The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven

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The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven Page 19

by Jessica Miller

“Jack,” I breathed grateful. “I'm sorry, I...” I felt so embarrassed.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” I shook my head trying to shake off my earlier fear. “Sorry I was out for a run and I thought I heard something.”

  “I didn't know you were a runner.”

  “I’m not actually, but I thought I might start,” I quipped.

  He flashed me his crooked smile. “Can I walk you back?”

  “That would be great,” I replied with a grateful smile. I took a risk and looked back over my shoulder one more time. For a second I thought I saw a shadow of someone behind the tree. I moved closer to Jack and told myself my mind was just playing tricks on me.

  I thanked Jack for the company and told him I'd see him tomorrow. Then I crashed face down on my bed and prayed for sleep.

  I got up early and took a shower so I could avoid Tristan. He wasn't in class again and for that I was thankful. I didn't want to see him. I was afraid of letting my true emotions show and no way in hell was I going to let Tristan see how I really felt. He didn't deserve it.

  Josie bombarded me with questions the moment I returned to our dorm room. “How was the date?” she asked excitedly.

  “Doesn't matter,” I said a little bitterly.

  “Oh come on. I've been dying to hear about it. I didn't bug you the other day cause of your migraine. Do you know how hard that was?”

  “I don't want to talk about,” I said, sitting down at my desk and cracking open my books.

  “Was it that bad?”

  I slammed my book shut and ran my fingers through my hair frustrated. “No. It was actually kind of nice,” I admitted.

  “Oh,” she said confused. “Then what's with the sour face?”

  “Just Tristan being Tristan,” I grumbled.

  Josie immediately picking up on my irritation asked, “What did he do?”

  “Josie, it's not important. I should have known better. Let's just say I learned my lesson. A leopard can't change his spots.”

  “Oh Ella, I really thought this would work out. I'm sorry I pushed you to do this,” she said, placing a friendly hand on my shoulder.

  “Josie you didn't push me to do anything. I could have said no.”

  “His loss,” she said, squeezing my shoulder. “There's no point in letting some jerk ruin your day. Come on, I have the perfect plan to chase away those blues.” Josie ripped me from the chair and out the door.

  Her plan to cheer me up consisted of a day at the spa. We got Mani’s and Pedi’s and I even let her convince me to get my hair done. I opted for a few caramel hi-lights and a much needed trim. She was right. This was just what I needed to lift my spirits.

  At the salon, I changed my mind and told Josie all about the date with Tristan. “Okay, I don't understand what the problem is then?” she said confused. I left out the part about walking in on his little 'group orgy'.

  “I just, well,” not finding a way around it, I confessed to Josie what I walked in on. She said I was overreacting and should make my move to show him I was the better choice. I highly disagreed. I decided I was just going to stick with Tristan and my normal everyday camaraderie.

  Tristan was actually in Art today. I decided I was not going to let him get to me. I sat down in my chair and Tristan scooted closer to me. I pushed myself away. I still felt a certain attraction to him and being this close wasn't helping. I needed distance. “Did you have lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious,” Tristan said running his finger along my arm.

  I jerked back feeling that spark I did when our skin made contact. Tristan took my reaction as a sign of irritation. “Somebody's testy today,” he smirked. “What's the matter, that time of month?” he questioned.

  “Were you dropped on your head as a child or something?”

  “No,” he said like he thought it was a serious question. “I was spanked a lot though,” he winked. I turned away not in the mood to tolerate him today. He grabbed my chair and scooted it right up to his.

  “What are you doing?” I snapped. Clearly I was still harnessing some bitter feelings towards him.

  “I just wanted to be closer to you,” he smiled, sliding his hands around my hips and giving me a nasty whiff of alcohol.

  “Are you drunk?” I asked, pushing him away.

  “I'm not drunk, I'm just intoxicated by your presence,” he said, flashing me his cocky grin.

