Putin's Kleptocracy_Who Owns Russia?

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Putin's Kleptocracy_Who Owns Russia? Page 53

by Karen Dawisha

  228. Strobe Talbott, The Russia Hand: A Memoir of Presidential Diplomacy (New York: Random House, 2002), ch. 14; Strobe Talbott, “Testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Foreign Operaitons,” Frontline, April 4, 2000, http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/yeltsin/putin/talbott00.html (accessed June 6, 2012).

  229. George Soros, Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism (New York: Public Affairs, 2000) 260.

  230. Talbott, The Russia Hand, 365.

  231. Gessen, The Man without a Face, 41.

  232. Sergey Topol’ and Nadezhda Kurbacheva, “Taymer ostanovili za sem’ chasov do vzryva: Terakt predotvratil voditel’ avtobusa [They stopped the timer seven hours before the explosion: Bus driver prevented terror act],” Kommersant, September 24, 1999, http://kommersant.ru/doc/226161 (accessed May 5, 2012).

  233. Simon Saradzhyan, “There Was No Ryazan Bomb—It Was a Test,” Moscow Times, Septem-ber 25, 1999, http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/there-was-no-ryazan-bomb—it-was-a-test/272001.html (accessed July 8, 2012).

  234. Yevstigneyeva, “Kabinet ministrov zanyalsya ekonomikoy [The Cabinet of Ministers concerns itself with economics].”

  235. Satter, Darkness at Dawn, 28.

  236. John Sweeney, “Take Care Tony, That Man Has Blood on His Hands: Evidence Shows Secret Police Were Behind ‘Terrorist’ Bomb,” Observer (UK), March 12, 2000, http://www.theGuardian.co.uk/world/2000/mar/12/chechnya.johnsweeney (accessed August 7, 2012).

  237. “Ryazan ‘Bomb’ Was Security Service Exercise,” BBC, September 24, 1999, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/456848.stm (accessed May 18, 2012).

  238. Gessen, The Man without a Face, 38.

  239. Edward Lucas, The New Cold War: Putin’s Russia and the Threat to the West (London: Palgrave, 2008), 25.

  240. “The FSB Bombing According to Former KGB,” Gazeta.ru in Chechnya List, March 23, 2000, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/chechnya-sl/message/7484 (accessed January 7, 2013).

  241. Sweeney, “Take Care Tony.”

  242. Gessen, The Man without a Face, 38.

  243. Pavel Voloshin, “Chto Bylo v Ryazani: Sakhar ili Geksogen? [What was it in Ryazan: Sugar or Hexagon?],” Novaya gazeta, February 14, 2000, http://old.novayagazeta.ru/data/2000/11/01.html (accessed August 14, 2012).

  244. Blowing Up Russia.

  245. Aleksey Gerasimov and Fyodor Maksimov, “Dva pozhiznennykh sroka za 246 ubiystv [Two life sentences for the murders of 246],” Kommersant, January 13, 2004, http://kommersant.ru/doc/440000 (accessed May 18, 2012).

  246. Aleksandr Zhilin, “Voyna i my. Kavkaz: Voyna na dva fronta [War and us. The Caucasus: War on two fronts],” Novaya gazeta, October 18, 1999, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/3473480 (accessed March 7, 2012).

  247. “RDX.FSB.Ryazan,” Novaya gazeta, March 13, 2000, http://www.novayagazeta.ru/society/11303.html (accessed April 5, 2012).

  248. Gessen, The Man without a Face, 203.

  249. Anderson, “Vladimir Putin’s Dark Rise to Power.”

  250. Anderson, “Vladimir Putin’s Dark Rise to Power.”

  251. Igor’ Korol’kov, “Izbiratel’: Fotorobot ne pervoy svezhesti [Voter: The Identikit is not fresh],” Moskovskiye Novosti, November 11, 2003, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/5529815 (accessed 7 May).

  252. “Mezhdunarodnaya komissiya yuristov zhelaet prokontrolirovat’ khod dela Trepashkina,” [The International Commission of Jurists wants to ensure due process for Trepashkin] Grani.ru, December 16, 2003, http://grani.ru/Politics/Russia/FSB/m.54089.html (accessed June 9, 2012).

