Can't Go Home (Oasis Waterfall)

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Can't Go Home (Oasis Waterfall) Page 24

by Angelisa Denise Stone

  I didn’t know how bashful I was going to feel the first time Kathryn introduced me to Jose, and my heart like literally stopped for a second. (I still haven’t told my parents about the wonderful Hispanic boy I’m dating. I’ll save that for later—much later.) Jose has taught me so many things. I’ve not only learned how to love someone unconditionally; I’ve learned how to let him love me.

  I didn’t know how magical it was going to feel the first time Jose kissed me by the waterfall at Ariss’ Oasis, with water splashing over us. I didn’t know how beautiful I was going to feel when Jose and I danced at our senior prom under the moonlight.

  I didn’t know how excited I was going to feel when Lanette gave me my first hostess paycheck. I didn’t know how proud and intelligent I was going to feel when my college professor told me that my paper was the most profound piece of writing he’s ever read. I didn’t know. Had no idea. I didn’t know there were small snippets of wonderful that made life worth fighting for, worth living for.

  I certainly didn’t know how completely happy I’d feel every night I went to bed and could hear Dre and Kathryn talking in the other room when he got home late from his shifts at the hospital. I didn’t know what happiness felt like. I know now. And I’ll tell you this, it’s incredible. I’ll never go back to that isolation, that pain. I know what the other side looks like now. It’s a place I never want to go back to. I used to think that I couldn’t go home, but the truth is, I can go anywhere as long as I have happiness and love. But geez, was that a hard lesson to learn.

  Who is Angelisa Stone?

  Angelisa Stone is a typical Midwest wife and mom, frazzled by parenting and housework, and overwhelmed with sports schedules, doctor appointments, and three-dimensional creative projects due “tomorrow morning.” Angelisa dreams of white sandy beaches, clear-blue waters, and Midori coladas in hand, but realizes that her loving husband and four not-so-perfect children are her real dreams-come-true. Writing and reading are her passions, and she hopes (and prays with her fingers tightly crossed) that readers will find enjoyment and escape through her words and characters.

  Email Angelisa for fun chatter and banter, giggles and chuckles: [email protected]

  Follow Angelisa on Twitter: @Angelisaauthor

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  Check out Angelisa’s profile on Gooreads:

  My family: Thank you for bearing with me and understanding when I spend hours on end tapping away at the keyboard, responding only with random “uh-huhs” and what not. Your love, support, and patience helped make this “Midsummer’s Fantasy” a dream come true. Having a family who believes in you and loves you throughout all of your journeys makes everything worthwhile and possible.

  The Book Enthusiast: Thank you for all of your promotional expertise and advice. The only following I have gained is because of you. Please contact Debra at The Book Enthusiast Promotions if you’re looking to market your novels.

  Fictional Formats: Thank you for making my book so beautiful and visually pleasing. Thank you for bearing with my technological inferiority. Fictional Formats is an incredible company, creating the most gorgeous books and eBooks. Check them out! You won’t be sorry.

  Sophie Chamberlain: Thank you for your artistic eye and talent in creating the lip-biting, desirable cover. It’s stunning and exactly what I wanted. If anyone is interested in using Ms. Chamberlain as your cover artist, email me at: [email protected] and I will connect you to the finest cover designer around.

  My friends and beta readers:

  Stephanie Bailey: You rock my life, 100 times over. Our chats, our laughs, and our vulgarity brighten many of my days. Thank you for always reading whatever I send your way and offering your kind words. You are insightful and wise. I’m lucky to be one of your “quarters.” I can’t wait until the day we watch a football game together.

  Michael Burhans: You truly are “the bomb,” even though it’s an outdated phrase. It fits you literally and figuratively. Thank you for helping me with my technological inadequacies and always reading whatever junk I send your way. It’s nice to have a male perspective on my writing.

  Debra Celentano: You are a Godsend, my little butterfly. To think that I had a whim, an idea to do a blog tour and cover reveal, and then WHAM, you took it all over and spent so much time and energy organizing an event for someone you’d never even met. You are truly a remarkably generous and thoughtful person. Thank you for all that you do and have done.

  Shannon Girard: Thank you for always offering advice and ideas, and for always making me laugh. I’m grateful for your encouragement and compliments.

  Mallory Grant: Thank you for pushing me and forcing me to do writing sprints with you when it’s the last thing I want to do. Readers: Remember the name “Mallory Grant,” because her upcoming book, My Real, will knock your socks off.

  SK Jean: Your pictures inspire me, keeping me going for the “fun” parts. Thank you for your support.

  Skye Jordan: I love your spunk and fire; it inspires me. (And scares me a little.) I love that friendships can occur miles and miles away through type strokes. Readers: You need to read Reckless, by none other than the spitfire, Skye Jordan. You will heat up when you read Jax and Lexi’s story.

  Tiffany Kasmetskie: Your last name sucks. It’s way too hard to spell! But I love you nonetheless. I’m grateful for your help and encouragement. I feel like Harper Lee when you’re around; you’re always praising me and making me feel confident in my writing. Thank you.

