Book Read Free

Fallen Desire

Page 25

by N. L. Echeverria

  I don’t even dream of Ethan, I guess I don’t have to though since he’s been by my side every night. I pick up the phone and dial Kim’s number. I really hope she’s available to meet up but there’s no answer, just her voice mail. Not wanting to leave a message I hang up and lay my head back down on my pillow. Pondering what Ethan said about me still being too weak to get the book, I can’t help but feel like I’m ready and if I can’t spend the day with Kim then I might as well make use of the day and get that book. If I have even the slightest chance of being able to do the spell today, then I want to take a shot at it. Sitting on my bed in my purple polka dot pajamas, I cross my legs and place my hands on my knees. I close my eyes and because I’m not really sure what I’m doing I just go with what feels right. Since Ethan is out taking care of whatever it is that he has to do right now I should have plenty of time. Concentrating wholly on the book, I put all my will and power into imagining it right here in my hands, I call upon the elements for help.

  “Air, Water, Fire and Earth lend me your energy and Spirit, guide my soul to ‘The Book of the Redeemer’ that I desire and bring it to me as I am the soul of the Redeemer and it is a part of me.”

  Repeating the chant quietly to myself with the help of the elements, I start to envision a place that’s dark and empty; it’s not like a bedroom. I’ve never been in a room that looks like this. The room has a brown faded couch with a coffee table. It must be the living room but there’s nothing else in the room and it seems so dark. There’s only one window and it’s extremely large but it doesn’t help brighten the room at all. Then I see it! The book is on the coffee table along with some other old and worn books.

  I can feel the energy coming off of it and I sense that it belongs to me; it wants me to have it. Derrick is in the room as well; he’s pacing back and forth but doesn’t notice me. I'm here in spirit and everything is so real but it's like I'm just looking from a different view now. It’s like that dream where you wake up and you aren’t sure if it really happened or not. Derrick seems upset; he’s pacing from one end of the room to the other. His blue eyes are filled with frustration and his expression is filled with strain and worry. His typically tidy black hair is in disarray as if he just got back from a flight. I’m no longer repeating the chant as I’m trying my hardest to focus on the book, guiding it to me and going unnoticed by Derrick. A white light streams from my body to the book lifting it from the coffee table slowly and bringing it to me. I reach for it but I’m unable to make contact, I may not be able to touch it but once it’s near me I get the sense that I can guide it back to my body. As soon as I head toward the window, Derrick is at my side slamming the window shut looking straight through me as if he can sense my presence. With no hesitation he reaches out and as soon as his hand touches the book I can tell that it’s become visible. He couldn’t see it when I was controlling it. He puts it safely in the back of his pants.

  “I know you’re here. Consider this a warning; if you come back, I won’t be so nice again. I do not know who you are or what you want but you aren’t strong enough to make yourself unknown in my presence. This book does not belong to you. Leave my place!” His voice was harsh and insistent.

  Caught off guard, I move backwards and I’m quickly back in my room sitting on my bed, no book in hand. I can’t help but be a little startled by how he hollered at me, well at my spirit. I really hope he doesn’t know that it was me. For now I suppose Ethan is right about me not being ready. I’m going to have to keep this little adventure to myself for now.

  “Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Spirit, as I had called on you, I now release you. Thank you and blessed be.”

  Uh, I can’t take how much of my energy is used in doing these chants. I was better when I woke up this morning but after sending my spirit after the book I feel like I just climbed a mountain.

  “Are you alright? I thought you would be feeling better today?” Ethan’s voice sounds from my window.

  I lay my head back down on my bed giving a sigh of defeat. “You have to stop sneaking up on me like this, Ethan! I thought you were taking care of business at home? You haven’t even been gone an hour.”

  He’s confused by my loss of time and reluctantly responds, “I did, I’ve been gone several hours. In fact almost four hours. Have you been sleeping?”

  I can’t believe it’s been that long. “Um? Yeah! What time is it?”

  “It’s almost 1:30 in the afternoon. Are you okay, Lindsay? You don’t seem well.”

  The concern in his voice makes me feel bad for going against what he said. I hate to lie to him but I want to do everything I can to help him. “Yeah, I’m okay. Guess my body just isn’t healing as fast as we thought. I should probably rest some more today.” I really will rest now, not that I have a choice.

  “I think that is a good idea and please just take it easy. If you need anything, let me know. I’m going to stay with you the rest of the day. Why don’t you just try and sleep? The more sleep you get the quicker your body can recover.”

  “That sounds good.” He lies down next to me on my queen size bed as I lay my head on his chest. Even though I’m extremely tired, I can’t fall asleep. The image of Derrick catching me, even if he didn’t know it was me, just keeps playing in my mind.

  For now, I give up on retrieving that book until Ethan gives me the okay. Seems he does know more about me than I do.


  “Ethan! I am calling you. Come to my place. Someone has been here trying to take the book, and I have a feeling it was you. If you aren’t a coward, you’ll show.”