  253. Anatoly Medetsky, “For Trepashkin, Bomb Trail Leads to Jail,” Moscow Times, January 14, 2004, http://www.russialist.org/8014-18.php (accessed May 10, 2012); Disbelief, directed by Andrey Nekrasov, 2004.

  254. Douglas Birch, “Putin Critic Loses Post, Platform for Inquiry,” Baltimore Sun, December 11, 2003, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RMSMC/message/3005 (accessed June 1, 2012).

  255. Tat’yana Pelipeyko, “Interview with Sergey Kovalev: ‘Svedeniya Litvinenko o vzryvakh zhilykh domov v Moskve’ [Information from Litvinenko about the apartment bombings in Moscow],” Ekho Moskvy, July 25, 2002, http://echo.msk.ru/programs/beseda/19169/ (accessed May 7, 2012).

  256. “Geksogenovyy sled 4 [Hexogen track 4],” Novaya gazeta, March 3, 2003, http://2003.novayagazeta.ru/nomer/2003/16n/n16n-s17.shtml (accessed August 7, 2013).

  257. Felshtinskiy and Pribylovskiy, The Age of Assassins.

  258. Achemez Gochiyaev, “Pokazaniya Achemeza Gochiyaeva, predstavlennyye na zasedanii Obshchestvennoy komissii 25 Iyulya 2002 goda [Testimony of Achemez Gochiyaev, presented at the meeting of the Public Commission, July 25, 2002],” Terror-99.ru, July 25, 2002, http://terror99.ru/documents/doc36.htm (accessed May 10, 2012).

  259. Korol’kov, “Izbiratel’ [Voter].”

  260. Pelipeyko, “Interview with Sergey Kovalev.”

  261. Birch, “Putin Critic Loses Post, Platform for Inquiry.”

  262. Grigoriy Yavlinskiy, “Interv’yu Grigoriya Yavlinskogo programme ‘Nedelya’ [Interview with Grigoriy Yavlinskiy on the program ‘Nedelya’],” Yavlinsky.ru, March 11, 2000, http://yavlinsky.ru/news/index.phtml?id=29 (accessed May 19, 2012).

  263. V. M. Filippov, “Letter from Minister of Education V. M. Filippov to Procurator General V. V. Ustinov,” Gazeta.ru, March 5, 2002, http://www.gazeta.ru/2002/03/05/pisjmominist.shtml (accessed January 3, 2014).

  264. “Prezidentskiye vybory—Nash posledniy shans uznat’ pravdy [Presidential elections—Our last chance to know the truth],” Novaya gazeta, January 15, 2004, http://www.novayagazeta.ru/society/25103.html (accessed May 19, 2012).

  265. Kirill Privalov, “I tut Lebed—ves’ v belom! [And here’s Lebed (the swan), all in white!],” Segodya, September 30, 1999, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/2070729 (accessed May 8, 2012).

  266. Laure Mandeville, “Alexandre Lebed: ‘Le pouvoir veut déstabiliser la Russie,’ ” Le Figaro, September 29, 1999; Laure Mandeville, “Attentats de Moscou: Lebed accuse le Kremlin,” Le Figaro, September 29, 1999; Laure Mandeville, “Les eaux troubles du Kremlin,” Le Figaro, October 11, 1999, http://recherche.lefigaro.fr/recherche/access/lefigaro_fr.php?archive=BszTm8dCk78Jk8uwiNq9T8CoS9GECSHiCTfu%2B2AH52iXZVSLRBCXlbdsfHEuMFCuRdGhGvsif3qZy6BaSOXVcw%3D%3D.

  267. Konstantin Borovoy, “Osoboye mneniye [Personal opinion],” Ekho Moskvy, August 19, 2010, http://www.echo.msk.ru/programs/personalno/703727-echo.html (accessed January 12, 2013).

  268. Konstantin Borovoy, “Osoboye mneniye [Personal opinion].” Ekho Moskvy, September 9, 2010, http://www.echo.msk.ru/programs/personalno/709194-echo/#element-text (accessed January 12, 2013).

