The Chronicles of Heaven's War: Hell Above the Skies

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The Chronicles of Heaven's War: Hell Above the Skies Page 72

by Ava D. Dohn

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  Legion was picking himself up from the floor when the emergency generator kicked in. Even at sixteen levels below the surface, he could tell that Fortress Memphis had been dealt a telling blow. The walls were cracked and chunks of plaster were scattered everywhere. He coughed from the heavy dust because the ventilation systems were also down.

  Shaken but unhurt, he called to his lieutenants to find out the seriousness of the moment. As the reports came back to him, it was evident the attack was neither random nor light. Exits were all blocked above the eighth level, elevators didn’t work, and the ventilation systems were damaged. To top it off, all communication with the outside was destroyed.

  Legion cursed and swore. “Those lazy miners didn’t finish the emergency tunnels on time! I will peel their skin from them for this!” He angrily shouted at one of his officers, “Get your people up there and clear those passages before my dogs get hungry or you’ll provide them dinner!”

  It took three days for Legion to reach the surface. By that time, the battle for MueoPoros had been fully decided.

  (Author’s note: Although not part of a formal agreement of war, it was generally considered inappropriate to make a direct attack on the capital city of one’s opponent. Legion’s official complaint about it to the Children’s Empire finally crossed the field marshal’s desk, Mihai’s council deciding that they should make a response to it. Her reply to Legion was forthright and blunt: ‘If you desire no further harm should come upon your holdings, then I suggest your immediate, unconditional surrender.’)


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