Book Read Free

Fallen Desire

Page 22

by N. L. Echeverria



  I don’t know how much longer I can take this battle that I’m fighting within myself between Ethan and Derrick, both feel so right. There has to be a greater purpose behind my feelings. I’m not sure if my feelings for Ethan are because I’m created to save him and therefore I have a connection with him. I really don’t even want to think about that scenario. I’m going to have to settle my emotions for these two guys once and for all, but for now I just want to see Ethan. Of course as soon as I have him back in my life my mom goes and plans a trip to the mall for the day. Not that I don’t love shopping but since summer began things have been really crazy.

  I’m in love with two guys that aren’t even human. I found out they’re both Fallen Angels, one is an Angel and the other is an Angel turned Demon. On top of that, I’m some redeemer that sees auras – Angel and human – and I also feel what they feel. I have powers that allow me to use the elements around me and I can kill living things or bring them to life. Not that I’ve mastered it yet or anything. My life went from pretty much normal or as normal as it can get being the new girl in town, to living in a fantasy world where pretty much anything goes. I know I’m ready to at least attempt to help Ethan. I know Derrick hasn’t taught me the spell that I need to use but I have a feeling he won’t be teaching me that part of it. I know Avarie will help me if I need her but today is not the day. I really need to see Ethan and be with him. I can’t explain how much I miss his touch and the look that he gives me that makes me feel safe when I’m with him, like nothing else matters. Before even thinking another thought about Ethan and asking him to come to me my phone rings. It’s Kim! “Hello?”

  “Lindsay! Listen to me. This is urgent, and I don’t have a lot of time. You need to stay away from Ethan! I can’t explain why but you need to just listen to me. He’s no good for you!” That was it. The phone hung up. She’s gone and has left me with no explanation and also leaving me with a feeling of worry and concern.

  “Ethan! You startled me!” His tall dark figure is lingering in my window way with a look on his face filled with concern.

  “Are you okay?” Why would she be in a hurry and why the heck would she be concerned with Ethan and me? She can’t possibly know what he is. Or can she? I never would have thought that Derrick was an Angel and she was an angel in the dream I had the other night. Maybe my dreams are preparing me for something that’s coming and she is somehow involved in it.

  “Yeah, I’m okay but just feel a little out of place and kinda frightened with the call Kim just left me with. How did you know?”

  “I sensed you felt fear and had to make sure you were okay. Sorry if you didn’t want to see me. I can leave.”

  That’s the last thing I want him to do. “No! Don’t leave. I need you today, Ethan. I want just a normal day with you, well at least as normal as it can be with you being a Fallen Angel.”

  He grins at me and then comes up to me leaning his knee on my bed and kissing me softly on the forehead. “Why don’t you get up and get ready, and I’ll go get you some breakfast.”

  With a smile and a nod, I get up from my bed and move to the bathroom to take a shower. By the time I’m done with the shower and dressed, he’s back in my room holding a cup of coffee from the local Starbucks and what looked like some coffee bread. “Wow. I could get use to this kind of attention.”

  “I’ll do anything for you, Lindsay. I want you to know that. I would never hurt you and I’ll always make sure no one else does either.” He confides.

  “I know. I can see that in you.” I pull my wet hair up in a ponytail and sit on the edge of my bed grabbing the cup of hot coffee from his hand and relax in silence enjoying the coffee and cake and watching him and how beautiful and perfect he is. I can’t help but be extremely grateful to have this beautiful Angel be a part of my life. He brings all my senses to life. “So what’s the plan for the day?” He asks.

  “I was hoping we could do something fun. I was hoping to get away and just laugh a little. Enjoy our time together and not be concerned with the craziness that’s going on right now.” I don’t know what I want to do; I just know I want to forget all of our troubles for a while and just be with him.

  “I think I know the perfect place,” he replies.

  I grin foolishly, “Oh yeah! Where?”

