A Recipe for Passion [Novum Energy] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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A Recipe for Passion [Novum Energy] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 3

by Kaley Colter

  And then somewhere in his haze Nick thought he heard the sound of someone knocking on the door. It took a second for the sound to fully register in his brain. And when it did, Nick froze.

  “Nick, you in there? Our subcontractor’s on the phone and needs to speak with you as soon as possible.”

  Lungs heaving, he tore himself away from her mouth. They looked at each other, both struggling to catch their breath.

  “Just a minute, Greg,” he answered.

  Nick looked down at her. He could see confusion and desire and fear battling in her eyes. His heart sank. He knew that as soon as he left she would start to doubt what had just happened between them. He wanted to kick himself. She was a timid little kitten, and here he was ravishing her at the first available opportunity. And to make things worse, he knew from the way she responded to his touches that she was somewhat inexperienced in this department. In fact, he would bet a lot of money that she was completely inexperienced in this department.

  You scared her, you idiot. And now you’re going to lose her.

  “How do you feel, sweetheart?” he asked, sweeping the hair back from her face and rubbing his thumb over her jaw.

  “Ummm…I don’t know,” she answered. She was still breathing hard and having a difficult time focusing her eyes. “Kind of dizzy.”

  Nick picked her up and carried her back to the couch. He knelt down in front of her. “Why don’t you rest here for a few minutes while I answer this call. When I’m finished, I’ll have my assistant drive you to my house and help you get settled in to your new job. Is that okay?” Ellie nodded. He reached down and kissed her on the cheek. “See you soon, sweetheart.”

  Chapter 4

  Ellie unplugged the vacuum, sat down on the couch, and propped her face in her hands. She sighed.

  Colleen, Nick’s housekeeper, came walking into the living room carrying a vase full of fresh flowers. “You all right, hun?” she asked as she set the vase down on the coffee table and adjusted it to make sure it was perfectly centered.

  Colleen was a good deal older than Ellie, probably in her late forties, and she had taken on a very motherly role with Ellie ever since the latter had arrived two weeks ago. Ellie looked up at her as she sat down beside her on the couch. She was wearing her usual long-sleeved black cotton dress and had her silvery-black hair tied back in a tight bun.

  Ellie smiled weakly. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

  “You know, you really don’t have to help with the housework. Nick doesn’t take business trips all that often, so you should’ve treated the past couple weeks like a nice little vacation.”

  “No, I really do want to help. It makes me feel productive. Plus, if I help with the work, then you’re done quicker and we can watch a movie or something.”

  Colleen smiled. “Well, you’re a very sweet girl, I must tell you.” She paused. “Are you sure nothing’s wrong? Are you worried about settling in here? Because Nick’s a great boss. And I’m sure you’ll feel at home soon. I would also hate to lose the company,” she said, reaching out and squeezing Ellie’s forearm.

  “No, it’s not that. You don’t know how happy I am to find a job as an actual chef. It’s just that…”


  “Was Nick really looking for a personal chef?”

  Colleen laughed. “Yes, he’s definitely mentioned it. You see, I’m not the best cook in the world. I may have embellished my skills in the kitchen just a little bit when he interviewed me. But I’ve been with him for two years and he treats me like family, so he’d never let me go because of that.” She turned to look at Ellie. “Why do you ask?”

  “It’s just that…Nick found out that I was in an unfortunate situation with my old job. And when he asked me to come work for him, I almost didn’t take his offer because I was afraid he was just feeling sorry for me and I would become a burden on him.”

  “I see,” Colleen said. “Well, from the time I’ve spent working for him, I can tell you that that’s just not Nick’s way. He wouldn’t lie to you and offer you the job just because he felt sorry for you. But I do have to say…” She paused.


  Colleen shifted in her seat. “The day you came here, I saw the way he looked at you. And I’ve never seen him look at a woman like that before. I think he might really care for you.”

