Skulduggery 10: Building a Criminal Empire

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Skulduggery 10: Building a Criminal Empire Page 17

by Logan Jacobs

  I kept one hand on Clodia’s firm ass, but I used my other arm to pull Ashlin closer to myself. The brunette dancer was still all lean muscle, since her pregnancy hadn’t started to show yet, and as I skimmed my fingers down past her narrow waist, I let them glide down over her broad hips, curved them across her upper thighs, and then slipped my fingers across her waiting entrance.

  Ashlin was already dripping wet for me.

  “I think someone’s ready to go,” I said as I pulled back from our kiss. “But not before Clodia comes one more time for me.”

  “I can help with that,” Twila said with a smile.

  I turned away from Ashlin for just a minute, but I kept grazing my fingers across her slick entrance to keep her ready for me. But since Twila was still half-underneath Clodia, I pulled the night elf up by her hair to deepen my thrusts into her. Her ass bounced against my pelvis with every thrust, but when I pulled her a little more upright, the golden-haired halfie was able to wriggle out from underneath the night elf.

  As soon as Twila was free, she dropped to her knees and crawled just underneath the table, so her face was just in front of Clodia’s entrance. Then as I continued to fuck the night elf from behind, the beautiful halfie leaned forward and started to suck and lick Clodia’s clit.

  Between my cock and Twila’s tongue, Clodia didn’t stand a chance.

  Less than a minute later, Clodia started to gasp a little deeper, so I just kept plunging my full length into her until she flung her arms out to grab the table and then gave one final gasp.

  “Ohhhh, my king!” Clodia moaned.

  Her legs trembled against me, so I slammed my cock into her one more time and then just held myself inside her until her orgasm swept over her body from head to toe. Then, after she stopped trembling, I carefully pulled out of her, helped Twila back up to her feet, and turned back toward Ashlin with a grin.

  “That means it’s your turn now,” I said as I grazed my fingers against her entrance again.

  “Yes, please,” Ashlin said as she bit her lip.

  I instantly grabbed her underneath her firm ass, lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around me, and then carried her over to one of the chairs at the kitchen table. After I sat down, I kept her lifted in the air and then slowly started to lower her down toward my waiting cock, and at the same time, Clodia and Twila moved toward us to help guide my shaft into the beautiful dancer.

  Clodia pulled Ashlin’s brunette hair out of her face while Twila grasped my cock and started to move it into the other woman’s tight entrance. Then once my tip was just inside her soft lips, Twila released her grip on my cock and turned her attention toward Ashlin’s small, firm tits. The golden-haired halfie began to suck and stroke them, but when Clodia saw what she was doing, she bent down and started to do the same thing from Ashlin’s other side, until Ashlin just moaned in pleasure.

  I slowly worked my way deeper into her pussy, and when I was all the way inside her smooth tunnel, I started to pump my hips up into the brunette dancer. As I thrust into her a little harder with each push, Ashlin moaned again and flung her head back, but Twila and Clodia stayed right on top of her so they could continue to lick and massage the dancer’s firm tits.

  “Shit!” Ashlin gasped. “I think… I’m gonna…”

  “Fuck, me, too,” I groaned.

  Her narrow tunnel felt so good around my cock that I couldn’t take it much longer, not when I just wanted to fill the beautiful dancer up to the brim with my cum at the same time that she climaxed for me.

  “Oh, shit!” Ashlin cried. “Shit! Shiii…”

  The brunette dancer trailed off into a wordless cry of pleasure, so I just kept plunging my cock into her until I felt her whole body flush with warmth as her orgasm finished, and then I slammed into her one final time to unleash my seed inside her.

  I had already come once, but that didn’t stop a second stream of cum from pouring into the beautiful dancer. I grabbed her hips to grind her against me as the last of my seed emptied into her, but then the moment that I finished, Twila and Clodia both knelt down in front of me and looked up at me with wide eyes.

  “Let us have another taste, please,” Clodia purred.

  “Be my guest,” I said with a smirk.

