Putin's Kleptocracy_Who Owns Russia?

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Putin's Kleptocracy_Who Owns Russia? Page 50

by Karen Dawisha

  166. Milov et al., “Putin: Corruption.”

  167. “Analysis of SPAG.”

  168. Ivanidze, “Nerazborchivyye svyazi severnoy stolitsy [The indecipherable connections of the northern capital].”

  169. Tsyganov, “Delo ob Otmyvanii [The money-laundering case].”

  170. Roman Shleynov, “Posazhenyye ottsy [Sponsoring fathers],” Novaya gazeta, Feburary 7, 2005, http://2005.novayagazeta.ru/nomer/2005/09n/n09n-s26.shtml (accessed April 22, 2012).

  171. Hosenball and Caryl, “A Stain on Mr. Clean.”

  172. Ivanidze, “Nerazborchivyye svyazi severnoy stolitsy [The indecipherable connections of the northern capital].”

  173. J. V. Koshiw, “Kuchma’s ‘Parallel Cabinet’: The Center of President Kuchma’s Authoritarian Rule Based on the Melnychenko Recordings,” Third Annual Danyliw Research Seminar on Contemporary Ukraine, 2007, www.ukrainianstudies.uottawa.ca/pdf/P_Koshiw_Danyliw07.pdf (accessed April 20, 2012).

  174. Koshiw, “Kuchma’s ‘Parallel Cabinet.’ ”

  175. Hosenball and Caryl, “A Stain on Mr. Clean”; Elizabeth Olson, “Liechtenstein: Money-Laundering Charges,” New York Times, July 20, 2001, http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=0&did=366510482&SrchMode=1&sid=3&Fmt=10&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=HNP&TS=1333837773&clientId=73174 (accessed April 7, 2012); Belton, “Putin’s Name Surfaces in German Probe.”

  176. Yuliya Latynina, “The Geopolitics of Accounts Receivable,” St. Petersburg Times, March 30, 2007, http://www.sptimes.ru/index.php?action_id=2&story_id=21150 (accessed April 23, 2012).

  177. Shleynov, “Posazhenyye ottsy [Sponsoring fathers].”

  178. Jochen Kummer, “Was weiß der Kanzler über seinen Freund Putin? [What does the chancellor do to help his friend Putin?],” Die Welt, August 31, 2003, http://www.welt.de/print-wams/article99908/Was-weiss-der-Kanzler-ueber-seinen-Freund-Putin.html (accessed August 6, 2013).

  179. Belton, “Putin’s Name Surfaces in German Probe.”

  180. “Spiegel Interview with Ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder,” Der Spiegel, October 23, 2006, http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/spiegel-interview-with-ex-chancellor-gerhard-schroeder-i-m-anything-but-an-opponent-of-america-a-444069.html (accessed June 21, 2012).

  181. Jürgen Roth, Gangster aus dem Osten [Gangster from the East]; “Putin bei Schröder ‘Offener Dialog’ und Milliarden-Deals [The Putin Schröder ‘Open Dialogue’ and Billions in Deals],” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, December 21, 2004, http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/putin-bei-schroeder-offener-dialog-und-milliarden-deals-1191842.html.

  182. Borogan, “Erich Schmidt-Eenboom.”

  183. Andrey Musatov and Gleb Krampets, “Stockmann Purchases a Retail Complex,” St. Petersburg Times, May 27, 2005, http://www.sptimes.ru/archive/pdf/1073.pdf (accessed April 13, 2012).

  184. Thomson Reuters Business Description, “St. Petersburg Immobilien & Beteiligungen AG (SPAG),” Alacra: Premium Business Information Source, April 13, 2012, http://www.alacrastore.com/company-snapshot/St_Petersburg_Immobilien_Beteiligungen_AG_SPAG-2518437 (accessed April 13, 2012).

  185. “SPAG St. Petersburg Immobilien und Beteiligungs AG,” Amiculum.de, Das Borsenmantel-Portal, n.d., http://www.amiculum.de/SPAG.html (accessed April 13, 2012).

  186. “Glazkov, Vadim Petrovich,” Personalities of St. Petersburg, n.d., http://www.ceo.spb.ru/eng/business/glazkov.v.p/index.shtml (accessed May 16, 2014); Reddaway, “The Silovik War of 2004–2010,” 11.