  “Ugh! What is wrong with you?” He looked at me not understanding, like I was the crazy one all of a sudden. “I don't know what game you're playing, but just stop. You’ve had your fun now so leave me alone,” I said louder than intended and got a nasty look from the professor.

  “What could I have possibly done this time to piss you off?” he whispered. “I thought we had fun the other night. I mean I like you and you…” he left the question open.

  I laughed humorlessly. “You have a funny way of showing it.”

  He crinkled his brows at me. “Perhaps I bit off more than I can chew.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked annoyed.

  “Like you said, it was just one date. No need to get upset,” he said, challenging me to say something smart.

  “Thank you for clarifying that for me,” I said, turning my attention back to my work and pulling my chair as far away from him as I could.

  I should have never expected anything more from him. Tristan would never change. I let myself hold more emotion for him than he deserved and now I had become the fool. Lesson learned.

  Tristan continued to pester me all throughout class. I ignored him just how I had in the past, which, unfortunately, seemed to entice him to try harder. I could only take so much before I completely lost my composure. Thankfully the class had ended allowing me to escape his incessant barrage of flirtation.

  Despite his drunken stupor, Tristan managed to catch up to Jack and me outside. “So...where you off to now?” Tristan asked.

  I stopped abruptly causing him to almost slam right into me. “Tristan, I think you should go sleep it off,” I said annoyed, turning back around.

  He was beside me again in one quick step. “Is that an invitation?”

  I stopped again, this time addressing Jack. “Jack, do you mind giving us a few minutes.”

  “Yeah, I'll just catch up with you later,” he said with understanding.

  “Nice job getting rid of the little squirt. I always thought three was a crowd,” Tristan said.

  “He's not the problem and since when did you think three was a crowd? You didn't seem to have a problem with it the other day,” I spat, letting my jealousy show through.

  Tristan picked up on it and used it to his advantage. He flashed me his charming smile. “I didn't think you were into that, but I'll remember to keep you in mind for next time.”

  “You're a pig.”

  “Let's go make some bacon.”

  “Please stop!” Despite the animosity I was feeling towards him at the moment, I still couldn't help but laugh. He was persistent. To the point I no longer had the energy to argue. So I just gave in.

  “You wanna come back to my room and help me celebrate?” he asked.

  “Celebrate what?”

  “Hump day,” he cheered, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

  I threw his arm off disgusted. “It boggles my mind how you can make me irritated, laugh, and annoyed all in the matter of five minutes.”

  “What can I say, I'm just that awesome,” he smiled, taking it as a compliment.

  “I would have gone with crazy, but that would make me just as insane considering the company I keep.”

  “Ella, you're not crazy,” he said, rustling my hair completely oblivious to anything I just said. I opened my mouth to comment but Tristan was distracted by the flashy red Porsche parked over near the curb. “Ooh, nice car,” he sang.

  There was a small crowd of girls surrounding the owner of the car. One of the girls stepped off to the side to expose the mystery man the
y were all swooning over and I nearly dropped my books. “Dean?”

  “You know him?”

  I completely blew off Tristan and marched right over to where Dean was standing in front of his brand new car – no doubt a bribe from our parents. For what, I didn't know, but I was about to find out. “What are you doing here?” I asked, not even bothering with pleasantries.

  “Is that anyway to greet your big bro?” he said with a show off smile. I narrowed my eyes at him. “You'll have to excuse me ladies. I need some time to catch up with my li’l sis here.” The girls pouted, showing their disappointment. “No worries, we'll catch up later,” he said, winking and kissing their hands.

  “Who's this guy?” Tristan asked, taking a spot next to me.

  “My brother...and your competition,” I replied. Tristan furrowed his brows questioningly.

  Dean spread his arms wide. “How about a hug?”

  “What are you doing here?” I repeated.

  He dropped his arms and even before he said it, I already knew. “Your little school here made national news.”

  “Mom,” I groaned, letting him know he didn't even have to bother finishing his explanation. “I can't believe she sent you here to check up on me.”