  They helped Ashlin stand up on shaky legs, and then as she leaned back against the kitchen table, Clodia leaned forward to lick up my seed where it had started to drip out of the dancer’s narrow entrance. At the same time, Twila wrapped her lips around the tip of my cock and instantly took all of me into her mouth, just so she could suck the last few drops of my cum out of me.

  “Ohh!” Ashlin suddenly cried out again.

  Clodia buried her face a little deeper into the dancer’s pussy, and then Ashlin’s legs trembled again as she followed up her first orgasm with a quick second climax. When she was done, Clodia stood up and helped the other woman sit down on the kitchen table until she could walk again, and Twila finally rocked back on her heels and looked up at me with a smile.

  “Fuck, that was hot,” Twila sighed.

  “Hell, yeah, it was,” I said with a grin. “You three are amazing.”

  “You’re the one who’s so amazing,” Ashlin murmured with a shy smile. “I can’t believe how quickly you made me come.”

  “Or how many times you made all of us come,” Clodia said. “Thank you, Wade.”

  “Yes, thank you,” Twila and Ashlin echoed.

  “Trust me, I’m happy to do that any time,” I laughed, “but if I wasn’t tired before, I’m definitely pretty beat now, so I think I’d better turn in for the night.”

  “I’ll join you, if you don’t mind,” Clodia said. “It has been one hell of a few days.”

  “Of course,” I said. “What about you two?”

  “We’ll be along shortly to join you,” Twila said. “I’ll just make Ashlin that cup of tea she came to the kitchen for in the first place.”

  “Oh, I had forgotten all about that!” Ashlin giggled. “Thanks, Twila.”

  “Then if I’m asleep by the time you both come in,” I said, “I’ll see you in the morning, and we’ll go over our plans for what comes next.”

  Clodia and I slipped back into our clothes, grabbed my armor and gear, left the kitchen, and headed toward the empty bedroom. Almost the moment that our heads hit the pillow, we fell asleep, and even though I woke up just long enough to feel Twila and Ashlin crawl into bed beside me, I fell right back asleep and slept better than I had in a long time.

  A soft knock at the door woke me up the next morning, and when I cracked open my eyes, I saw Cimarra, Penny, and Ava all at the foot of the bed. Cimarra smiled as soon as she saw that I was awake, and she held up a steaming cup of coffee.

  “Good morning, my king,” the raven-haired dancer said. “There’s more coffee and breakfast for you in the kitchen whenever you’re ready.”

  “It looks like somebody had a busy night,” Penny said with a grin.

  “Did you and Ava sleep well?” I asked as I sat up beside the three women in bed with me.

  “Like the dead,” Ava said. “I think we were more tired than we realized.”

  “Me, too,” I said with a smile. “When did you get here, Cim?”

  “Just this morning,” the raven-haired woman replied. “I slept at the bakery last night so I brought breakfast and coffee from Osman for everyone.”

  “Did somebody say… breakfast?” Ashlin murmured as she yawned and stretched beside me.

  “Yes, but you might want to put some more clothes on first,” Ava snickered.

  “Oh!” Ashlin fluttered her eyes open and glanced down at her half-naked body.

  I left my war gear in the bedroom and headed toward the kitchen. The kitchen itself still smelled a little bit like sex, but it was mostly overpowered by the scent of all the food that Cimarra had brought down from Osman’s bakery. There were cinnamon scones and raspberry jams, sausage sandwiched in between flatcakes, oat bread stacked high with bacon and honey, and just a
bout anything else that I could have asked for.

  When all six of my women joined me around the table, we started to load down our plates with food to replace all the energy that we had spent last night, and only after we had all eaten in silence for a few minutes did I finally lean back in my chair and take a deep breath.

  “Shit, I think I needed that almost as badly as I needed sleep,” I said as I looked around the table at my beautiful women. “Thanks, Cim.”

  “Of course,” the raven-haired woman replied, “but while the rest of you finish, why don’t I give you an update on what I’ve been up to?”

  “Yes, please,” I said and then took a sip of coffee.