  Ellie sighed. She knew that that wasn’t true. When they had stopped kissing in the office and she looked into his eyes, she was sure she had seen regret. He had probably just gotten carried away and was grateful that someone had knocked on the door and forced him to stop, and it made her eyes sting with bitter tears, because she hadn’t wanted it to. “I really don’t think that’s the case. I mean, look at me, Colleen. We’re from two different worlds.”

  “Well that’s just my two cents’ worth. Anyways, I think you’re a kind, beautiful girl and any man would be lucky to have you.”

  Ellie smiled. “Thanks, Colleen.”

  But she didn’t care if any man would be lucky to have her. All she wanted was to belong to Nick.

  * * * *

  Nick put his suitcase down, threw his keys on the front table, and shut the door behind him. He was finally home.

  He had been more than a little upset when a problem had come up on one of his wind turbine projects and he had had to fly down to the site and clean up the mess his subcontractors had made of the turbine foundations. He had wanted to be there for Ellie and make sure she got settled in to his home, but instead he was forced to leave the day after she arrived.

  He looked down at his watch. It was two o’clock in the morning. After taking a minute to let his eyes adjust to the darkness, he walked quietly through his living room to the stairs. Ellie’s room was right beside the staircase, and as Nick walked by, he thought he heard a noise coming from inside. He walked closer, and when he saw that she had left her door slightly ajar, he pushed it open further and looked inside.

  Ellie was tossing and turning on the bed, moaning in distress. She was having a nightmare.

  He made his way to the bed and sat down on the edge. She had kicked away the sheets, and he could see that her legs were bare. Her T-shirt had ridden up to the middle of her tummy, and his cock swelled in his jeans as soon as he caught sight of her gorgeous ass.

  “Sweetheart,” he whispered, rubbing her lower back. He swore softly as she shifted and his hand grazed the edge of her panties. Unable to resist, he swept his hand over the luscious curve of her ass and down to the back of her thigh before drawing his hand back and swearing to himself again.

  Here she is trapped in a nightmare, and it’s all you can do to stop yourself from tearing her legs apart, shoving your cock inside her tight little pussy and fucking her senseless.

  Ellie moaned again, a look of pain flashing across her face. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “Please, Marcus…I’m sorry.”

  Nick gently shook her shoulder. “Ellie, sweetheart, wake up.”

  Ellie slowly blinked her eyes open. She looked at Nick for a minute, confused, before flinching away from him and curling into a ball at the head of the bed.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m not going to hurt you. You were having a nightmare.” He cautiously reached out and grabbed her into his lap, smoothing his hands over hers when he noticed that they were shaking. “Easy now, kitten. It’s okay. You’re okay.”

  Nick smiled in triumph when she pushed herself deeper into his lap and rested her head on his thigh. He stroked his hand over her hair, waiting for her to calm down.

  “Do you have nightmares a lot?” he asked softly. She nodded against his leg. “About Marcus?” She nodded again. “Did he hurt you, Ellie?” She didn’t nod this time, but she didn’t have to. “I’m sorry, baby.”

  “It’s okay,” she said in a small voice.

  Nick gritted his teeth. If he ever got a hold of that son of a bitch, he would kill him. “Did Colleen take care of you the past couple weeks?” he asked, caressing her jaw.

  “Yes. She
’s been really nice to me.”

  Nick smiled. “I’m glad.” He looked down at her and sighed. He needed to tell her. He couldn’t put it off any longer. “Ellie…”

  She turned her head to look up at him when he paused. “Ya?”

  “I’m sorry about what happened in the office.”

  Nick knew something was wrong the second he felt her body stiffen against him. She propped herself up on one arm and leaned away from him, wiping at her eyes with the back of her hand.

  “It’s fine,” she said in a tight voice. “I get it. People get carried away and things happen that they didn’t want to happen.”

  “Ellie, that’s not what I meant.” He tried to look into her face, but she was turning farther away from him.

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to explain anything. People do things they regret all the time.”