  “Believe it,” he said, dusting a spot off on his brand new car.

  “And let me guess, the car was to get you here? Your bribe?”

  “I wouldn't call it a bribe. It was a gift, for being a caring older brother.” I choked on a laugh. “Hey, just be glad it's me and not mom.” True, I couldn't argue that. “How about we go figure out our sleeping arrangement,” he said pushing off his car.

  “You're staying the night?”

  “It is a bit of a drive you know, and if mom had it her way I'd be transferring here. So just be glad it's only one night.”

  The day just kept getting better and better.

  Dean and Tristan gave each other the once over. I wanted to laugh. They had no idea how alike they were. Tristan took the initiative to introduce himself when I didn't. “Tristan,” he said, extending a hand and keeping a guarded look on his face.


  We stood there awkwardly for a moment while Dean and Tristan studied each other. Having enough, I told Dean to follow me to my room. “You stay,” I said, turning on Tristan not wanting him to follow. For once he listened.

  “Dean?” Josie called out as we walked through the door. She got up off the bed to give him a hug.

  “Hey JoJo,” he said, returning the hug.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “I'm here to protect you, my ladies,” Dean said, pretending to pull out a fake sword, making Josie laugh.

  “I guess your mom heard,” she replied. “I'm surprised she didn't hire bodyguards.”

  I slumped my shoulders, knowing that was still a possibility and probably should not be ruled out yet. I was lucky she only sent Dean, for now at least.

  “So, what's the plan for tonight?” Dean asked, making himself comfortable on my bed. He lay with his hands behind his head and ankles crossed.

  “First thing is finding you a place to sleep.”

  “Your bed will do,” he said, picking a piece of lint off of my comforter.

  “Then where am I supposed to sleep?”

  “You like to rough it. You can sleep on the floor,” he suggested.

  “If anyone's sleeping on the floor it's you,” I told him.

  “No worries. I'm pretty sure I'll find a place to sleep tonight,” he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a handful of notes with girls phone numbers on them. I swiped all the papers from him and ripped them into tiny pieces. “What the hell Ella? Talk about a buzz kill,” he groaned, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “You are not going to come here and take advantage of some poor girl. You can sleep in my bed. I'll share with Josie.”

  “Or I can share with Josie,” Dean said, throwing a smile to Josie.

  Josie stood up from the bed and leaned in closely to Dean. “Dean, I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last guy on earth.” He shrugged not caring the least bit. “Ella could always stay with Tristan,” she said with a smirk. “Then no one would have to share.”

  “You dating that guy?” Dean asked, getting ready to bust out what I'm sure would be some big brother lecture.

  “No and no one's going anywhere. Josie and I will share. Dean you can have my bed. It's only one night I think we can deal.” I looked back and forth between them and they nodded in agreement.

  “Now that's settled, let's get some grub. I'm starving,” Dean whined. I agreed when my stomach started to complain at the lack of fulfillment.

  Just as we were about to head out, Tristan came barging into our room. “Evening, so what's on the agenda for tonight?”

  “Dinner than rest,” I exhaled.

  “Your brother came all this way and you're not even going to take him out? That's not very hospitable of you,” Tristan said.

  “Well, unlike some of us, I like my sleep,” I replied, holding back a yawn.

  “Okay, than what's for dinner?” Tristan asked, taking a seat on Josie's bed. Making it clear he wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

  “We're going out to eat,” I sighed.

  “Great, I'm in the mood for Chinese,” Tristan said, inviting himself along.

  I looked to Josie for some help, but she just shrugged her shoulders. I thought maybe Dean might protest, but he was too busy with his blackberry. I doubt he even noticed Tristan was here.

  I sighed, not seeing a way out of this, and agreed to let Tristan tag along. “Fine, but no Chinese.”

  “I'll drive,” Dean said on the way out.

  “Dean, your car only fits two people.”

