Fallen Desire

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Fallen Desire Page 14

by N. L. Echeverria

  Today is going to be a long day. I barely got any sleep staying up with Kim last night. I listened to her talk about her parents and how she was so glad that they finally took a vacation so that she could have the house to herself. The odd thing is that I don’t think I’ve ever even seen Kim’s parents. I mean I’ve only lived here for a few months, but you would think that I would have run into them with her at least once by now. Every time I’ve ever been over here they are always off doing something or busy with work. I wanted so bad to tell her everything about Ethan and me, but I can’t. I can’t say a word. She kept asking how we were doing, and all I could tell her was that we were fine. I didn’t say anything about the time we spent in the sky and what he told me about my soul and what I was created for. His wings are his secret, and I can’t share what I know about him. It’s harder than I thought to keep all this information to myself. I never was one to gossip but this is huge. I feel like if I share it with someone else it will make it feel more real. It’s still hard to believe even after last night.

  I’m supposed to meet up with him today so he can introduce me to this person that supposedly can help me with my powers. Right now I don’t even care about meeting up with this stranger. All I care about is getting out of here and seeing Ethan. He’s all I can think about. The way he made me feel last night and how my body instantly responded to his touch, it’s all I want and all that’s on my mind. His long fingers moving along my skin is an experience all its own. But if finding out more about who I am and what I can do means helping him, then I’ll do it. I still have no clue how I’m going to be able to save him from the evil he thinks is inside him when I don’t even see it, but I’ll do anything to make sure we’re together. I’m tired of him running off for days on end, so I’ll do whatever it takes to free him of his evil and turn him back into the angel that he is.

  “Lindsay, what are you doing just standing here in the middle of the kitchen?”

  I didn’t even realize Kim was standing behind me, and I’m not even sure how long I’ve been standing here just daydreaming. “Oh, I was just contemplating if I should eat breakfast here or just head home.”

  She isn’t going to let me leave that quick though, “Now why would you go home to eat when I can whip you up a delicious and nutritious breakfast? Come on, take a seat and we can chat while I get cooking.”

  This is exactly what I was afraid of. The last thing I want to do is get personal with just me and her around. Everyone else has already gone home. I know she’s going to want to get more information about Ethan and me. She didn’t push too hard last night since there were several other girls from school that slept over and she had to keep them entertained as well, I don’t know who all those girls were but I’ve seen them at school. Even though we all hung out last night, I was so wrapped up in my own world I didn’t play any of the games they were playing. I only remember Jessica and Griselda, they were the one’s pushing me to be a part of the fun even though I continuously turned them down.

  “So…I know that last night you were avoiding me when I kept asking about you and Ethan.”

  “I wasn’t avoiding you, Kim. There just isn’t anything to tell. We’re doing fine, I guess.”

  Regardless of my answer she wants specifics, “So you mean to tell me you haven’t gotten any closer to Ethan? All you have to say is you’re doing fine? No details to reveal to your friend here?” I don’t understand why she has to be so pushy. There isn’t any way that she even knows that I’ve had alone time with Ethan let alone gotten closer to him.

  “Nope and that’s final. I don’t want to discuss it anymore.” She can be really persistent even with no evidence.

  “Jeez. Fine, but I know you’re keeping something from me. I can tell when you’re holding back. But I’ll let it slide for now. You will have to come to me for advice sooner or later,” she smirks.

  “Well, thank you for offering and if I ever need advice I’ll let you know.” I say grudgingly.

  “Okay so we aren’t going to talk about Ethan, how about Derrick? Is this a subject we can discuss? He came to me the other day telling me how he doesn’t know what to do about you. The boy is in love with you and you turned him down.”

  Ugh! Please make her stop. I’m gonna have to give her something to shut her up. “I have strong feelings for Ethan; I won’t let Derrick ruin that. What I have with Ethan is important.” How can I say this in a way that she’ll understand but I’m not giving too much away? “Look, the thing is I do have feelings for Derrick. He makes me feel special when I’m around him. It’s like when he’s around, Ethan doesn’t even exist. Derrick makes me feel good but mostly when he touches me, it’s just a rush of hormones making me want him. But Kim, the thing is that I feel the same way about Ethan and the difference is…I feel like Ethan and I are meant to be together. It’s more than just lust and desire with Ethan, so much more. With Derrick it seems like it’s just lust that drives me and not my heart. I don’t know, does that make any sense?”

  “Wow, Lindsay, I didn’t know you were so deep. That’s a lot to have to handle. I don’t know Ethan all that well, but I can say something for Derrick. Despite my feelings for him, I can tell you he truly cares for you and he’s a good person Lindsay. I know you can trust him. He’ll never hurt you. I’m just saying maybe since you’re so young you should leave your options open and not decide to settle right now. You just need to have fun and not get all serious on me.” She hands me a plate of scrambled eggs with a slice of toast and offers a sincere smile of sympathy.

  I can tell that she feels sorry for all the love trouble that seems to be going on; she just doesn’t know that my heart has already settled on Ethan. My confusion rests in the fact that I have so much that I need to discover about myself. Anyways, why does she keep saying for ‘someone my age’? She’s the same age as me and probably doesn’t have enough experience to be giving me advice.