  187. Hosenball and Caryl, “A Stain on Mr. Clean.”

  188. Vladimir Pribylovskiy, “Khmarin, Viktor Nikolayevich,” Antikompromat, n.d. www.anticompromat.org/putin/hmarinbio.html (accessed June 21, 2012).

  189. Petersburg Fuel Company, “Istoriya kompanii 1994 god [History of the company in 1994],” 2012, http://www.ptk.ru/files/1994_god_1.pdf (accessed June 4, 2013).

  190. Petersburg Fuel Company, “Istoriya kompanii 1995 god [History of the company in 1995].” 2012, http://www.ptk.ru/about/istoriya-kompanii/istoriya-kompanii (accessed April 7, 2012).

  191. Roman Anin, “Druz’ya—ne razley neft’ [Friends—don’t spill the oil],” Novaya gazeta, April 14, 2011, http://www.novayagazeta.ru/inquests/6222.html (accessed April 17, 2012); Petersburg Fuel Company, “Istoriya kompanii 1995 god [History of the company in 1995]”; Felshtinsky and Pribylovsky, The Corporation; Ivanidze, “Gryaznaya zona Evropu [Europe’s gray zone].”

  192. Ivanidze, “Nerazborchivyye svyazi severnoy stolitsy [The indecipherable connections of the northern capital].”

  193. Valeriy Beresnev, “Grand Operation,” Novaya gazeta, June 19, 2008, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/sources/article.jsp?id=17635783 (accessed April 26, 2012). For an extensive discussion of Traber’s activities as reported by the Russian media see http://www.rumafia.com/person.php?id=64.

  194. Gustafson, Wheel of Fortune, 126.

  195. Roman Shleynov, “Ptentsy gnezda Petrova [Chicks in Petrov’s s nest],” Novaya gazeta, November 2, 2009, http://dlib.eastview.com/browse/doc/20851285 (accessed July 18, 2012).

  196. Anin, “Druz’ya—ne razley neft’ [Friends—don’t spill the oil]”; Roman Anin, “Malen’kaya prachechnaya prem’er-klassa [A small laundry of the premier class],” Novaya gazeta, April 10, 2011, http://novayagazeta.ru/inquests/6287.html (accessed April 17, 2012).

  197. Anin, “Druz’ya—ne razley neft’ [Friends—don’t spill the oil].”

  198. Yuliya Panfilova, “Privatizatsiya ‘Rosgosstrakha’ nachinaetsya snachala [Privatization of Rosgosstrakh Starts all over Again],” Kommersant, February 5, 1998, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/3745405 (accessed April 24, 2012).

  199. Igor’ Pylayev, “Vladislav Reznik podchishchaet banki [Vladislav Reznik cleans up banks],” RBK daily, November 10, 2006, http://rbcdaily.ru/finance/562949979054436 (accessed April 25, 2012).

  200. American Embassy Madrid to U.S. Secretary of State, “Spain Details Its Strategy to Combat the Russian Mafia.”

  201. “Spain Releases ‘Gangster,’ ” Moscow Times, February 4, 2010, http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/spain-releases-gangster/399001.html (accessed February 7, 2014).

  202. Franchetti, “Russia’s ‘Al Capone’ Sneers at His Trial”; Michael Schwirtz, “A Mobster Trial, and a Flash of a Violent Past,” New York Times, May 19, 2009, http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/14/world/europe/14mobster.html?_r=0 (accessed May 31, 2013).

  203. Boris Gryzlov, “ ‘Boy s organizovannoy prestupnost’yu my proigryvayem’ [We are losing the fight against organized crime],” SPB Vedomosti, August 9, 2001, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/2150075 (accessed June 8, 2013).

  204. Leonid Nikitinskiy, “Delo Putina [The Putin case],” Novaya gazeta, March 23, 2000, http://www.novayagazeta.ru/society/11232.html (accessed April 10, 2012).

  205. Zykov, “Case #144128: ‘Putin’s Case,’ Part 4”; Mukhin, “Byvshiy sledovatel’ po osobo vazhnym delam Andrey Zykov [Former investigator for especially important cases Andrey Zykov].”

  206. Nikitinskiy, “Delo Putina [The Putin case].”

  207. Mukhin, “Byvshiy sledovatel’ po osobo vazhnym delam Andrey Zykov [Former investigator for especially important cases Andrey Zykov].”

