The Chronicles of Heaven's War: Hell Above the Skies

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The Chronicles of Heaven's War: Hell Above the Skies Page 49

by Ava D. Dohn

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  Tolohe rested quietly in the darkness of her private room. It had been a bad night for her, what with the disturbing reports about the battle and Mihai’s stubborn reaction to any wise counsel. The stress of the ages was gathering its final might against the woman. She lay there, knowing something was dreadfully wrong within her body.

  Out of that darkness, a gentle voice whispered to Tolohe. “My daughter dearest, it is the hour. The glory that was yours must be surrendered up to another.”

  Tolohe opened her eyes, focusing on someone she could only see. “Father, my most caring father, your wisdom has been my swaddling band and your knowledge my mentor. I have but one question for my sire and teacher.”

  “Ask, my child, for has RosMismar ever denied you a favor?”

  Tolohe’s eyes filled with tears. “No, my father, always have you been there for me in my hour of need. Still, my question pains me, for I fear the answer, yet I am driven to ask it.”

  RosMismar smiled. “Your question need not be asked, for I shall answer it and many others that you do have.”

  He stepped forward and sat next to Tolohe on the bed. Taking her hand, he began, “My child, you are dying. The stress you have carried during these evil times has ruined your immune system. Your cancer is fatal. Yet it will not be the cause of your death.”

  Stroking Tolohe’s forehead, he continued, “Shiloh’s ring - the one you are steward over -will still be the gift you will give to your king, but it will be done after your rebirth. In that day, not only will the knowledge of good and bad be given you, but to the body of a Cherub will you attain.”

  “Your sickness will continue to diminish your powers, and that I will not prevent, for by pain and suffering will the wise be filled with wisdom, empathy and understanding. You shall be ruler, third in line of power over all the universes to which the offspring of man should attain. The trust placed upon you will be great. The children of that age will not understand wisdom, because they have not learned it as you have. They will anger you at times. This will not be from wicked hearts, but because of foolishness on their part. You will need understanding beyond what is normal to curb your own hand of discipline.”

  “And…” RosMismar patted Tolohe’s arm, “that child, Shiloh, the boy you have fallen in love with, he will not be an easy ruler over your people. You must learn how to check his hand, for his chosen way of rule will be by brute force if you do not stop him. Already, I foresee him falling in love with your wisdom and knowledge. If you learn how to understand his soul, you will teach him how to love your people and their ways. The ‘Voice of God’ I foresee him calling you, but only if you can gain the understanding of his ways.”

  Tolohe began to weep. “I am all alone, my Lord, for I have no one to stand by my side in my hour of need. No man will come close to my soul, afraid of who I am or will become. And now I fear the world of my future dreams will not arrive, for even Michael has betrayed the glory given her. She walks down the very path of Chrusion, listening to the prattle of fools. Shall my sacrifices have all been in vain?”

  RosMismar shook his head. “My child, your mother rests for now in fields far beyond the reach of pain and suffering. I have shielded her from all coming harm. Not because there is no hope… No, because the hope is assured! Michael will not fail in her tests, but she will cause a suffering to her mother that will deal her a lingering blow. This, your mother has seen from afar and to you has already revealed it.”

  “The blow must come, for it will begin the cure for Michael’s sickness. Wisdom will grow out of the day of her loss. Your death will bring all the children life.” He leaned close, reassuring Tolohe. “Your sister loves you more than any other woman or man. She has forgotten it because of the spell cast upon her by the temptress. Your demise will open her eyes to the truth. Never again will she falter.”

  “As for your loneliness for want of a man...” RosMismar grinned, “there exists a man even now who loves you, fearing not your power or sickness. He flirts with you in his heart, hinting at the excitement he finds in your lovemaking. I will send this man to you at the appointed hour – soon, I promise. He will comfort your mind, heart and soul. To him I will give the healing songs of my people and you shall have rest from all your hard labor.”

  Tolohe sat up and, with RosMismar’s assistance, stood, smiling, for his touch had temporarily removed the ache from her bones. She asked, “So tell me, please, who of the children from the Lower Realms have you selected to give my power and glory to? I know you have chosen wisely, for the members of the Holy Order of the Seraphim are born by law from your own flesh. Still, with curiosity I have wondered who you would choose.”

  RosMismar turned and strolled past the end of the bed, then faced Tolohe. “To the one who spoke in your presence, ‘Look, your servant girl’ I shall give it. Already she stands at the gate, waiting, for she knows the hour is near.”

  Tolohe relaxed. “It is a good choice. I am pleased for I, too, would have chosen the woman. My father’s blood still flows strong in his daughter’s veins.”

  “There is no other child of mine to which so much of my knowledge and wisdom has been given…and never shall there be.” RosMismar crossed his arms. “To you it has been granted to see eternity. When you reach destiny’s end, then I shall share with you all my secrets, for it has been promised me that my own flesh shall witness the works of her father.”

  Tolohe bowed her head, thanking RosMismar. She pondered the depth of love she felt for him, feeling sad that he could not comprehend those emotions.

  As if he understood her thoughts, he commented, “My child, you are the one who does not comprehend my feelings. I lack for nothing. It is true, if you should turn away from me as your brother did, I would not anguish over the matter for pain and loss I do not have to contend with as you do. But your love for me, although not gathered to me with your emotion, is still cherished. You see, I feel the good. It makes my heart rejoice. Badness cannot embitter me, though it may raise up my anger and move me to action.”

  Tolohe came close to RosMismar, kissing him on the lips. She brushed a hand through his thick, wavy hair and gently stroked his beard. “Then may your daughter always provide you with the good to feel. I do love you so.”

  She asked him one further question. “When is the hour of my passing glory?”

  He touched her nose in the way he had done so many times before. “Tonight, my child, tonight...”


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