  “I appreciate your thoughts but I think I’m going to stick to my decision for now. It’s what feels right. Thanks for breakfast. I’m going to have to head out once I’m done here. I have some things I have to get taken care of today.”

  “Alright, no problem. If you ever want to talk just let me know. I’m always here to listen and of course put in my two cents,” she suggests.

  “I do have some news. My mom expects me to find a summer job! Can you believe it? That’s the last thing I want to do this summer.”

  She looks thoughtful for a moment, “I’m going to be helping out elderly people with chores and miscellaneous things they need done around the house. Maybe you can do it with me and we can split the pay? It’s really part time, only two days a week. Maybe that’ll get your mom off your back about a job and you won’t have to spend all your time working.”

  “Yeah, that would be amazing Kim. When do you start?”

  “I’ll be heading over to Bill’s house on Tuesday. My parents are getting back tomorrow, so they set me up to start this week. You think that would work for you?”

  I nod, “Of course! I’ll let my mom know. She will be happy that I was able to find something so quickly. Thanks Kim. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have you as friend.” We eat our breakfast having small chat about plans for the summer. Even though I’m involved in the conversation, I can’t help but be ready to get out of here and meet up with Ethan. I want to begin our mission of saving him or whatever it is that I’m supposed to do.


  I always knew that though evil consumed me, I was destined for so much more. I heard stories about the soul that would save us all from being damned but never knew I would be leading her. I have a responsibility that I need to focus on. Even though I love her, I can’t allow that to distract us in anyway. Time is running out.

  If we can’t get to these demons and help before the war breaks out it might mean the destruction of the earth. A war between Demons and Angels would be so devastating, that no human could survive it. I need Lindsay to see the importance of t
his. I don’t think she fully realizes the importance of her needing to learn what she was created for. She’s consumed by love, which is difficult to push aside, but I’m determined to set things right between the Demons and Angels. I know that this is my destiny. I have to make it right. Evil of this magnitude does not belong on earth, if there are Demons that do not want their souls transformed then they will be damned to hell for eternity and will no longer be able to roam this planet freely. This is the way it is supposed to be.

  Now I have to convince Lindsay to meet my old friend Avarie. She’s a powerful witch who hopefully can assist in helping Lindsay discover her abilities. She helped me once a long time ago when I was still living with evil inside me. I had been feeding off a young soul and she found me. She wasn’t looking for me, it was the soul that I was taking, it wasn’t his time to go and so she was called. She befriended me and told me that a soul will come to help me and that I’ll no longer battle with the demon inside. Even though she didn’t agree with who I am, she still kept in touch with me through her magic and has always brought me a sense of hope.

  Before Lindsay, my soul was lost. It was lost in the evil that I chose to allow to consume me long ago. It’s still there inside me but the moment that I found Lindsay I’ve been able to maintain without taking the souls of others. I’ve been able to control the hunger on my own, it’s being overridden by her soul and she hasn’t even done anything yet. Avarie’s specialty is working with those who are close to passing. She saves those whose time is not up yet and helps those who must pass by helping them to feel safe and secure. She can read souls and hopefully will be able to see Lindsay for who she is and help guide her. We all have a part to play and I’m sure that Avarie will be more than willing to help.

  Lindsay is gifted with magic that needs to be practiced. Once she learns what she needs to do, she’ll be able to take my soul and redeem it which will transform me into my true being, an angel. I know that Lindsay will help but I want to make sure she’s doing it because she wants to help the demons and not just because she loves me. She’s going to have to see that she has a greater purpose.


  As soon as I finish breakfast, I head home. Kim had to drop me off since Ethan had given me a ride last night. My mom is out for the afternoon with my dad. They take me with them if I let them but I’m not really that willing lately. I guess I always have things going on. Ethan should be here shortly to pick me up. He said he’s taking me to see Avarie, an old friend of his.

  I can’t help but feel a little jealous knowing it’s a girl and if she’s an old friend of his then I would have to guess that she knows who he really is. She would obviously be aware of the fact that his image doesn’t age. Either way, I truly hope she can help me. I want to save Ethan and others like him. After being around him if these other demons are anything like Ethan they deserve to be freed of the evil that is controlling them. Even though they made the decision to not fight it in the beginning I know that all souls’ angel or human make mistakes and forgiveness is something that should be given if they truly desire to change. It sounds like I’m going to be the one to determine that. I sure do hope that this Avarie girl is going to be able to guide me in the right direction because it seems like having say over someone’s destiny is a lot to handle. All I know is that right now I can’t wait for the moment to be near Ethan again. I long for his touch. It is difficult not going one minute without daydreaming of his glorious satin wings taking me up into the sky, filling my body with excitement and pleasure.


  “Ethan! You scared me. I didn’t know you were in here.” He all of the sudden appeared directly behind me in my room. His dark hair lining his beautiful face with an expression of pure love illuminating his smile makes me instantly calm and very pleased to see him.

  “Sorry about that, I just thought I would come up and see if you were ready to go. So are you ready to meet Avarie?”