  “Then how do you suggest we get there?”

  “I do have a car you know,” I said, flashing the lights on my SUV.

  “I'm still driving though.” I threw him the keys and hopped in the back with Josie.

  We went to one of the local restaurants a couple blocks away. They had a huge menu to choose from so everyone was happy. “This seems like a boring town. What do you guys do for fun around here?” Dean complained.

  “Not all of us are all about partying Dean. Some of us are actually here to get an education.”

  “Seriously Ella, you need to lighten up,” he said.

  “I know of some places we could go tonight,” Tristan chimed in catching Dean's interest.

  “Would these places have naked ladies and good booze?”

  “That could be arranged,” Tristan said, flashing a wicked smile.

  “I like your style,” Dean said.

  “Well you can count me out.”

  “Me too,” said Josie.

  “You ready?” Tristan asked Dean. “It's just a few blocks away. We can walk from here.”

  “How you guys going to get home?” I asked.

  “We'll take a cab,” Dean said, throwing some money on the table for dinner.

  Tristan gave me a wink on the way out. “Catch ya later.”

  “Should I be worried about those two hanging out together?” I asked Josie, concerned. One of them was bad enough, but the combination of them could be catastrophic.

  “How much trouble could they get into?” Josie declared.

  Chapter thirteen

  I received a phone call from Dean sometime around one in the morning. “Ella,” Dean slurred. “We have a bit of a problem,” he said, hiccupping between words. “We've seemed to have run out of money.”

  “I'll be there shortly,” I said groggily, dragging myself out of bed. I didn't even want to know how it was possible for them to run out of money.

  I picked them up outside one of the downtown bars. They were so hammered they were stumbling everywhere. On the way back they kept singing some god awful song so loud that I couldn't even drown them out with the radio.

  Dean and Tristan leaned on each other for balance as they walked into my dorm while Dean sti
ll clutched a bottle of whiskey. Where he got it I have no idea. I didn't want to know. Josie had decided at the last minute to spend the night with the guy she was seeing, so I was stuck with drunk and drunker – lucky me.

  Dean collapsed on my bed and Tristan sat on Josie's pulling me down with him. He put his arm around me and leaned in real close to whisper, “C'mon love, let's go back to my room and have some fun. I have the perfect little French maid outfit for you.”

  I took his arm and threw it off of me. “Tristan you're drunk,” I said annoyed.

  “That's when I'm at my best,” he replied.

  He tried kissing my cheek, but instead, he just ended up slobbering all over it. “Tristan!” I yelled, pushing him away from me.

  “Unhand my sister,” Dean sang as he fell off the bed laughing. I got up to help him before he hurt himself. I never should have left these two alone. Dean took another swig from the bottle and then handed it to Tristan. I ripped it from his mouth and dumped the remaining out the window. They both yelled at me for wasting good booze.

  “I think you two had enough,” I growled. Why did I get stuck babysitting these two?

  Tristan stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, nestling his chin between my neck and shoulder. “Ella...spend the night with me.”

  His breath reeked so badly of booze I thought I might get sick. “For the last time, NO!” I said forcefully, pulling his arms off of me.

  “Don't waste your time. You'll need the jaws of life to pry her legs open,” Dean chuckled. I glared at him. My temper rising. I walked over and kicked him in the shin, hard. “Damn it Ella,” Dean whined, rubbing his leg.

  “I forgot she kicks,” Dean said to Tristan, still rubbing his leg.

  “No worries I got the perfect cure for that,” Tristan said to Dean, slapping him on the shoulder. They headed to Tristan's room where he had an endless supply of the best liquors.

  I had enough. I wasn't going to spend the night listening to their lewd and rude comments. I grabbed my sweatshirt and left the room.

  I wasn't sure where I was going. I just walked aimlessly. I ended up outside in front of the dorms. I stood there for a while, my eyes closed, taking in the cool September weather. “Ella?” George called, shining his flashlight at me.


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