  In a split second, Nick pushed Ellie flat on the bed and leaned over her, trapping her entire body beneath his. “You don’t seem to understand, so I’m going to spell it out very clearly. I’m sorry for not thinking that I might be scaring you when I threw you against the wall and wanted to shove my cock so deep inside you that it’d make you scream. I’m sorry for not being able to stop myself from playing with your breasts and touching your sweet pussy and ravaging your hot little mouth. And I’m sorry for wanting to fuck you right now, for wanting to fuck you from the moment I stepped into your room and saw you on the bed.” He shoved a knee in between her legs, spread them apart, and pressed his raging erection against her pussy. “Can you feel how much I want you?” Ellie moaned. He thrust his cock harder against her. “Answer me, Ellie.”

  “Yes,” she gasped as he thrust against her again.

  He was so hard it was almost painful. He sat up and looked down at her, admiring the hazy look in her eyes and the beautiful pink flush on her cheeks before drawing his gaze down to the outline of her hard nipples against her thin blue T-shirt. He needed to see her naked. In one swift movement, he pulled her shirt over her head and threw it aside, swallowing when he finally laid eyes on the immaculate shape of her rounded, upturned breasts. She was perfect.

  * * * *

  The second Nick pressed his cock in between her thighs, Ellie felt her entire body succumb to desire, just as it had before in the office. And she just didn’t understand it. She was usually wary of men, probably because most of the men in her life had hurt and betrayed her, including her own father. She had always kept her distance from the opposite sex, but for some reason, all those inhibitions vanished with Nick. Every time he touched her, she was ready to give herself over to him in whatever way he wanted. She had an inexplicable trust in him, somehow knowing that he would never do anything to hurt her and that he would always be there to protect her.

  But when Nick took off her shirt, she froze. All of the insecurities she had ever had about her body rushed into her head, and she grew terrified thinking of how he must see her. She looked beside her on the bed for her shirt so that she could cover herself up, but after seeing that it had been tossed on the floor, she rushed to cover her stomach with her hands.

  Nick was clearly not pleased with her reaction. Giving her a firm look, he pried her hands away from her belly and pinned them flat on the bed. “Don’t ever hide yourself from me, Ellie. Ever.”

  Ellie swallowed, hating herself for disappointing him, but unable to purge her mind of the body image problems that had haunted her since before she could remember. “But…but my stomach’s not flat,” she said timidly, trying unsuccessfully to wiggle her arms free. “I hate how it looks.”

  “Your stomach looks exactly how it’s supposed to look. And exactly how I want it to look. Curves are beautiful. Stick figures are not.”

  Ellie shook her head, confused. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Marcus had always told her she was too chubby. He had always made fun of her hips and thighs and tummy, and now she was being told that they were normal. Desirable, even. She looked up searchingly into Nick’s face, but there wasn’t a trace of insincerity to be found. He really did think her body was beautiful.

  After hesitating for a moment longer, she finally stopped resisting and forced herself to relax her arms.

  “Good girl,” Nick said, releasing her arms and smoothing his hands over her belly. “You’re perfect.”

  He leaned down beside her and swept his hand across the underside of her breast. “Such pretty breasts,” he said, bringing his fingers close to her nipple but then drawing them away. Ellie squirmed, trying to get him to touch the tight bud at the center.

  Her breasts felt heavy and swollen and unbelievably sensitive. She was desperate for him to squeeze them, tug at them, and suck hard on her nipples, but he was bent on teasing her, and she let out a frustrated groan as he skimmed his lips lightly across the upper swell of her breast.

  “You want it hard, don’t you?” Nick asked in that low, deep voice of his as he continued delicately kissing her breast, closer and closer to her nipple.

  Ellie nodded vigorously, arching her back to force her breast harder against his mouth and crying out in frustration when he pulled his face away. But before she could even look to see what he was going to do next, he captured her nipple between his index finger and thumb and pinched hard, tearing a moan from Ellie’s lips.