  I know it was him here. Who else would attempt a stunt like that? Who else would want the book but Ethan! He better come. She walks in the door without even knocking, which is typical of Kim, her short blonde bouncy curls perfectly complimenting her youthful face. She has always been so beautiful. In the past, if it wasn’t for spending all my time trying to find my purpose after the Fall, I might have fallen in love with her. I was just too busy running around trying to save mankind and finding ways to destroy the demons that I never really gave her any thought unless it was business. I do know that she’s always had feelings for me though. Why else would she have stayed by my side for so long?

  “Kim – thank you for meeting me again so soon after our meeting earlier. We have a situation. Someone has invaded my home attempting to steal ‘The Book of the Redeemer.’ I’ve called on Ethan to meet us here as well. I can’t help but assume it was him, and we need to make it clear what our intentions are.”

  She asks uneasily, “Ethan? You think he would do that? Maybe he’s just trying to help Lindsay?” She’s always trying to see the good in everyone even demons. Even though she’s on my side, I can tell she still holds a soft spot for the demons.

  “You know what that means, Kim! Him helping Lindsay means saving the Fallen that have chosen evil – and we cannot tolerate that. They do not deserve forgiveness and I will not let Lindsay grant it. If Ethan gets the book, he’s going to teach Lindsay the spell of redemption, which I do not intend to share with her. I know it’s not like us to act like this, but it’s for the best.”

  “I understand, Derrick. What is it that I can do to be of help?”

  “You are close to Lindsay; therefore I want you to keep an eye on her. Make sure nothing suspicious is going on. I think it best if you go now. I want to talk with Ethan on my own and I can feel him near.”

  “I’ll do my best.” She spreads her wings and takes flight.

  I know she will do as I ask even though we don’t share the same opinion on Demons. I can tell she feels sorry for them, especially Ethan. It’s easy for him to blind us with his kindness but regardless of how much he’s changed he needs to suffer for all that he’s done. I’m sure that Lindsay will come to this realization. Seconds after I’m alone I sense he has arrived.

  “Ethan. You made it. Good. I appreciate you coming here right away. I had an intruder earlier, when I came back from our meeting with Kim. Someon
e came into my house. Or should I say someone’s spirit. You wouldn’t happen to know who it was, would you?” It had to have been him; at the very least he knows who it was.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Derrick. What did they want?”

  “I don’t know. Are you sure it wasn’t you or maybe someone you know?”

  “It wasn’t me. I’m sorry that I’m no help but if I wanted to come into your house uninvited I would just come in. I wouldn’t go sneaking around.”

  “Thank you for your honesty; I just needed to make sure you didn’t know something that maybe I should. I appreciate your help and your dedication that you continue to show every day toward our maker even though as we both know it will not save you in the end. I think that if you’re smart you would keep a look out because I believe the spirit that was here may have been another Fallen Angel who may be out to get Lindsay. They were after the book.”

  “If it means protecting Lindsay, then I will help in that matter.”

  He leaves with a bow and even though he tells me he knows nothing, I know that he’s keeping something from me. I’m going to have to leave it up to Kim to find out what that is.


  He knows. What did she do? No wonder she’s still so weak. She tried to call on the book and without her full strength Derrick sensed her presence. He’ll figure out it was her soon enough. She’s going to have to heal faster than humanly normal so that she can get that book. I should’ve known she would try to attempt it on her own. She’s looks so peaceful lying there; the last thing I want to do is wake her and worry her that Derrick knows it was her trying to take the book.

  I’m going to leave it be for now and let her get the rest she needs. The most I can do is give her some of my immortal energy – just enough to temporarily speed up the process of her healing. As I release a piece of my energy to her a white light flows from my chest and passes softly and easily into hers filling her with a piece of me.

  We begin to glow a gorgeous shade of purple, both of our bodies are glowing together. The process is so smooth that her body doesn’t even flinch and she remains asleep peacefully on her bed. As for me, I can feel myself instantly weakening even more. I need to feed or I’m not going to be able to function. The demon inside of me is growing hungrier and I’m not strong enough to hold it back. I lean in toward Lindsay until our faces are only inches apart and I feel my eyes and body filling with darkness. I can feel the demon lurking at the edges, fighting to get a piece of the soul here in front of me. The demon is starving and in control. My mind is screaming to stop but the demon takes control of my body and I inhale as though I am sucking something out of her mouth. The demon attempts to feed on a part of her soul but as soon as I inhale, I feel a pinch in the back of my throat. A protection spell! That’s right! The demon can’t get to her. No matter how much the demon wants to feed, it won’t be able to take any of Lindsay’s soul. As the demon starts to fade defeated by the spell protecting her I can now concentrate on her and not the hunger. I move back releasing my hold on her, the energy vanishes but the glow illuminating us both, lingers. Our souls are meant to be together. The light is just our souls communing with each other in a way that cannot be denied. I could not be more thankful for Avarie’s protection spell. I sit on the side of her bed watching her sleep, and her body heals with the immortal energy that now lingers inside of her.