  208. OCCRP, “Russia: Abuse of Criminal Prosecution,” Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, July 13, 2009, http://www.reportingproject.net/prosecution//index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=8&Itemid=1 (accessed April 23, 2012).

  209. Shleynov, “Nepravitel’stvennyy doklad [Nongovernmental report].”

  210. Mukhin, “Byvshiy sledovatel’ po osobo vazhnym delam Andrey Zykov [Former investigator for especially important cases Andrey Zykov].”

  211. Anton Ivanitskiy, “Operatsiya ‘XX Trest’ [Operation Twentieth Trust],” Novaya gazeta, September 11, 2000, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/3464992 (accessed October 7, 2013).

  212. Anna Badkhen, “Spanish Villa Was Putin’s Getaway,” Moscow Times, June 24, 2000, www.themoscowti
mes.com/news/article/spanish-villa-was-putins-getaway/261585.html (accessed June 5, 2012); Giles Tremlett, “Leader’s Secret Holidays to Spain,” Times (UK), June 15, 2000, http://www.russialist.org/archives/4379.html (accessed August 18, 2012); J. C. Serrano and E. Montánchez, “Los Viajes Secretos de Putin a Sotogrande [The Secret Travels of Putin to Sotogrande],” La Razón (Madrid), June 13, 2000, 16–17; Juan Pablo Duch, “Encarcelan Gusinski, Principal Accionista de Media-Most [Gusinskiy jailed, the main shareholder of Media-Most],” La Jornada, June 14, 2000, http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2000/06/14/mun5.html (accessed June 5, 2013).

  213. Shleynov, “Nepravitel’stvennyy doklad [Nongovernmental report]”; Nikitinskiy, “Delo Putina [The Putin case]”; Sergey Pluzhnikov, “Nekhoroshiye kvartiry [Bad apartments],” Sovershenno sekretno, February 1998, http://www.sovsekretno.ru/magazines/article/138 (accessed April 24, 2012).

  214. Serrano and Montánchez. “Los Viajes Secretos de Putin a Sotogrande [The Secret Travels of Putin to Sotogrande].”

  215. Mukhin, “Byvshiy sledovatel’ po osobo vazhnym delam Andrey Zykov [Former investigator for especially important cases Andrey Zykov].”

  216. Shleynov, “Nepravitel’stvennyy doklad [Nongovernmental report].”

  217. Shleynov, “Nepravitel’stvennyy doklad [Nongovernmental report].”

  218. Zykov, “Case #144128: ‘Putin’s Case,’ Part 4.”

  219. Nikitinskiy, “Delo Putina [The Putin case]”; Orth, “Russia’s Dark Master”; Zykov, “Case #144128: ‘Putin’s Case,’ Part 4.”

  220. Il’ya Barabanov, “Ptentsy gnezda Petrova [Chicks in Petrov’s nest],” New Times, June 15, 2007, http://newtimes.ru/articles/detail/12341/ (accessed December 23, 2012).

  221. Pravoslavie.ru, “Interview with Igumenia Georgia (Shchukina), the Mother Superior of the Gornensky Monastery in the Holy Land,” Troparion Bulletin. July 4, 2010, http://www.troparion.com/bulletin2a.htm (accessed January 2, 2014).

  222. Nikitinskiy, “Delo Putina [The Putin case].”

  223. “Twentieth Trust Company,” EInforma Directory: Reports of all Companies in Spain, 2013, http://www.einforma.com/servlet/app/prod/DATOS_DE/EMPRESA/TWENTIETH-TRUST-COMPANY-SL-C_QjAzOTU5NDY3_de-ALICANTE.html (accessed June 1, 2013).

  224. Ivanitskiy, “Operatsiya ‘XX Trest’ [Operation Twentieth Trust].”

  225. Zykov, “Case #144128: ‘Putin’s Case,’ Part 4.”

  226. Nikitinskiy, “Delo Putina [The Putin case].”

  227. Alessandra Stanley, “In St. Petersburg, a Struggle for Room at the Top,” New York Times, April 6, 1994, http://www.nytimes.com/1994/04/06/world/in-st-petersburg-a-struggle-for-room-at-the-top.html?pagewanted=1 (accessed June 8, 2012).