  “It will have to be a surprise. Go ahead and finish up and then dress for some sun and we will head out.” I scarf down the rest of the coffee bread but making sure not to look like a pig, was still carful about eating it and then take one last swig of the coffee and quickly get to my closet to pick out a more summery outfit. It’s going to be nice to spend the day with him. As my mom made plans for us to go to the mall I quickly take a moment to go downstairs to let her know that I already had plans with a friend and had forgotten. I reminded her she should use today to get her manicure and pedicure done and tell her we will definitely do something on her next day off. I pleaded that I had already promised my friend that we would hang out today. She was totally fine with it and probably more than happy to go to the salon instead.

  “Thanks Mom. You are the best!” I kiss her cheek and give her a grateful hug.

  “Yeah, yeah. Hey one more thing, though. What’s going on with the job you were going to start with Kim?”

  The last thing I want to do is lie to my mom, but I really don’t want her making me work at my dad’s law firm either because that will mean a whole lot less time with Ethan. “Kim said we’re skipping this week as she isn’t feeling well but I think we’re starting up next week. It will only be two days a week but it’s something.” I come up with the only thing that will keep her from questioning me.

  “I’m glad that you made the effort and you found something even if it is part time Lindsay. Well, I won’t keep you any longer. You probably have to get ready. Enjoy your day and I’ll see you this evening. You think you’ll be home for dinner?”

  “Um. Why don’t you plan on not including me for dinner. Thanks Mom, I love you.”

  “Love you too, sweetie!”

  I leave the living room where my mom was sitting sipping her morning coffee watching the news and head back upstairs to where Ethan is waiting. To avoid attracting attention in the early morning we start off by just going for a walk. Of course for this I did bring my coat for the trip to wherever it is he’s taking me. We walk back behind the house into the forest which seems to be the perfect place for all my secret adventures. It provides cover with all the trees so that by the time Ethan is up in the sky he’s high enough up that you can’t see him. He’s extremely fast as well and the Fallen can choose when they want to be seen.

  When we reach the opening in the forest I’m already starting to feel a little nervous. It has been a little while since I was up in the sky with Ethan. I’m past my being afraid of him and I know he would never let anything happen to me but I guess I’m just nervous about getting close to him again, I mean in that way. Now that I know I have feelings for Derrick I don’t want that to hold me back from Ethan.

  “Are you ready?” He whispers softly.

  I’m so busy running through my thoughts that I don’t notice Ethan has his gorgeous black silken wings spread out behind him ready to take me into his arms. I’m still completely stunned when I see him. He’s beyond stunning. With a smile I move into his grasp then he wraps his arms tightly around me in a way that reassures me he will never let go. With a jump we are up in the air and in less than a second we’re above the trees flying high. I don’t look down, but in the distance can get the sense of how far up we are. I’m facing him with our chest pressed together and both of his arms firmly around my back and waist. I can see our aura’s intertwining all around us. The colors are blending together creating a beautiful display of light and beyond the colors I see his wide spread wings behind him gliding and flapping in the sky creating gusts of wind. I close my eyes and let myself take in all of him. I not only feel him physically but I can feel him
on a whole other level as well. His emotions are a part of me. The love he has for me is fueling him. His heart is filled with love and with concern and the concern is directed at me but I can’t sense why. For some reason he feel’s afraid for me which may have something to do with Derrick. Silently I invoke the element of air and then fill myself with nothing but good thoughts and emotions for Ethan and direct it at him sending those feelings straight toward him and into him. I open my eyes and see him looking down at me with shock. I just give a little smile and then go back to leaning my cheek against his chest and enjoying every moment of this world that seems so much like a dream. I’m thankful he came into my life. He feels me with much hope and happiness that I could never have dreamed of before I met him.


  With a slight jolt I realize we have landed on the ground. Without him removing or even lightening his grip from me, he leans in and kisses me passionately and then leans back with a smile. All around us are palm trees, the sun is beating down on us, and it has to be at least a hundred degrees out here. I gently push myself away so that I can actually look into his face without straining my neck. “Where are we?”