  269. Yelena Tokareva, “Spetssluzhby znali o gotovyashchikhsya teraktakh [Intelligence agencies were aware of imminent terrorist attacks],” Obshchaya gazeta, September 16, 1999, http://dlib.eastview.com/browse/doc/3562653 (accessed July 1, 2013).

  270. Steve LeVine, Putin’s Labyrinth (New York: Random House, 2008).

  271. Timothy J. Colton and Michael McFaul, Popular Choice and Managed Democracy: The Russian Elections of 1999 and 2000 (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 2003), 173.

  272. Sergei Kovalev, “Putin’s War,” New York Review of Books, February 10, 2000, http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2000/feb/10/putins-war/?pagination=false (accessed September 1, 2012).

  273. Vladimir Putin, “Rossiya na rubezhe tycyacheletniy [Russia at the turn of the millennium],” Nezavisimaya gazeta, December 30, 1999, http://www.ng.ru/politics/1999-12-30/4_millenium.html (accessed 01 20, 2012).

  274. Valeriy Vyzhutovich, “Bombit’, Vydvoryat’, Arestovyvat’! [Bomb, deport, arrest!],” Izvestiya, September 28, 1999, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/3177610 (accessed December 8, 2013).

  275. Colton and McFaul, Popular Choice and Managed Democracy.

  Chapter Five: Putin Prepares to Take Over

  1. Pravosudov, “Sergey Stepashin.” />
  2. Jack, Inside Putin’s Russia, 148; Henry Hale, Why Not Parties in Russia? Democracy, Federalism, and the State (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 226.

  3. Hale, Why Not Parties in Russia?, 226.

  4. “Interview with Boris Berezovskiy,” in Gessen, The Man without a Face, 21.

  5. Simon Saradzhyan, “Primakov to Clear Jails for Corrupt,” Moscow Times, February 2, 1999, http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/primakov-to-clear-jails-for-corrupt/280826.html (accessed May 5, 2013).

  6. OSCE, ODIHR, Russian Federation: Elections to the State Duma (19 December 1999). Final Report (Warsaw: ODIHR, February 2000), 13.

  7. “Luzhkov Cozies Up to KPRF as He Declares Russian Democracy Dean,” Jamestown Monitor, December 13, 1999, http://www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=11539&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=213 (accessed May 2, 2013).

  8. Igor’ Chernyak, “Lyudi Putina: Kto est’ kto [Putin’s people: Who is who],” Komsomol’skaya pravda, January 26, 2000, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/3219713 (accessed May 2, 2013).

  9. Aleksey Alekseyevich Mukhin, Media-Imperii Rossii [Media empires of Russia] (Moscow: Algorithm Books, 2005), 6–9.

  10. The Putin System.

  11. Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe, Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Observe the Parliamentary Elections in Russia (19 December 1999), January 24, 2000, http://assembly.coe.int/main.asp?Link=/documents/workingdocs/doc00/edoc86 (accessed May 24, 2012), 5.

  12. OSCE, ODIHR, Russian Federation.

  13. Sarah Karush, “Putin Predicts Friendly Duma,” Moscow Times, December 22, 1999, http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/putin-predicts-friendly-duma/268571.html (accessed May 4, 2013).

  14. Mikhail Myagkov, “The 1999 Duma Election in Russia: A Step toward Democracy or the Elites’ Game?,” in Vicki L. Hesli and William M. Reisinger, eds., The 1999–2000 Elections in Russia: Their Impact and Legacy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003), 155.

  15. Myagkov, “The 1999 Duma Election in Russia,” 156.

  16. OSCE, ODIHR, Russian Federation, 31.

  17. Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe, Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Observe the Parliamentary Elections in Russia (19 December 1999), 5.

  18. Simon Shuster, “Rewriting Russian History: Did Boris Yeltsin Steal the 1996 Presidential Election?,” Time, February 24, 2012, http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2107565,00.html (accessed June 3, 2013).