  “So we’ve already put in orders for a lot more weapons,” Cimarra said, “and that includes more arrows, bows, and armor.”

  “We don’t have enough armor?” Penny asked through a mouthful of scone.

  “That leads me to my next point,” Cimarra said. “Dryson sent me word that he has new recruits from every race in the city, and there are enough of them that we need new weapons and armor.”

  “Can the smiths in the city supply that kind of demand?” I asked.

  “Oh, definitely,” the raven-haired dancer said with a smile. “Between the money that we offered them and the fact that they just watched our forces take over the whole city, they have plenty of motivation.”

  “More recruits is good, right?” Ashlin asked.

  “Very good,” I said. “It means it’ll be that much harder for the elves to try to take back control over the city.”

  “Plus, it means that we’ve given people the balls to finally stand up for themselves,” Penny added. “And if the number of people who bought whiskey from us taught us anything, it’s that a whole lot of people in this town hated the elves and their rules, and they just needed an excuse to disobey them.”

  “That’s very true,” I said. “So we’ve got more weapons and armor in the works, and we’ve got more troops that need to be trained--”

  “And who can be trained out in the open now,” Ava interrupted. “I know we trained out in the open in the human district, but now we can train openly all over the city. We don’t have to try to hide what we’re doing from the elves.”

  “That will definitely make things a little easier,” I said. “What other news do you have, Cim?”

  “We also commissioned orders for pikes along with our other, standard weapons,” Cimarra replied, “so we’ll be able to have pike-men and archers to counter the elven cavalry whenever they come from the wilderness forts.”

  “Perfect,” I said.

  “Oh, and we’ve heard back from the messengers that we sent to all the other cities in the empire,” the raven-haired woman said, “and they have all confirmed that they received our messages, and they have started to build units of archers and pike-men to defend against cavalry. And, of course, they’ve also started to reinforce all their cities’ defenses.”

  “Now we just have to make sure that we can do it in time before the elves march on us from all the wilderness forts,” I said. “But that reminds me of something. Ava, do you still have that map of the empire on you?”

  “Of course,” the blonde assassin said as she reached into her tunic to pull it out. “What do you want to see?”

  “Let me clear this stuff out of your way,” Twila said, now that everyone had finished their breakfasts.

  Twila and Ashlin hurried to clear all the plates and cups from the table, and after Cimarra wiped the wood down to make sure it was free from crumbs, Ava spread the map out for us all to study together. There were five wilderness forts listed on the map, but I could already tell that the two I had spotted with Penny weren’t marked, so as long as I could find their approximate location, that meant we already had more of an advantage.

  The wilderness fort closest to the Gold City was already marked on the map, and the same thing was true for four of the empire’s other cities. None of the other forts were as close to their cities as the Gold City, so that should mean that we would have more time to prepare all of them before the elves rode in to attack them.

  But as I studied the map now, I saw that there were no forts marked outside of the Capital, the Blood City, the City of Slaves, Riverhome, or the easternmost city in the empire. I might not know the exact location of all five remaining forts, but thanks to my midnight flight with Azure and Penny, I could at least mark two down.

  “Somebody bring me a pen, would you?” I asked.

  Twila sorted through the drawers in the kitchen until she found a quill pen and handed it over to me, and I began to think over the details of the landscape that we had seen, so I could mark the forts’ locations with as much accuracy as possible.

  “Penny and I took a little test flight with Azure,” I explained, “and we were able to see two forts from up in the air.”

  “That’s incredible!” Ashlin said.

  “Do you think you can mark them down?” Ava asked.

  “We’ll see,” I said as I traced my fingers over the map in front of us, “but I think so. It’ll be good enough, anyway.”

  I followed the river on the map around the Capital and then into the landscape beyond it, and after I came to the approximate location of the first fort we’d seen, I carefully marked an X on the parchment. It was a little easier to guess the location of the second fort that we had spotted, since I just had to trace my fingers back in the other direction, pass the closest mountain range to the Capital, and then stop not too far after that.