  I blink in shock, “No way! How the heck could we be in Hawaii? There’s no way we were in the air that long.” I laugh and I can’t seem to stop smiling.

  “We weren’t but I have some tricks of my own, I have to say I did enjoy what you did up there. Using an element to pass on good vibes to me and calming me. You’re learning quickly.”

  “Oh so you liked that huh? Well since you know how my tricks work why don’t you explain to me how it is you got us here so quickly?” He looks away, not quite meeting my eyes.

  “I can fly extremely fast, if I need to but it does use up a lot of energy.”

  At that moment I notice how tired he looks. He has dark circles under his eyes and his cheek bones seem slightly sucked in. His dark red aura also seems dim and not so vibrant of color. “Are you okay, Ethan? I didn’t notice before but you really don’t look too well.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me Lindsay. I want us to use this day to spend together and I want you to forget about anything that may be bothering you or on your mind and just enjoy today.”

  “That sounds good. I’m pretty sure I can do that.” At this point his wings are already gone. He turns and grabs my hand, and we begin walking. I’m not sure where we’re going but instead of asking questions I’m just going to go with the flow and be surprised. Today is going to be amazing! As we walk from the secluded area where we had landed into a more city-like setting I can’t help but take in all the beauty that surrounds use. The large trees and the variety of colors are amazing and it isn’t only from the earth but also from all the people walking around. My world is filled with a range of lights and colors that completely surround us. It reminds me of Christmastime but instead of small lights here and there this looks like everything and everyone has been covered with brightly colored Christmas lights and it all blends and fills the space stunningly. It’s like everyone here is filled with love, hope and happiness. I can feel the joy in this place.

  Ethan gives my hand a little squeeze as we turn the corner and as I look up at him he gives a smile and points to a little restaurant that looks like most of it is outdoors and just the kitchen part is in a covered area. It’s filled with tables and chairs and people filling the area. There’s a line outside of individuals and couples waiting to get a seat in this quaint restaurant. There are coconut shells hanging for the roof of the kitchen and yellow and orange flowers decorating each small table. Bypassing all the people in line Ethan walks us right up to the host that seems extremely busy and flustered with all the people that are here. Her hair is tied back into a tight bun, and the piece of her hair that has fallen forward is stuck to the side of her forehead from the small droplets of sweat that’s formed on her face. As we walk straight up to her, Ethan reaches and places a hand on her arm and gives her this warming reassuring smile I can see her emotions immediately calm down and she becomes relaxed and no longer frazzled instantaneously. I can’t help but feel a little jealous with how he’s making her feel. I can sense her instant attraction for him. It’s undeniable that any girl would instantly fall head over heels for Ethan as he is perfection and unexplainably gorgeous. Any female looking at him would instantly become consumed with lust.

  “Ma’am, you wouldn’t happen to have a table open for two by chance?”

  With a warm and seductive smile, she grabs his hand and leads us over to an open table regardless of all the people that have been standing in line before we got here. “Will this work for you, sir?” She doesn’t even look at me and won’t take her eyes off Ethan; he as well has this look in his eyes, a look of hunger.

  I wonder if I let down my guard and open up to the Demon inside of him if I’ll see an image of him feeding on her soul gaining the power and energy that the Demon desires. But since I did my spell, I have been able to see only Ethan and don’t wish to bring out the Demon if it’s not necessary. I know that deep down his intentions are good and there are some desires that he’s struggling to control.

  “Yes. This is perfect. Thank you very much,” he nods in reply.

  And with a smile she walks away, and we sit at the table. His eyes are filled with sorrow but I can see he’s trying to cover it up with the smile he holds on his face. I can feel him hurting and how hungry he is – not the hunger that a human would feel but hungry for power and strength. The dark circles under his eyes expose what’s happening to him now that he’s not feeding on innocent souls. It looks like it’s killing him.