  19. Putin, “Rossiya na rubezhe tycyacheletniy [Russia at the turn of the millennium].”

  20. Philip Boobbyer, The Stalin Era (New York: Routledge, 2000), 83.

  21. Vladimir Putin, “Address at an Expanded Meeting of the Russian Security Council,” Kremlin, December 31, 1999, http://archive.kremlin.ru/appears/1999/12/31/0002_type63374type63378_59568.shtml (accessed January 21, 2012).

  22. Pavel Yevdokimov, “Russkaya pravda Generala Leonova [The Russian truth of General Leonov],” Spetznaz Rossii, as quoted in Fiona Hill and Clifford G. Gaddy, Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2013), 38.

  23. “Putin Sacks Yeltsin’s Daughter,” BBC, January 3, 2000, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/589498.stm (accessed September 10, 2011).

  24. Andrey V. Kolesnikov, “Generation ‘P,’ ” New Times, March 1, 2000, in Current Digest of the Soviet Press, March 29, 2000, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/ (accessed January 25, 2012).

  25. Paul Goble, “Russia: Analysis from Washington—toward Totalitarian Democracy?,” Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty, February 10, 2000, http://www.rferl.org/content/article/1093335.html (accessed February 10, 2012).

  26. Vladimir Putin, “Vstrecha so studentami Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Meeting with students of Irkukst State University],” Kremlin, February 18, 2000, http://archive.kremlin.ru/appears/2000/02/18/0004_type63376_122112.shtml (accessed May 7, 2013).

  27. Vladimir Putin, “Okrytoe pis’mo Vladimira Putina k rossiyskim izbiratelyam [An open letter by Vladimir Putin to Russian voters],” Kommersant, February 25, 2000, http://www.kommersant.ru/Doc/141144 (accessed March 2, 2012); Michael Wines, “Yeltsin Resigns,” New York Times, January 1, 2000, http://www.nytimes.com/2000/01/01/world/yeltsin-resigns-man-top-still-mystery-vladimir-vladimirovich-putin.html?src=pm (accessed November 3, 2011).

  28. Putin, “Okrytoe pis’mo Vladimira Putina k rossiyskim izbiratelyam [An open letter by Vladimir Putin to Russian voters].”

  29. Putin, “Okrytoe pis’mo Vladimira Putina k rossiyskim izbiratelyam [An open letter by Vladimir Putin to Russian voters].”

  30. Federal Law #228-FZ, “On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation,” Demokratiya.ru, December 31, 1999, http://www.democracy.ru/english/library/laws/presidelect_eng/index.html (accessed April 18, 2013).

  31. OSCE, ODIHR, Russian Federation, 8.

  32. OSCE, ODIHR, Russian Federation, 9.

  33. OSCE, ODIHR, Russian Federation, 9.

  34. Boris Volodarsky, The KGB’s Poison Factory (Minneapolis, MN: Zenith Press, 2009), 63.

  35. Wade Boese, “U.S. Says Ukrainian President Approved Arms Sale to Iraq,” Arms Control Today, October 2002, https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2002_10/ukraineoct02 (accessed July 10, 2014).

  36. Koshiw, “Kuchma’s ‘Parallel Cabinet,’ ”18; J. V. Koshiw, Abuse of Power: Corruption in the Office of the President (Reading, UK: Artemia Press, 2013), 56.

  37. Goldman, Petrostate; Vladimir Milov and Boris Nemtsov, “Putin and Gazprom: An Independent Expert Report,” European Energy Review, 2008, http://www.europeanenergyreview.eu/data/docs/Viewpoints/Putin%20and%20Gazprom_Nemtsov%20en%20Milov.pdf (accessed June 8, 2012); Paul Starobin and Catherine Belton, “Gazprom: Russia’s Enron?,” Business Week, February 17, 2002, http://www.businessweek.com/stories/2002-02-17/gazprom-russias-enron (accessed June 9, 2012); Anders Åslund, “Why Gazprom Resembles a Crime Syndicate,” Mos-cow Times, February 28, 2012, http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/why-gazprom-resembles-a-crime-syndicate/453762.html (accessed March 12, 2012).