  228. Ioffe, “Dead Souls”; Nikitinskiy, “Delo Putina [The Putin case].”

  229. Nikitinskiy, “Delo Putina [The Putin case].”

  230. Matt Bivens, “Waiting for Putin (Continued),” Moscow Times, March 4, 2000, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/225406 (accessed June 5, 2013).

  231. Barabanov, “Ptentsy gnezda Petrova [Chicks in Petrov’s nest].”

  232. Barabanov, “Ptentsy gnezda Petrova [Chicks in Petrov’s nest].”

  233. Vitaliy Kamyshev and Andrey Kolesnikov, “Prezident Olbanskiy Federatsii: Who Is Mr. Medvedeff? [President of the Albanian Federation: Who is Mr. Medvedev?],” New Times, May 21, 2007, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/15052744 (accessed April 10, 2012).

  234. Shleynov, “Nepravitel’stvennyy doklad [Nongovernmental report].”

  235. Marina Litvinovich, “Kudrin, Aleksey Leonidovich,” Election2012.ru, 2012, http://election2012.ru/reports/1/8.html (accessed June 8, 2013).

  236. OCCRP, “Russia: Abuse of Criminal Prosecution.”

  237. Zykov, “Part 1.”

  238. Zykov, “Case #144128: ‘Putin’s Case,’ Part 4.”

  239. Anatoly Sobchak, “Glava 1—Istoriya odnoy provokatsii ili tak nazuvayemoye ‘delo’ Sobchaka [Part 1—The history of a provocation, or the so-called ‘Sobchak affair’],” in Dyuzhina nozhey v spiny: Poychitel’naya istoriya o rossiyskikh politicheskikh nravakh [A dozen knives in my back: An instructive history of Russian political customs], 1999, http://sobchak.org/rus/main.php3?fp=f02080000_fl000093 (accessed May 7, 2012); Marina Sal’ye, “Nastal chered Putina—‘Prezidenta’ korrumpirovannogo klana [Putin’s turn—‘President’ of a corrupt clan],” Radio Svoboda, March 22, 2012, http://www.svoboda.org/content/blog/24500639.html (accessed April 10, 2012); Pluzhnikov, “Nekhoroshiye kvartiry [Bad apartments].”

  240. Zykov, “Case #144128: ‘Putin’s Case,’ Part 4.”

  241. “Figuranty po kvartirnomu delu No.18/238278-95 [Persons involved in the apartment affair No. 18/238278-95],” Sovershenno sekretno, February 4, 1997, http://www.compromat.ru/page_10200.htm (accessed July 6, 2013).

  242. Andrey Evdokimov, “Avstriyskaya ploshchad’ ili peterburgskiye igry [Austrian Square or Petersburg games],” Modernlib.ru. 2000, http://modernlib.ru/books/evdokimov_andrey/avstriyskaya_ploschad_ili_peterburgskie_igri/read/.

  243. Zykov, “Case #144128: ‘Putin’s Case,’ Part 4.”

  244. Putin et al., First Person, 112.

  245. Jane Croft and Neil Buckley, “Berezovsky loses against Abramovich,” Financial Times, August 31, 2012, http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/8eec8602-f34d-11e1-9c6c-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3764qzNEa (accessed July 8, 2014).

  246. Pribylovskiy, “Proiskhozhdeniye putinskoy oligarkhii [Origins of Putin’s oligarchy]”; David Crawford, “Germany Steps Up Russian Money Laundering Probe,” Wall Street Journal, December 14, 2011, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204336104577096550495444844.html (accessed January 17, 2013).

  247. Crawford, “Germany Steps Up Russian Money Laundering Probe.”

  248. David Crawford, “Germany Ends Probe Implicating Russian Corruption,” Wall Street Journal, April 12, 2012, http://www.flarenetwork.org/learn/europe/article/germany_ends_probe_implicating_russian_corruption.htm (accessed June 21, 2013).

  249. World Bank, “Leonid Reiman and Jeffrey Galmond/IPOC Case,” n.d., http://star.worldbank.org/corruption-cases/node/18539 (accessed January 17, 2013).