  I’m feeling so much better after resting all of yesterday and today. It has been nice having Ethan by my side again since I was down all day yesterday after attempting to steal the book from Derrick. I really hope Ethan doesn’t know anything about that because I know it will upset him. Which reminds me, I wonder where he took off to? When I had woken up earlier, he was here and didn’t mention anything about leaving. I’m okay with him not being here because after being in bed for several days I really need to take a shower and get myself together. It would be horrifying to have Ethan see me right now – my hair is greasy and flat on the side that I mostly lay on, my face is colorless, and I probably stink like something horrid. Just shows how much Ethan really loves me to be putting up with my looks and smell over the last few days. I jump out of bed honestly feeling back to myself. I’m full of energy and ready to get things done. I take an extra-long shower; soaking up the hot water and just letting myself enjoy it. Once I get out, I spend some time blow drying my hair and straightening it just to flatten out the frizz and I do my make-up, I realize it would be nice to actually dress up for once. I pull my black heels that have the bow on the back and my black short sleeve mini-dress out of my closet and lay them out on my bed. Standing here naked in front of the full-length mirror hanging from the other side of my bathroom door I can’t help but see how amazing my skin looks. It’s smooth with absolutely no imperfections. The scars I had on my knees from when I was younger are gone; the scar that I got when I was eight and fell on a stick that gouged me is completely gone. I don’t understand how this would happen. Standing here motionless and in awe in front of the mirror still admiring my perfections, I notice a shadow move behind me. Crossing my arms over my chest still facing the mirror, Ethan appears behind me.

  I start to move, but he places both hands on my shoulders holding me in place. Still facing the mirror I can see how sick he is. His checks are sunken in and the circles under his eyes have gotten even darker. His face is pale and has absolutely no color. I instantly want to hold him and comfort him but then I remember I’m naked and suddenly I’m frozen in embarrassment. “You’re stunning, Lindsay.”

  “I…I was just getting ready to get dressed. I noticed that the scars I used to have disappeared and wasn’t sure what happened.”

  He gives a little smile while examining me from head to toe in the mirror. As his gaze comes back up to my face he gently turns me by my shoulders so that I’m facing him. Now normally I’m very modest and shy, but with him standing here as I’m naked baring all of myself to him, his eyes keep me calm. The nerves I felt a moment earlier are gone. I’m beyond comfortable in his arms. His hands move from my shoulders down the center of my bare back and stop just above the swell of my bottom.

  “Ethan. Are you okay? You don’t look well.”

  “Don’t worry yourself with what’s going on with me. I’m fine. Just a little weak from the lack of feeding the demon, but it’s good to see you’re doing so well.”

  With his hands still placed on my lower back, he leans in and kisses me softly and passionately. My whole body shudders with pleasure. I want more of him. I don’t want him to stop touching me. His lips move down my neck and when he gets to my collar bone he lifts me up into his arms, one arm behind my back and the other under my legs and cradles me carrying me to my bed where he lies me down. Moving his hands over my body caressing every inch of me while kissing my lips, all I can think about is how I want him. I want us to be joined together.

  I open my eyes while he kisses me to see our auras mixed together in a beautiful ray of color and it instantly warms my heart. My whole body begins to warm up in pleasure with every touch of his skin to mine. It’s just as amazing as the first time he touched me. I pull at his shirt removing it, only releasing from his kiss for a short moment then we reconnect again. His bare chest against mine cools my flaming body to the perfect temperature. Even with him seeming so weak and fragile, his touch is firm and strong and yet soft at the same time. Moving his hands along my body causes tingling in every part he comes into contact with. He’s perfect. We’re perfect.


  That is what I call absolutely incredible. He’s amazing and gorgeous just lying here on my bed naked baring himself to me. His skin is porcelain white, even with his weakened appearance he’s beyond gorgeous. I run my fingers through his brown hair admiring its silkiness.

  “Shall we go out tonight?” He asks, “I assume you must be hungry after all that sleeping.”

  I grin at him, “Yes. I’m starving actually and I would love to go out. Give me j
ust a bit to get ready.” I jump up and run into the bathroom excited to be able to dress up and enjoy a night out. I’ve spent too many days in bed. As I close the door behind me I take a quick look at Ethan lying on my bed. A feeling of anguish stabs me in the gut and overwhelms me. I close the door and release a silent sob; I can’t help but hurt when I see him looking the way he does. I feel like if I was stronger I could have already saved him from the demon that is slowly killing him. Even though he says it won’t kill him to not feed I know differently and if anything, what it’s doing to him is worse. I wipe my tears, take a deep breath and hop into the shower for just a moment. I really want to wipe clean my emotions before going out tonight. I wash away all the bad thoughts and am quickly out and wrapped in my towel as I walk out of the bathroom.

  “Ethan, I know that you said it isn’t killing you to not feed but I feel like what’s happening to you is horrible. Isn’t there something I can do? A spell of some sort maybe, to protect you from the demon?” As I pull on my little black dress, I still can’t help but get that gut-wrenching feeling when I look at him. His frail body and the dark black circles surrounding his eyes give away just how sick he really is. It hurts me because I know that there has to be something that I can do to help him feel better.

  “Unfortunately, there isn’t a spell that can fix me except the one in the book that is in Derrick’s possession. Which reminds me, someone attempted to steal the book. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you?”


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