  38. Koshiw, “Kuchma’s ‘Parallel Cabinet,’ ”18.

  39. Anastasiya Telegina, “Strashnaya tayna Vladimira Putina [The terrible secret of Vladimir Putin],” Kommersant, March 1, 2000, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/3691534 (accessed March 8, 2010); Vladimir Novikov, “Tayna rokovogo domika [The secret of the fatal house],” Moskovskiy Komsomolets, March 7, 2000, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/68127 (accessed May 6, 2013).

  40. Konstantin Katanyan, “Sud dramy i komedii [The court of drama and comedy],” Izvestiya, February 26, 2000, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/3042233 (accessed May 24, 2013), 3; Novikov, “Tayna rokovogo domika [The secret of the fatal house].”

  41. Konstantin Katanyan, “U Zhirinovskogo vnov’ yest’ povod dlya bespokoystva [Zhirinovskiy again has reason to worry],” Izvestiya, March 11, 2000, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/doc/3042645 (accessed May 2, 2013); Marina Volkova, “Bitva za protsenty [Fight for percentages],” Nezavisimaya gazeta, February 29, 2000, http://dlib.eastview.com.proxy.lib.muohio.edu/browse/issuetext?issue=8921 (accessed February 8, 2013); OSCE, ODIHR, Russian Federation, 20.

  42. Pamela Johnson, “Zhirinovsky’s Return Seen as Avoiding Putin Scandal,” Russia Journal, March 13–19, 2000, http://russiajournal.com/archive/The_Russia_Journal/2000/March/13.03.2000/Analysis/Mar.13-05.pdf (accessed August 8, 2009).

  43. OSCE, ODIHR, Russian Federation, 21.

  44. “Next—The Mayor’s Office,” Izvestiya, March 10, 2000, 3, http://www.osce.org/odihr/elections/russia/16275 (accessed September 7, 2009).

  45. Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe, Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Observe the Russian Presidential Election (26 March 2000). (Strasbourg, France: Council of Europe, April 3, 2000).

  46. OSCE, ODIHR, Russian Federation, 28.

  47. Michael McFaul, “Test
imony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Washington, D.C.,” Carnegie Endowment, April 12, 2000, http://carnegieendowment.org/2000/04/01/russia-s-2000-presidential-elections-implications-for-russian-democracy-and-u.s.-russian-relations/4ova (accessed July 3, 2013).

  48. Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe, Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Observe the Russian Presidential Election (26 March 2000).

  49. Borisova, “And the Winner Is?”

  50. Borisova, “And the Winner Is?”

  51. Yevgeniya Borisova, “Baby Boom or Dead Souls?,” Moscow Times, September 9, 2000, www.moscowtimes.ru/stories/2000/09/09/116.html (accessed April 1, 2013).

  52. Borisova, “Baby Boom or Dead Souls?”

  53. Yevgeniya Borisova, “Hot Off the Press: Extra Ballots,” Moscow Times, September 9, 2000, http://www.moscowtimes.ru/article/1008/49/258955.htm (accessed April 18, 2013).

  54. Mikhail Myagkov and Peter C. Ordeshook, “The Trail of Votes in Russia’s 1999 Duma and 2000 Presidential Elections,” Communist and Post-Communist Studies 34, no. 3 (2001): 353.

  55. Walter R. Mebane Jr. and Kirill Kalinin, “Electoral Fraud in Russia: Vote Counts Analysis Using Second-Digit Mean Tests,” Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, 2010.

  56. Yevgeniya Borisova, “And the Winner Is? Part 2,” Moscow Times, September 9, 2000, http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/and-the-winner-is—-part-2/258950.html.

  57. M. Steven Fish, Democracy Derailed in Russia (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 42–43.

  58. Nikolai Petrov, “Federalism,” in Michael McFaul, Nikolai Petrov, and Andrei Ryabov, eds., Between Dictatorship and Democracy (Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment, 2004), 213–38.

  59. Petrov, “Federalism,” 249.

  60. Myagkov and Ordeshook, “The Trail of Votes in Russia’s 1999 Duma and 2000 Presidential Elections,” 24.

  61. Borisova, “And the Winner Is?”; Borisova, “And the Winner Is? Part 2.”


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