  As I marked the second X on the map, I saw that this wilderness fort was closest to Riverhome. It certainly wasn’t as close as the fort was to the Gold City, but it was close enough to cause me a little bit of worry, especially because Riverhome was pretty defenseless.

  I wondered how Dar and Melia were doing in Riverhome. I would need to go check on their defenses as soon as I could, but first, I wanted to think about what our other next logical steps were.

  “These aren’t exact,” I explained as I leaned back in my seat, “but it’s more than we knew earlier.”

  “And now we have seven out of ten wilderness forts marked down on the map,” Penny said, “so that’s a pretty big deal.”

  “Based on the map now, we should have time to reinforce the Capital and get ready for an attack from the elven fort,” Ava said. “And we also know what direction the cavalry will come from when they move on Riverhome.”

  “Golierian should arrive back in town soon,” Twila said, “and he should be able to supply us with the rest of the information that we need about fort numbers and locations.”

  “Good,” I said, “then--”

  Ruby suddenly appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, and she held a one-eyed halfling kid by the scruff of his neck. It was Olly, but even though he usually ran around with Wilimar Brindle, he was all alone this morning.

  “Sorry to interrupt your breakfast,” Ruby said, “but I caught this little troublemaker trying to peek into all our windows.”

  “Nobody answered the door!” Olly squeaked. “Osman said I should come here, and--”

  “It’s alright, Ruby,” I said. “I’ll take it from here.”

  Ruby nodded and released him, and after she disappeared back down the hallway, I crossed my arms over my chest and raised my eyebrows.

  “I assume that you must have a message for me,” I said, “or you wouldn’t have risked the wrath of Twila’s girls. So, what is it?”

  “Cimarra said that I should let her… or you… or someone know just as soon as I got word about it,” Olly said.

  “Word about what?” Cimarra demanded.

  “Your troops have broken into the temple,” the one-eyed halfling kid said.

  “Here or in the Blood City?” I asked.

  “Here,” Olly replied. “Selius was there as a lookout, and he told me that he’d stay and keep an eye on things, but I needed to get my ass down to tell somebody about it as soon as possible.”

  “Are th
ey currently fighting?” I growled as I jumped to my feet. “I need details, Olly!”

  “They just broke through into the courtyard,” Olly said, “but they don’t want to go any further without you, because… well, because as soon as they broke through, they came face-to-face with a wall of blue fire.”

  “That sounds like a job for the king,” Clodia said.

  “Then let’s move,” I said with a grin.

  Chapter 10 - Golierian

  I double-checked the saddle on my horse, made a slight adjustment to get it a little tighter, and then went to grab the reins and bridle from the stable wall. As I started to slip them over my horse’s head, I thought briefly that I might grab an extra saddlebag so I could take more of my belongings back with me, but then I just shook my head and focused on the bridle.

  “There’s no time for all that, Golierian,” I murmured to myself.

  After all, the king had called me back to help him in the Capital, and that meant I needed to move my blue elven ass as fast as possible back to the city. I couldn’t afford to be slowed down with extra saddle bags, so I would just have to leave the rest of my possessions here until after the war. Besides, based on how fast Wade had conquered the empire so far, I didn’t imagine that it would take all that long, when it came right down to it.

  When I glanced outside the stable, I could still see the cloud of dust that the messenger left behind him as he galloped back to the city. He had offered to wait for me so we could ride back together, just as a little extra protection for me since as a human, he would be able to tell any human guards that I was on their side.

  But even though I had been tempted to accept his offer, I knew that it was more important that Wade found out as quickly as possible that I was on my way back to the city, so I would just have to risk a ride back alone. I also knew that while it wouldn’t take me long, it would take me more than just a few minutes to get my horse ready, collect what I needed, and grab my gear before I could follow the messenger back to the Capital.

  It would be a little bit of a hard ride because on the one hand, I didn’t want to get killed by any over-eager human guards, but I also might have a little bit of a hard time since the sun had just risen. Just because I was a night elf didn’t mean that I couldn’t see during the daytime, and it certainly didn’t mean that I couldn’t ride and do everything else that I needed to, but it did make it slightly more difficult to see.


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