  I look down at the ground, “Well, in all honesty I’m more excited to be with you, but if meeting Avarie is what I need to do to help then I am more than ready.” I lean in to kiss his neck that is exposed and looking so yummy. Instead he leans down toward me at the same time and our lips meet. I close my eyes as everything in my room disappears and it is only Ethan and me. His touch is warming and it fills my body with chills of desire.

  “Okay, I’m parked outside so let’s get going.” He always leaves me craving more.

  “Oh, so we’re not going to fly?” I’m only half joking.

  “No unfortunately it isn’t safe out here in the open during the day light. Even though I can hide myself and you as well when you’re in my arms, I’ve not been at my full strength lately and don’t want to take any chances. Not right now at least. I want to save my strength for other times.” He smiles and kisses me on the forehead as we walk down the stairs and head for the car. Right now in this very moment Ethan is all I need in my life to feel fulfilled and happy. Nothing could ever take this away from me. I’m truly blessed that he has been brought to me.


  As we pull up to the driveway that leads to Avarie’s house, I notice plants hanging from the top rail of the porch and then a garden right in the front yard, making everything appear very green. I can tell that the house is old from the style but except for that it looks well maintained. The outside seems to be painted a freshly light gray color with the front door being oak. It isn’t creepy at all like one might think an old witches house to be but instead is very inviting. It has a homey feeling; the energy around it is peaceful. Ethan parks the car and moves around to the side of my vehicle to help me out. The moment my feet are on the ground I get a feeling – a feeling of power and energy surges through me from head to toe. I can feel the energy radiating from the earth below. It’s as if this ground is entrenched with a power of some sort. I look up at Ethan and he gives me a smile that tells me he feels it, too.

  Walking up to the front porch from the driveway there are yellow and red tulips lining the pathway – making it happier, colorful and welcoming. The wind is blowing slightly, and the flowers and leaves appear to be dancing to their own tune. Without a word Ethan walks me up to the front door, grabs my hand gently and then rings the doorbell. A lean, medium-height redheaded women answers the door. She gets a glance of Ethan and a huge smile runs across her face as she jumps and hugs him. Ethan doesn’t let go of my hand, and I’m guessing to just reassure me that it’s okay because I can feel the jealousy creeping up on me.

  “Ethan! Wow it has been so long. I have to say I was expecting you though – And you must be Lindsay. I’m Avarie.” She turns slightly to face me and holds out her hand.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” I shake her hand, when she touches me I can feel her soothing pulse run through my veins. It’s a feeling of life – as if the sun is running right through me. Everything around her feels so alive.

  Her brilliant short red hair bounces in the small breeze coming through the door way. Her eyes are light green and filled with love and light. Her skin is fair and flawless – she appears so much younger than I had anticipated. She doesn’t look older than twenty three. She’s petite and extraordinarily stunning. She’s wearing a light green tank top that almost matches the color of her eyes perfectly with dark blue capris jeans that are slim and fitted. I can smell the scent of fresh baking coming from the inside of her house.

  “Well, shoot let’s not just stand out here. Why don’t you guys come on in for some coffee?” She opens the door gesturing us in.

  We follow her into her house and there seems to be a plant living and blooming in every corner. It’s as if everything around her is alive and filled with energy. We walk straight through the entryway and into an open living room that has a bright red couch in the corner with two matching ottomans. The colors on the walls vary and don’t seem to have much of a theme yet still flow well with the room. There seems to be a running theme of red, blue, yellow and green throughout the hallway a
nd living room, keeping the rooms matching. We sit down on her red couch, and I feel so alive and almost powerful, it’s unexplainable what’s coming over me.

  “Ethan, I knew you would come back and I knew you would bring her. I’ve been waiting for so long and now that you’re here I have to say that I can sense you’ve changed. I always told you that she would change you, and I know how it was hard to understand back then but I hope you feel it now.”

  “I do. I’ve explained to Lindsay how I controlled my evil desires. I’m not completely healed of the evil within me but her energy helps me to stay stable. We’re here for your help and well, Lindsay is here for your help. We need your assistance with helping Lindsay find her inner power so she can help me and all the rest.”

  “Yes Ethan. This is what I’ve been waiting for. Lindsay, I’m more than positive I can help you in your venture, but I will need your full dedication and focus – and I need you to be open to the ideas and plans I have for you.”

  Just hearing him talk about these powers I’m supposed to have makes me cringe with defeat. He has all this faith in me and there is nothing about me that is out of the ordinary. All I can do is go along with this notion that I’m the key to saving all those demons and preventing war on Earth.

  “Of course, as I’ve expressed to Ethan, I’ll do anything to help him and the other demons that are out there. I’m open to anything and I definitely want to understand more about who I am.”

  She beams at the two of us, “This is good to hear. Let me go get some coffee and cookies, then we can get started.” I watch as she turns toward the kitchen with a smile. Her short curly red hair bounces as she walks in the other direction.

  “I can’t explain how this house makes me feel Ethan. It’s the most amazing feeling. It’s like I’m more alive here than I’ve ever been. Energy is flowing through me and I feel more stable and in control. I can feel it running through my veins, tingling in every inch of my skin. Do you feel it too?” It can’t just be me.


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