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9. A. Craig Copetas, Bear-Hunting with the Politburo: A Gritty First-Hand Account of Russia’s Young Entrepreneurs—and Why Soviet-Style Capitalism Can’t Work (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991), 63.
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11. Copetas, Bear-Hunting with the Politburo.
12. Richard L. Palmer, “Statement on the Infiltration of the Western Financial System by Elements of Russian Organized Crime before the House Committee on Banking and Financial Services,” Russian Law Institute, September 21, 1999, (accessed April 6, 2012), 324.
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19. Makarov Commission, “Results of the Work of the Special Commission of the General Procuracy of the Russian Federation on Investigation of Material Connected with the Corruption of Officials.”
20. Tikhomirov, “Capital Flight from Post-Soviet Russia,” 592.
21. David E. Kaplan and Caryl Christian, “The Looting of Russia,” U.S. News & World Report, August 3, 1998, 26, (accessed November 2, 2012); Mark Franchetti, “Panic Grips Kremlin in $180m Diamond Scandal,” Sunday Times (UK), June 14, 1998, (accessed November 2, 2012); Thomas J. Kneir, Deputy Assistant Director, FBI Criminal Investigative Division, Testimony to House Banking, General Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, September 10, 1998, (accessed November 2, 2012).
22. Golden ADA, Inc. v. U.S., March 1, 1996, Leagle, (accessed December 15, 2012).
23. FBI, “Organized Crime: Golden Ada Company. San Francisco, California,” n.d., (accessed December 14, 2012).
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25. Alexander Rahr, Putin Nach Putin: Das Kapitalistische Russland am Beginn einer neuen Weltordnung (Berlin: Universitas Verlag, 2008), 75–79.
26. V. A. Ivashko, “Decree re Urgent Measures on the Organization of Commercial and Foreign Economic Activities of the Party,” American Russian Law Institute, Appendix to Testimony by Richard Palmer, August 23, 1990, (accessed April 6, 2012).
27. Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB (New York: Basic Books, 1999), 568–69.
28. V. G. Veselovskiy, “Analytical Memorandum of Colonel of the KGB of the USSR, V. G.Veselovskiy, to Chief of the Executive Administration of the Central Committee of the CPSU, N. V. Kruchina, 1990,” in Paul Klebnikov, Godfather of the Kremlin: The Decline of Russia in the Age of Gangster Capitalism (New York: Harcourt, 2000), 59.
29. Sergey Sokolov and Sergey Pluzhnikov, “Kak KGB svodil schyotu s KPSS [How the KGB settled scores with the CPSU],” Freelance Bureau, Agenstvo Federal’nykh Rassledovaniy [Agency of Federal Investigations], January 19, 1992, (accessed April 7, 2012).
30. Palmer, “Statement on the Infiltration of the Western Financial System by Elements of Russian Organized Crime,”, 317.
31. Nikolai Leonov, Eugenia Fediakova, and Joaquin Fermandois, “General Nikolay Leonov at the CEP,” translated by Tim Ennis, Estudios Públicos, Summer 1999, 14,
32. Bill Powell, “Follow the Money,” Newsweek, March 28, 1999, (accessed April 10, 2012).
33. Yevgenia Albats, The State within a State (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1994), 248; U.S. Congress, House Committee on Banking and Financial Services, Russian Money Laundering: Hearings before the Committee on Banking and Financial Services, 106th Congress, First Session, September 21–22, 1999, vol. 4, (accessed De-cember 16, 2012).
34. Alexander Yakovlev, Sumerki [Time of Darkness] (Moscow: Materik, 2003); Albats, The State within a State; Feliks Shemedlovskiy, Ideolog mnogorazovogo ispol’zovaniya [Ideologue for all seasons], March 4, 2005, (accessed December 16, 2012); Andrey Grigor’ye
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35. Catherine Belton, “Khodorkovsky’s High Stakes Gamble,” Moscow Times, May 16, 2005, (accessed July 6, 2013); Martin Sixsmith, Putin’s Oil (New York: Continuum, 2010).
36. Belton, “Khodorkovsky’s High Stakes Gamble.”
37. Belton, “Khodorkovsky’s High Stakes Gamble.”
38. TASS, November 14, 1991, in Amy Knight, Spies without Cloaks: The KGB’s Successors (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996), 57.
39. Mark Deych, “Lyubanka: Vsyo na prodazhu? [The Lyubanka: Is everything for sale?]” Literaturnaya gazeta, June 24, 1992, 13.
40. “Kalugin Interview,” in Lev Timofeev, Russia’s Secret Rulers (New York: Knopf, 1992), 106–11; Albats, The State within a State, 249.
41. Oleg Kalugin, Spymaster (New York: Basic Books, 2009), 170.
42. Palmer, “Statement on the Infiltration of the Western Financial System by Elements of Russian Organized Crime,” 318.
43. Leonid Berres, “Vozvrashchennyye den’gi KPSS rastracheny [Returned CPSU money siphoned off],” Kommersant, July 30, 1994, (accessed April 28, 2013); Sokolov and Pluzhnikov, “Rassledovaniye: Zoloto KPSS. Desyat’ let spustya [Investigation: Party Gold. Ten Years Later]”; Nikolay Leonov, “Krestnyy put’ Rossii, gody 1991–2000 [The Way of the Cross of Russia, 1991–2000],”, 2002,, p. 51.
44. Palmer, “Statement on the Infiltration of the Western Financial System by Elements of Russian Organized Crime,” 317.
45. Susan Tifft and Yuriy Zarakhovich, “Desperately Seeking Rubles,” Time, April 11, 1991,,9171,974181-1,00.html (accessed July 4, 2013).
Putin's Kleptocracy_Who Owns Russia? Page 44