  “Ethan. Are you going to be okay?”

  “Of course. Please, like I said, don’t worry about me. I‘m going to be fine. Not feeding can’t kill me. It may make me weak and tired, but I’ll still be here.”

  “I have to ask you something Ethan that I haven’t had a chance to ask you yet.”

  “You can ask me anything.”

  “How is it that you actually feed on a human? Do you drink their blood or something like what happens in those vampire movies?” Unsure how it’s possible for him to take a humans soul, all I can really imagine is him sucking it out of them such as a vampire would suck the life out of a human.

  “What an interesting assumption, but no I don’t drink their blood. I feed on their souls by getting them in a secure state. Once the person has trust in me and is happy and feels pleasure with me; at that point, they are vulnerable, and I’m able to extract part of their soul and feed myself and in turn it gives me strength. However, the human never ends up being the same. I don’t kill them however some demons do extract all the human soul and kill them. I only take some of it, but this leaves them different and sometimes like a walking zombie with no personality. Other times they turn into a monster themselves. The killings and raping’s are happening because their souls are lost. I guess now that I think about it, it could be considered worse than just killing them. It’s a horrible thing, Lindsay, and I vow never to do it again no matter how much I crave the power.”

  He looks away from me and out into the distance as if pondering all of what he has done in his past. I can feel his pain and sorrow moving into me. He wants so much to get rid of all of this agony and be rid of the Demon, and I’m his only hope. I’m the only hope for all of those like him. “I saw the way you looked at that girl, and I can sense that you’re hungry. You say not feeding won’t kill you, but it will weaken you. How badly will it weaken you?”

  “After a while, I won’t be able to fly anymore and I’ll look like death walking around. This is something I’m willing to accept because I will not give in. I will no longer hurt anyone. Just the thought that I was going to hurt you kills me inside. I can’t tell you how sorry I am for even thinking it.”

  “It isn’t you, Ethan. It’s what possesses you when you fell to Earth. It’s something that is out of your control, and you can’t blame yourself.”

It was in my control to choose sides when I fell to Earth. I thought I was making the right choice siding with Lucifer, but it didn’t turn out that way and even though I went along for a very long time accepting the demon and evil that I carried with me there has always been something deep down inside that wanted to fight back but I never had the strength within me until I met you.”

  “Everything is going to be better. I know it! I’m not going to give up until I have the strength and knowledge to free you. You deserve to be free of that awful demon.” With a smile, he looks away toward the restaurant, and I follow his gaze and see the waitress walking toward us.

  “Good afternoon. My name is Nina, and I’ll be your waitress. Are you ready to order?” This girl looks beach ready with her long bouncy blonde curls and blue eyes, dressed in a black mini skirt with a floral printed blouse that matches the other waitresses walking around. Nina’s gaze is straight at Ethan, and her yellow green aura flickers as she looks at him; I can see her lusting over him. Slowly I pull out the list of colors from my pocket that I always keep with me now and the yellow green aura stands for creative with heart and communicative. Great! Sounds perfect! Ethan hasn’t moved his gaze from the menu.

  “We will have the Kahlua and Pig to share please, as well as two fruit smoothies.” Looking into my eyes he gives me a smile and hands the menu to the waitress.

  “That one is my favorite dish. I’ll be back shortly with your order.” With a twirl on her heel she walks off toward the kitchen.

  I’m not sure how much I can handle these girls all gawking at him the way they do. “Don’t you get tired of the way girls look at you?”

  “What do you mean?” He replies with a shrug.

  I roll my eyes jokingly, “Oh please. Don’t be modest! They look like they want to take you home and do heaven knows what.”

  “Well, before I didn’t get tired of it because I used it to my advantage to get what I needed. I have done a lot of horrible things, Lindsay. Now I ignore it. Unless they have something I want, such as the hosts. I got us a table without having to wait in line for over an hour.”


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