  250. World Bank, “Leonid Reiman and Jeffrey Galmond/IPOC Case.”

  251. World Bank, “Leonid Reiman and Jeffrey Galmond/IPOC Case.”

  252. Yelena Rudneva, Gleb Krampets, Igor’ Tsuknov, and Anna Nikolayeva, “Vlast’/Den’gi: Nemtsy napali na Putinykh [Power/money: Germans attack the Putins],” Vedomosti, July 28, 2005, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/8013910 (accessed June 5, 2013); Greg Walters, “Germans See Shady City Link,” St. Petersburg Times, July 29, 2005. http://sptimes.ru/index.php?action_id=2&story_id=310 (accessed January 17, 2013).

  253. Tana Group, “InfoCom-2002,” 2002 http://www.tana.ru/News/2002/21_2510.htm.

  254. “Lyudmila Putina Opens International Book Festival for Children,” ITAR-TASS, October 10, 2007, http://en.trend.az/regions/world/russia/1041081.html (accessed January 17, 2013).

  255. Stephen Fidler, Arkady Ostrovsky, and Neil Buckley, “A Disputed Stake Pits an Oligarch against a Putin Ally,” Financial Times, April 23, 2006, http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/1/a47d51d2-d2f1-11da-828e-0000779e2340.html#axzz2ILLXJ1PT (accessed January 17, 2013).

  256. Timofey Dzyadko, “Leonid Reyman: Svyazist, ministr, podozrevayemyy [Signalman, minister, suspect],” Forbes.ru, February 17, 2012, http://www.forbes.ru/sobytiya/lyudi/79318-leonid-reiman-dose-svyazista (accessed June 8, 2012).

  257. Yuriy Shutov, “Sobchach’ye serdtse” ili Zapiski pomoshchnika khodivshego vo vlast’ [“Heart of a dog,” or notes of an assistant who was walking in the corridors of power] (St. Petersburg, Russia, 1991) http://www.gramotey.com/?open_file=1269035051.

  258. Yuriy Shutov, Anatoliy Sobchak: Tayny khozhdeniya vo vlast’ [Secrets of walking in the corridors of power] (Moscow: Algoritm, 2005); Yuriy Shutov, Krestnyy otets ‘peterskikh’ [The godfather of Petersburg] (Moscow: Algoritm, 2011).

  259. Felshtinskiy
and Pribylovskiy, The Age of Assassins, 273–77.

  260. Wines, “Path to Power.”

  261. Charles Digges, “Probe Targets Sobchak Government,” St. Petersburg Times, 1996, http://www.friends-partners.org/oldfriends/spbweb/times/177-178/probe.html (accessed June 8, 2012).

  262. Digges, “Probe Targets Sobchak Government.”

  263. Evdokimov, “Avstriyskaya ploshchad’ ili peterburgskiye igry [Austrian Square or Petersburg games].”

  264. Zykov, “Case #144128: ‘Putin’s Case,’ Part 4.”

  265. A. Kirilenko, “Podpolkovnik Putin nezakonno vozglavil FSB [Lieutenant Colonel Putin illegally became head of the FSB],” Yuridicheskiy Peterburg Segodnya [Juridical Petersburg Today], August 12, 1998, 5.

  266. Vadim Nesvizhskiy, “Piterskiye zhurnalisty ishchut ubiyts Anatoliya Levina-Utkina [St. Petersburg journalists search for the killers of Anatoliy Levin-Utkin],” Segodnya, August 26, 1998, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/2049348 (accessed August 8, 2013).

  267. Anna Badkhen, “Petersburg Journalist Beaten to Death,” Moscow Times, August 28, 1998, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/searchresults/article.jsp?pager.offset=2 (accessed June 9, 2012).

  268. Oleg Panfilov, “Levin-Utkin, Anatoliy,” Memorium, Center for Journalists in Extreme Situations, 1999, http://www.memorium.cjes.ru/?pid=2&id=112 (accessed June 9, 2012).

  269. Olson, Power and Prosperity.

  270. Sal’ye, “Nastal chered Putina [Putin’s turn].”

  271. Wolfgang Krach and Georg Mascolo, “Shares for the Candy Fund,” Der Spiegel, July 23, 2001.

  272. Putin et al., First Person, 95.

  273. Oleg Kalugin, “Open Letter to Putin,” in Preobrazhensky, KGB/FSB’s New Trojan Horse.

  274. Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering, “Review to Identify Non-Cooperative Countries or Territories: Increasing the World-wide Effectiveness of Anti–Money Laundering Measures,” June 22, 2000, http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/documents/reports/1999%202000%20NCCT%20ENG.pdf (accessed May 24, 2013).


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