  Aine Kelley: I love spending our evenings writing and sharing. It makes it so much more personal and enjoyable. Readers: Again, remember the name “Aine Kelley,” her debut novel is due out very soon. You’ll love Finding Home.

  Joy Kriebel-Sadowski: You make me want to write. You make me feel like my writing is worthy. Thank you for always reading whatever I write and giggling with me over what I write.

  Angela McLaurin: Friendship occurs even when distance separates those two people who are destined to be friends. Your friendship means the world to me. I’m not too fond of the distance though. I love that I was able to hug the person who means so much to me. I hope it happens many more times in the years to come.

  Kim Box Person: You are the most selfless person I know—always helping and cheering for the underdog. Thank you for the Release Day Blitz.

  Lisa Rutledge: You were the first person to ever make me feel like a “real author.” I think I’m going to name something really special after you. It’s the least I can do.

  Chrissy Sharp: You are one fun lady. I’m a “laughier” person when you’re around. Thank you for the fun.

  Stephenie Thomas: Thank you for your encouragement and for agreeing to check out my book for The Indie Bookshelf. I so wish our lives were not so parallel. You deserve happiness and joy.

  Denise Tung: You are my sweetness; the one person who understands what writing and creating means to me. My heart belongs to you. Thank you for being there for me through everything.

  Christine Zolendz: I’ve decided that if anyone ever decides to read Can’t Go Home, and if I gain any sort of following, then I want to be a writer/author just like you. You are kind, gracious, and an inspiration. You write from the heart with feeling and purpose. I’m lucky to have met you. Now, if I could just do it in person … Readers: Please check out Christine Zolendz and her Mad World Series, starting with Fall From Grace. You won’t be sorry. Shane Maxton is a dream.

  Please check out the following blogs and their wonderful bloggers! They are integral in the success of any indie author. Thank you to the blogs and bloggers who were a part of the Can’t Go Home BLOG TOUR, organized by Debra Celentano at The Book Enthusiast:

  2 Friends, Promote

  Abigail Books Blog

  Chapter Bre

  Christina’s Book Reviews

  Crash the Party

  Crazies R Us Book Blog

  Dawn’s Reading Nook

  Dirty Girl Book Club

  Flirty and Dirty Book Blog

  Give Me Books

  Hooked on Books

  Keeping It Real Book Blog

  Kim’s Book Blog

  Life Becomes Me

  Mia Bella Luce

  Mia’s Point of View

  Rachael Orman’s Writing

  Raw Books

  Read and Share Book Reviews

  Rumpled Sheets Blog

  Sarah’s Book Shelf

  Shh Mom’s Reading

  So Many Books, So Little Time

  The Book Enthusiast

  The Book Hangover

  The Book Obsessed Momma

  There’s This Book

  The Two Brains of Book Reviews Adults Only

  Tiffany Talks Books


  Thank you to those blogs who blasted my RELEASE DAY with a Promo Blitz, organized by Kim Box Person at Shh Mom’s Reading Book Blog:

  Book Addicts Not So Anonymous

  Bridger Bitches Book Blog

  Flirty and Dirty Book Blog

  Kindle Crack

  Shh Mom’s Reading

  Smardy Pants Book Blog

  The Book Blog

  The Book Hookers

  True Story Book Blog

  Who You Callin a Book Whore

  A special shout out to the blogs/bloggers who participated in the Can’t Go Home Cover Reveal, organized by Debra Celentano at The Book Enthusiast:

  A Cauldron of Books

  A Generous Helping of Romance

  Diary of a Book Addict

  Bare Naked Words

  B’s Beauty and Books


  Best Sellers & Best Stellars

  Book Bliss

  Book Geeks Unite

  Booked On Romance

  Books and Their Seven Deadly Sins

  Books, Coffee, and Wine

  Christina’s Book Reviews

  Crash the Party

  Dalene’s Book Reviews

  Deb Deb Reviews

  Escape Reality with a Book

  Flirty and Dirty Book Blog

  Guiseppe Del Medico

  Haloangel Reads

  Indie Brits

  Jelena’s Book Blog

  Jess’s Book Blog

  Jessica Loves Books

  Keeping it Real Book Blog

  Life with Lesley

  Lisa Writes

  Literary Lust

  Literary Nook

  Lynn’s Book Blog

  Made For You Book Reviews

  Mean Girls Luv Books

  Mom of 2 Book Reviews

  Mommy’s Late Night Book-up

  Mommy’s Reads and Treats

  My Daily Romance

  Obsession is a Book

  One More Chapter

  Orchard Book Club

  Penelope Syn

  Rachel Orman’s Writing

  Read and Share Book Reviews

  Read That

  Reading Bliss

  Reading is Dreaming with Open Eyes

  Romance Schmomance

  Room with Books

  Rose and Beps Blog

  Sarah’s Bookshelf

  Scandalous Book Blog

  Sunshine & Mountains Book Reviews

  Swoonworthy Books

  The Book Enthusiast

  The Book Obsessed Momma

  The Phantom Paragrapher

  Tiffany Talks Books


  Who You Callin A Book Whore




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