  He started rolling her nipple in between his fingers, and the resulting soreness was a delicious mixture of pleasure and pain that put Ellie in a frenzy. When he released her nipple, she almost descended into a panic, needing him to touch her breast, desperate to be relieved of the tight ache at the center. And then he wrapped his lips around the stiff peak and sucked hard. Ellie opened her mouth in a silent scream.

  Her pussy was clamping down in a slow, steady rhythm that was making her go wild. Every time he tugged and pulled at her nipple, she felt her sex throb in response, and after a mere few moments of feeling his mouth on her breast she was so wet that her thighs were sticky with her juices.

  “Please…” Ellie whispered. “I need…”

  “What is it, kitten?” Nick asked, releasing her nipple from his mouth and licking the stiff peak with the flat of his tongue. Ellie moaned and squeezed her thighs together. “Your pussy’s aching, isn’t it?” Ellie nodded, biting down on her bottom lip. “You want me to get rid of the ache, don’t you baby?”

  “Yes,” she breathed. “Please, yes.”

  Nick sat up on the bed and hooked his fingers in the waistband of her panties, drawing them down her legs and tossing them aside. He grabbed her thighs and forced them wide apart, groaning when he looked down at her pussy.

  Ellie blushed at being fully exposed beneath his gaze and tried to press her legs together, but Nick would have none of it. He held them firmly apart, barely even noticing her efforts to close them.

  “You’re so wet,” he whispered.

  When he let go of her legs so he could touch her pussy, Ellie reflexively clamped them shut. Nick jerked his head up and gave her a stern look.

  “Spread your legs, Ellie.” She hesitated. “Now.” When she only opened them slightly, he reached out and gave her a sharp smack on the side of her ass. “Wider, Ellie.”

  The way he commanded her made liquid fire shoot through her lower belly. She was hurting for his touch so badly that she abandoned her modesty and threw her legs as far apart as they would go, feeling deliciously naughty at completely baring herself under his gaze.

  “That’s it, kitten,” he praised. “I’m just going to make you feel good.”

  He slid his fingers between the slick folds of her pussy, and the pleasure was so intense that she almost clamped her legs shut again.

  “Yes,” Ellie breathed. “Oh my God…”

  She was clawing at the mattress as he continued working his fingers between her slippery folds, crying out with pleasure and begging him to keep going. She started jutting out her hips to try and force his fingers into her dripping cunt, but he made her wait longer. He was teasing her mercilessly, rubbing c
loser and closer around her opening until she was whimpering with need.

  “I can’t take it… Please…I need it inside.”

  “You want me to fuck you with my fingers, don’t you, baby?”


  “How badly do you want it?”

  “Real bad,” Ellie cried. She started grabbing at her nipples, desperate to ease her throbbing pussy. “Real bad. Real bad. Please, let me have it.”

  Nick rammed his index finger all the way into her pussy. Ellie screamed. He pulled his finger out, added a second, and shoved both of them inside. Ellie screamed again.

  She couldn’t remember anything feeling so good. Everything became fuzzy, and the only thing she could focus on was Nick’s fingers plunging violently in and out of her pussy. She wanted more, needed more, and started slamming herself down on his fingers every time he thrust them inside. She could feel something amazing building up inside her—a hot, achy pressure that she wanted to explode through her lower belly.

  “That’s it, baby. Feels good, doesn’t it?”

  He was finger-fucking her hard, and at a brutally fast pace. She could feel the walls of her pussy squeezing him, desperate to draw him further inside, desperate to be filled and stretched. She closed her eyes, losing herself in the pleasure, and all of a sudden felt Nick pry open her lips with his tongue and delve into her mouth. She was thrashing on the bed, moaning into his mouth and feeling herself getting closer and closer to falling off the edge.

  Ellie came hard, screaming. She grabbed the back of Nick’s neck and forced his tongue deeper into her mouth as wave after wave of pleasure shot through her body. And through it all, Nick continued his relentless assault on her pussy, steadily thrusting his fingers in and out of her as the walls of her canal clamped down again and again.


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