Whatever those needs are.” Paul’s deep voice held an edge of lust to it.

  She didn’t need to think. Hell, she couldn’t think. Instead, her body gave her the answer. “Yes.”

  “Good, baby.” Troy tugged on her T-shirt. “Undress for us and do it slow-like.”

  She crossed her arms and got her shirt free from her black jeans. But she didn’t pull it over her head. Instead, she undid the button of her jeans, then shimmied them over her hips and to the floor. She’d already taken her shoes off before they’d come in. She kicked the jeans to the side.

  Paul’s hands found her butt, his fingers slipping under the lacy material of her panties. He took them along with him as he knelt behind her. She wanted to turn around and watch him, sure that he was about to lick her, but she didn’t dare. Troy’s and Wade’s attention was locked on her.

  She was surprised when Paul didn’t lean in and press his face to her skin. Instead, he pushed the panties to her ankles, then lifted one foot at a time to slip them off her.

  “Your shirt. Now.”

  She slid her shirt over her head and dropped it to the floor. Wade moaned and flattened his palms against the top of her breasts. She dragged in a big breath. Anything to get closer to him.

  Paul ran his hand along the inside of her leg. “Spread your legs, baby. Then stay still no matter what I do.”

  Spasms moved inside her pussy as she wondered what he had in mind. His hand slipped higher. His fingers found the crease between her butt cheeks. He kept his hand moving, easing it forward until his hand found her pussy. She inhaled and found it very difficult not to move, not to beg him to push his finger inside her.

  Troy massaged her butt cheek. “She’s perfect. Just perfect.”

  “That’s not exactly true.”

  Before she could ask, Wade showed her what he’d meant. A slap to her other butt cheek had her yelping.

  “Stay still, baby. I told you not to move,” warned Paul.

  Wade looked behind her. “Now that’s better. Her flesh is even prettier when it’s pink.” He added another spank to her butt cheek.

  “Bro, you’re right.” Troy slapped her other cheek.

  “Do you trust us, baby?”

  She didn’t know why Wade would have to question her. “Of course I do. With my life.”

  “Then you trust us with your body?”


  “Good.” Wade pulled a strip of black cloth out of his back pocket. “Then trust us about this.”

  She licked her lips. “I do.”

  “We want you to feel everything, smell everything, more than you would with your eyes open. You’re going to understand how we feel about you when you feel our tongues, mouths and hands all over your body. Being blindfolded will help.”

  She bit her lower lip. “Then do it.”

  “Close your eyes.” Wade covered her mouth with the cloth while Troy took the ends of it and tied it behind her head. “Can you see me, baby?”



  Paul reached around her and played with her labia, never entering her, just teasing her. She moaned, the sensation of his touch more dramatic, more sensual than before. She hadn’t expected the blindfold to heighten her senses that much, but it already had.

  Wade slipped the straps of her bra down, then pressed light kisses along her shoulders. Her skin tingled under his lips. Troy pulled the cups of her bra lower to expose her breasts. Her nipples were already taut, but hardened more as he rubbed them.

  She jumped when Paul placed his hands on the inside of her thighs then flicked his tongue over the tender skin between her anus and her pussy. She ached to order him to suck on one or the other, but refrained from speaking. Being submissive meant waiting for them to do as they wished.

  Being submissive also meant making them as sexually satisfied as she could. As emotionally satisfied as she could. As satisfied as she could in every way possible.

  “Wade and I couldn’t stand to wait a minute longer. Thinking about you was driving us insane. We have to have you.”

  Wade cupped her breasts and brought one to his mouth. His tongue took over where his fingers had left off, torturing her nipple, teasing her other one as he bounced his mouth from one to the other.

  She felt Paul swipe his tongue over her ass. He squeezed a cheek then let go and followed it with a quick bite. She inhaled, not in pain, but in excitement.

  Wade massaged her breasts again then let his hands fall down, trailing his fingers along her body as he went to his knees. He put his face between her legs and eased his tongue along her pussy lips. She moaned and moved to open her legs wider.

  “I think she wants someone to taste her.”

  Wade was quick to take Paul’s suggestion. His tongue parted her lips then teased her clit. Her pussy tightened and a fresh wave of moisture flooded outward.

  “Damn, but she’s ready. Hang in there, baby. We won’t let you suffer for long.”

  Troy brushed her hair back and nibbled on her ear. He fondled her tit and unhooked her bra. She was completely naked, but it was more than not having any clothes. She was emotionally naked, vulnerable to their every need, and under their control.

  The meaning of what was happening rushed into her. She’d never have done this with any other men. Melissa had seen it on her face and she’d realized it before. She did love them. As amazing and as impossible as that seemed, she couldn’t deny it. She loved them. She could see a future, either in Destiny or elsewhere, with them. Where they lived wasn’t important. Only that they lived together, raising a family together.

  But how did they feel about her?

  Wade slipped two fingers into her pussy. She tensed as he circled them, searching for her G-spot. It wouldn’t surprise her if she climaxed from his touch alone, but with two fingers striking her sweet bundle of nerves? She had no doubt that would send her flying.

  With the blindfold on, she paid sharper attention to everything the men were doing to her. Their hands were like instruments of pleasure, their mouths and tongues tools of delight, and they were the masters of their trade.

  When all three men stopped touching her, she was lost, her body bereft and alone. “What’s going on?” She could still hear them breathing, moving.

  “We’re just getting undressed, baby.” Troy nipped at her shoulder, reassuring her.

  “Aw, but I wanted to see you strip.” Seeing all three together without their clothes on would turn her on even more. If that was possible.

  “You’ll have plenty of opportunities to see us naked.” Paul spanked her ass again, once more making her yelp.

  “Let’s go, guys.” Wade’s voice held excitement in it, an eagerness that she f

  “What? Where?”

  A slap to her right butt cheek came, stinging into her flesh. Yet the sharp pain morphed into a sting that brought out another wave of lust.

  “Don’t question us, baby. Trust us.”

  “Troy’s right,” agreed Wade. “If you trust us, you won’t ask why.”

  She’d play along during sex since she wanted to be submissive, but in life it would be a different matter. As a strong woman, she could never let any man, not even three men she loved, keep her from asking questions. As the men who should care for her, they wouldn’t want her to stay quiet. Submissive didn’t mean she had to play the doormat or Stepford woman.

  They stood up around her, the warmth of their bodies vibrating the air around her so that she could sense where they stood.

  One of them took her by the arm and guided her toward her bed. He placed her at the end of the four-poster bed.

  “Here.” Wade moved her back a little. She could hear the bed creak as he sat on the end of it. “Kneel.”

  She did as he ordered, letting him guide her hands to his knees. She could smell his aroma already and couldn’t wait to get his cock inside her mouth.

  “Suck on me, baby. Make it good or you’ll get a punishment.”

  Excitement raced through her. What kind of punishment? Another spanking? That would be worth rebelling against him.

  Instead, she lowered her head and skimmed her hands over to cup his cock between them. She drew him in, lazily circling his shaft as he went deeper into her mouth. She moved back and forth, going slowly, wanting to give him a good, long pumping. He thrust toward her harder, pushing his cock farther back and choking her.

  “Easy, baby. Relax your throat.”

  She did as he said, taking in more of him.

  “That’s it. You’re doing great.”

  Someone went to his knees behind her. “Hand me the lube, Troy.”

  She jumped, almost using her teeth on Wade’s cock as Paul slipped his hand between her butt cheeks to smear the cool gel around and inside her anus. She wiggled her butt, letting him know how much she enjoyed the feeling of his fingers diving into her tight ring of muscles. Her butt muscles clenched.


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